Saturday, November 17, 2018

Freedom Advances -Gone To Pot!

     The South African top court has ruled that criminalizing the private, home use of pot is unconstitutional, and marijuana needs to be legalized within two years. What difference does ending the ban on illegal drugs make? Studies have shown there is an initial increase in drug use as many want to experiment after use has become legal. I have yet to see it put this way, meaning in such a direct, honest way, but there is another huge difference: the billions of dollars in drug sales would no longer be going directly to the drug cartels and indirectly to law enforcement, lawyers, and owners of private prisons.
     Let me put it another way. The "War On Drugs" is nothing more than a Trojan Horse for the making of billions of dollars by the drug cartels, law enforcement, lawyers, and the owners of private prisons. I suppose I should make out my will.
God Bless America! Nick

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