Saturday, June 24, 2017

Vermont Selectboard Un-Candidate #29

     Two acts of intolerance have surfaced this week. The first was a show of intolerance to plastic bags that your purchases are put into at retail stores like grocery stores or sporting goods stores. The Brattleboro Selectboard voted last Tuesday to ban the bags. The only reasons I heard given were that soon there would be more plastic in the oceans than fish. Another board member said that bad, toxic things were happening to the earth in the production of these bags. It was obvious that plastic bags are evil according to the board's gospel because that was it regarding the need for such draconian legislation. Now it goes to public comment before being sealed in shackles for the common man.
     Since I don't have TV and my only paper is the Wall Street Journal, bags may be an ecological catastrophe and not the latest socialist hysterics now that it seems the witch hunt for Trump and the Russian's collaboration is over, and people who think are asking what did Obama do about his knowledge that the Russians were snooping around electronically into our election procedures, and why didn't he tell the common man? Because he's an elite, and we're not? So I need to learn more about bag pollution, but I intuitively don't like having my freedom of choice taken away by the local, state, and federal government employees. It's like death from a thousand piranha bites!
     The other intolerance came by way of a man in Stoddard, New Hampshire, charged with a public nuisance, I think the overblown charge was. His crime?
He had been feeding the black bears. We humans take away almost all their land, and expect there's enough food left for them to survive unless they're subsidized by generous humans? That's crazy thinking!
     Also, this man is a half a mile from his nearest neighbor. How can he be creating a public nuisance when there is no public. More craziness! In addition, there have been no complaints from his neighbors.
     We must help the other species we are killing off. In addition, the poor man was also charged with not being cooperative with the game warden! Did he forget to kiss the game warden boots? Just how cooperative do you have to be with someone you think is doing you harm and wrong? You going to beat the man who struggles at his hanging? What kind of human would do that? It sounds like the Soviet Union! Let's remember that these are the people who laughed at the everyday man's reports of panthers until trail cameras came out. There is nothing wrong with feeding wildlife. It is the right thing to do. It is horrible what we are doing to the wild plants and animals. They need all the help they can get.
     I camera-hunt for Bigfoot so I hope there's no going to be any low retribution for what I've written here. Are we professionals or thugs?
Peter Nickerson, Philosophy Major

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