Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Vermont Selectboard Un-Candidate #28

     First, a word to my fans; Bigfoot apparently picked my pocket up in Hancock, New Hampshire because I haven't been able to find my cell phone since that camera-hunt. My budget doesn't allow me to replace it until next month. Will check my email at Be sure to leave me your address.
     I did participate at the selectboard meeting last night. The Reformer apparently didn't publish my letter to the editor so I made copies of it, dropped off a couple of them at the town clerk's office for their reading enjoyment and then gave copies out at the town manager's office for him and the five selectmen.
I then got to my safe spot by the doorway and waited for the meeting to begin. "Diversity" advocates came in, less this time, but still with little signs that they didn't flourish. Because, I was worked up and generally have CRS, the rest of the diversity even is sketchy, but I did stand up and note that diversity didn't seem to be so diverse since all I had heard was black, female, and lesbian diversity. I said that I had phobias and so did nine percent of the population. I ended with saying, "I am old school. What is the definition of diversity?"
     Peter, the town attorney, answered first by saying that it was defined in the memo handed out at the previous meeting and then defined it. He mentioned "protected" classes, which seemed so un-American that fat cat senators owned by international corporations would dare to divide Americans by legislation to make some groups more "protected" -which is doublespeak for more privileged- than others. So I arose from my seat, went back to the mike, my speaking phoba already beginning to close down my throat- and said that I was "galled" about only hearing about black, homosexuality, and females. Then I turned, pointed at my empty seat by the door, and croaked, "I have to sit by the door! I can't go to the front of the bus!" and retreated to the safety of said seat.
     Selectman John Allen then said that the board was aware that there were many diverse groups, and the three that were being talked about were the only ones that had come forward.
     For the individualists, not the groupers, diversity has been a hated word since it recognizes groups, not people. Individualists know that there is no such thing as a group in reality. It is a man-made term, a mental construct. Groupers love the term because they dislike individuals and reality and much prefer to operate in the la-la land of groups. That way groupers can also hide their contempt for the individual too- by displaying love for groups (that don't exist).
     In addition to hating the grouper's ostentacious worship of diversity, I propose we individualists, be the adults in the room and point out how diverse, diversity is. It's not just black, homosexuals, and females. It's any group. Count the groups; they're endless. Insist on their recognition as well as the tired old threesome: blacks, females, and homosexuals. For my part, since I take two antidepressants, I am going to find out about the depression group. That's what ninety-five percent of the population?
     The kids with the diversity cards need a wider perspective on life. I found it repugnant that kids in the pink of health can be wailing about "microagressions" and other psychiatric symptoms when I can barely get into the room. Hold the line, adults!
Peter Nickerson,  Yes, Two-Guns is alive and firing with both guns!

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