Monday, November 25, 2013

What's Better In The News: For People Who Want Honesty And Choices, Not Deception And Orders

  What's Better With Slavery? What's better is that three women just escaped slavery in England. One woman had been a slave for 30 years, a record number of years, as far as is publicly known, for Britain. The women had some privileges and responded to Freedom Charity's TV documentary about forced marriages. They called the given hotline number, discussed their situation, and the London Metropolitan Police, also known as Scotland Yard, was notified.
  What's Better With The "Scottsboro Boys?" The Alabama Parole Board has given posthumous pardons to three of the black teenagers- who became known as the "Scottsboro Boys"- falsely accused of raping two white female teenagers on a train. Eight of nine were tried, convicted, and sentenced to death within a couple of weeks. "Justice" was swift. Twice the case went to the Supreme Court resulting in reforms that protected blacks. None of the eight were killed, but they did spend time in prison until they were either paroled, pardoned, or freed. The psychological trauma must have been tremendous. This happened in the early 20th Century, and all nine have died.
  What's Better With Women and The Marines? Three women became the first to graduate from the Marine Infantry Course. They completed almost three months of training that included carrying an 80 lb. pack almost thirteen miles, and met all the same standards as men. There are some 40 other women in stack to follow these three very strong women. At this point women will still not serve in combat except for the women fighter pilots in the Marines. But the policy is being reviewed. 
Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major, William and Mary, Class of '68

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