Thursday, January 8, 2015

Chinese Border Guards Kill Tibetan Yeti

   Chinese Border Guards Kill Tibetan Yeti, Story And Analysis: In the early 1970s the French ethnologist A.W. MacDonald met a merchant from Manang in northern Nepal who had just crossed a well-traveled path from communist occupied and colonized Tibet. The merchant told MacDonald that at the Chinese border post, he had seen the body of a large ape-like animal lying by the roadside. The Chinese guards told him they had shot the creature as it ran through the woods that same morning.
   Nick's Analysis: Thus is life under communism which can only be sustained by constant brutality and murders. Was this Yeti's body shown to the world? Of course not, and I have no doubt that government employees (of which I was one for many years) of the United States would have acted the same way and still are. The government employees sector is not going to publicly unravel the Bigfoot mystery anymore than it has shown us the captured little people, the ETs. That will have to come from the government meaning "we, the people." Something profound happens to many people who become government employees especially the ones with power. Government employees are absolutely necessary, but because of the bizzarrely corrupting opportunities and incentives found in their jobs, they must be watched very closely by citizen review boards and the like. Too often, they are absurdly given jobs in which they are the fox who is supposed to guard the hen house. It's an impossibilty. Foxes don't guard hens. Foxes eat hens. Don't fall for the con that other foxes will supervise the hen house fox either. Look what happened to good cop Frank Serpico when he spilled the beans about police corruption in New York City (his call for backup was ignored, and he was shot apart and permanently disabled. Now, there's a man!)
    You may think I harp about government employees and politics too much, but you are wrong. It is absolutely essential that you understand how the world really works from someone who has been there, and has, frankly, been eaten alive by it. You must be able to see through the games and disinformation that I write about to protect Bigfoot and the other Wildmen scattered throughout the world - and to protect your family, friends, others, and yourself as well. I want you, yours, and the Wildmen to do well.
    "The Bigfoot Advocate" welcomes you at Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850. Class of 1968, William And Mary, Philosophy Major.

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