Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Vermont Select Board Un-Candidate #8

     I have already been given a lying, petty smear by the establishment - the Brattleboro Reformer no less. Let me show you and then tell you why they did it:
Lettter to the Editor
Brattleboro Reformer
"Dear Editor:
     Since you published a letter from someone who didn't like you calling a female a "girl," I am confident you will publish this letter and correct yourself. In the weekend edition, April 22-23, you wrote about me in your front page banner story and ran a picture that included me sitting behind the eloquent Indian speaker, Rich Holsuch. I'm the guy right by the exit door where I like to be as one of my phobias with panic attacks is being in meetings. In the article, you wrote that after the Select Board changed the Columbus Day Holiday to Indigenous Peoples' Day to honor the Indians, Asian immigrants, living in America before the dreaded white man came. Make no mistake; the white man did dreadful things to the Indian, and he is still doing them to the Indian and about 20.000 species of animals and plants. The most important thing is taking their land. Increasingly, animals have to live in the median strips.
     Then you write 'About 10 minutes later, when the board was being given the town's monthly report, resident Pete Nickerson wondered whether the name of the holiday should have stayed the way it was.' This was not an accurate description of what happened. It is calling a woman a girl. I make this objection because I am trying to run for the Select Board in spite of having phobias that include meetings and public speaking. I want to try to experience those facets of life even if I have to put up with panic attacks or just having to try to fight them down.
     The facts are that the board  was not being given the financial report when I brought up the Indigenous Peoples' vote: We heard the report, and then the Chairwoman asked for comments. At that time, I raised my hand, walked up to the microphone and cameras (you can see this on video, I'm sure unless Nixon destroyed the tapes) and told the chairwoman that she hadn't allowed discussion of the motion before it was passed. She said I was right but then said something about else. I think it was about a prior meeting of 150 people to discuss the motion. I'm not sure; I was too nervous about being in the meeting and doing public speaking. After she said that, she paused, and I took that opportunity to assert my brief, rustic objections as a 'southern rebel.'" To Be Continued
Peter Nickerson  peternickerson12@yahoo.com 352-359-0850 Open door at my
McDonald's "office" M-Th at 9:05 and F at 8:05 pm

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