Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Chinese Man-Beast Stops Man

    Chinese Man-Beast Stops Man. Story And My Analysis. From the book The Evidence For Bigfoot And Other Man-Beasts published in 1984. Authors: Janet and Colin Bord from Britain. Page 64.
    In May, 1975, in Hubei Province, China, a thirty-five year old stableman
encountered a wildman. Gan Mingzhi reported, " I had heard some noise to my right. I turned and was stunned to see a giant creature standing not far from me. He had hair all over his body, and he was over six feet tall.  I cried out several times, 'Help! Help!' When I raised my stick to beat him, the wildman grabbed it. He also stepped on my left foot. I was very frightened. But the wildman began to smile, opening his mouth and closing his eyes. Then I felt the pressure on my foot somewhat lessen. So I dragged back my foot gradually and stepped sideways. Then I ran away."
    It is reported that Gan's fear caused him not to be able to talk for several weeks.
    Nick's Analysis: The Alma of the Caucusus is often cited as the most gentle of the wildmen, but the Chinese Bigfoot seems to be right there too. I've reported them cowering in the road in front of a car, being shot in the back and now grabbing a stick that he's about to be hit with and smiling. Hardly violent animals.The sense of humor that has been demonstrated by various wildmen around the world is shown by this creature's smiling and  closing his eyes at the Chinaman as if to say, "Gotcha!" The extreme fear that almost all people experience with close encounters with the Bigfoot - in this case, not being able to talk for weeks-is indicative of being psychologically overwhelmed by the Bigfoot. Men and women get attacked by big men, grizzly bears, and elephants and don't have the emotional sequelae they experience after seeing a Bigfoot. Is it because Bigfoot is a natural animal who is far more fear-inspiring than a grizzly or an elephant or is it because he is supernatural? Certainly, the difficulty in getting a clear picture is not shared with any other natural animal and points in the direction of either a hoax or something supernatural.
    On the other hand, the Patterson-Gimlin film of Patty was very good in some frames, and the recent southeastern Virginia video of a Bigfoot wading was crystal clear. Maybe the non-hunting population doesn't realize how difficult it is to get a clear shot with rifle, bow, or camera. Hunters could be pointing this out. However, hunters often don't want to stand out by saying Bigfoot exists. There's a lot of ribbing among macho hunters, and it's hard being it. appreciates your visit. It generally has a Wildman story and analysis each weekday. I would be happy to hear your genuine Bigfoot sighting. Peter Nickerson at

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