Wednesday, October 22, 2008

#76 John McCain, Say You Will Investigate!

Dick Morris is right: John should have said at his last debate with Obama that if he is elected he will investigate for any criminal activity the Wall Street executives and the Congressmen involved with the financial meltdown. He does not have to say that these Congressmen were Democrats. Dick Morris said this would focus the great anger Americans feel about the 70 billion dollar bailout on the people who were involved in it instead of the Republican Party. To me, it is more important that the leader of our country have the integrity and energy to call for such an investigation. Obama isn't going to do it because Democrats were involved in it, and he got the second-most money from Fannie Mae in way of campaign contributions. You have tremendous anger by Americans about what has happened yet neither one of our Presidents-to-be proposes an investigation! Talk show host, Michael Savage, is right. It is unvelievable. Obama and his party are dirty; that's why he's not calling for an investigation. But what is John's problem? Is it once again the fact that he has no ideology? Do you even have to have an ideology to know that if you are running for president and the country is fighting to avoid a financial meltdown, you, of course, call for an investigation and promise that you will pursue any criminal charges if you are elected? How can something so simple, so strong, not be seen by McCain? Is he not doing it because his campaign manager, Frank Davis, is a Fannie Mae man himself? Is McCain going to lose this election to hide the truth about his campaign manager? I thought it was "Country First," John. Let's get it done, John McCain. This is probably your last chance to pull out a victory. Already some of the Democratic pundits on Fox are saying you are going to lose so badly that you will be a national disgrace. Don't do that to America and yourself. You know the saying - "Crazies on the left, and wimps on the right." Prove them wrong. Announce that you as president will launch an exhaustive, but fair investigation on the CEOs and the Congressmen involved in the financial meltdown to see if they did anything criminal. If they did, you will prosecute. Do it now, John!

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