Saturday, August 18, 2018

School Shootings #35

     Instead of putting metal detectors and gunpowder-sniffing dogs front and center, many schools are buying or increasing their insurance in preparation for suits against them by shot students or by parents of students shot to death because schools refused to protect them. Many school officials believe in "open borders" for America, and they may be carrying over that chaotic, self-destructive belief to their schools. "Let's not have a wall that guns and metal knives can't get through in our schools. That wouldn't be fair to the guns and knives!" may be what these crazies are saying.
     The good thing is that capitalism may save the schoolchildren from the school administrators. I say that because the insurance carriers are not going to want to go broke paying lawsuits for students shot by negligent school policies that don't protect the children. As they look into what safety measures the schools are providing and eventually realize metal detectors and gunpowder sniffing dogs are extremely important, they will either demand the schools place the two measures into their schools or charge them prohibitive insurance premiums for leaving their schools wide open to guns and knives. Nick  352-359-0850

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