Thursday, February 12, 2015

Exceptional Person Walks To Bigfoot

    Exceptional Person Walks To Bigfoot: Story And Nick's Analysis. From the book Bigfoot Encounters In New York And New England by Robert and Paul Bartholomew. Published in 2008. Pages 70-71
    Two young men returned to their car after hiking out of the woods from a cookout at a camp. By the headlights of their car, Eric Durant and Frederick Perry saw the huge outline of a creature in some bushes fifty yards off the trail they had followed back to their car. The animal stood six to seven feet tall, had dark brown hair, and strange, glowing eyes. Both emphasized to the reporter that it stood on two legs, and they were sure it was not a bear. Frederick Perry got out of the car and walked toward it. The creature quickly disappeared in the dark. Perry's remark to his buddy was, "Whatever it was, it didn't look like it was going to harm you."
    Nick's Analysis: I can think of only one other incident of a human approaching the Bigfoot. Usually people are traumatized merely by seeing him, often forever.
For example, some hunters never hunt again. The other example happened in Australia when a Yowie - Australian Bigfoot- seized a baby whom the parents had put on the ground momentarily. The father ran after the Yowie, caught up with him, and pulled his child out of the Yowie's grasp. That ended it.
    Frederick Durant didn't have a father's courage and determination when he approached his Sasquatch- the American Bigfoot- but I am sure that as a young man of twenty-two, he had a high testosterone level and as a guest at a cookout in the woods, I suspect he was intoxicated. Both conditions aid in approaching the Boss Of The Woods. You may have noticed that the two men saw Bigfoot at the end of the trail where their car was parked. I would guess that the Big Boy was observing the party at the cookout and paralleled the two men out of the woods when they left the party. The reporting of glowing eyes in not unusual. It does not seem to be eye shine either. It is a mystery. Pennsylvania has the most reports of glowing eyes, usually red. Pennsylvania probably has the most UFO sightings of any state too. thanks you for your visit. It usually publishes a Bigfoot story and Nick's analysis every weekday. I will be happy to discuss your Bigfoot sightings with you or any comments or questions. Peter Nickerson at or phone 352-359-0850.

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