Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What's Better And Worse With Ecosytem Management, Banning The Use Of "Allah," The Warthog, And More

    The U.S. Forestry Service controls 61,500 square miles of forests. This is an area larger than Connecticut. At the same time, the forestry service has abandoned its philosophy of "multiple use management" to "ecosytem management." Ecosytem management is hostile to human beings,and against logging and roads. As a result dead timber has accumulated to such a depth on the forest floor that fires are so intense they are almost like bombs. They kill trees, burn in their tops, and spread so rapidly that animals have no chance of fleeing. Even the animals fighting the fires - homo sapiens- are sometimes killed. Since the unions and the torpid bureaucracy are so entrenched, the concept of "charter forests" like "charter schools" is being looked at.
    It is reported that 60 percent of the almost three million Christians in Malaysia use the word "Allah" to refer to God. As you would expect, the hateful Islamofascists are intolerant to this useage. The Sultan of Selangor has issued an edict prohibiting the Christians from using that word. Father Lawrence Andrew in the Malaysian city of Selangor has replied that the Roman Catholics would continue using the A-word for their God. Now the good Father is being investigated by the police for breaking the Malaysian
Sedition Act. Those cops should be investigated for corruption and harassment, and Islam should be reformed to eliminate the hate and homocide toward the "infidels."
     The A-10 Thunderbolt ll better known as the Warthog because it had a short, stubby look to it may be retired due to budget decreases. The Warthog is unquestionably the best defense for protecting advancing troops. The United States must do a better job of protecting her troops both on the battlefield and after. Depriving them of their best defense in battle when they are advancing is intolerable. It's unique forte is the cannon in the stubby nose of the plane. It can fire 4,000 rounds per minute and is highly effective on tanks. It's speed makes it much better than a heliocopter. The Air Force which has no troops on the ground in battle save its special operators want to retire the Warthog and put the money into developing the F-35 which will be the most advanced jet fighter in the world. With Putin and Communist China flexing their muscles, we need to bulk up too. We support you calling your congresspeople and pushing them to save both the Warthog and the development of the F-35.
    Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) is filing suit to make Congress live by the ObamaCare they poxed upon us. They have weaseled their way out of it to other healthcare. This government hypocrisy has to stop, and we applaud Senator Johnson's efforts to block the rat hole. They voted for it: They have to live with it too.
    These commentaries are based upon news items found in the Wall Street Journal, America's most trustworthy, national newspaper.
    Peter Nickerson, neither a Republican nor a Democrat but an Evidentist.

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