Tuesday, January 7, 2014

What's Better And Worse In The News With American Income And German Pain

    First, the vegetables and then dessert. You heard here that the age span of Americans during the Obama administration has declined. That is, people are dieing sooner rather than longer for the first time in American history. Also under Obama the median income of the poorest twenty percent -the bottom quintile- of Americans has declined from $11,552 in 2008 which was the height of the recession to $11,490 in 2013. That's a loss of almost $500 in five years. This is just one more example of Obama being the cause of a situation that he publicly deplores and tries to blame someone else for. It is time for a change.
  How can pain be getting better in Germany? If you medicate it. German surgeons have long held the tradition that if they know you will be getting over the pain in a few days, they won't subscribe any pain medication for those few days. What's a few days of agony if they're not feeling it? This autocratic, inhuman practice is being challenged now with about 120 hospitals in Germany pledging to keep pain at a bearable level. Aren't they nice? Don't get hurt or have an operation in Germany. They're still nuts.
    These commentaries have been based upon news from the Wall Street Journal, American's most trustworthy national newspaper.
    Peter Nickerson. Not a Republican or a Democrat but an Evidentist.

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