What's Better?
Mark Thompson, a former Marine and presently a State Department employee, is saying that Hillary Clinton tried to keep the Counter-Terrorism Bureau at the State Department out of the Benghazi Alamo situation as it was happening. This will be testified to Congress beginning this Wednesday at a Congressional hearing. There is also another whistleblower who says the same thing as Mark Thompson about Hillary trying to keep the Counter-Terrorism Bureau out of the Benhazi Massacre. May these two men keep their courage up! Mark Thompson has said, " You should have seen what Clinton tried to do to us that night!"
You can expect the lying liberals to do everything they can to save Obama and Hillary from this. In fact, I heard this afternoon that Press Secretary, Jay Carney, was already demeaning the whistleblowers. Another example of this administration making war on the American citizen. You know, us colonists and crusaders. Rememer when Sean Hannity tried to get the word out about Obama being against an State of Illinois bill to give aid to newborns whom their loving mothers tried to abort? Democrats hysterically asked Sean, "How dare you say such a terrible, unthinkable thing about Senator Obama?" It put Hannity on the defensive, and he back off. Let's not do that with Obama and Hillary over Benghazi. Just reply, " I can say it because it is the truth. Are you willing to deal with the truth?"
Today, Rush Limbaugh said to the astonishment of his staff that Obama and Hillary did not want the men at the Benghazi consulate to die. I say that Obama was willing to let the men die at Benghazi rather than sending in reinforcements to help because he didn't want to call any more attention to Benghazi than necessary. He wanted it to be seen as just a protest that got out of hand rather than a determined, planned assault on the consulate. The four men, including an American ambassador, were "necessary losses" for his re-election.
This is exactly what happened to the newborn babies back in Illinois in 2001. Obama wanted the pro-choice vote. To ensure that, he showed the pro-choice ( pro-abortion) organizations such as Planned Parenthood that he supported abortion so much that he would withhold help to new-borns (ignoring them until they died of thirst or exposure) if their mothers had wanted them aborted and the babies (now American citiizens) had the gall to be born alive and not dead. Obama withheld assistance from these newborn babies just as he withheld assistance from the men at Benghazi - one American ambassador, two Navy Seals, and one State Department employee. History is prelude.
Anyone can be sacrificed to Obama's ambitions because he is a great person, superior to the rest of us. Rush is wrong. Obama wanted these men to die rather than to jeopardize his re-election. If Obama hadn't wanted them to die, he would have sent in help. Hillary didn't object or resign because she wanted the Obama vote if she runs for president in 2016.
The evil will continue unless we, the people, vote in politicians with better principles and character. That takes being moral yourself and being informed. Both are doable.
Peter Nickerson, Gainsesville, Florida 352-359-0850
Monday, May 6, 2013
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