Thursday, November 20, 2014

Vermont Governor Loses Bigfoot And Re-election

Vermont governor loses Bigfoot and re-election. Governor Jonas Galusia served 1809-1812 and 1815-1820. A renowned hunter, during one re-election campaign he promised to personally shoot the famous Slippery Skin Bigfoot. The famous - at least statewide- Bigfoot was spotted in Maidstone so the good governor went there to kill it. It's not called hunting for nothing, and the governor, like so many other hunters who had tried, did not bag the well-named Slippery Skin. Not fulfilling his boastful campaign promise to kill the Bigfoot, the Vermonters held him accountable and did not re-elect him. Governor Galusia apparently forgot that you make all your extravagant campaign promises come due after you're elected not before. Page 59, from the book "Bigfoot Encounters In New York And New England" (2008) by Robert and Paul Bartholomew.

Wild Rabbit: In 1982 in Titusville, Florida, about five miles from Cape Canaveral, two developers started construction of a bridge across a quarter of an acre pond named Windover. Skulls were found but since they were not brought about by recent murders, state employees did nothing. Using their own funds, the two developers drained the pond and called in local archaeologists. Bones of 118 individuals were discovered. It was a water burial site with the corpses tightly wrapped in finely woven cloth [ American Indians did not weave cloth] and their heads had bands across them tied to stakes so their bodies would not float away. The oldest body was determined to be 8,280 years old. Since the cadavers were in acid neutral peat, the brain matter of 90 heads was preserved. X-rays, CTs, and MIRs showed that these people were 5'2" to 5'8."
In DNA testing, the genomes were found to contain Haplogroup X  which is a distinct marker only found in Caucasians of generally northern European origin. What were these white people doing in America 8,000 years ago, long before the so-called First Nation American Indians? Pages 291-294 from the book "Giants Who Ruled America" (2010) by Richard Dewhurst.

"Your Daily Bigfoot" at thanks you for your visit and hopes you will return Friday. These Wild Men and Women hanging onto existence in the few wild lands left on earth need your awareness and possible protection for their survival. Peter Nickerson, BA ( Philosophy, William and Mary, '68), MS, MSW.

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