Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Bigfoot Circles Hunters

Bigfoot Circles Hunters: Story And Analysis. From the book Raincoast Sasquatch (2003) by J. Robert Alley, page 105.
    This story is told by Bruce Johnstone, Sr. and happened in the fall of 1952 or thereabouts in Wild Man's Cove, a bay on the south side of Chomondoley Sound, Prince of Wales Island, Canada. "I hiked straight up about a mile or so to some muskegs for deer. They were really lovely deer hunting spots. I came to this one muskeg and close by I heard a call; it sounded like a loud 'Heyyy!' I called back but no reply. That thing moved all around me calling, circling, but never coming out. This went on for over twenty minutes, and by this time I was thinking, ' All I have is my deer rifle, and I've put up with all I'm going to...' I got out of there. I quit and went right on down to the boat."
    Nick's Analysis: I have read reports from Canada and Alaska of people being hailed from their boats. It sounds like a man calling them, but there will either be no answer or no one will come out of the bush. Calling and circling humans is very common. It is done for curiousness, trickery, and to get people to leave the area.
    The Bigfoot Advocate at thanks you for your visit, and as they say in the South: "Ya'll come back now, ya hear me, now?" My parents, from Massachusetts, say the first time they heard that when they moved to Virginia, they almost walked back to their friend's house. Peter Nickerson, or 352-359-0850. If I can help with any bigfoot questions or comments, please contact me.

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