Monday, January 13, 2014

What's Better And Worse In The News For Navy Seals, Immigration, And Catching Medicare Fraud

    This item comes from reading  Patrick Robinson's book, "Honor and Betrayal." What's worse is that for the first time in reading Seal books, I found a Seal who betrayed his brothers. He was a Navy chief who was the assistant of the base commander and on the basis of all the evidence supporting the innocence of three accused Seals except for the charges of a Muslim madman, he demeaned, threatened, and humiliated the three Seals. Contrary to what the author seemed to think, we believe Obama was behind the perfidy because Obama is pro-Muslim.
    Finding something that's better about immigration has been a rare treat. What's better is that researchers have found that a young society has a much greater rate of entrepreneurship or coming up with new products or services and starting businesses. This burst of economic activity by young people keeps a nation's economy growing which benefits everyone. Since immigrants are usually younger people than the population of the nation they are entering, immigration should bring about new ideas and inventions, innovations and consequent prosperity to the host country.The authors do give examples but critical thinking makes us wonder, in general,  how many innovators are going to come from the mass of uneducated, backward people streaming across our borders from the Americas. Won't they be old before they catch up?
  A report from the Inspector General of Health And Human Services suggests that all doctors who bill Medicare more than $3 million a year be audited. When the Inspector General audited a sample of doctors billing over $3 million, he found a little more than half required action and there was a total of $39 million in Medicare overpayments. Obama is considering this suggestion to audit big Medicare chargers. While this is a positive development, it seems rather elementary to us.
    With the exception noted, our commentaries were based upon news from the Wall Street Journal, America's most trusted national newspaper.
    Peter Nickerson  Neither a Republican nor a Democrat, but an Evidentist. We didn't serve in Vietnam so this is our fight for America.

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