Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Man With a Knife

Recently, I was at Hardee's early in the morning and saw a man in full camouflage sitting with another man I knew. I went over and asked the man in cammies if he had ever seen a black puma. He had seen one in Hague, Florida which is a village about ten miles north of Gainesville. He said the panther was only about ten yards away. This was the often seen panther in Hague. I also asked him about Bigfoot, but he hadn't seen one. Curiously, I saw him that evening at McDonald's having dinner with his wife. I asked him if he had either seen a black panther or Bigfoot. He snarled that I had asked him that question earlier that day and that he had seen the black panther in Hague and there were "no damn Bigfoot around here." I was about to say something about his hostility when I glanced down and noticed that he had a sheath knife on his belt. I decided to simply thank him and move on. If you have any black panther sightings, please call me, Pete Nickerson, at 352-359-0850.

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