Monday, December 2, 2013

What's Better In The News - Exclusively For Ayn-Randians, Libertarians, and Conservatives (For Individual Rights)

  What's Better With Christianity? What's better is that Harvard and the writer of a Harvard blog on the Christian website Harvard Ichtus are both apologizing for a posting saying that the Jews should be punished because Jews killed Christ. It is insane to hold Jews living two thousand years after the death of Christ liable. Besides, only a handful of Jews- the Sanhedrin- and a few Romans had Christ killed
(and then for only a couple of days). The author of the crazy post was a new convert to Christianity coming from Judaism. New converts to anything are especially susceptible to doing extreme things to prove their new loyalty which, of course, is going to be questioned.
  I say that not only should we  love God and others as we love ourselves, but that we should choose to do the most loving thing in any situation that has reasonable options.
  What's Better With ObamaCare? It's better that Americans are starting to see the gimmick in ObamaCare. The trick is to legally order millions of people to pay for overpriced and excessive insurance to provide money to insure the poor and the medically uninsurable. It is obvious that ObamaCare, like Islam, needs to be reformed. You don't deceive people, and you don't kill people of other faiths- so-called "infidels." Naturally, the sponsors of both would disagree.
  What's Better With Music? Alice Herz-Somner, 101 years old, is still playing the piano. She is the oldest living Holocaust survivor and was departed to Theresienstadt concentration camp in 1943. She performed over 100 concerts in the 41 months she was there. After the war, she fled Communist Czechoslovakia to newly created Israel and eventually settled in England. Her son survived the same concentration camp though her husband did not. Play on, courageous lady!
  These commentaries are based upon stories in the Wall Street Journal, America's most trustworthy national newspaper.
Peter Nickerson

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