What's Better With Rand Paul?
Rand Paul is asking his Congressional committee to apologize to the Apple executives for their hostility. Most members of the committee are greedy and want Apple to bring to America $110 billion dollars it has made outside of America, not inside of America. So why should they pay the exorbitant American corporate tax of 35 percent? They shouldn't. This is just thuggery on the part of pompous, greedy politicians who want to take money from whomever has it. If only there were term limits so these politicians would have to sell a service or a product for money instead of permanently living on the money they seize from us, the people, through taxes, fines, penalties, and any other means they can dream up. Don't think that just because you consider yourself poor, you don't have things that can be taken. Mao liquidated the peasants who had property so those who had no land could have theirs. Stalin starved to death the peasants who had advanced tools, the kulaks. If you looked at either of these two groups of people, you would rightly say they had nothing. It could happen to you even if you think you have nothing.
What's Better With the American Indians?
First, American Indians are no more "Native Americans" than you and I are. Their ancestors came from Asia across the Bering Strait to Alaska when there was a land bridge at the strait. What is better for them is that if Obama is telling the truth ( always a consideration with him), his pre-dominantly white mother was part Indian. I found this in his first autobiography,"Dreams From My Father" (narcissisitic people have to have more than one autobiography). This means that Obama may be the first American president with American Indian blood. Congragulations, American Indians!
Warning: If you are only reading this for positive news, stop now!
What's Worse With The Justice Department?
The No-Justice Department has written a letter of guidelines about sexual harassment to the University of Montana that it says should be adopted by all colleges and universities in America. Possibly, the craziest thing about it is that universities can discipline the alleged sexual harasser before the investigation is completed! In other words, punish the accused before he's even found guilty. This is liberalism at work. It is a faith not based on evidence but contrary to evidence. It is not rational but irrational. This is just one more example of its irrationality. These people need thorazine and a long rest for they are clearly delusional.
What's Worse For Women In India?
Sexual and physical violence are increasing for Indian women with kidnappings rising 74 per cent in four years. The only decrease is sexual harassmennt which is down 24 per cent. Recently, a state court found 30 men who had raped and kidnapped a teen-age girl not guilty because she was a "deviant." The court determined she was a deviant because once she had lied to her parents by giving money to a friend and instead of using it for school expenses. Also, she appeared to be making plans to go somewhere with a male friend for whom she had no plans of marriage and family life. You can see how viciously anti-female that state court was. Fortunately, the 30 men's acquittal for rape and kidnapping was overturned by a supreme court last January.
P.S. I told a member of my men's group about the issue of Jesus killing children. He said it wasn't Jesus but God. But God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are a triad. I don't accept that God would approve of killing children but Jesus wouldn't. They're supposed to be one in all and all in one, aren't they? This member of my men's group pointed out that God had killed a couple of hundred Syrians who were about to attack the good guys. I said that was okay. Then he told me of another child God had killed. I simply told him, "You don't kill children." What was he to say, " Yes, you do kill children"? He should have supported me, but he wouldn't. He just shook his head and walked away. That was not very courageous intellectually. But what am I, a weak, fearful person, doing being so brave? Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW Gainesville, Florida 352-359-0850 Sources: Wall Street Journal, Gainesville Sun, talk show hosts Cain, Limbaugh, Morrison, Dean,Savage, and trying to read widely.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
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