Friday, November 21, 2014

Rare Blonde Bigfoot in Fruitdale, Alabama

Rare blonde Bigfoot in Fruitdale Alabama: A trucker driving through Fruitdale, Alabama near the Mississippi state line, had the opportunity for a leisurely, unobstructed view - a rarity in Bigfoot encounters- of an equally rare sighting of a blonde Bigfoot. The Bigfoot walked across an opening in the woods on the left ahead of the trucker and then walked across Highway 45 about 200 feet in front of him. The Wild Man was about seven feet tall. The trucker later phoned an old friend in that area and was told that people there had been seeing the blonde Bigfoot for at least twenty years. From the Bigfoot Field Research Organization website.

Wild Rabbit: Here is a reply to people who observe and rightly so that no Bigfoot skeleton has been found: A century ago everyone in most of North America used horses as a means of transportation, yet we do not find horse skeletons all over the landscape. Where did they go? To all kinds of  small rodents, porcupines, coyotes, wolves, bears, and in the far north, the mighty wolverine. The wolverine is alone in the fact that if he is hungry, he will chew and digest the biggest bones in large animals like the bear and the moose.  From the book "Red Earth, White Lies" (1995) by Vine Deloria, Jr., American Indian author and from the book, "The Wolverine Way." If you enjoy books about the Navy Seals, you will be very happy and comfortable finally having someone to compare the Seals with - the wolverine. A great book and a delightful read.

"Your Daily Bigfoot" at thanks you for your visit and hopes you will return Saturday. These Wild Men and Women hanging onto existence in the few wild lands left on earth need your continued awareness and possible intervention for their survival. Peter Nickerson, BA (Philosophy, William And Mary, 68), MS, MSW.

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