Thinking about going out to watch the Patriot-Cowboy game Sunday, one reason for not going and just listening to it on the radio was that I knew the haters of choice (freedom) had prevailed. I would not see more than a glimpse of the beautiful, sexy Cowboy cheerleaders doing their sensual routines. The haters of freedom had intimidated the sheep into accepting less pleasure and more misery on the nutty assertion that women when enjoyed for their beauty and sexuality were objects. No, fake feminists, women are people not objects. Enjoying people for whatever reason does not make them objects. The heterosexual men and homosexual women enjoying the beautiful babes cavorting about on the sidelines are enjoying women not objects. Would that any object could replace a Cowboy cheerleader as these heart-breakers are extremely limited!
One reason I suspect the sheep have kowtowed to the haters of personal choice (they want to make your choices for you, idiots!) is that men in the company of women become little boys when they see the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders. They make all kinds of immature, sexual comments, their eyes bug out, and their tongues drool. The women with them don't want to see that. But the answer is not restricting the little boys' personal choices and supporting the freedom-haters. The answer is to increase the personal freedom of all the people in the room. Meaning that Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders should include well-built, handsome men with big bulges in all the right places too. These men will be greatly appreciated by heterosexual women and homosexual men. Now they too will have something to make earthy comments about and become bug-eyed and drooling over. Now the little boys with them will realize that was is good for the gander is good for the goose. The little boys will become more man-like and moderate their childish behavior because they don't want their women behaving like them. So everyone wins, and the choices become greater for the individuals except for the power-mad neurotics who want to force their misery a la Hillary Clinton onto everyone else.
- Hard Man (exept when I'm having a panic attack from my phobias!) 352-359-0850
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Horse-Whip The Anti-Guns!
I am writing on the premise that the Oregon gunboy asked his victims if they were Christians, and if they said yes, he shot them in the head. I live in the woods in Harmony (fictitious town to avoid a visit from the violent set), Vermont and have heard the above premise stated as what happened from visiting friends. I turned on the radio to try to learn about the shooting, but all I have heard is a mad cacophany of socialist commentators demanding that "something be done about guns." If you were not a useful idiot dedicated to the vile ideology of socialism, you would be demanding that people be responsible and buy more guns and practice, practice not only target shooting but instant response shooting for the cowardly Islamofascists in our midst who like to stab, shoot, and bomb us.
If you country-club Republicans would stop acting like the tough guys that you aren't ( You're just spoiled and pampered by your sycophants who blow up your fragile egos daily!) and recognize that people have emotional disorders and psychoses, you would help make Republicans look less like jackasses. All Republicans need to restore the mental health funds that President Reagan eliminated by closing the state mental hospitals and turning the mentally ill out onto the streets. If you think a huge amount of money is not being spent on the mentally ill out on the streets, you are ignorant of current events - as I get from time to time myself- or you are intellectually or sanity challenged. That money could be spent much better by having places to house, feed, clothe, and treat them. It would be much kinder and more helpful than making our jails and prisons half-assed mental health hospitals. The laws restricting the detaining of a person for say, 48 hours, for mental health observation are far too few in the 50 states, or is it 36, as then presidential candidate Obama thought?
You sheep need to stop cowering and denying and buy a gun and start practicing. The barbarians are among us!
- Hard Man (When I'm not having a panic attack from one of my many phobias!).
If you country-club Republicans would stop acting like the tough guys that you aren't ( You're just spoiled and pampered by your sycophants who blow up your fragile egos daily!) and recognize that people have emotional disorders and psychoses, you would help make Republicans look less like jackasses. All Republicans need to restore the mental health funds that President Reagan eliminated by closing the state mental hospitals and turning the mentally ill out onto the streets. If you think a huge amount of money is not being spent on the mentally ill out on the streets, you are ignorant of current events - as I get from time to time myself- or you are intellectually or sanity challenged. That money could be spent much better by having places to house, feed, clothe, and treat them. It would be much kinder and more helpful than making our jails and prisons half-assed mental health hospitals. The laws restricting the detaining of a person for say, 48 hours, for mental health observation are far too few in the 50 states, or is it 36, as then presidential candidate Obama thought?
You sheep need to stop cowering and denying and buy a gun and start practicing. The barbarians are among us!
- Hard Man (When I'm not having a panic attack from one of my many phobias!).
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Whistle-Blower #16
Yesterday started out great especially for a Monday. I got a call saying I had over-paid a bill and was geating money back. I went to the bank and found out I still had some money left in my account. Then I stood in the line waiting for the soup kitchen to open. Yes, I eat at soup kitchens due to my cowardliness in life.
Standing there, I revealed to some of my buds that I had a fear of bridges. Jimmy asked, "What? A big guy like you afraid of bridges? Come on, man!"
Not wanting to be dissed, I retorted, "Well, you fear going a day without pot!"
Jimmy and another guy, Phobic Frank, laughed.
When blogging yesterday's post at the library, a very bright, very driven woman came by and gave me page 300 which I had asked her to read. On it, she had written that she "loved it."
Walking on air from my little victories so far that day, I went to the gym. The game warden was standing at the counter talking to the manager, Steve. As he walked away, I called out, "Mr. Game Warden." He turned around to face me, and I continued, "What did you think of my page?" Our ensuing conversation went something like this, but first let me emphasize, as this is a law enforcement officer, that I am not giving exact quotes but am paraphrasing: "Did you say this was a page to a book you're working on?"
"Yes, Black Panther. That was page 300."
"Okay. I gave it to my daughter to read, and she said, 'Daddy, what's a cat-hound?"
"That's cute."
"I liked it. It had a rhythm and was friendly. You felt like you were there."
"Thank you. That means a lot to me coming from a game warden and an outdoorsman."
He walked closer to me and said, "I want to write a book on (was it "ethology" the study of behavior characteristics of animals?), but that wouldn't be like this. It's more classifications. Are you still writing it?"
"Yes, still working on it."
"I'd like to see more."
"That's great! I'll tell you what: When I get to page 325, I'll give you a copy."
"That would be great. Look forward to seeing it."
His tone was warm and sincere. Propelled by the day's good news, I lifted far too long- three and a half hours. Of course, most of that was spent sitting on a bench and trying to recover from the previous set. Wiped out, I went home, drank my protein and milk mix, and got into bed as soon as possible.
This morning, I woke up abruptly and early. I had been reviewing in a dream my conversation with the game warden. I realized I had actually talked to a game warden about Black Panther, though we hadn't touched anything about what I had said, just how I had said it. I found myself fearful and regretful that I had given him the page. What was his reaction to what I had said? I felt I couldn't talk to him about fishing without letting him know I was writing an expose on black panthers and the Florida's Game Commission's attitude toward them.
There would be no honor in blind-siding him, and I have been dishonorable too much in my life.But what did he think of the validity of what I was saying? Had he called his buddies, if any, at the Florida Game Commission? I would have, but I fight clean and legally. I don't have that faith in Florida's Game Commission, not from what all the people in Black Panther have said. Plus, the logging industry will kill people who get in the way of their greedy interests. Sister Dorothy Strang was shot dead while walking down the street with her sisters by loggers. She is only one of many who get jailed or killed for opposing logging, a business that usually rapes the land and murders the animals. But it is highly profitable. Follow the money.
This leads me to the next step of walking across the street from the library where I am now to the State Attorney's Office and giving them a copy of this post so, again, the local game warden won't be blind-sided about me writing about our conversation at the gym. That means he will have my blogsite's name, and can watch what happens with Black Panther and me. The more, the merrier, aye? Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850,
Standing there, I revealed to some of my buds that I had a fear of bridges. Jimmy asked, "What? A big guy like you afraid of bridges? Come on, man!"
Not wanting to be dissed, I retorted, "Well, you fear going a day without pot!"
Jimmy and another guy, Phobic Frank, laughed.
When blogging yesterday's post at the library, a very bright, very driven woman came by and gave me page 300 which I had asked her to read. On it, she had written that she "loved it."
Walking on air from my little victories so far that day, I went to the gym. The game warden was standing at the counter talking to the manager, Steve. As he walked away, I called out, "Mr. Game Warden." He turned around to face me, and I continued, "What did you think of my page?" Our ensuing conversation went something like this, but first let me emphasize, as this is a law enforcement officer, that I am not giving exact quotes but am paraphrasing: "Did you say this was a page to a book you're working on?"
"Yes, Black Panther. That was page 300."
"Okay. I gave it to my daughter to read, and she said, 'Daddy, what's a cat-hound?"
"That's cute."
"I liked it. It had a rhythm and was friendly. You felt like you were there."
"Thank you. That means a lot to me coming from a game warden and an outdoorsman."
He walked closer to me and said, "I want to write a book on (was it "ethology" the study of behavior characteristics of animals?), but that wouldn't be like this. It's more classifications. Are you still writing it?"
"Yes, still working on it."
"I'd like to see more."
"That's great! I'll tell you what: When I get to page 325, I'll give you a copy."
"That would be great. Look forward to seeing it."
His tone was warm and sincere. Propelled by the day's good news, I lifted far too long- three and a half hours. Of course, most of that was spent sitting on a bench and trying to recover from the previous set. Wiped out, I went home, drank my protein and milk mix, and got into bed as soon as possible.
This morning, I woke up abruptly and early. I had been reviewing in a dream my conversation with the game warden. I realized I had actually talked to a game warden about Black Panther, though we hadn't touched anything about what I had said, just how I had said it. I found myself fearful and regretful that I had given him the page. What was his reaction to what I had said? I felt I couldn't talk to him about fishing without letting him know I was writing an expose on black panthers and the Florida's Game Commission's attitude toward them.
There would be no honor in blind-siding him, and I have been dishonorable too much in my life.But what did he think of the validity of what I was saying? Had he called his buddies, if any, at the Florida Game Commission? I would have, but I fight clean and legally. I don't have that faith in Florida's Game Commission, not from what all the people in Black Panther have said. Plus, the logging industry will kill people who get in the way of their greedy interests. Sister Dorothy Strang was shot dead while walking down the street with her sisters by loggers. She is only one of many who get jailed or killed for opposing logging, a business that usually rapes the land and murders the animals. But it is highly profitable. Follow the money.
This leads me to the next step of walking across the street from the library where I am now to the State Attorney's Office and giving them a copy of this post so, again, the local game warden won't be blind-sided about me writing about our conversation at the gym. That means he will have my blogsite's name, and can watch what happens with Black Panther and me. The more, the merrier, aye? Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850,
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Whistle-Blower #14
Speaking of game wardens, Monday I thought I saw our area's game warden getting into a big, white truck with a cap on it in the parking lot behind the bank. He had something white in his hand, and it was probably a deposit slip. However, my imaginative mind wondered if he could have gone to the State Attorney's Office two doors down with page 300 of Black Panther, the expose on the Florida panther. Maybe he considered the page so momentous that he had to share it with the SA. Of course, I think the book is that compelling, but does anyone else?
Peter Nickerson. 352-359-0850.
Monday, August 10, 2015
Whistle-Blower #13
After the luncheon with the other social services directors of the Tidewater Region in Virginia where one director said resignedly, "Well, I guess we're all going to have to provide Betty's [Copland's] therapy," and I urged them not to, citing the death of her pregnant foster child, I heard nothing for a while. One day, Jennifer Gaylor, my one eligibility worker, said to me, "I hear that Betty's coming after you." I didn't even ask why. I was totally isolated from people because of my shame about the "therapy" I was getting from the psychiatrist. It was not because I was engaging in a homosexual relationship but because I was being duped by the psychiatrist and cheating on my girlfriends. At least in those days, the Africans still in Africa were leaving the green monkey alone. I didn't want to get close to people because I was afraid of being asked questions, and I certainly did not want to ask any questions for fear I'd be asked questions in turn. Instead, I passively waited for Betty to strike. I didn't think of warding off the strike by going to the media to tell them why she was coming after me. I simply read the newspapers waiting to see when and what it would be. Summer progressed into fall, and my mother from Idaho came to visit. I was reading the paper one morning, and I explained that Jennifer Gaylor had said that Betty Copland was coming after me, so I was watching the papers. All she said was, "Oh." No alarm. No questions. I fully appreciate how unhumanly cold that remark was now that I have children. If my son or daughter were to tell me someone was coming after them the last thing I would say was "Oh. Pass the sugar please." I would want to know what was going on. I would insist on knowing or I would leave. My child would not commit vocational suicide if I could do anything about it! If I had to leave because my child wouldn't tell me what was going on, I'd check into a nearby motel and start looking into things even if it took a private investigator. Looking at my Mom's response, I have to wonder if part of my lack of a response to Betty was because of genetics. How could I have been so passive? Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Whistle-Blower #12
Breaker! Breaker! Yesterday at the gym, I asked another lifter about fishing. I thought I had heard him talking about fishing last year. This man is a regular, and I thought he was probably law enforcement. I had never talked to him before as he's a little severe looking, but I had been told that the rainbow trout die at the place I fish. I caught a 17 inch rainbow there and hoped for a bigger one.I asked him and found out that the rainbows do die because of the heat. I also got a lead on another body of water for big bows. I decided that if Black Panther gets published, I didn't want him to think I had blindsided him. I also didn't like the fact that I felt anxious about what his reaction would be to my book since it is very critical of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission - the old Game Commission in a new package. Since I am trying to become more assertive, I felt it was necessary for transparency and my own growth as a man to give him page 300 of Black Panther. I had just made copies of it. I went out to the truck and brought it to him. He snatched it out of my hand, and I poked it with my hand as he held it. Macho stuff. I told him, "Just in case this is published and becomes famous, I don't want you saying 'That son of a bitch blind-sided me!'"
He laughed and said, "I'll read it."
This page features my question to two Pennsylvania cat hunters if they thought Florida Fish and Wildlife would shoot black panthers. This was the first and only time I had the courage to ask such an inflammatory question in the Banana Republic of Florida. I can only hope that game wardens up here are aware that they are not Florida game wardens in general, and that they are more professional, especially scientific, in their profession than Florida game wardens. The fountainhead of being scientific is being curious. I found only one person in Florida Fish and Wildlife who had a scintilla of curiosity. He was a field biologist. Everyone else was completely invested in the party line that there were no panthers in Florida beyond the hundred in south Florida, and there was no such thing as a black panther or black puma, or black cougar or black catamount or anything in Florida. Their demeaning behavior toward those who had sightings was not that of a scientist but of someone he would hew to the party lie or lose his job. That brought out the worst in people. Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW. Investigating the black panther phenomenon since 1998.
He laughed and said, "I'll read it."
This page features my question to two Pennsylvania cat hunters if they thought Florida Fish and Wildlife would shoot black panthers. This was the first and only time I had the courage to ask such an inflammatory question in the Banana Republic of Florida. I can only hope that game wardens up here are aware that they are not Florida game wardens in general, and that they are more professional, especially scientific, in their profession than Florida game wardens. The fountainhead of being scientific is being curious. I found only one person in Florida Fish and Wildlife who had a scintilla of curiosity. He was a field biologist. Everyone else was completely invested in the party line that there were no panthers in Florida beyond the hundred in south Florida, and there was no such thing as a black panther or black puma, or black cougar or black catamount or anything in Florida. Their demeaning behavior toward those who had sightings was not that of a scientist but of someone he would hew to the party lie or lose his job. That brought out the worst in people. Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW. Investigating the black panther phenomenon since 1998.
Monday, August 3, 2015
Whistle Blower #11
The training itself was very interesting particularly the parts where mothers struggled to get physical control over their children. By this I mean that the mother would move like an anaconda, wrapping the acting-out child up with her limbs until the child could no longer move. Of course, the mother didn't crush the child though there was usually plenty of screaming going on by the child that would make you think she was. Obviously, this wouldn't work on older children. Even so, it took some mothers a long time to wrest complete control. As she did this, the therapist gave the mother encouragement plus there was a therapist looking in on this rather primal scene through a one-way mirror. She would actually make phone calls into the therapy room to advise the first therapist. All this was highly dramatic, and the mother and child would be completely exhausted.
However, the idea that this therapy could be duplicated in public social services agencies was ridiculous unless it was widely supported by State welfare. Even so, the associations for licensed social workers and psychologists would object very strongly to people with only undergraduate degrees in say, government, giving therapy. In addition, State welfare was running social workers by a computer program that gave them only a few hours each month to work with their foster care cases and their child abuse/neglect cases. It was already a ridiculous amount of time without adding in the social worker and a second social worker doing family counseling. All I had to do was show the consequences - two dead people [guess what? fetuses are people for you who are in la-la land.], and there would be hell to pay. And Betty Copland, Director of York County Social Services, knew it. Peter Nickerson, MS,MSW. Director of Williamsburg Social Services for eight years, 352-359-0850.
However, the idea that this therapy could be duplicated in public social services agencies was ridiculous unless it was widely supported by State welfare. Even so, the associations for licensed social workers and psychologists would object very strongly to people with only undergraduate degrees in say, government, giving therapy. In addition, State welfare was running social workers by a computer program that gave them only a few hours each month to work with their foster care cases and their child abuse/neglect cases. It was already a ridiculous amount of time without adding in the social worker and a second social worker doing family counseling. All I had to do was show the consequences - two dead people [guess what? fetuses are people for you who are in la-la land.], and there would be hell to pay. And Betty Copland, Director of York County Social Services, knew it. Peter Nickerson, MS,MSW. Director of Williamsburg Social Services for eight years, 352-359-0850.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Whistle-Blower #10
The other attendees to Mary Quinn Gunther Sale's workshop were discussing among themselves in very low voices their beliefs that the U.S. Navy officers who were allowing themselves be videoed about their abuse of their children were not aware that their videos would be given by York County Social Services to Mary Quinn's business enterprise to show to people who paid for her workshop.
There was also worry expressed because these workshops were being given in Colorado as that was where her business partner lived.
I had heard that Mary Quinn had been awarded the Commissioner's Medal by State Welfare Commissioner William Lukhard for teaching public social workers Salvador Minuchen's family therapy that she had learned at the Philadelphia
Child Guidance Center. I do not remember hearing that through any notices from state welfare. I wasn't aware of a Commissioner's Medal existing. It seems strange that such an award would be made as public social service agencies were not recognized as psychotherapy centers. Social service agencies were overwhelmed with their traditional duties especially those of providing foster care and child abuse/neglect protection. If this medal was given, I think it was done on the quiet as it would have been highly controversial. If it was given, I think it was testimony to the power of the Director of York County Social Services, Betty Copland, who wanted her social worker, Mary Quinn Sales Gunther, and York County Social Services recognized as the bright stars of Virginia's public social services agencies. Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW, former Director of Williamsburg Social Services Bureau in Williamsburg, Virginia for 8 years. 352-359-0850.
There was also worry expressed because these workshops were being given in Colorado as that was where her business partner lived.
I had heard that Mary Quinn had been awarded the Commissioner's Medal by State Welfare Commissioner William Lukhard for teaching public social workers Salvador Minuchen's family therapy that she had learned at the Philadelphia
Child Guidance Center. I do not remember hearing that through any notices from state welfare. I wasn't aware of a Commissioner's Medal existing. It seems strange that such an award would be made as public social service agencies were not recognized as psychotherapy centers. Social service agencies were overwhelmed with their traditional duties especially those of providing foster care and child abuse/neglect protection. If this medal was given, I think it was done on the quiet as it would have been highly controversial. If it was given, I think it was testimony to the power of the Director of York County Social Services, Betty Copland, who wanted her social worker, Mary Quinn Sales Gunther, and York County Social Services recognized as the bright stars of Virginia's public social services agencies. Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW, former Director of Williamsburg Social Services Bureau in Williamsburg, Virginia for 8 years. 352-359-0850.
Monday, July 27, 2015
Whistle-Blower #9
About ten social services directors of the various cities and counties in Tidewater Virginia (southeast Virginia) were having a bi-monthly meeting. At one point, we all had lunch at one table. Paula Kreschin, the State Regional Director, was not there. None of her minions were either. So we local directors felt more freedom to be practical. We handled social services; the state employees - Paula and her minions- pontificated from the clouds how we locals, we practitioners, should handle social services. Maybe I should say I felt more free to be practical. Betty Copland was not there either.
Betty's use of her social workers to give therapy (and not to know who their foster children were in the meantime) was attracting great recognition. Mary Quinn Sale-Gunther had partnered with a gentleman from Colorado to give several days of training in the family therapy techniques they had learned from Salvador Minuchin at the Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic and were being practiced by the social workers at York County Social Services. Mary Quinn and her partner from Colorado had started their own business teaching these techniques. I went over to York County to see Mary Quinn train the York County Social Workers and later my agency paid several hundred dollars so I could attend the two days of formal training offered by Mary Quinn's business. The training was riveting. Besides that, many of the people attending the training were very worried about lack of confidentiality for the U.S. Navy officers shown in the training films. Peter Nickerson, MS. MSW. Former Director, Williamsburg (Virginia) Social Services Bureau.
Betty's use of her social workers to give therapy (and not to know who their foster children were in the meantime) was attracting great recognition. Mary Quinn Sale-Gunther had partnered with a gentleman from Colorado to give several days of training in the family therapy techniques they had learned from Salvador Minuchin at the Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic and were being practiced by the social workers at York County Social Services. Mary Quinn and her partner from Colorado had started their own business teaching these techniques. I went over to York County to see Mary Quinn train the York County Social Workers and later my agency paid several hundred dollars so I could attend the two days of formal training offered by Mary Quinn's business. The training was riveting. Besides that, many of the people attending the training were very worried about lack of confidentiality for the U.S. Navy officers shown in the training films. Peter Nickerson, MS. MSW. Former Director, Williamsburg (Virginia) Social Services Bureau.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Whistle-Blower #8
I learned of Tammy's funeral at the cemetery in Williamsburg and walked from my office to attend it. I should have taken my car because it was apparently over before I got there, because I saw a York County Social Services car that seemed to be driving away from the service. The car had only a driver in it: Rasheed, a Muslim I believe, who I understood was the supervisor of the social workers for children at York County Social Services. He didn't even wave at me, but just gave me a very malevolent stare. My sister Pam says that I have a very naive concept that I can tell the truth, and everyone will accept the truth even though it hurts them. But my blind spot was much larger than that after I told the Social Service Directors of the Tidewater Region if Virginia, including Newport News, Hampton, Accomack, Chesapeake, and Norfolk about the death of foster child Tammy and her unborn child. We were all having lunch together. Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW 352-359-0850
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Whistle-Blower #7
There would have been several other ways to approach getting Tammy into therapy before she killed her unborn baby and herself. One would have been to report York County Social Services for neglect of their own foster child. Another would have been to have gone to a newspaper reporter known for her interest in humans and helping them. A third avenue would have been to have gone to the parents of Tammy and to have told them that you thought she needed therapy and why. Again, I am now sure Sue Royster did not tell me that Tammy didn't get therapy from her York County Social Services until after Tammy's death. Why she didn't get therapy, we didn't know.
In looking at the situation in the perfection of hindsight and if I had to do it again, I not only would have called the director of York County Social Services to advocate for Tammy getting counseling, but I would have followed up to try to see if she got it since Sue and I thought the consequences of not getting counseling could be lethal. Possibly, I could have done that through contacting Tammy's parents. Of course, that might not have worked out. She might have had no more contact with her parents if their parental rights were severed or they simply did not want any more contact. Tammy may have not had contact with them on her own volition. Even if I could contact her parents, their personal problems - she was taken from her parents for good reasons, one hopes- may have been so great that getting the needed information would have been impossible. They might not even wanted to talk to a social worker considering social workers had taken their child. There's always an element of danger in social work, especially from parents traumatized by or bitter from the removal of their child by social workers. Vengeance might be the order of the day.
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW 352-359-0850
In looking at the situation in the perfection of hindsight and if I had to do it again, I not only would have called the director of York County Social Services to advocate for Tammy getting counseling, but I would have followed up to try to see if she got it since Sue and I thought the consequences of not getting counseling could be lethal. Possibly, I could have done that through contacting Tammy's parents. Of course, that might not have worked out. She might have had no more contact with her parents if their parental rights were severed or they simply did not want any more contact. Tammy may have not had contact with them on her own volition. Even if I could contact her parents, their personal problems - she was taken from her parents for good reasons, one hopes- may have been so great that getting the needed information would have been impossible. They might not even wanted to talk to a social worker considering social workers had taken their child. There's always an element of danger in social work, especially from parents traumatized by or bitter from the removal of their child by social workers. Vengeance might be the order of the day.
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW 352-359-0850
Friday, July 17, 2015
Whistle-Blower #6
I may be wrong that Sue Royster, my Senior Social Worker, told me that York County was not getting pregnant Tammy into therapy before she killed herself. Maybe Sue could call me about that point now, but after the demonization she took from State Welfare and my being AWOL in protecting her from that, she probably has no desire to talk to me. The problem was that Virginia State Welfare's "studies" after I blew the whistle on York County Social Services made her look like a zombie, but it also made it appear that she was critical of me. The latter did not arouse any desire to protect her from the lies of State Welfare. Which was exactly what State Welfare wanted.
But soon, Sue informed me that York County's pregnant foster child Tammy was told by her boyfriend and the father of her child that he would not marry her. His therapy, arranged by Sue, had strengthened his resolve not to get married and to tell that to Tammy, the stronger personality of the pair. As Sue and I feared Tammy's reaction to Steve's refusal to marry her was fatal. She killed herself and by doing that, killed her unborn child.
It could be that this was the time Sue told me York County had never tried to put Tammy into therapy. I'd like to think I was told at this time and not before her death because I should have done something. I could have complained to the State Regional Social Services Director Paula Kreschen. She and Betty Copland were close friends. Paula Kreshen would have made sure that Betty would not be crazy enough to refuse to put such a vulnerable foster child as Tammy into therapy.
I am trying to capture what was said, and I think I do hear Sue telling me "They never put Tammy into therapy." when she informed me of Tammy's and her child's death by suicide. Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW 352-359-0850
But soon, Sue informed me that York County's pregnant foster child Tammy was told by her boyfriend and the father of her child that he would not marry her. His therapy, arranged by Sue, had strengthened his resolve not to get married and to tell that to Tammy, the stronger personality of the pair. As Sue and I feared Tammy's reaction to Steve's refusal to marry her was fatal. She killed herself and by doing that, killed her unborn child.
It could be that this was the time Sue told me York County had never tried to put Tammy into therapy. I'd like to think I was told at this time and not before her death because I should have done something. I could have complained to the State Regional Social Services Director Paula Kreschen. She and Betty Copland were close friends. Paula Kreshen would have made sure that Betty would not be crazy enough to refuse to put such a vulnerable foster child as Tammy into therapy.
I am trying to capture what was said, and I think I do hear Sue telling me "They never put Tammy into therapy." when she informed me of Tammy's and her child's death by suicide. Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW 352-359-0850
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Whistle-Blower #5
Breaker!Breaker! This series of posts is about getting my book Black Panther published and the dangers of whistle-blowing. I want to interrupt the present discussion about the danger of not whistle-blowing loudly and widely to tell about how Black Panther is being received. I recently printed copies of page 240 and distributed them to family and friends. I gave one to a Harvard graduate whom I had known for over a year without knowing she graduated from the oldest college of America with my William and Mary being the second oldest. His husband also graduated from Harvard. This very attractive woman keeps her alma mater somewhat of a secret. I had to know if she liked page 240 so I gave it to her very informally. She immediately made time to read it and then sat down with me to ask a few questions about the destruction of the Florida panther in Florida by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission introducing another panther subspecies from Texas, commonly known as the Texas cougar. I answered her, and was delighted with her observation: "This is compelling." It gave me great energy to have a Harvard graduate say my book was compelling. A high compliment.
To return to my story, Betty Copland, Director of York County Social Services, called in a few days to acknowledge that Tammy indeed was one of their foster children. In other words, it took days for a public social services department to find out who their foster children were. To boot, this was from the social services department that thought it was the best. We were so confident of ourselves at Betty's agency when I worked there that I remember a carload of us passing the Virginia governor's car on Interstate 64 just outside of Richmond. As usual, we York County social workers were late because we were so busy doing good and important things. Gathering up social workers was like rounding up cats! We were attending some training at the Virginia Commonwealth University, and we brazenly passed the governor's car doing around 80 miles an hour, laughing at the state trooper driving it. He wouldn't dare try to arrest us. Those were halcyon days. But I realized those days were long gone as I tried to persuade Betty to get Tammy into counseling for support and ventilation before our foster child Steve told Betty's foster child Tammy that he was not going to marry her. Betty was neutral as she took the information. This was unlike her. Betty was a locomotive. She was either strongly for or against everything. A very decisive, strong woman. That's why most of her loved her. But not all as there were a few in the office who had felt the overwhelming force of her unjustified negativity. The two I knew were very quiet and withdrawn as a result too. Looking back, Betty must have been negative to Tammy getting therapy for some reason. Maybe she was resisting Sue Royster and me. After all, her agency was the best and the leader of social work enlightment. Of course, she couldn't say to me, "We're not trying to put Tammy into therapy just because you want us to!" But Sue Royster, my senior social worker, soon told me that they hadn't put Tammy into therapy. Looking back, I should not have let that happened unquestioned by myself. It points to my passivity and dependency. I should have done something, but I didn't see it then. It was my blind spot. I'm not passing the buck when I say, "If only Sue could have said, 'Does that have to be the end of it, Pete?' I'm a good guard dog. If Sue had said something I would have fought tooth and nail for the lives of Tammy and her unborn baby. But I was the administrator. It was up to me to find another way to skin a cat. I'm good at that. I just wasn't thinking. Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW. 352-359-0850.
To return to my story, Betty Copland, Director of York County Social Services, called in a few days to acknowledge that Tammy indeed was one of their foster children. In other words, it took days for a public social services department to find out who their foster children were. To boot, this was from the social services department that thought it was the best. We were so confident of ourselves at Betty's agency when I worked there that I remember a carload of us passing the Virginia governor's car on Interstate 64 just outside of Richmond. As usual, we York County social workers were late because we were so busy doing good and important things. Gathering up social workers was like rounding up cats! We were attending some training at the Virginia Commonwealth University, and we brazenly passed the governor's car doing around 80 miles an hour, laughing at the state trooper driving it. He wouldn't dare try to arrest us. Those were halcyon days. But I realized those days were long gone as I tried to persuade Betty to get Tammy into counseling for support and ventilation before our foster child Steve told Betty's foster child Tammy that he was not going to marry her. Betty was neutral as she took the information. This was unlike her. Betty was a locomotive. She was either strongly for or against everything. A very decisive, strong woman. That's why most of her loved her. But not all as there were a few in the office who had felt the overwhelming force of her unjustified negativity. The two I knew were very quiet and withdrawn as a result too. Looking back, Betty must have been negative to Tammy getting therapy for some reason. Maybe she was resisting Sue Royster and me. After all, her agency was the best and the leader of social work enlightment. Of course, she couldn't say to me, "We're not trying to put Tammy into therapy just because you want us to!" But Sue Royster, my senior social worker, soon told me that they hadn't put Tammy into therapy. Looking back, I should not have let that happened unquestioned by myself. It points to my passivity and dependency. I should have done something, but I didn't see it then. It was my blind spot. I'm not passing the buck when I say, "If only Sue could have said, 'Does that have to be the end of it, Pete?' I'm a good guard dog. If Sue had said something I would have fought tooth and nail for the lives of Tammy and her unborn baby. But I was the administrator. It was up to me to find another way to skin a cat. I'm good at that. I just wasn't thinking. Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW. 352-359-0850.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Whistle-Blower #4
I called my former boss, Betty Copland, whom I still thought a lot of, at York County Social Services. I asked her if Tammy was their foster child, and she said she would check. We stayed on the line together and waited, talked and waited some more. A lot more. Finally, Betty asked, "What do you think is wrong with us, Pete?"
People have subsequently said Betty was trying to find out what I would do with this information that York County couldn't tell me if Tammy was one of their foster children. I was not thinking that at all. I honestly and directly replied, "I think the problem is your social workers are trying to be therapists
instead of being out on the streets monitoring and taking care of their foster children."
"You may be right," Betty replied.
Finally, we had to hang up with Betty promising to call me when she found out. Obviously, this was a very grave error that York County Social Services didn't know who their foster children were. It would be eaten alive if it got out to the media. I naively didn't realize that I had become very dangerous to York County Social Services and possibly to other top county employees as what I knew could make York County look very bad. As I would inevitably tell Sue Royster, she would become dangerous to them too as would the rest of my small agency since we talked to each other a great deal. Unless you took precautions, all of us could be heard by everyone else in the office when talking or on the phone. Peter Nickerson MS, MSW. 352-359-0850
People have subsequently said Betty was trying to find out what I would do with this information that York County couldn't tell me if Tammy was one of their foster children. I was not thinking that at all. I honestly and directly replied, "I think the problem is your social workers are trying to be therapists
instead of being out on the streets monitoring and taking care of their foster children."
"You may be right," Betty replied.
Finally, we had to hang up with Betty promising to call me when she found out. Obviously, this was a very grave error that York County Social Services didn't know who their foster children were. It would be eaten alive if it got out to the media. I naively didn't realize that I had become very dangerous to York County Social Services and possibly to other top county employees as what I knew could make York County look very bad. As I would inevitably tell Sue Royster, she would become dangerous to them too as would the rest of my small agency since we talked to each other a great deal. Unless you took precautions, all of us could be heard by everyone else in the office when talking or on the phone. Peter Nickerson MS, MSW. 352-359-0850
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Whistle-Blower #3
It was a shame Sue Royster and I were not close because when I eventually blew the whistle, a little bit, on York County Social Services, the powerful came after Sue first to get to me. I can be very protective of others (I am the oldest of six), and if we had been a more united team, I would have fought for her tooth and nail. When it comes to myself though, I have been passive and dependent. These were the qualities I used to survive an abusive childhood. The only time I was totally on and not afraid of the threatened consequences of my assertiveness was when my father came after my brothers and sisters verbally.
When Sue told me how York County was denying that Tammy was one of their foster children, I told her I would call the director, Betty Copland, and get her help. Betty had been my supervisor when I worked at her agency. I was given a generic caseload to introduce me to working all the various services to clients. Betty was a large woman from a rural area in Charles City. She had a beefy red face, and one time I drove her to the liquor store to get a bottle. But I never saw her drink on the job. Most of the staff adored Betty, especially the young social workers who were a majority. She exuded a confidence that she could get anything done and was likened to a locomotive and a lion by the staff. She was a mother figure for us younger social workers. I had never known a nurturing mother and was particularly smitten by her. Peter Nickerson, MS,MSW. 352-359-0850.
When Sue told me how York County was denying that Tammy was one of their foster children, I told her I would call the director, Betty Copland, and get her help. Betty had been my supervisor when I worked at her agency. I was given a generic caseload to introduce me to working all the various services to clients. Betty was a large woman from a rural area in Charles City. She had a beefy red face, and one time I drove her to the liquor store to get a bottle. But I never saw her drink on the job. Most of the staff adored Betty, especially the young social workers who were a majority. She exuded a confidence that she could get anything done and was likened to a locomotive and a lion by the staff. She was a mother figure for us younger social workers. I had never known a nurturing mother and was particularly smitten by her. Peter Nickerson, MS,MSW. 352-359-0850.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Whistle-Blower #2
Trying to prevent this tragedy, Senior Social Worker Sue Royster of the Williamsburg Social Service Bureau - the second smallest public welfare office in Virginia, called York County Social Services Department because Tammy like Steve was a foster child. Unfortunately, Tammy was in the "care" of York County Social Services. York County bordered the east side of the Williamsburg, and it was suffering the delusion that it was the best, most sophisticated public social services department or bureau in the state. I know because I was from there before becoming director of the Williamsburg bureau.
But when Sue called York County Social Services, to her horror, she was told that Tammy was not their foster child. They didn't even know who their foster children were! My social worker explained to them that she knew Tammy was their foster child. No matter. She wasn't according to them. Case closed. In desperation, Sue turned to me. I was confident of Sue's analysis of the situation and dire prediction. I could see the train coming too. Sue was an extremely conscientious person, and I had witnessed the tragedies that public social workers routinely deal with give her headaches so bad that she had to leave work. But not before throwing up in the parking lot. Unfortunately, Sue and I were not emotionally close. One possible reason was that she may have interviewed for my job as director when I was applying for it too. She may have felt that she should have won the position over me as she had years of social work and social work supervision behind her, and I had only been a Senior Social Worker at York County one year. But I had also had four years as a vocational rehabilitation counselor, had a master's in rehabilitation counseling and had a pioneering paper on contract counseling published, sole author, in a major counseling journal. Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW. 352-359-0850
But when Sue called York County Social Services, to her horror, she was told that Tammy was not their foster child. They didn't even know who their foster children were! My social worker explained to them that she knew Tammy was their foster child. No matter. She wasn't according to them. Case closed. In desperation, Sue turned to me. I was confident of Sue's analysis of the situation and dire prediction. I could see the train coming too. Sue was an extremely conscientious person, and I had witnessed the tragedies that public social workers routinely deal with give her headaches so bad that she had to leave work. But not before throwing up in the parking lot. Unfortunately, Sue and I were not emotionally close. One possible reason was that she may have interviewed for my job as director when I was applying for it too. She may have felt that she should have won the position over me as she had years of social work and social work supervision behind her, and I had only been a Senior Social Worker at York County one year. But I had also had four years as a vocational rehabilitation counselor, had a master's in rehabilitation counseling and had a pioneering paper on contract counseling published, sole author, in a major counseling journal. Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW. 352-359-0850
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Whistle-Blower #1
In 1982 my senior social worker, Sue Royster, came to me, her supervisor and Director of Williamsburg Social Services in Williamsburg, Virginia with a problem. One of our foster children, Steve, had been under pressure by his girlfriend Tammy to marry him as she was pregnant with his child. Steve was conflicted by this, explaining to his social worker, Sue Royster, that he really didn't want to marry Tammy and start raising a family as it would be, as he put it, "children raising children." Sue wisely suggested counseling, and he agreed.
Tammy had a very strong personality and was very much the decision-maker of the two. Steve's counseling was going in the direction of him becoming certain about his initial reluctance to get married. He was also working on finding the resolve to tell Tammy this. Sue Royster was an experienced social worker. Before I hired her, she had been a social work supervisor in the City of Hampton's [Virginia] social service department. She had supervised more people than I had in my office. The city of Hampton was large and densely populated whereas Williamsburg consisted chiefly of the College of William and Mary and Colonial Williamsburg. My social service agency was the second smallest one in the state of Virginia. Rural Bath County in the mountains was the smallest.
Senior Social Worker Sue Royster's problem that she came to me about was that she presciently predicted possibly fatal acting out by Tammy if Steve told her he would not marry her. To Be Continued. Peter Nickerson, MS,MSW
Tammy had a very strong personality and was very much the decision-maker of the two. Steve's counseling was going in the direction of him becoming certain about his initial reluctance to get married. He was also working on finding the resolve to tell Tammy this. Sue Royster was an experienced social worker. Before I hired her, she had been a social work supervisor in the City of Hampton's [Virginia] social service department. She had supervised more people than I had in my office. The city of Hampton was large and densely populated whereas Williamsburg consisted chiefly of the College of William and Mary and Colonial Williamsburg. My social service agency was the second smallest one in the state of Virginia. Rural Bath County in the mountains was the smallest.
Senior Social Worker Sue Royster's problem that she came to me about was that she presciently predicted possibly fatal acting out by Tammy if Steve told her he would not marry her. To Be Continued. Peter Nickerson, MS,MSW
Friday, March 6, 2015
Epic Of Gilgamesh: First Bigfoot In Literature
Enkidu, The World's First Wildman In The History Of Literature |
This is from the Epic Of Gilgamesh, a heroic poem originating from Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) and dates back to 2,100 B.C. It is considered the first great work in literature. It does not have a sole author and was written on tablets.
Shamhat,The Temple Prostitute |
His father advised him that this was not a job for a man but for a woman, a woman so beautiful and sensual that she was a match for the mighty. He told his son to go to Uruk and get the harlot Shamhat, a temple prostitute. The hunter journeyed to Uruk and approached King Gilgamesh for permission to take the harlot Shamhat back with him. He described the Wildman as the mightiest in the land and told how he was destroying his pits and snares. Gilgamesh, who thought he was the mightiest in the land and constantly fought other men to prove it, was interested in this request. He told the hunter to take Shamhat with him to the water hole, and when the herd of gazelles and the Wildman came in, the hunter lying in wait with Shamhat "should strip off her rainments to reveal her charms."
The hunter took the incomparable temple prostitute with him, and they came to the water hole after a three day walk. They quietly waited for the gazelles and the Bigfoot-type to appear. On the second day the gazelles and the Wildman finally appeared. The hunter told Shamhat, "Uncradle your bosom, bare your sex, let him take in your charms. He instructed her to ignore the Wildman's smell and to"spread your clothing as he may lie on you. Do for the man the work of a woman."
Shamhat did as she was told and "for six days and seven nights, Enkidu was erect, as he coupled with Shamhat." When he finally had enough, his head was dazed, and his legs were weak. He looked at his gazelles, but he smelled differently and the gazelles shied away from him and ran off. "But now he had reason and wide understanding" because of sexual intercourse with Shamhat, a common misconception in those times about Wildmen who had sex with civilized women.
Gilgamesh, The King Of Uruk |
Enkidu is persuaded by Shamhat to travel to Uruk and meet King Gilgamesh. She bathes him and trims the hair he is coated in. They journey to the city-state of Uruk where Enkidu is displeased by Gilgamesh's brutality toward others. Little does he know that he has been created because the people of Uruk have asked two goddesses, Anu and Aruru, the creator of mankind, for protection from Gilgamesh. Aruru washes her hands, takes a pinch of clay and throws it into the wilderness, creating Enkidu, the Wildman. He is their means to tame King Gilgamesh's arrogance. Enkidu and Gilgamesh fight, but Gilgamesh, though stronger and able to kill Enkidu,admires the strength and honorable behavior of the Wildman, and like many men who fight each other, they become fast friends. For years, they travel about making heroic conquests subduing amazing monsters. Enkidu eventually dies, and Gilgamesh first becomes deeply depressed and then terrified of death. He wants immortality yet he is only two-thirds a god. Finally, he reconciles himself to the humble realization that if he leaves a legend of good deeds after his death, he will live forever in them. Fortuitously this was something he had already begun with the hairy Wildman, Enkidu, and now his path is clear and bright. Arrogance has been bridled.
The Epic Of Gilgamesh is a heroic poem originating from Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) and dates back to 2,100 B.C. It is considered the first great work of literature and was written on tablets.
Nick's Analysis: In the Bigfoot literature, I have read, there is only one mention of following the precedent of using a voluptuous woman as bait for the Wildman. In the 1970s and 1980s, a group of Russians was making summer expeditions into the Gisar Mountains. The Gisars are in Tadzhiskistan in the western Pamirs, and the expeditions were to find the Almas, probably the most advanced of the world's Bigfoot-types. They were widely known to barter with humans, and some stories claimed they ate with humans inside the peasants' homes. The 1980 summer expedition had great success using a heroically built and sensual young woman of only eighteen as a lure. Her name was Nina Grinyova, and she was placed, willingly it is claimed, in a hollow near a river to attract an Almas who were locally known as Gosha. He appeared, began walking toward her, and she reciprocated by walking toward him. I have read of one person walking toward a stationary Bigfoot and others going after departing Bigfoot, but never one walking toward an approaching Bigfoot. Nina had been given a toy to squeak to attract Gosha so she squeaked it several times, probably out of nervousness. One would think that she had no nerves. Gosha responded to the alien sound by veering off and walking away. He stopped, gazed at her once and then went on. Nina went to the river to call to her friends there, went into shock, and fell to the ground. She recovered quickly and went on subsequent expeditions. She remarked that the Almas moved with the grace of a panther, never stumbling as he walked smoothly through extremely rocky ground. Nina Grinoyova is now a Russian journalist. The expedition leader was duly criticized for using the beautiful young woman as bait for the Bigfoot-type. But like Shamhat, she was successful in bringing a Wildman in. However, leaving a woman out in the woods unarmed to meet a Bigfoot-type is immoral and legally actionable- at least in the United States. Letting an eye-catching woman or man walk around the campsite in the buff, well guarded by men who are experienced hunters, with bear and buffalo guns hidden but instantly available is another thing. I suspect this is being done, but not widely reported. It is such an obvious play as all species have an overwhelming urge to reproduce and will do almost anything to do so, especially the male. Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850
Books Used:
1. The Evidence For Bigfoot And Other Man-Beasts (1984), By Janet And Colin Bord
2. The Epic Of Gilgamesh: The Babylonian Epic Poem and Other Texts in Akkadian and Sumerian (1999), Translated By Andrew George
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Bigfoot Twists Bear's Jaw Almost Off
Bigfoot Twists Bear's Jaw Almost Off: Story And Nick's Analysis. From Raincoast
Sasquatch by Robert Alley. Published in 2003.
This event took place near the Porrand Canal on the mainland of South Alaska in 1968. Commercial fisherman Patty [sic] Kristovich, Jr. told the author, Robert Alley, that his father and he were hunting in the timbered flats three miles northwest of Hyper on the Salmon River. It was early morning, and they heard something louder than a bear or moose moving close by. In time, they realized it was circling them so they waited for it to show itself. It refused to and eventually went away. The two hunters looked around. There was no snow to help with tracking. They found no tracks. Patty's father said to him, " It was good at hiding its tracks."
On another occasion near there, the father shot a brown bear whose jaw was almost torn off. Plus, it had a front paw smashed. There were no wounds on the bear's body or any bite marks as you would expect from a bear fight. Patty said, "It gave us a curious feeling."
Nick's Analysis: Obviously, I'm going to say that the bear's jaw was probably almost torn off by a male Bigfoot. Below, see picture of two brown bears fighting. As far as is commonly known, no picture of a Bigfoot and a brown bear fighting exists, not even the typical blurry Bigfoot picture. You can see though how accessible the lower jaw of the brown bear on the right is to giant hands with immense strength. Both sides of the jaw could be held and twisted. He does not tuck his jaw in like a boxer but extends it, opening it up for manipulation. The injury was the work of a hand not a paw of a brown bear or a moose antler or a man's bullet. None of these could almost twist a bear's jaw off. Also, the bear's front paw was either smashed by the Bigfoot stomping on it like a Mixed Martial Arts fighter or hit by a large boulder or club wielded by the Bigfoot. An earlier post discussed a giant brown bear in Russia thoroughly whipped by a male Bigfoot protecting his partner and their cub. The Bigfoot used a limb he tore off during the fight. That shows thinking under extreme pressure which is more man-like than ape. thanks you for your visit. It is generally published several times during the week, featuring a Bigfoot story with Nick's analysis. Peter Nickerson 352-359-0850 or
Sasquatch by Robert Alley. Published in 2003.
This event took place near the Porrand Canal on the mainland of South Alaska in 1968. Commercial fisherman Patty [sic] Kristovich, Jr. told the author, Robert Alley, that his father and he were hunting in the timbered flats three miles northwest of Hyper on the Salmon River. It was early morning, and they heard something louder than a bear or moose moving close by. In time, they realized it was circling them so they waited for it to show itself. It refused to and eventually went away. The two hunters looked around. There was no snow to help with tracking. They found no tracks. Patty's father said to him, " It was good at hiding its tracks."
On another occasion near there, the father shot a brown bear whose jaw was almost torn off. Plus, it had a front paw smashed. There were no wounds on the bear's body or any bite marks as you would expect from a bear fight. Patty said, "It gave us a curious feeling."
Nick's Analysis: Obviously, I'm going to say that the bear's jaw was probably almost torn off by a male Bigfoot. Below, see picture of two brown bears fighting. As far as is commonly known, no picture of a Bigfoot and a brown bear fighting exists, not even the typical blurry Bigfoot picture. You can see though how accessible the lower jaw of the brown bear on the right is to giant hands with immense strength. Both sides of the jaw could be held and twisted. He does not tuck his jaw in like a boxer but extends it, opening it up for manipulation. The injury was the work of a hand not a paw of a brown bear or a moose antler or a man's bullet. None of these could almost twist a bear's jaw off. Also, the bear's front paw was either smashed by the Bigfoot stomping on it like a Mixed Martial Arts fighter or hit by a large boulder or club wielded by the Bigfoot. An earlier post discussed a giant brown bear in Russia thoroughly whipped by a male Bigfoot protecting his partner and their cub. The Bigfoot used a limb he tore off during the fight. That shows thinking under extreme pressure which is more man-like than ape. thanks you for your visit. It is generally published several times during the week, featuring a Bigfoot story with Nick's analysis. Peter Nickerson 352-359-0850 or
Monday, February 23, 2015
Sumatra's Orang-Pendek Breaks Into Shed
Sumatra's Orang-Pendek (Bigfoot) Breaks Into A Shed For Sugar Cane. Story And Analysis. From Orang-Pendek, published in 2010, page 244.
While on an expedition to Sumatra to camera-hunt the Orang-Pendek, Fortean Society team members talked with a framer who said that the boards of his sugar cane shed had been ripped off by a Orang trying to get to the harvested sugar cane. Illustration of Orang-Pendek below. A picture has yet to be successfully taken.
Nick's Analysis: Instead of going on to slash its way through hot and dangerous jungles hoping to blunder into a deaf and blind Orang, the team would have been better served by paying the farmer to set up a blind at his sugar shack and by buying some of the cane to put outside for the Orang. If the Orang was no longer coming into his farm, the team should have searched for another location where an Orang was coming in. Giving farmers money to put up blinds works in the direction of farmers resisting killing Orang-Pendeks if they can make money from people who want to photograph them. Peter Nickerson 352-359-0850 or

Episcolpalian Musings
At church yesterday, I figuratively saw the priest walk over bodies of murdered Christians as she walked in a procession holding the Bible above her head with both hands. This procession is a ritual at every service. Those figurative bodies were people who are killed every week all over the world because they are Christians. Sometimes there are over a hundred of them killed at a time.
It is not that people are ignored at our church. Church events are held to benefit the homeless shelters. There is a filled food basked destined for the Drop-In Center pointedly placed in front of The Table where Holy Eucharist is given. The Drop-In Center provides free food, clothing, food, shoes, sleeping bags, and showers for the homeless and poor. The Church warmly welcomes lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders. It has even tolerated me so far, and I think I am a guard dog on a lifelong mission to protect humans and other guard dogs from the wolves! The last priest married a fellow male, and the congregation turned out for their wedding reception- at the church. Try that at my former church- a First Baptist in Florida! The diocese has just released a year-end video about their plethora of secular missions and events. So why aren't Christians murdered for simply being Christians not recognized at my church. I hope it's just a matter of time -a very brief time.
While on an expedition to Sumatra to camera-hunt the Orang-Pendek, Fortean Society team members talked with a framer who said that the boards of his sugar cane shed had been ripped off by a Orang trying to get to the harvested sugar cane. Illustration of Orang-Pendek below. A picture has yet to be successfully taken.
Nick's Analysis: Instead of going on to slash its way through hot and dangerous jungles hoping to blunder into a deaf and blind Orang, the team would have been better served by paying the farmer to set up a blind at his sugar shack and by buying some of the cane to put outside for the Orang. If the Orang was no longer coming into his farm, the team should have searched for another location where an Orang was coming in. Giving farmers money to put up blinds works in the direction of farmers resisting killing Orang-Pendeks if they can make money from people who want to photograph them. Peter Nickerson 352-359-0850 or
Episcolpalian Musings
At church yesterday, I figuratively saw the priest walk over bodies of murdered Christians as she walked in a procession holding the Bible above her head with both hands. This procession is a ritual at every service. Those figurative bodies were people who are killed every week all over the world because they are Christians. Sometimes there are over a hundred of them killed at a time.
It is not that people are ignored at our church. Church events are held to benefit the homeless shelters. There is a filled food basked destined for the Drop-In Center pointedly placed in front of The Table where Holy Eucharist is given. The Drop-In Center provides free food, clothing, food, shoes, sleeping bags, and showers for the homeless and poor. The Church warmly welcomes lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders. It has even tolerated me so far, and I think I am a guard dog on a lifelong mission to protect humans and other guard dogs from the wolves! The last priest married a fellow male, and the congregation turned out for their wedding reception- at the church. Try that at my former church- a First Baptist in Florida! The diocese has just released a year-end video about their plethora of secular missions and events. So why aren't Christians murdered for simply being Christians not recognized at my church. I hope it's just a matter of time -a very brief time.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Bigfoot Kills And Eats Another
Bigfoot Kills And Eats Another: Story And Nick's Analysis. Reported by Ray Crowe, pioneering Bigfoot writer and hunter. Found at Robert Lindsay's website under "Why No Bigfoot Bones And Bodies?" Picture of Ray Crowe below.
This event happened at Copper Mountain, near Brewster, Washington. Two men were hiking in the Okanagon Mountains and saw two Bigfoot fighting. The larger one was 12 feet tall. The two creatures rolled in the dirt, punching and scratching, and throwing logs and dirt at one another. The smaller one tripped, and the 12 foot Bigfoot smashed his head with a big rock, killing him. The victor tore a hole into his dead adversary's stomach, pulled out his intestines, and ate them.
Nick's Analysis: We should not be disgusted by cannibalism. Sometimes, even among us moderns stranded in distant places, it is the most loving thing to do with corpses. Additionally, early human fossils have been found with butchery cuts on their bones. thanks you for your visit. I would be happy to hear your Bigfoot sighting, comments, or questions. Peter Nickerson, at or 352-359-0850.
This event happened at Copper Mountain, near Brewster, Washington. Two men were hiking in the Okanagon Mountains and saw two Bigfoot fighting. The larger one was 12 feet tall. The two creatures rolled in the dirt, punching and scratching, and throwing logs and dirt at one another. The smaller one tripped, and the 12 foot Bigfoot smashed his head with a big rock, killing him. The victor tore a hole into his dead adversary's stomach, pulled out his intestines, and ate them.
Nick's Analysis: We should not be disgusted by cannibalism. Sometimes, even among us moderns stranded in distant places, it is the most loving thing to do with corpses. Additionally, early human fossils have been found with butchery cuts on their bones. thanks you for your visit. I would be happy to hear your Bigfoot sighting, comments, or questions. Peter Nickerson, at or 352-359-0850.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Like Neanderthal, Is Bigfoot Going Extinct?
Like the Neanderthal, is Bigfoot going extinct? Report and Nick's Analysis. From Lone Survivor; How We Came To Be The Only Humans On Earth by Dr. Chris Stringer, eminent British anthropologist and researcher at the Natural History Museum in London. Published in 2012, page 195.
When humans started moving into Europe, there were only 3,500 breeding Neanderthal females in Europe and Western Asia. This gave Neanderthals very
little genetic diversity and made them susceptible to mutations. The complete reconstructed mt-DNA genomes of six Neanderthals from Germany, Spain, Croatia, and Russia differ at only 55 locations out of a total of more than 16,000 base pairs. This is far less than in modern humans and only a tiny fraction of the variability found in great ape species today. The estimate of only 350 breeding female Neanderthals came from studying the genomes of the six Neanderthals just mentioned. Thus, inbreeding was threatening the existence of the Neanderthal just as humans came upon the scene from Africa to compete with him and also threaten his existence.
Nick's Analysis: I have previously pointed out the wild variability of the number of toes Bigfoot tracks display - three to seven - as a possible indication of inbreeding as well as two sightings of Bigfoot in North America having tails.
It is frightening that so many so-called enviromentalists also support unfettered, illegal immigration into America, thereby turning the enviroment into developments and killing American flora and fauna. One wonders if these "enviromentalists" are inbreeding like the Neanderthals did. Saving habitats is essential to our wildlife, but also connecting them with wildlife corridors can make up for some of the rapidly diminishing wild land. This will allow the spread of genetic diversity necessary to avoid inbreeding and eventual extinction. For example, state employees have brought the Texas cougar to Florida to breed with the Florida panther who were showing extreme genetic stress and mutations. The population is doing much better. The new individuals are healthier and showing more vigor such as in tree climbing. But their habitat continues to shrink, and getting from one wild area to another is often marked by death by vehicles. Florida has used corridors built under the lethal I-75 successfully but needs money to build wildlife bridges over the county roads where panthers try to cross too. is generally published every weekday.
I would be happy to discuss your Bigfoot sighting with you. Perhaps, you will get a perspective to add to the very rare experience. Questions and comments also welcomed. Peter Nickerson, and 352-359-0850.
Class of '68, William & Mary. Been around long time.Know a lot of the games.
When humans started moving into Europe, there were only 3,500 breeding Neanderthal females in Europe and Western Asia. This gave Neanderthals very
little genetic diversity and made them susceptible to mutations. The complete reconstructed mt-DNA genomes of six Neanderthals from Germany, Spain, Croatia, and Russia differ at only 55 locations out of a total of more than 16,000 base pairs. This is far less than in modern humans and only a tiny fraction of the variability found in great ape species today. The estimate of only 350 breeding female Neanderthals came from studying the genomes of the six Neanderthals just mentioned. Thus, inbreeding was threatening the existence of the Neanderthal just as humans came upon the scene from Africa to compete with him and also threaten his existence.
Nick's Analysis: I have previously pointed out the wild variability of the number of toes Bigfoot tracks display - three to seven - as a possible indication of inbreeding as well as two sightings of Bigfoot in North America having tails.
It is frightening that so many so-called enviromentalists also support unfettered, illegal immigration into America, thereby turning the enviroment into developments and killing American flora and fauna. One wonders if these "enviromentalists" are inbreeding like the Neanderthals did. Saving habitats is essential to our wildlife, but also connecting them with wildlife corridors can make up for some of the rapidly diminishing wild land. This will allow the spread of genetic diversity necessary to avoid inbreeding and eventual extinction. For example, state employees have brought the Texas cougar to Florida to breed with the Florida panther who were showing extreme genetic stress and mutations. The population is doing much better. The new individuals are healthier and showing more vigor such as in tree climbing. But their habitat continues to shrink, and getting from one wild area to another is often marked by death by vehicles. Florida has used corridors built under the lethal I-75 successfully but needs money to build wildlife bridges over the county roads where panthers try to cross too. is generally published every weekday.
I would be happy to discuss your Bigfoot sighting with you. Perhaps, you will get a perspective to add to the very rare experience. Questions and comments also welcomed. Peter Nickerson, and 352-359-0850.
Class of '68, William & Mary. Been around long time.Know a lot of the games.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Bigfoot Terror And Infrasound
Bigfoot Terror And Infrasound. Information, Story, And Nick's Analysis. From the book, The Yowie, by Tony Healy and Paul Cropper. Both men are Australians and long term Bigfoot hunters and collectors of Bigfoot stories. Published in 2006. Page 85, 172.
When considering whether infrasound has anything to do with the terror phenomenon that comes with a Yowie (Australian Bigfoot) encounter, one may consider that sounds in the range of 18.9 hz can cause not only fear and anxiety but also blurred vision, hyperventilation, headaches, imagined drop in the ambient temperature, gagging sensations, and nausea. After your Bigfoot sighting, you may feel marked fatigue. p.172
Dean, a muscular amateur boxer, was jogging on the Gold Coast in New South Wales, Australia when he stopped to phone his girlfriend. A Yowie began openly walking toward him through the bush. This is how the Yowie's infrasound affected Dean, the boxer: "This thing came up to about 30 meters behind me, and I was about 12 meters from the bush line
and suddenly I had this almost indescribable chill from my head to my toes. This unfamiliar and hugely terrifying sensation just overtook my entire body... I just stopped dead, stopped talking." p.85
Nick's Analysis: Dean was able to run around a corner of the bush and get away from the Yowie. The Yowie tried to cut him off at the corner, but Dean, a regular runner, was able to get to the corner first because of his lead on the Bigfoot. There are seven mammals now recognized by the mainstream as emitting infrasound, including the okapi, the elephant, and closer home, the alligator. Besides Bigfoot being physically overwhelming and possibly an ET, voicing infrasound may the reason or another reason he is terrifying to people, often so terrifying that people won't go into woods again or if he is seen on a road, won't take that road again. thanks you for your visit. A Bigfoot or Wildman story with Nick's Analysis generally is published every weekday. I would be happy to discuss your sighting and maybe give you some insights into it. Comments and questions are welcomed too. Peter Nickerson. Class of 1968, William & Mary. or call 352-359-0850.
When considering whether infrasound has anything to do with the terror phenomenon that comes with a Yowie (Australian Bigfoot) encounter, one may consider that sounds in the range of 18.9 hz can cause not only fear and anxiety but also blurred vision, hyperventilation, headaches, imagined drop in the ambient temperature, gagging sensations, and nausea. After your Bigfoot sighting, you may feel marked fatigue. p.172
Dean, a muscular amateur boxer, was jogging on the Gold Coast in New South Wales, Australia when he stopped to phone his girlfriend. A Yowie began openly walking toward him through the bush. This is how the Yowie's infrasound affected Dean, the boxer: "This thing came up to about 30 meters behind me, and I was about 12 meters from the bush line
and suddenly I had this almost indescribable chill from my head to my toes. This unfamiliar and hugely terrifying sensation just overtook my entire body... I just stopped dead, stopped talking." p.85
Nick's Analysis: Dean was able to run around a corner of the bush and get away from the Yowie. The Yowie tried to cut him off at the corner, but Dean, a regular runner, was able to get to the corner first because of his lead on the Bigfoot. There are seven mammals now recognized by the mainstream as emitting infrasound, including the okapi, the elephant, and closer home, the alligator. Besides Bigfoot being physically overwhelming and possibly an ET, voicing infrasound may the reason or another reason he is terrifying to people, often so terrifying that people won't go into woods again or if he is seen on a road, won't take that road again. thanks you for your visit. A Bigfoot or Wildman story with Nick's Analysis generally is published every weekday. I would be happy to discuss your sighting and maybe give you some insights into it. Comments and questions are welcomed too. Peter Nickerson. Class of 1968, William & Mary. or call 352-359-0850.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Exceptional Person Walks To Bigfoot
Exceptional Person Walks To Bigfoot: Story And Nick's Analysis. From the book Bigfoot Encounters In New York And New England by Robert and Paul Bartholomew. Published in 2008. Pages 70-71
Two young men returned to their car after hiking out of the woods from a cookout at a camp. By the headlights of their car, Eric Durant and Frederick Perry saw the huge outline of a creature in some bushes fifty yards off the trail they had followed back to their car. The animal stood six to seven feet tall, had dark brown hair, and strange, glowing eyes. Both emphasized to the reporter that it stood on two legs, and they were sure it was not a bear. Frederick Perry got out of the car and walked toward it. The creature quickly disappeared in the dark. Perry's remark to his buddy was, "Whatever it was, it didn't look like it was going to harm you."
Nick's Analysis: I can think of only one other incident of a human approaching the Bigfoot. Usually people are traumatized merely by seeing him, often forever.
For example, some hunters never hunt again. The other example happened in Australia when a Yowie - Australian Bigfoot- seized a baby whom the parents had put on the ground momentarily. The father ran after the Yowie, caught up with him, and pulled his child out of the Yowie's grasp. That ended it.
Frederick Durant didn't have a father's courage and determination when he approached his Sasquatch- the American Bigfoot- but I am sure that as a young man of twenty-two, he had a high testosterone level and as a guest at a cookout in the woods, I suspect he was intoxicated. Both conditions aid in approaching the Boss Of The Woods. You may have noticed that the two men saw Bigfoot at the end of the trail where their car was parked. I would guess that the Big Boy was observing the party at the cookout and paralleled the two men out of the woods when they left the party. The reporting of glowing eyes in not unusual. It does not seem to be eye shine either. It is a mystery. Pennsylvania has the most reports of glowing eyes, usually red. Pennsylvania probably has the most UFO sightings of any state too. thanks you for your visit. It usually publishes a Bigfoot story and Nick's analysis every weekday. I will be happy to discuss your Bigfoot sightings with you or any comments or questions. Peter Nickerson at or phone 352-359-0850.
Two young men returned to their car after hiking out of the woods from a cookout at a camp. By the headlights of their car, Eric Durant and Frederick Perry saw the huge outline of a creature in some bushes fifty yards off the trail they had followed back to their car. The animal stood six to seven feet tall, had dark brown hair, and strange, glowing eyes. Both emphasized to the reporter that it stood on two legs, and they were sure it was not a bear. Frederick Perry got out of the car and walked toward it. The creature quickly disappeared in the dark. Perry's remark to his buddy was, "Whatever it was, it didn't look like it was going to harm you."
Nick's Analysis: I can think of only one other incident of a human approaching the Bigfoot. Usually people are traumatized merely by seeing him, often forever.
For example, some hunters never hunt again. The other example happened in Australia when a Yowie - Australian Bigfoot- seized a baby whom the parents had put on the ground momentarily. The father ran after the Yowie, caught up with him, and pulled his child out of the Yowie's grasp. That ended it.
Frederick Durant didn't have a father's courage and determination when he approached his Sasquatch- the American Bigfoot- but I am sure that as a young man of twenty-two, he had a high testosterone level and as a guest at a cookout in the woods, I suspect he was intoxicated. Both conditions aid in approaching the Boss Of The Woods. You may have noticed that the two men saw Bigfoot at the end of the trail where their car was parked. I would guess that the Big Boy was observing the party at the cookout and paralleled the two men out of the woods when they left the party. The reporting of glowing eyes in not unusual. It does not seem to be eye shine either. It is a mystery. Pennsylvania has the most reports of glowing eyes, usually red. Pennsylvania probably has the most UFO sightings of any state too. thanks you for your visit. It usually publishes a Bigfoot story and Nick's analysis every weekday. I will be happy to discuss your Bigfoot sightings with you or any comments or questions. Peter Nickerson at or phone 352-359-0850.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Chinese Man-Beast Stops Man
Chinese Man-Beast Stops Man. Story And My Analysis. From the book The Evidence For Bigfoot And Other Man-Beasts published in 1984. Authors: Janet and Colin Bord from Britain. Page 64.
In May, 1975, in Hubei Province, China, a thirty-five year old stableman
encountered a wildman. Gan Mingzhi reported, " I had heard some noise to my right. I turned and was stunned to see a giant creature standing not far from me. He had hair all over his body, and he was over six feet tall. I cried out several times, 'Help! Help!' When I raised my stick to beat him, the wildman grabbed it. He also stepped on my left foot. I was very frightened. But the wildman began to smile, opening his mouth and closing his eyes. Then I felt the pressure on my foot somewhat lessen. So I dragged back my foot gradually and stepped sideways. Then I ran away."
It is reported that Gan's fear caused him not to be able to talk for several weeks.
Nick's Analysis: The Alma of the Caucusus is often cited as the most gentle of the wildmen, but the Chinese Bigfoot seems to be right there too. I've reported them cowering in the road in front of a car, being shot in the back and now grabbing a stick that he's about to be hit with and smiling. Hardly violent animals.The sense of humor that has been demonstrated by various wildmen around the world is shown by this creature's smiling and closing his eyes at the Chinaman as if to say, "Gotcha!" The extreme fear that almost all people experience with close encounters with the Bigfoot - in this case, not being able to talk for weeks-is indicative of being psychologically overwhelmed by the Bigfoot. Men and women get attacked by big men, grizzly bears, and elephants and don't have the emotional sequelae they experience after seeing a Bigfoot. Is it because Bigfoot is a natural animal who is far more fear-inspiring than a grizzly or an elephant or is it because he is supernatural? Certainly, the difficulty in getting a clear picture is not shared with any other natural animal and points in the direction of either a hoax or something supernatural.
On the other hand, the Patterson-Gimlin film of Patty was very good in some frames, and the recent southeastern Virginia video of a Bigfoot wading was crystal clear. Maybe the non-hunting population doesn't realize how difficult it is to get a clear shot with rifle, bow, or camera. Hunters could be pointing this out. However, hunters often don't want to stand out by saying Bigfoot exists. There's a lot of ribbing among macho hunters, and it's hard being it. appreciates your visit. It generally has a Wildman story and analysis each weekday. I would be happy to hear your genuine Bigfoot sighting. Peter Nickerson at
In May, 1975, in Hubei Province, China, a thirty-five year old stableman
encountered a wildman. Gan Mingzhi reported, " I had heard some noise to my right. I turned and was stunned to see a giant creature standing not far from me. He had hair all over his body, and he was over six feet tall. I cried out several times, 'Help! Help!' When I raised my stick to beat him, the wildman grabbed it. He also stepped on my left foot. I was very frightened. But the wildman began to smile, opening his mouth and closing his eyes. Then I felt the pressure on my foot somewhat lessen. So I dragged back my foot gradually and stepped sideways. Then I ran away."
It is reported that Gan's fear caused him not to be able to talk for several weeks.
Nick's Analysis: The Alma of the Caucusus is often cited as the most gentle of the wildmen, but the Chinese Bigfoot seems to be right there too. I've reported them cowering in the road in front of a car, being shot in the back and now grabbing a stick that he's about to be hit with and smiling. Hardly violent animals.The sense of humor that has been demonstrated by various wildmen around the world is shown by this creature's smiling and closing his eyes at the Chinaman as if to say, "Gotcha!" The extreme fear that almost all people experience with close encounters with the Bigfoot - in this case, not being able to talk for weeks-is indicative of being psychologically overwhelmed by the Bigfoot. Men and women get attacked by big men, grizzly bears, and elephants and don't have the emotional sequelae they experience after seeing a Bigfoot. Is it because Bigfoot is a natural animal who is far more fear-inspiring than a grizzly or an elephant or is it because he is supernatural? Certainly, the difficulty in getting a clear picture is not shared with any other natural animal and points in the direction of either a hoax or something supernatural.
On the other hand, the Patterson-Gimlin film of Patty was very good in some frames, and the recent southeastern Virginia video of a Bigfoot wading was crystal clear. Maybe the non-hunting population doesn't realize how difficult it is to get a clear shot with rifle, bow, or camera. Hunters could be pointing this out. However, hunters often don't want to stand out by saying Bigfoot exists. There's a lot of ribbing among macho hunters, and it's hard being it. appreciates your visit. It generally has a Wildman story and analysis each weekday. I would be happy to hear your genuine Bigfoot sighting. Peter Nickerson at
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
The Chuchunaa Of Eastern Siberia
The Chuchunaa of Eastern Siberia. Greatly endangered because of his thievery from humans, probably extinct. Only Wildman known to wear clothing. From the book Still Living? Yeti, Sasquatch And Neanderthal Man published in 1983 by British university anthropologist Myra Shackley.
This is a report by a reindeer herder, about the only people who share their frigid, bleak enviroment, of a typical Chuchunaa sighting. In the 1920s, after the Russian Revolution when communism began its stranglehold, the inhabitants of a village ran into a Chuchunaa while both parties were picking berries. The Bigfoot was seen pulling berries with both hands and stuffing them into his mouth. When he saw the villagers, he stood up straight and looked at them extremely briefly. He was lean and tall, standing over two meters. He was wearing a deer skin and was barefoot. The median January temperature in this region is -59 degrees Farenheit. He had very long arms and unkempt hair on his head. He had a big face like a human's, but it was dark. His forehead was small but hanged over his eyes like a peaked hat. His chin was broad and much bigger than a man's. Overall, he looked much like a man but of greater bulk. After a second, he ran off at a very high speed, and with every third step, he made a leap.
Nick's Analysis: It is so cold in eastern Siberia that the Chuchunaa could not survive without the additional warmth of reindeer skins. As you can imagine, the living there is so difficult that he cannot seem to stay away from the barns and other outbuildings of the villagers in the middle of the frigid nights where he steals whatever he can eat. For this reason, he has been hunted down by the villagers. A Russian professor appealed to Stalin that the Chuchunaa were people and should be protected. But Stalin was busy exterminating 6o million humans so what should he care about questionable humans? After Stalin, there was official protection of the Chuchunaa, but since the villagers weren't compensated by the State for their losses to the Chuchunaa, the hunting, albeit illegal,continued. It is very doubtful that the Chuchunaa still exists.
www.blackfloridapanther welcomes you and generally has a Wildman story and analysis every weekday. If you would like to discuss your Bigfoot sighting, please contact me. Peter Nickerson, or 352-359-0850.
This is a report by a reindeer herder, about the only people who share their frigid, bleak enviroment, of a typical Chuchunaa sighting. In the 1920s, after the Russian Revolution when communism began its stranglehold, the inhabitants of a village ran into a Chuchunaa while both parties were picking berries. The Bigfoot was seen pulling berries with both hands and stuffing them into his mouth. When he saw the villagers, he stood up straight and looked at them extremely briefly. He was lean and tall, standing over two meters. He was wearing a deer skin and was barefoot. The median January temperature in this region is -59 degrees Farenheit. He had very long arms and unkempt hair on his head. He had a big face like a human's, but it was dark. His forehead was small but hanged over his eyes like a peaked hat. His chin was broad and much bigger than a man's. Overall, he looked much like a man but of greater bulk. After a second, he ran off at a very high speed, and with every third step, he made a leap.
Nick's Analysis: It is so cold in eastern Siberia that the Chuchunaa could not survive without the additional warmth of reindeer skins. As you can imagine, the living there is so difficult that he cannot seem to stay away from the barns and other outbuildings of the villagers in the middle of the frigid nights where he steals whatever he can eat. For this reason, he has been hunted down by the villagers. A Russian professor appealed to Stalin that the Chuchunaa were people and should be protected. But Stalin was busy exterminating 6o million humans so what should he care about questionable humans? After Stalin, there was official protection of the Chuchunaa, but since the villagers weren't compensated by the State for their losses to the Chuchunaa, the hunting, albeit illegal,continued. It is very doubtful that the Chuchunaa still exists.
www.blackfloridapanther welcomes you and generally has a Wildman story and analysis every weekday. If you would like to discuss your Bigfoot sighting, please contact me. Peter Nickerson, or 352-359-0850.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Bigfoot Vs. Human Dermal Ridges
Bigfoot Vs. Human Dermal Ridges. From the book Raincoast Sasquatch(2003) by J. Robert Ally, page 183. This is supposedly from a statement made by Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum, professor of anthropology, who has been persecuted by his fellow "professors" - actually very small minded, hateful men employed as professors - for his acknowledgement of the evidence pointing toward the existence of Bigfoot.
Apes have longitudinal (lengthwise) ridges, man has transversals (lying across). Bigfoot casted tracks show ridges running longitudinally parallel to the sole while in humans the ridges generally run perpendicular to the borders of the sole.
Nick's Further Analysis: In other words, if you have a great track of a bare primate foot, look for lines running across the foot for a human, and lines running down the foot for an ape. Very large foot, think Bigfoot. Remember to cast or photograph it even if it doesn't seem that important or is inconvenient at the moment. generally has a wildman or woman (Bigfoot) story and analysis every week day. I'd be happy to hear and discuss your Bigfoot sighting or your friend's. Peter Nickerson at or 352-359-0850.
Apes have longitudinal (lengthwise) ridges, man has transversals (lying across). Bigfoot casted tracks show ridges running longitudinally parallel to the sole while in humans the ridges generally run perpendicular to the borders of the sole.
Nick's Further Analysis: In other words, if you have a great track of a bare primate foot, look for lines running across the foot for a human, and lines running down the foot for an ape. Very large foot, think Bigfoot. Remember to cast or photograph it even if it doesn't seem that important or is inconvenient at the moment. generally has a wildman or woman (Bigfoot) story and analysis every week day. I'd be happy to hear and discuss your Bigfoot sighting or your friend's. Peter Nickerson at or 352-359-0850.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Soldiers See Nguoi Rung In Vietnam
Elite soldiers see the Nguoi Rung ("the people of the forest") in South Vietnam. From the book Very Crazy G.I. (2000), by Kregg Jorenson, page 34.
"As it stepped into the opening, the LRRP ( long range reconnaissance patrol) could see the matted red hair that ran down the creature's neck and covered most of its body. Whatever it was, it stood at least five feet tall, had broad shoulders, long thick muscular arms, and a heavy torso. "What the hell is that?" someone called out behind Gary Linderer.
"It's a rock ape," said someone but another said he had seen rock apes and that wasn't one.
Nick's Analysis: Supposedly, "rock ape" is what American soldiers called the
Nguoi Rung. This is the first time I have seen a report in which a soldier claimed there were two types of very hard to find apes in South Vietnam.
A new report and analysis generally appears every week day. If you would like to discuss your Bigfoot sighting, please contact me, Nick Nickerson, at or 352-359-0850.
"As it stepped into the opening, the LRRP ( long range reconnaissance patrol) could see the matted red hair that ran down the creature's neck and covered most of its body. Whatever it was, it stood at least five feet tall, had broad shoulders, long thick muscular arms, and a heavy torso. "What the hell is that?" someone called out behind Gary Linderer.
"It's a rock ape," said someone but another said he had seen rock apes and that wasn't one.
Nick's Analysis: Supposedly, "rock ape" is what American soldiers called the
Nguoi Rung. This is the first time I have seen a report in which a soldier claimed there were two types of very hard to find apes in South Vietnam.
A new report and analysis generally appears every week day. If you would like to discuss your Bigfoot sighting, please contact me, Nick Nickerson, at or 352-359-0850.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Bigfoot Circles Hunters
Bigfoot Circles Hunters: Story And Analysis. From the book Raincoast Sasquatch (2003) by J. Robert Alley, page 105.
This story is told by Bruce Johnstone, Sr. and happened in the fall of 1952 or thereabouts in Wild Man's Cove, a bay on the south side of Chomondoley Sound, Prince of Wales Island, Canada. "I hiked straight up about a mile or so to some muskegs for deer. They were really lovely deer hunting spots. I came to this one muskeg and close by I heard a call; it sounded like a loud 'Heyyy!' I called back but no reply. That thing moved all around me calling, circling, but never coming out. This went on for over twenty minutes, and by this time I was thinking, ' All I have is my deer rifle, and I've put up with all I'm going to...' I got out of there. I quit and went right on down to the boat."
Nick's Analysis: I have read reports from Canada and Alaska of people being hailed from their boats. It sounds like a man calling them, but there will either be no answer or no one will come out of the bush. Calling and circling humans is very common. It is done for curiousness, trickery, and to get people to leave the area.
The Bigfoot Advocate at thanks you for your visit, and as they say in the South: "Ya'll come back now, ya hear me, now?" My parents, from Massachusetts, say the first time they heard that when they moved to Virginia, they almost walked back to their friend's house. Peter Nickerson, or 352-359-0850. If I can help with any bigfoot questions or comments, please contact me.
This story is told by Bruce Johnstone, Sr. and happened in the fall of 1952 or thereabouts in Wild Man's Cove, a bay on the south side of Chomondoley Sound, Prince of Wales Island, Canada. "I hiked straight up about a mile or so to some muskegs for deer. They were really lovely deer hunting spots. I came to this one muskeg and close by I heard a call; it sounded like a loud 'Heyyy!' I called back but no reply. That thing moved all around me calling, circling, but never coming out. This went on for over twenty minutes, and by this time I was thinking, ' All I have is my deer rifle, and I've put up with all I'm going to...' I got out of there. I quit and went right on down to the boat."
Nick's Analysis: I have read reports from Canada and Alaska of people being hailed from their boats. It sounds like a man calling them, but there will either be no answer or no one will come out of the bush. Calling and circling humans is very common. It is done for curiousness, trickery, and to get people to leave the area.
The Bigfoot Advocate at thanks you for your visit, and as they say in the South: "Ya'll come back now, ya hear me, now?" My parents, from Massachusetts, say the first time they heard that when they moved to Virginia, they almost walked back to their friend's house. Peter Nickerson, or 352-359-0850. If I can help with any bigfoot questions or comments, please contact me.
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Bigfoot And Hobbit Similarity
Bigfoot And Hobbit Similarity. From Sole Survivors: How We Came To Be The Only Humans On Earth (2012) by Ph.D anthropologist Christ Stringer, author of four other books on anthropology. Pages 82-4.
In 2004 Australian anthropologist Mike Worwood and his team published a revealation about a human-like species from the island of Flores, lying about five hundred kilometers east of Java. They found an adult skeleton about a meter tall
with the same brain volume of a chimpanzee (about 400 cubic centimeters). Found with it were stone tools and the remains of a pygmy elephant-like creature, the stegodon, who could have been the prey of the diminutive primate.
Unanswered was how such a small brain make stone tools. The chimp could not.
The human-like animal was dated as 18,000 years old and named a new species, homo floreisiensis (Flores Man) but soon became famous by his nickname "the Hobbit." He also had large, flat feet.
Nick's Analysis: Similar to the Bigfoot, the Hobbit had large, flat feet. Also like the Bigfoot, the Hobbit hunted. Bigfoot uses wooden clubs while the Hobbit made stone tools.
www.blackfloridapanther.blogspot appreciates your visit and hopes you will return to the Bigfoot Advocate. My objectives are to provide information about the wildmen and women of the world and to reveal the often covert and dishonest means by which the wildmen are threatened with extinction. Peter Nickerson, or 352-359-0850.
In 2004 Australian anthropologist Mike Worwood and his team published a revealation about a human-like species from the island of Flores, lying about five hundred kilometers east of Java. They found an adult skeleton about a meter tall
with the same brain volume of a chimpanzee (about 400 cubic centimeters). Found with it were stone tools and the remains of a pygmy elephant-like creature, the stegodon, who could have been the prey of the diminutive primate.
Unanswered was how such a small brain make stone tools. The chimp could not.
The human-like animal was dated as 18,000 years old and named a new species, homo floreisiensis (Flores Man) but soon became famous by his nickname "the Hobbit." He also had large, flat feet.
Nick's Analysis: Similar to the Bigfoot, the Hobbit had large, flat feet. Also like the Bigfoot, the Hobbit hunted. Bigfoot uses wooden clubs while the Hobbit made stone tools.
www.blackfloridapanther.blogspot appreciates your visit and hopes you will return to the Bigfoot Advocate. My objectives are to provide information about the wildmen and women of the world and to reveal the often covert and dishonest means by which the wildmen are threatened with extinction. Peter Nickerson, or 352-359-0850.
Friday, January 30, 2015
Bigfoot At The Window
Bigfoot At The Window: Story And Analysis. From Grizzlies And White Guys, edited by Harvey Thomassen, M.D., pages 126-27. Dr. Thomassen was a hospital doctor who recorded the hunting stories of the Canadian Indian Claxton Mack reputed to be the best grizzly bear guide in the world. These recordings were made in the hospital where Mack died. Dr. Thomassen then transcibed the recordings and put together this fascinating book (at least for hunters).
One night grizzly bear guide Claxton Mack was keeping a close eye on one of his two bear hunters by the name of Cowboy. Cowboy was drinking and smoking compulsively. Claxton didn't want the old, abandoned house they were using to be set on fire by the distracted hunter. Finally, he got off his bed and joined Cowboy for a strong drink. The other hunter stayed in his bed. As the two were drinking whiskey, a bigfoot suddenly yelled through a small, partially broken window: "HAAAAAA OHHHHHHH!" Claxton went for his bear rifle but later wished he had reached for his powerful light and shined it on the bigfoot instead. The bigfoot ran to the nearby river where he howled, "HAAAAAA HA HA HA HAAAA!"
Nick's Analysis: Because of their curiosity, there are many stories of bigfoot peering through windows. Often they are looking at the television. I talked to a man in Florida only twenty miles from the University Of Florida's main campus in Gainesville whose wife went out the back door one night and almost bumped into a bigfoot. The two quickly went opposite ways. The husband said his wife was fond of walking around the house nude. To my question, he replied that yes, she was well-endowed. Stories of bigfoot being successfully baited by sexy, buxom women go back to ancient times. The husband said that when he went into the backyard, he felt watched. I have no doubt that the bigfoot was attracted by the bounty of the nude wife and was being a Peeping Tom. Claxton Mack's bigfoot at the window went to the river where he loudly laughed about scaring the humans in the hunting cabin. Bigfoot are documented tricksters and share that characteristic with extra-terrestrials leading people to wonder if some bigfoot, at least, are ETs. welcomes you to the Bigfoot Advocate and hopes you will become a dedicated reader. I offer the best bigfoot stories gleaned from many hours of reading and note-taking to inform you about the various wildmen and women scattered about the earth. I also try to pierce the curtain of disinformation and contempt spread by various entities that will cause the extinctions of these creatures for economic gain. They want the land and the resources, exactly like what happened with the American Indian, the tribes in the Amazon, the Australian Bushman, and many others who don't have the advanced weapons and the numbers. Peter Nickerson at Quicker: 352-359-0850.
One night grizzly bear guide Claxton Mack was keeping a close eye on one of his two bear hunters by the name of Cowboy. Cowboy was drinking and smoking compulsively. Claxton didn't want the old, abandoned house they were using to be set on fire by the distracted hunter. Finally, he got off his bed and joined Cowboy for a strong drink. The other hunter stayed in his bed. As the two were drinking whiskey, a bigfoot suddenly yelled through a small, partially broken window: "HAAAAAA OHHHHHHH!" Claxton went for his bear rifle but later wished he had reached for his powerful light and shined it on the bigfoot instead. The bigfoot ran to the nearby river where he howled, "HAAAAAA HA HA HA HAAAA!"
Nick's Analysis: Because of their curiosity, there are many stories of bigfoot peering through windows. Often they are looking at the television. I talked to a man in Florida only twenty miles from the University Of Florida's main campus in Gainesville whose wife went out the back door one night and almost bumped into a bigfoot. The two quickly went opposite ways. The husband said his wife was fond of walking around the house nude. To my question, he replied that yes, she was well-endowed. Stories of bigfoot being successfully baited by sexy, buxom women go back to ancient times. The husband said that when he went into the backyard, he felt watched. I have no doubt that the bigfoot was attracted by the bounty of the nude wife and was being a Peeping Tom. Claxton Mack's bigfoot at the window went to the river where he loudly laughed about scaring the humans in the hunting cabin. Bigfoot are documented tricksters and share that characteristic with extra-terrestrials leading people to wonder if some bigfoot, at least, are ETs. welcomes you to the Bigfoot Advocate and hopes you will become a dedicated reader. I offer the best bigfoot stories gleaned from many hours of reading and note-taking to inform you about the various wildmen and women scattered about the earth. I also try to pierce the curtain of disinformation and contempt spread by various entities that will cause the extinctions of these creatures for economic gain. They want the land and the resources, exactly like what happened with the American Indian, the tribes in the Amazon, the Australian Bushman, and many others who don't have the advanced weapons and the numbers. Peter Nickerson at Quicker: 352-359-0850.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Alaska Bigfoot Fights Brown Bear
Alaska Bigfoot Fights Brown Bear: Story And Analysis. From J. Robert Alley's
Raincoast Sasquatch (2003), page 199. Portland Canal in South-East Alaska.
Commercial fisherman and hunter Patty Kristovitch, Jr. reported that his father shot a brown bear whose lower jaw had almost been twisted off and had a smashed front paw. There were no bite or claw marks from fighting another brown bear.
Nick's analysis: I believe this almost twisted off lower jaw of the brown bear was done by the hands of a bigfoot, literally. In the only other story I am aware of about a bigfoot fighting a brown bear (because the bear was about to attack the Bigfoot's cub and the father engaged the bear while the mother ran with their cub), the male bigfoot tore off a stout limb to use as a club. According to the Russian guides who read the story of the encounter from the tracks to their American hunters, the Bigfoot beat the brown bear soundly, and the bear backed off from the fight. I think the brown bear with the torn jaw and crushed paw had his paw smashed by the bigfoot who was using a rock or a similar club. I have also talked with a guide in Colorado who saw a bigfoot carrying a club. There is also an old, well-known story about a group of ice skaters in Idaho who were attacked by a bigfoot carrying a club. The skaters got into their wagons and made a terrified but quick exit. welcomes your visit and encourages you to be a constant reader. The Bigfoot Advocate hopes to provide information about the wildmen (and women) in secluded spots about the earth. It also tries to part the veil of pretense around authority and the other forces that deny and jepordize the fragile existence of these creatures who may be human or close enough to cross-breed with humans. Peter Nickerson. Email- or 352-359-0850.
Raincoast Sasquatch (2003), page 199. Portland Canal in South-East Alaska.
Commercial fisherman and hunter Patty Kristovitch, Jr. reported that his father shot a brown bear whose lower jaw had almost been twisted off and had a smashed front paw. There were no bite or claw marks from fighting another brown bear.
Nick's analysis: I believe this almost twisted off lower jaw of the brown bear was done by the hands of a bigfoot, literally. In the only other story I am aware of about a bigfoot fighting a brown bear (because the bear was about to attack the Bigfoot's cub and the father engaged the bear while the mother ran with their cub), the male bigfoot tore off a stout limb to use as a club. According to the Russian guides who read the story of the encounter from the tracks to their American hunters, the Bigfoot beat the brown bear soundly, and the bear backed off from the fight. I think the brown bear with the torn jaw and crushed paw had his paw smashed by the bigfoot who was using a rock or a similar club. I have also talked with a guide in Colorado who saw a bigfoot carrying a club. There is also an old, well-known story about a group of ice skaters in Idaho who were attacked by a bigfoot carrying a club. The skaters got into their wagons and made a terrified but quick exit. welcomes your visit and encourages you to be a constant reader. The Bigfoot Advocate hopes to provide information about the wildmen (and women) in secluded spots about the earth. It also tries to part the veil of pretense around authority and the other forces that deny and jepordize the fragile existence of these creatures who may be human or close enough to cross-breed with humans. Peter Nickerson. Email- or 352-359-0850.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Mongolian Alma Drags Man Into Cave
Mongolian Alma Drags Man Into Cave: Story And Analysis. From Bigfoot Casebook Updated by Janet and Colin Bord, page 45.
A member of a camel caravan plodding through the Mongolian Desert disappeared when he went out to round up the camels after a rest. Three men went to look for him found traces of a struggle outside of a cave. They found marks of shoes and bare feet in the sand. They didn't enter the cave supposedly because of time constraints. On their return trip, the three men went back to the cave and set up an ambush. When a hairy man-beast came out of the cave, they fired upon him and killed him. Then they rescued their buddy from the cave. He would never reveal what happened to him and stayed "wild and listless" until he died two months later. This story was collected by Professor Rinchen of the University of Van Bator in Mongolia. Professor Rinchen collected Alma stories and other information from 1927 until his death in 1978. He was ridiculed by the "scientific" community. However, many advances are, the authors noted.
Nick's Analysis: It seems odd that the three men did not go into the cave in spite of "time constraints." Perhaps they didn't have guns and rightly knew they were almost helpless without them. They did rescue their comrade later though. Often people who have been through prolonged trauma do not want to talk about this. This was portrayed in the masterpiece movie, "American Sniper," and is an indication of the maturity of the Navy Seal community that the subject of trauma is being discussed openly.
I have read of male Bigfoot in North America breeding captured female humans and having offspring, some viable, some not. I have also read of a Bigfoot female keeping a male railroad worker in a pit so she could have sex with him. I know of no details about how that was accomplish, but she did lick his palms and soles so thoroughly that he was unable to use them. Thus, he couldn't climb out of the pit and run away while she was gone. Perhaps this poor man in the desert cave was sodomized by the alma. Almas are said to rarely attack humans, and we may be reading about a rarity.
I was also struck by the lack of vigilance and use of his senses by this alma. Three men hiding is a lot to hide. However, the alma is said to be the most friendly of the wildmen, even trading with humans and entering their homes for dinner - to share dinner with the humans, that is.
The behavior of the "scientific" community is sad but predictable. As the man about to get a shot told the nurse, "No problem. Life is full of little pricks." appreciates your visit and hopes you will be a constant reader of the Bigfoot Advocate. It attempts to inform you about the wildmen of the world and the misuse of authority and force that jepordizes their existence. Nick Nickerson, 352-359-0850.
A member of a camel caravan plodding through the Mongolian Desert disappeared when he went out to round up the camels after a rest. Three men went to look for him found traces of a struggle outside of a cave. They found marks of shoes and bare feet in the sand. They didn't enter the cave supposedly because of time constraints. On their return trip, the three men went back to the cave and set up an ambush. When a hairy man-beast came out of the cave, they fired upon him and killed him. Then they rescued their buddy from the cave. He would never reveal what happened to him and stayed "wild and listless" until he died two months later. This story was collected by Professor Rinchen of the University of Van Bator in Mongolia. Professor Rinchen collected Alma stories and other information from 1927 until his death in 1978. He was ridiculed by the "scientific" community. However, many advances are, the authors noted.
Nick's Analysis: It seems odd that the three men did not go into the cave in spite of "time constraints." Perhaps they didn't have guns and rightly knew they were almost helpless without them. They did rescue their comrade later though. Often people who have been through prolonged trauma do not want to talk about this. This was portrayed in the masterpiece movie, "American Sniper," and is an indication of the maturity of the Navy Seal community that the subject of trauma is being discussed openly.
I have read of male Bigfoot in North America breeding captured female humans and having offspring, some viable, some not. I have also read of a Bigfoot female keeping a male railroad worker in a pit so she could have sex with him. I know of no details about how that was accomplish, but she did lick his palms and soles so thoroughly that he was unable to use them. Thus, he couldn't climb out of the pit and run away while she was gone. Perhaps this poor man in the desert cave was sodomized by the alma. Almas are said to rarely attack humans, and we may be reading about a rarity.
I was also struck by the lack of vigilance and use of his senses by this alma. Three men hiding is a lot to hide. However, the alma is said to be the most friendly of the wildmen, even trading with humans and entering their homes for dinner - to share dinner with the humans, that is.
The behavior of the "scientific" community is sad but predictable. As the man about to get a shot told the nurse, "No problem. Life is full of little pricks." appreciates your visit and hopes you will be a constant reader of the Bigfoot Advocate. It attempts to inform you about the wildmen of the world and the misuse of authority and force that jepordizes their existence. Nick Nickerson, 352-359-0850.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Abominable Snowmen Leave Smelly Caves
Abominable Snowmen Leave Smelly Caves: Story And Analysis. From the book
In The Tracks of Yeti (1984) by Robert Hutchinson, page 260.
High Lama Janpo, High Monk of the Tengboche Monastery at the base of majestic Mount Everest in Nepal told Englishman Robert Hutchinson, the author of this book, that one could always know when an Abominable Snowman or yeti had been in a cave because the cave smelled badly particularly where the yeti had urinated.
Nick's Analysis: This is the first I've read or heard of a Bigfoot fouling his living quarters, and it points to an animal characteristic not a human one though I don't know where the Neanderthal Man peed. It is interesting that there is a small deer in Nepal who will come from considerable distance to urinate in one small area of his territory but the Abominable Snowman doesn't. Maybe it is because the yeti doesn't have the enemies that the deer has who might be trying to hide his presence by using the john in only one small area. On the other hand, that would be a good area for a deer predator to set up an ambush. You've got to pee sometime, often the sooner, the better. thanks you for your visit today to the Bigfoot Advocate and would be honored by your constant return. Nick Nickerson, 352-359-0850.
In The Tracks of Yeti (1984) by Robert Hutchinson, page 260.
High Lama Janpo, High Monk of the Tengboche Monastery at the base of majestic Mount Everest in Nepal told Englishman Robert Hutchinson, the author of this book, that one could always know when an Abominable Snowman or yeti had been in a cave because the cave smelled badly particularly where the yeti had urinated.
Nick's Analysis: This is the first I've read or heard of a Bigfoot fouling his living quarters, and it points to an animal characteristic not a human one though I don't know where the Neanderthal Man peed. It is interesting that there is a small deer in Nepal who will come from considerable distance to urinate in one small area of his territory but the Abominable Snowman doesn't. Maybe it is because the yeti doesn't have the enemies that the deer has who might be trying to hide his presence by using the john in only one small area. On the other hand, that would be a good area for a deer predator to set up an ambush. You've got to pee sometime, often the sooner, the better. thanks you for your visit today to the Bigfoot Advocate and would be honored by your constant return. Nick Nickerson, 352-359-0850.
Friday, January 23, 2015
Supernatural Bigfoot Communicates Telepathically
Supernatural Bigfoot Communicates Telepathically: Story And Analysis. From the book, "Hunt For The Skinwalker"(2008) by Colm Kelleher and George Noonan, page 131.
Two investigators from the National Institute (For) Discovery Science were at the famous Gorman Ranch in Utah after the Institute bought the ranch from the
overwhelmed Gormans. The Gormans were overwhelmed by the harassment and killings of their animals by extra-terrestrials or perhaps covert American forces illegally and amorally testing their technological advances once more on innocent Americans. I go for the former. These two investigators were out on the Gorman Ranch one night looking for these malicious phenomena which I think are extra-terrestrials. The first investigator had night vision binoculars, and the second had a camera. The first investigator saw a huge black figure. The at least Bigfoot-like huge black figure said, within the brain of the first investigator, "We are watching you." Then the creature just disappeared. To the credit of the two scientists, they did not cut and run. The beast did not return.
Nick's Analysis: Quantum mechanics is beyond my grasp, but it is being mentioned a great deal in trying to explain the extra-terrestrials and parallel worlds with vortexes connecting them. This book was gutted by the lack of pictures to give at least some collaboration to the extremely disturbing events witnessed. Perhaps the Institute wouldn't release any. The Gormans were extremely intelligent, hard-working Germans who owned the ranch before the Institute took it off their hands. Why didn't they take pictures of the atrocities and other macabre events? thanks your for your visit today and hopes you will return for more stories and analyses at the "Bigfoot Advocate" Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.
Wild Rabbit: The world can be said to be divided into sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs. I'm a sheepdog in the world of ideas. Not a very good one so far when it comes to myself particularly, but there's still time. I read about asset forfeiture yesterday on the web at the American Civil Liberties Union's website. I believe what was written because I have a brother who went through the same thing when he was searched by a police officer. My brother had just sold a Harley Davidson motorcycle he had won in a national drawing. He didn't need another bike as he already had two. He was told by the officer that the thousands of dollars was drug money, and it was confiscated. No charges filed. It took a lawyer which takes money to get his money from the sale of the bike back.
Asset forfeiture is easy money for the police. It makes the owner prove that he is innocent even though there are no charges or convictions of any crime. In America, we can be proud and grateful that we are innocent until proven guilty but government employees have found a way to circumvent that in the farcical war on drugs. Having to prove you are innocent is called "reverse onus," and it is un-American, and everyone who uses it is un-American. The end does not justify the means except in dire emergencies such as in dealing with terrorists. And that should be reviewed by Civilian Review Boards with a budget and subpoena powers.
There's no dire emergency in finding someone with $10,000 in his pockets. That's his business, not your business. Find some better evidence for a criminal activity. Get those computer-generated quotas off your back so you can get some real police work done. Why aren't your police unions helping you with that? If the police work with the federal government on these confiscations, they can get up to 80 percent of the stolen money. That can be used to increase cops' salaries. Do you see the conflict of interest here? This greatly encourages officers to police for profit. Local and state cops working with the federal government to dispose of their loot is called "equitable sharing." Obama has publicly backed off a bit from the volume of federal participation in this confiscation, but Obama does not walk the talk or even walk with the other world leaders for free speech. Cops can still use state means to confiscate money from innocent individuals but the procedures are not as generous to the takers.
So there. The sheepdog has barked at the wolves. Now will some - at least - of you sheep take some testosterone, become rams, and give me a hand protecting the rest.
Two investigators from the National Institute (For) Discovery Science were at the famous Gorman Ranch in Utah after the Institute bought the ranch from the
overwhelmed Gormans. The Gormans were overwhelmed by the harassment and killings of their animals by extra-terrestrials or perhaps covert American forces illegally and amorally testing their technological advances once more on innocent Americans. I go for the former. These two investigators were out on the Gorman Ranch one night looking for these malicious phenomena which I think are extra-terrestrials. The first investigator had night vision binoculars, and the second had a camera. The first investigator saw a huge black figure. The at least Bigfoot-like huge black figure said, within the brain of the first investigator, "We are watching you." Then the creature just disappeared. To the credit of the two scientists, they did not cut and run. The beast did not return.
Nick's Analysis: Quantum mechanics is beyond my grasp, but it is being mentioned a great deal in trying to explain the extra-terrestrials and parallel worlds with vortexes connecting them. This book was gutted by the lack of pictures to give at least some collaboration to the extremely disturbing events witnessed. Perhaps the Institute wouldn't release any. The Gormans were extremely intelligent, hard-working Germans who owned the ranch before the Institute took it off their hands. Why didn't they take pictures of the atrocities and other macabre events? thanks your for your visit today and hopes you will return for more stories and analyses at the "Bigfoot Advocate" Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.
Wild Rabbit: The world can be said to be divided into sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs. I'm a sheepdog in the world of ideas. Not a very good one so far when it comes to myself particularly, but there's still time. I read about asset forfeiture yesterday on the web at the American Civil Liberties Union's website. I believe what was written because I have a brother who went through the same thing when he was searched by a police officer. My brother had just sold a Harley Davidson motorcycle he had won in a national drawing. He didn't need another bike as he already had two. He was told by the officer that the thousands of dollars was drug money, and it was confiscated. No charges filed. It took a lawyer which takes money to get his money from the sale of the bike back.
Asset forfeiture is easy money for the police. It makes the owner prove that he is innocent even though there are no charges or convictions of any crime. In America, we can be proud and grateful that we are innocent until proven guilty but government employees have found a way to circumvent that in the farcical war on drugs. Having to prove you are innocent is called "reverse onus," and it is un-American, and everyone who uses it is un-American. The end does not justify the means except in dire emergencies such as in dealing with terrorists. And that should be reviewed by Civilian Review Boards with a budget and subpoena powers.
There's no dire emergency in finding someone with $10,000 in his pockets. That's his business, not your business. Find some better evidence for a criminal activity. Get those computer-generated quotas off your back so you can get some real police work done. Why aren't your police unions helping you with that? If the police work with the federal government on these confiscations, they can get up to 80 percent of the stolen money. That can be used to increase cops' salaries. Do you see the conflict of interest here? This greatly encourages officers to police for profit. Local and state cops working with the federal government to dispose of their loot is called "equitable sharing." Obama has publicly backed off a bit from the volume of federal participation in this confiscation, but Obama does not walk the talk or even walk with the other world leaders for free speech. Cops can still use state means to confiscate money from innocent individuals but the procedures are not as generous to the takers.
So there. The sheepdog has barked at the wolves. Now will some - at least - of you sheep take some testosterone, become rams, and give me a hand protecting the rest.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Bigfoot: Front Page, Wall Street Journal
Bigfoot: Front Page Wall Street Journal: Story And Analysis. Wall Street Journal, Wednesday, 1-21-15, page A-1. Tom Biscardi is up to it again. Now, he is forming a company, Bigfoot Project Investments, to find bigfoot, make movies, and sell DVDs. The company presently has about $6,000 in cash and hopes to gain approval from the Securities and Exchange Commission to hold an Initial Public Offering as an emerging growth company.
Nick's Analysis: I have no doubt that a long-term camp in an area in which there have been bigfoot sightings would eventually yield pictures and videos of bigfoot if the campers knew what they were doing and were allowed to do it.
Such as putting out food for bigfoot and attracting them. But I don't think Tom Biscardi is the person to do it. I've heard him on Fox News, and he sounded like an inveterate trickster. He claimed that he had seen the hoax " bigfoot in an icebox" and said it was real. A policeman lost his job for participating in that fraud. Unless Biscardi's had a near-death experience - which does genuinely change people- I'd say he was still a trickster. I wouldn't buy any shares. But it was nice seeing the drawing of the bust of bigfoot on the front page of the august Wall Street Journal. The Journal does like animals. Sociopaths, not so much. thanks you for your visit today and welcomes you back. Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.
Nick's Analysis: I have no doubt that a long-term camp in an area in which there have been bigfoot sightings would eventually yield pictures and videos of bigfoot if the campers knew what they were doing and were allowed to do it.
Such as putting out food for bigfoot and attracting them. But I don't think Tom Biscardi is the person to do it. I've heard him on Fox News, and he sounded like an inveterate trickster. He claimed that he had seen the hoax " bigfoot in an icebox" and said it was real. A policeman lost his job for participating in that fraud. Unless Biscardi's had a near-death experience - which does genuinely change people- I'd say he was still a trickster. I wouldn't buy any shares. But it was nice seeing the drawing of the bust of bigfoot on the front page of the august Wall Street Journal. The Journal does like animals. Sociopaths, not so much. thanks you for your visit today and welcomes you back. Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Almas And Russian "Science"
Almas And Russian "Science,", Story And Analysis: V. Khakhlov in 1913 as a professor of animal anatomy made a report about the almas (Russian bigfoot) in Eastern Asia. He gave the report to the Russian Imperial Academy Of Sciences. Its members advised him to forget about the subject.
Nick's Analysis: The strongest characteristic of a scientist is curiosity. Derision and put-downs have nothing to do with the scientific method. But derision and put-downs have everything to do with human behavior, specifically evolutionary behavior. A male who makes advances over other males is perceived as an evolutionary threat to other males as he becomes the alpha male and gains superior access to attractive females, especially the alpha females who are skilled enough to successfully raise children. Without females, males do not evolve. In more ways than one, I would add. This is also why rich men will probably always be resented. Their wealth gives them the access to attractive women. Poor men lack this access and know it. By and large, poor men are not going to admit that the shortcomings lie within themselves. How many people are big enough to do that? Instead, they are going to say, "Those greedy rich people! Those damn one percenters! I hate 'em all!" Being emotional does not change the reality though. Watch out how emotionality is used to deter you from being curious and learning about revolutionary subjects such as bigfoot, the little people in UFOs, and the craziness of Islam. Advances in knowledge often embarrass those who are well-established in that field of knowledge. They may resist those advances to keep their money flow, prestige, and access to attractive women. thanks you for your visit and invites you back for more of the "Bigfoot Advocate." Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.
Nick's Analysis: The strongest characteristic of a scientist is curiosity. Derision and put-downs have nothing to do with the scientific method. But derision and put-downs have everything to do with human behavior, specifically evolutionary behavior. A male who makes advances over other males is perceived as an evolutionary threat to other males as he becomes the alpha male and gains superior access to attractive females, especially the alpha females who are skilled enough to successfully raise children. Without females, males do not evolve. In more ways than one, I would add. This is also why rich men will probably always be resented. Their wealth gives them the access to attractive women. Poor men lack this access and know it. By and large, poor men are not going to admit that the shortcomings lie within themselves. How many people are big enough to do that? Instead, they are going to say, "Those greedy rich people! Those damn one percenters! I hate 'em all!" Being emotional does not change the reality though. Watch out how emotionality is used to deter you from being curious and learning about revolutionary subjects such as bigfoot, the little people in UFOs, and the craziness of Islam. Advances in knowledge often embarrass those who are well-established in that field of knowledge. They may resist those advances to keep their money flow, prestige, and access to attractive women. thanks you for your visit and invites you back for more of the "Bigfoot Advocate." Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Bigfoot Family's Father Attacks- Hoax?
Bigfoot Family's Father Attacks - Hoax? Story and Analysis: This is from the Bigfoot Field Research Organization's Website, Report #40020. Winter of 2008 in Fulton County, Arkansas. The reporter of this sighting drove up to a "black bear" in the road. The man honked his horn, and a female bigfoot with obvious breasts came out from some trees, went into the road, and scooped up her baby. She put her baby on her back, and he placed his hands around her neck. Then the man had a rock hit his car. A nine foot bigfoot, bigger and broader than mother bigfoot, was standing behind his car. Father bigfoot then roared at the man who quickly drove off, but stopped about 150 yards down the road to recuperate. The bigfoot family followed and threw rocks. Finally, they left and the driver made a U-turn to avoid getting deeper into the woods. When he got to the spot where he had seen the baby bigfoot in the road, mistaking him for a black bear, the driver saw a dead deer on the side of the road. The deer was a doe, and she was torn nearly in half.
Nick's Analysis: The reason I wonder if this is a hoax is because of the man's behavior. Most people respond to a bigfoot sighting by getting out of the situation as quickly as possible and virtually as far as possible away. They do not stop a mere 150 yards down the road to "recuperate." How could you with a rock-throwing, roaring bigfoot and his mate only a little more than a football field away? He didn't want to go any deeper into the woods? What was he afraid of - seeing a bigfoot? Who would park his car and let bigfoot pelt you with rocks until they left? Who would then turn his car around and drive back through the area where this event from hell took place? He didn't see the dead doe the first time. Why would he see her the second time? Wouldn't he be concentrating on driving as quickly away as possible? Seeing a doe nearly torn apart seems to be too much. Going simply on this report, I would say it was a hoax. thanks you for visiting and welcomes you back to read more of the "Bigfoot Advocate." Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.
Nick's Analysis: The reason I wonder if this is a hoax is because of the man's behavior. Most people respond to a bigfoot sighting by getting out of the situation as quickly as possible and virtually as far as possible away. They do not stop a mere 150 yards down the road to "recuperate." How could you with a rock-throwing, roaring bigfoot and his mate only a little more than a football field away? He didn't want to go any deeper into the woods? What was he afraid of - seeing a bigfoot? Who would park his car and let bigfoot pelt you with rocks until they left? Who would then turn his car around and drive back through the area where this event from hell took place? He didn't see the dead doe the first time. Why would he see her the second time? Wouldn't he be concentrating on driving as quickly away as possible? Seeing a doe nearly torn apart seems to be too much. Going simply on this report, I would say it was a hoax. thanks you for visiting and welcomes you back to read more of the "Bigfoot Advocate." Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Chinese Border Guards Kill Tibetan Yeti
Chinese Border Guards Kill Tibetan Yeti, Story And Analysis: In the early 1970s the French ethnologist A.W. MacDonald met a merchant from Manang in northern Nepal who had just crossed a well-traveled path from communist occupied and colonized Tibet. The merchant told MacDonald that at the Chinese border post, he had seen the body of a large ape-like animal lying by the roadside. The Chinese guards told him they had shot the creature as it ran through the woods that same morning.
Nick's Analysis: Thus is life under communism which can only be sustained by constant brutality and murders. Was this Yeti's body shown to the world? Of course not, and I have no doubt that government employees (of which I was one for many years) of the United States would have acted the same way and still are. The government employees sector is not going to publicly unravel the Bigfoot mystery anymore than it has shown us the captured little people, the ETs. That will have to come from the government meaning "we, the people." Something profound happens to many people who become government employees especially the ones with power. Government employees are absolutely necessary, but because of the bizzarrely corrupting opportunities and incentives found in their jobs, they must be watched very closely by citizen review boards and the like. Too often, they are absurdly given jobs in which they are the fox who is supposed to guard the hen house. It's an impossibilty. Foxes don't guard hens. Foxes eat hens. Don't fall for the con that other foxes will supervise the hen house fox either. Look what happened to good cop Frank Serpico when he spilled the beans about police corruption in New York City (his call for backup was ignored, and he was shot apart and permanently disabled. Now, there's a man!)
You may think I harp about government employees and politics too much, but you are wrong. It is absolutely essential that you understand how the world really works from someone who has been there, and has, frankly, been eaten alive by it. You must be able to see through the games and disinformation that I write about to protect Bigfoot and the other Wildmen scattered throughout the world - and to protect your family, friends, others, and yourself as well. I want you, yours, and the Wildmen to do well.
"The Bigfoot Advocate" welcomes you at Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850. Class of 1968, William And Mary, Philosophy Major.
Nick's Analysis: Thus is life under communism which can only be sustained by constant brutality and murders. Was this Yeti's body shown to the world? Of course not, and I have no doubt that government employees (of which I was one for many years) of the United States would have acted the same way and still are. The government employees sector is not going to publicly unravel the Bigfoot mystery anymore than it has shown us the captured little people, the ETs. That will have to come from the government meaning "we, the people." Something profound happens to many people who become government employees especially the ones with power. Government employees are absolutely necessary, but because of the bizzarrely corrupting opportunities and incentives found in their jobs, they must be watched very closely by citizen review boards and the like. Too often, they are absurdly given jobs in which they are the fox who is supposed to guard the hen house. It's an impossibilty. Foxes don't guard hens. Foxes eat hens. Don't fall for the con that other foxes will supervise the hen house fox either. Look what happened to good cop Frank Serpico when he spilled the beans about police corruption in New York City (his call for backup was ignored, and he was shot apart and permanently disabled. Now, there's a man!)
You may think I harp about government employees and politics too much, but you are wrong. It is absolutely essential that you understand how the world really works from someone who has been there, and has, frankly, been eaten alive by it. You must be able to see through the games and disinformation that I write about to protect Bigfoot and the other Wildmen scattered throughout the world - and to protect your family, friends, others, and yourself as well. I want you, yours, and the Wildmen to do well.
"The Bigfoot Advocate" welcomes you at Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850. Class of 1968, William And Mary, Philosophy Major.
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Bigfoot Literally Disappears
Bigfoot Literally Disappears In Front Of An American Indian: Story And Analysis. From the book "Hunt For The Skinwalker" (2005) by Colm Kelleher and George Knapp, page 169. The town of Dulce, New Mexico, is completely surrounded by the Jicarillo Apache Reservation. One of the reservation officials was riding his horse, accompanied by three dogs, on his property when a Bigfoot broke from his cover a hundred and fifty feet away and began running from tree to tree acting as if he were being pursued. The dogs cowered under the Indian's horse. Suddenly, the Bigfoot simply disappeared into thin air. The official said the creature ran into some kind of opening. On the way home, the horse and the dogs all jumped over a spot although the Indian could see nothing there.
Nick's Analysis: Dulce and the Skinwalker Ranch and vicinity are notorious for seemingly supernatural happenings. The two most reasonable reasons are that the area has an underground military base with flying saucers and other advanced technology and will harass humans, fry dogs, and mutilate cattle or that there is an opening or vortex to another dimension or world, and we have visitors. I think it is the latter. If Bigfoot is an ET or at least some Bigfoot are ETs, then you have the question of what was this particular Bigfoot near Dulce doing running from tree to tree as if being pursued? I have never read or heard of an earthly Bigfoot being pursued by anything but dogs and humans. Did he think the Indian, his horse, and three dogs were pursuing him or was there a superior, possibly invisible, ET after him. Was that why he seemed to run into an opening or vortex and disappear?
"The Bigfoot Advocate" welcomes you. I try to post five Bigfoot stories and analyses each week for the purpose of informing the public about Bigfoot and other Wildmen around the world to protect them from extinction. Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.
Nick's Analysis: Dulce and the Skinwalker Ranch and vicinity are notorious for seemingly supernatural happenings. The two most reasonable reasons are that the area has an underground military base with flying saucers and other advanced technology and will harass humans, fry dogs, and mutilate cattle or that there is an opening or vortex to another dimension or world, and we have visitors. I think it is the latter. If Bigfoot is an ET or at least some Bigfoot are ETs, then you have the question of what was this particular Bigfoot near Dulce doing running from tree to tree as if being pursued? I have never read or heard of an earthly Bigfoot being pursued by anything but dogs and humans. Did he think the Indian, his horse, and three dogs were pursuing him or was there a superior, possibly invisible, ET after him. Was that why he seemed to run into an opening or vortex and disappear?
"The Bigfoot Advocate" welcomes you. I try to post five Bigfoot stories and analyses each week for the purpose of informing the public about Bigfoot and other Wildmen around the world to protect them from extinction. Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Chinaman Devoted To The Yeren
Chinaman devoted to the Yeren, a life-long passion: From the Net: "One Man's Inspiring Story About China's Bigfoot." A Bigfoot story and analysis.Like the Swiss-Canadian, Rene Dahindren, Li Guohua has been infected with the Bigfoot - rather, Yeren - bug most of his life. Dissimilar to Rene, Guohua did not abandon his family to pursue the Yeren, and he did see him, several times. He even shot at the Chinese Bigfoot on one occasion, but happily his gun did not go off because his powder was dry. He was apparently still using a muzzle-loader. Guohua is now in his sixties and is retired on $313 a month for a family of three. In 1972 he was working in a Muyo town and saw several Wildman footprints. As you would suspect, he had already heard stories about them. He started his search for the Yeren later when he worked as an actor and had the time and energy to hunt. His first encounter with Bigfoot was on February 28, 1980. The Wildman appeared to be stalking him so Li hid behind a tree and waited. He remarked that the creature resembled both a man and an ape. The Yeren was covered with red hair and walked like a man. Li shot at him, but the powder was damp. Li has now been looking for the Yeren for thirty years, but still does not have a picture or body.
Nick's Analysis: It is good that Li stayed with his family and contributed to their support as he followed his obsession. Rene Dahindren did not. He abandoned his Native American wife and two sons to try to photograph Bigboot primarily in the Canadian Northwest. He was very secretive and did not share information with other Bigfoot camera-hunters. He supported himself by inventing a way to retrieve spent lead shot from trap and clay pigeon shooting ranges and lived in a small camping trailer. I saw a cruel picture taken of his two sons in front of a Bigfoot statue in the Northwest. I say "cruel" because Rene left his sons for Bigfoot. Fortunately, his wife did not hold that against him and demean him in front of their children. At least the damage done to those two boys was lessened by her generosity.
"The Bigfoot Advocate" thanks you for your visit. Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.
Nick's Analysis: It is good that Li stayed with his family and contributed to their support as he followed his obsession. Rene Dahindren did not. He abandoned his Native American wife and two sons to try to photograph Bigboot primarily in the Canadian Northwest. He was very secretive and did not share information with other Bigfoot camera-hunters. He supported himself by inventing a way to retrieve spent lead shot from trap and clay pigeon shooting ranges and lived in a small camping trailer. I saw a cruel picture taken of his two sons in front of a Bigfoot statue in the Northwest. I say "cruel" because Rene left his sons for Bigfoot. Fortunately, his wife did not hold that against him and demean him in front of their children. At least the damage done to those two boys was lessened by her generosity.
"The Bigfoot Advocate" thanks you for your visit. Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.
Friday, January 2, 2015
Two Bigfoot With Tails
Two Bigfoot With Tails, Stories And Analysis: From "The Evidence For Bigfoot
And Other Man-Beasts" (1984). One Bigfoot with a tail was widely seen by farmers around Albany, Kentucky in the autumn of 1973. He had a long, black, bushy tail. "Bushy" was also the word used to describe a Bigfoot viewed at Mamquam, British Columbia in June, 1969. Both left tracks showing only three toes. Nick's Analysis: Probably Bigfoot is having inbreeding problems due human "developing" his territory. Sooner or later, inbreeding affects the structure of the animal. The Florida Panther in Southwest Florida which is now packed with humans has lost most of his territory and is inbred with kinks in his tail and whorls in his coat showing the condition. The problem has been ameliorated with the introduction of Texas cougars into the area.
Inbreeding could be contributing to the fact that some Bigfoot have anomalies like tails, three toes, and more. I have even read of seven toes. Besides humans leaving North American, the best palliative measures I know are wildlife corridors so the Bigfoot can get into other gene pools, population control for humans, and trying to get the American way of life - dignity of the individual, a written constitution protecting minorities, property rights, and democracy- introduced into those countries whose people are flooding America and Bigfoot territory. These immigrants are seeking the American way of life because theirs not only sucks but tortures, maims, and kills.
Thank you for visiting "The Bigfoot Advocate" which is dedicated to trying to prevent what happened to the American Indian from happening to the Wildmen scattered about the world. Peter Nickerson, William And Mary, Class Of '68, Philosophy Major. Also, MS and MSW. 352-359-0850.
And Other Man-Beasts" (1984). One Bigfoot with a tail was widely seen by farmers around Albany, Kentucky in the autumn of 1973. He had a long, black, bushy tail. "Bushy" was also the word used to describe a Bigfoot viewed at Mamquam, British Columbia in June, 1969. Both left tracks showing only three toes. Nick's Analysis: Probably Bigfoot is having inbreeding problems due human "developing" his territory. Sooner or later, inbreeding affects the structure of the animal. The Florida Panther in Southwest Florida which is now packed with humans has lost most of his territory and is inbred with kinks in his tail and whorls in his coat showing the condition. The problem has been ameliorated with the introduction of Texas cougars into the area.
Inbreeding could be contributing to the fact that some Bigfoot have anomalies like tails, three toes, and more. I have even read of seven toes. Besides humans leaving North American, the best palliative measures I know are wildlife corridors so the Bigfoot can get into other gene pools, population control for humans, and trying to get the American way of life - dignity of the individual, a written constitution protecting minorities, property rights, and democracy- introduced into those countries whose people are flooding America and Bigfoot territory. These immigrants are seeking the American way of life because theirs not only sucks but tortures, maims, and kills.
Thank you for visiting "The Bigfoot Advocate" which is dedicated to trying to prevent what happened to the American Indian from happening to the Wildmen scattered about the world. Peter Nickerson, William And Mary, Class Of '68, Philosophy Major. Also, MS and MSW. 352-359-0850.
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