Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Bigfoot And Ranger, Part ll

    The area had been scoured by two search and rescue (SAR) parties. Ironically,  Seeker, a trained rescue dog, had alerted during one of these searches to an air scent about 50 yards from where parts of Randy's skeleton were found five years later by a young hiker who conscientiously went over to pick up what he thought was refuse. In that search, Seeker, a giant Schnauzer, made a short run trying to be certain of what she was smelling in the air and fell into an iced-over lake. Struggling to avoid being swept under the ice, Seeker dog-paddled frantically around the hole in the ice trying to find a spot where her front paws could get traction. She beat lethal contests with the current, the slippery ice, and hypothermia and managed to pull herself out of the lake. Her handler thought her friend had been doomed to death. Since Seeker had a lacerated paw and was trembling from the cold and her near death, a helicopter evacuated her and her owner to assistance. In the handler's formal written report, she emphasized that Seeker had alerted to something right before falling into the icy water. The woman suggested that another dog team  be flown out to find out what it was. At times, there were four dog team searching, and several helicopters in the air. This was the park's biggest search. For unknown reasons, this suggestion was not followed up, and the National Park Service has never bothered to ask itself why. It doesn't want the public to know it made a mistake more than it wants to be sure it rectifies the mistake for the future missing persons.
    Also a helicopter with forward looking infrared (FLIR) was supposed to scan the area where Randy's remains were subsequently found. The crew wasn't able to do this because of high winds. By protocol the crew X-ed the area which meant that it hadn't been able to use FLIR in that area. No one followed up on that either. I'm making these observations so they don't happen to you if you are ever lost if the Park Service can move itself to clean up its act. David Paulides, author of the "Missing-411" trilogy has other, unbelievable criticisms about how the National Park Service treats its hikers for its own selfish reasons. Paulides wrote about Randy Morgensen's death as being highly suspicious and meeting his criteria for being caused by an unknown external force. This force is obviously Bigfoot though Paulides coyly places the naif. This keeps the suspense up, and the publications of his books going.
    From my reading about Bigfoot and other Bigfoot types, particularly the Yeti interacting with the Sherpas,I can say with confidence that Bigfoot enjoys trickery and mimicry. Many of the missing victims or their bodies turn up in areas previously scoured clean by search parties. Obviously, Bigfoot is placing them there after the searches and showing his superiority to our puny efforts in locating the missing. He may also be wanting to take the heat off his family and himself before they or their living space is found. There will be no more searching if the missing person or his body is found.
    In addition, it is difficult to see how Randy could have died in a one foot deep stream. Also, his radio was turned on, meaning he was trying to report something as he was about to be die. Reporting Bigfoot stalking him? Bigfoot encounters often involve humans being stalked by him. It probably is the least convoluted answer. If Seeker's report or the FLIR helicopter's report  had not been ignored by the National Park Service, we would know as the body would have been fresh enough to tell the story of its death. 

Reference: "The Last Season" (2006) by Eric Blehm. A great read.

"Your Daily Bigfoot: Sensational Titles But Backed With Facts." By Peter Nickerson. I would like to hear about your Bigfoot sightings. I am also interested in any lingering problems or unease you may have because of your sighting. Please call me at 352-359-0850. Thank you for your visit and see you tomorrow.

It is very important that you, your family, and friends keep an eye on Bigfoot to make sure he doesn't go the way of the American Indian.

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