Thursday, February 5, 2015

Soldiers See Nguoi Rung In Vietnam

Elite soldiers see the Nguoi Rung ("the people of the forest") in South Vietnam. From the book Very Crazy G.I. (2000), by Kregg Jorenson, page 34.
    "As it stepped into the opening, the LRRP ( long range reconnaissance patrol) could see the matted red hair that ran down the creature's neck and covered most of its body. Whatever it was, it stood at least five feet tall, had broad shoulders, long thick muscular arms, and a heavy torso. "What the hell is that?" someone called out behind Gary Linderer.
    "It's a rock ape," said someone but another said he had seen rock apes and that wasn't one.
    Nick's Analysis: Supposedly, "rock ape" is what American soldiers called the
Nguoi Rung. This is the first time I have seen a report in which a soldier claimed there were two types of very hard to find apes in South Vietnam.
    A new report and analysis generally appears every week day. If you would like to discuss your Bigfoot sighting, please contact me, Nick Nickerson, at or 352-359-0850.

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