Monday, November 5, 2012

Dangerous Situation Looking For Bigfoot

  I was over by the Gulf of Mexico checking out a Bigfoot feeding pit when I had to drive by a group of young men on a back road. They weren't quite as tall as me or as big, but there were many of them. As I started to drive by, I saw that they had stretched something across the road in front of me. As my vehicle went into it, and the group wasn't showing any weapons, I chanced getting out of my truck to see what the guys had stretched across my truck. As I got out, I tried to discreetly put my right hand into my pant pocket to see if I had a knife there. Immediately one of the young men began addressing me as "
Sir" and saying everything was all right. I returned the "Sir" and saw that the material used was just yarrn. I got back into the truck and drove on, thankful I wasn't the recipient of a, how do you say it?, Jovan Martin moment. I found the pit but there was no sign Bigfoot was coming in or any sign of anything being dumped lately. Just wait for hunting season.Happy trails, Two-Guns

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