Saturday, April 15, 2017

Title IX Coordinators: Your Son's Nemesis

     I am worrying about the damage and suffering inflicted upon innocent college teenage boys and young men by the on-campus Salem Witch Trials in which the due process is immaturely ignored, and everything almost possible is done to convict these university men and to minimize the paper trail that would incriminate the Title IX coordinators, the college administrators, and the college as a whole. The wholly appropriate charge for these bad actors would be the civil right abuses of the charged male students. This is not futuristic thinking; numerous universities have been so charged, and the plaintiffs have won or settled for money. The problem is that we, the people, cannot afford the tens of thousands of dollars it would cost to protect our sons if we ascertained he was not guilty of sexual assault. Because of the costs of lawyers, the justice system is not available to we, the people, except in the most rudimentary terms, such as a court appointed lawyer or asking the attorney not to make a defense but to seek other courses as deferred prosecution or a plea bargain.
     Not having a the justice system available to us because we can't afford the $250 an hour bar-passed lawyer is intolerable. The legal case is our case, not the lawyer's, the judge's, or anyone else. It our case, not yours. We have a perfect moral right to have anyone we wish to represent us. It is time, we, the people, we, the government, decided that the monopoly bar-passed attorneys
have on who can represent us is wrong and cruel because it denies us access to the courts. I urge you to reform this barbaric law. Meanwhile, save money for a lawyer if you have a son in college.
     I sent the above to the Brattleboro Reformer in Brattleboro, Vermont where I live. This is Bernie Sander's state. Bernie is a socialist who believe that under a dictator complete social conditioning will produce the perfect Socialist Person.
I, on the other hand, champion the sanctity of the individual and his civil rights.
A lot of people call that "right wing." I don't know if the Brattleboro Reformer 
would publish a right wing letter to the editor that was not laughably loony. Mine isn't unless it gets edited to look that way.  352-359-0850  Philosophy Major '68

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