Saturday, September 29, 2018

Bigfoot Hostile?

    In America's most loving town, Brattleboro, Vermont, it is odd and disquieting to find someone unfriendly. But I apparently have one, one of the most built-up men around to boot. We pass each other, but he shows studied ignorance of my proximity. I can say hi, even engage him in conversation, but the next time I pass him, he doesn't know me. I have talked to others about this unusual behavior and have been told that he doesn't believe Bigfoot exists. I am a great Bigfoot fan and even have on the back of my truck, "Seen Bigfoot? Please let me know"with my name, phone number, and blog address. I also have two decals of Bigfoot walking.
     I have been told that this person doesn't believe in Bigfoot as way of an answer to why he might ignore me. Could anyone be that small as in "He believes in Bigfoot so I am going to studiously ignore him?" In intellectual, mellow Vermont? Some Florida cracker maybe, but not here. My judgment says it's not simply that but more.
     There is more to me to dislike than just that, but I don't think it justifies being uncivil in public. For one, I advocate putting up tab-top cans by running a stiff, but flexible wire through the hole in the tab without popping the tab, tying it off, and attaching the other end of the wire to a tree limb as high up as you can to deter bears. If the tab seal is not broken, the contents will remain fresh and there will be no scent to attract bears. Tab-top cans of dog food and Budweiser beer can be used. Budweiser is the only beer can made strong enough to stay sealed when you hang it by the tab. The idea is that Bigfoot will see the can hanging, pull it off, thus popping it open, and he will see there is food or drink inside.This is my invention, and I think a good way to attract Bigfoot. The prompter you are in replacing the can after he takes one, the better your chance that he will build visiting your can tree into his routine. Then you can put up a trail camera and see if he will trade having a video taken of him in return for dog food or a Bud. Your chances are better with Bud as all creatures like to get intoxicated. It's only normal.
     Another thing that people in love with government and government employees, thinking that both are divine, a throwback to the Puritans at the Massachusetts Bay Colony, would not like about me is that I am critical of the government employee's attitudes toward the panthers and Bigfoot. They don't believe either exists. I believe that is a lie, that they are being influenced to say that by Big Development which wants nothing in the way -- American Indians, panthers, Bigfoot, whatever-- of exploiting the few wild lands we have left. Therefore, there are no panthers or Bigfoot out there. And there are damn few American Indians left either! Big Development, timber and logging, farming, ranching,mining, and construction are all multi-national companies, tremendously powerful, and they will and do ruin, even kill, those who get in their way. For instance, Brazil leads the world in having the greatest number of people killed by Big Development interests.
     I am sure there are other reasons to dislike me too, but let's keep it polite. We want a friendly atmosphere in Vermont for our guests. Keep it civil, big dude. Nick

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