I realized that the financial crisis was caused by the Democrats successfully pushing affirmative action in housing for unqualified blacks when Charles Krauthammer of "The National Review" pointed out on Fox News that most of the bad loans for mortgages were issued to blacks. These bad loans, though only 4 percent of all loans made, have put the financial world into a financial crisis that may affect you, honored reader. Blacks are the preferred group of the Democratic Pary, and when President Bush, John McCain, and even the "Wall Street Journal" called for reforms to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to stop these bad loans, they were vehemently opposed by Democrats including Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd, and a phalanx of black Democrats like Maxine Waters and Barack Obama. All these Democrats lied that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were in good shape and stopped the reform being proposed by the Republicans. To dig America out of the credit crisis, a $700 billion dollar bailout, opposed overwhelmingly by individual Americans, was apparently necessary and did pass Congress and was signed into law by President Bush.
Now the American dollar is even weaker, and we may have to depend upon Red China to buy more of our dollars to hold up the worldwide economy. This will give Communist China more influence over us. There is even the chance that the Democrats have gone too far in poisoning the financial markets with these bad home loans and the $700 billion bailout will not work, resulting in a global depression.
Here we are, Americans: We have the preferred group mentality of the Democrat-just like the Nazis had their preferred group, the Aryans- giving us affirmative action for blacks which is simply reverse discrimination for whites. First it was affirmative action for admission into college and employment. Now it is affirmative action for blacks in housing. The next step for the Democrats is to give the blacks and illegal aliens affirmative action in health care by way of the government taking over health care. All this is being or will be paid over the bent backs of suffering whites.
The Democrats love power over you, honored reader. That means you, the individual. To gain that power over you, the Democrats have triangled in slavery which has not existed in American for about 150 years. Even when slavery was alive, only one out of every ten adult males had slaves. The irony is that slavery was legalized in America by a free black man in Virginia who had blacks working for him and went to court to contest treating blacks brought from Africa as indebted servants who came to America willingly and worked several years to pay off the cost of their boat passage from Europe and the cost of a small grubstake to get started with in America. This free black argued that his blacks did not come to leave Africa as free men but as slaves and should remain so in America for their entire lives. This was upheld by the Virginia court, and slavery was begun in America. By a black man!
But even if your great-great grandfather did own slaves - which is extremely doubtful not only because of the one-tenth rule but also because most American families immigrated to America after the Civil War - you are not your great-great grandfather. It is insane that you should be punished for what your great-great grandfather did. This is part of the organic theory of all collectivist philosophies - the idea that there is an undifferentiated ego mass that lives forever. In reality, there are only individuals who are now living about seventy years. It is insane that you should be punished by pro-black, anti-white discrimination in college admissions, job opportunities, and now
$700 billion for housing because of what some other white people did 150 years ago. The Democrates have created a triangle. On the first side of the triangle you have the blaming, lying Democrats. On the second side, you have the blacks whose great-great-grandparents may have been slaves in America. On the third side of the triangle, you have the white devil who is supposed to be ashamed of himself for what "he" did 150 years ago. You, the white devil, are expected to suspend rational thought and believe the con. That way you will be the odd man out in the triangle -every interpersonal triangle has an odd man out- and as the white devil you will deserve punishment for what you did 150 years ago. As the Democrats punish you by giving preferred treatment to blacks, the Democrats and blacks will cozy up to each other.This is not good for whites because they are being discriminated against; it is not good for blacks because they are getting into colleges, jobs, and houses they are not qualified to be in and they fail; finally, it is not good for the Democrats because it allows them to do bad, hurtful things to whites and blacks. You need to break out of the Democrat-enslaved blacks-guilty whites triangle. You need to tell the Democrats by your vote that you will no longer tolerate blacks being the preferred group or anyone being the preferred group. Obama is currently tring to make you believe that the middle class is his preferred group, but it isn't. Blacks are. You need to tell the Democrats by your vote that we are all equal before God and the law. We are all individuals. No more preferred groups like the Nazis had. No more special treatment for blacks. No more discrimination toward whites. No more 700 billion dollars bailouts from the taxpayers! Vote Republican! Vote John McCain!
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com
Monday, October 6, 2008
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