Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Bigfoot Plays Games With Investigators

Bigfoot plays games with investigators: Homes built in the Blue Mountains just outside of Sydney, Australia at this point, at least, are only being built on the ridges. This leaves plenty of room for animals. The Australian Bigfoot, known as the Yowie, is becoming habituated to the homes and visits them for food, entertainment, and women. However, no women have been found missing- yet. Bigfoot still contents himself with merely watching them.

One home was having plenty of visits because the owners were putting out food for the Yowies. The male owner and a neighbor, a fearless biker, were trying to camera-hunt a Bigfoot they had named "Fat Foot" due to his wide track. They would step off the property and get into the thick bush where visibility was very short. The Bigfoot felt very secure in the bush. They had stalked Fat Foot so often, that it had become a game for him, and he would throw sticks and stones away from where he was to confuse the two men trying to follow him. In that the Bigfoot knew these two humans were no threat to him, tossing stones and sticks to baffle them indicates a sense of humor. You will see Bigfoot's humor in occasional stories. Most of the time, he is either simply moving on or trying to intimidate the humans out of his territory.  Page 206 from the book, "The Yowie" (2006) by Tom Healy and Paul Cropper.

"Your Daily Bigfoot" thanks you for your visit and hopes to see you here Wednesday. These Wild Men and Women hanging onto existence in lands being steadily developed for human use need your on-going awareness and possibly your protection for their survival.

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