Friday, October 17, 2008

#72 More Like A Pit Bull Without Lipstick

McCAIN'S CAMPAIGN: There is support for McCain's plan to use 300 of the 700 billion dollar bailout for loans to homeowners so they can avoid defaulting their mortgages. Sheila Bair, the Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Coroporation, said, " We're attacking it at the institutional level as opposed to the borrower level, and it's the borrower defaulting. That is what's causing the distress at the institutional level. So why not tackle the borrower problem?"
Former FDIC Chairman William Isaac said he agreed: "One of the things we need to do is slow down the foreclosures."
This appeared in the "Wall Street Journal" yesterday.
FREEDOM'S VIGIL: I had given up on McCain and wrote notes from "Liberal Fascism" by Jonah Goldberg while the third debate was on. I heard the debate but I didn't look up at the television screen until John - God bless his heart! - gathered up his courage and began listing the dark sides of Obama's associates. He even mentioned the children Obama was killing in Illinois. John was soft about it, like a pit bull puppy's bite, but I saw promise there that he would grow up to set a bite and not let go until all the questions had been answered truthfully by Obama or John had shown the falseness of Obama's answers. But time is so short! I suggest he hand this over to Sarah. If John had just said, "Senator Obama, with your friends and associates, if you applied for a federal job, you couldn't pass the security clearance." That comment would have won a place in history and maybe the presidency too. It's late, but not too late: John or Sarah can still say it and must! I credit Dick Morris for the idea.
There was one lie and possibly another one by Obama in the debate: The lie is his statement that we "have to borrow $700 billion from Red China to pay for our gas each year." The government does not pay for our gas, we individuals do. This is just another example of Obama's blindness toward the individual and his obsession with his proposed God-state. You don't think there was any religion in Obama's church which was headed by Reverend Wright, do you? It looked like an hour of anti-white hate to me, and by both the minister and the congregation. It looked more like a tribal war dance on the eve of a battle against the whites. I never saw any Christianity being talked about or practiced. The possible lie is Obama assertion that there was already a law to protect newly-born infants. I hear this law had so many loopholes in it that it was almost worthless. I saw Obama opposing the second law because as he said, "it would put an undue burden on doctors and mothers." He sounds like he was indeed protecting doctors and mothers from being stopped in the murdering of newly-born children. Don't let this one go, Sarah and John. Develop it some more. Also let's look into Odinga associating with Obama on almost a daily basis while he joined the Islamofascists in Kenya to rebel against the government after he couldn't get elected. Democrats are liars and taxers. All you have to do is shine the light of truth on them in a sustained way, and Honest John and Pitbull
Sarah will win this country away from the liberal fascists.
Two-Guns at

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