Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What's Better In The News: For People Who Want Honesty and Choices, Not Deception and Orders

What's Better For Books? A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit begun in 2005 to stop Google from copying books and thus allowing worldwide access to them, though the books will only be viewable in limited parts.
  What's Better With France? What's better is that the French showed courage when they exploded the silly agreement the Obama administration wanted with Iran over Iran's nuclear development. The agreement would have amounted to accepting unaccountable promises by Iran essentially to go slower on their nuclear programs. The deal died when the French Foreign Minister Laudent Fabius rightly called it a "sucker's deal."
  What's Better With ObamaCare? What's better is that the Wall Street Journal's editorial page has offered a better alternative which is a flat tax benefit for health insurance coverage for all Americans. This tax refund would give Americans the money to buy, as consumers, the kind of health insurance the particular individual or family wanted. For low income people and those with pre-existing medical conditions subsidies to their accounts would be necessary. Now such an idea needs to be worked into a bill with a sponsor.
  This commentary was based upon items found in the Wall Street Journal,
America's most trustworthy major newspaper. Peter Nickerson, Philosopher, College of William and Mary, Class of 1968. Trying to do the best with the little God gave me. 352-359-0850

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