Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Sherpas Atone For Hearing Bigfoot

Sherpas atone for hearing Bigfoot. Just hearing one of the Himalaya Bigfoot, the Meh-Teh, yelp is enough to make Sherpas come in to a Buddhist priest for an appeasement ceremony. Since Sherpas have almost no discretionary money, even paying a few rubles to the priests means that simply hearing the yelp of the Meh-Teh is taken extremely seriously. It is no joke, and Sherpas don't hallucinate. This ceremony is to ward off the bad luck that invariably comes from any contact with this Bigfoot, one of the two types found in the Himalaya. Contact is an ill-omen, a harbinger of bad luck. Pages 98-99 of "The Sherpa And the Snowman" (1955) by Charles Stonor.

Wild Rabbit: "Science increasingly acts as if it were a religion by relying on
authority rather than argument of evidence." Page 178 from "Red Earth, White Lies," (1995) by Vine Deloria, American Indian writer.

"Your Daily Bigfoot" at thanks you for your visit and hopes you will return Thursday. These Wild Men and Women hanging onto existence in the few wild lands left on earth need your awareness of them and your possible protection for their survival. Peter Nickerson, BA (Philosophy, William and Mary, '68), MS, MSW.

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