Friday, May 31, 2013

What's Better And What's Worse In The News

* What's Better With Phobias?
  The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota is teaching parents of phobic teenagers to give up their protective roles by becoming their childrens' "exposure coaches" by using gradual desensitizaton techniques.The therapists show the parents how to help their children. This allows the parents to do the "coaching" that most could never pay a therapist to do. This democratization of therapy can be tremendously beneficial for many Americans considering that it has been estimated that as many as 25 per cent of Americans have at least one phobia.
  Also, Mayo is offering an anxiety app - AnxietyCoach 4.99 for iphones.
* What's Better For Fido?
  If you're like me, and your dogs want you to share whatever you're eating, Yaff Bars may appeal to you. They contain no killer chocolate for Fido's sake.
* What's Worse For England?
  BBC newsman Nick Robinson was apparently made to aplogize for the describing the two men who butchered the British soldier, Lee Rigby, because he had referred to them as " of Muslim appearance."
The two men had used a butcher knife and meat cleaver to behead and disembowel the soldier and had been shouting "Allahu akbar!" Of course, they weren't of Muslim appearance. There are also disgusting videos on YouTube of British police running like frightened rabbits from Muslims in England. Haven't the British learned from Chamberlain that appeasement does not work and that cowardice only encourages violence? The lamb calls to the wolf. Is this the same national lack of character that allowed only 20 German divisions to quickly conquer 100 French divisions and the British Expeditionary Force at the beginning of World War ll?
* Knowledgeable Fact: Khrushchev's oldest son was shot down as a pilot on a secret mission. The plane was never found so that was tantamount to being a traitor for the ruling Communist Party. Famillies of traitors were exiled to work camps or mines. Therefore, Khrushchev's daughter-in-law was arrested and exiled to an isolated camp or mine in Russia. After Stalin's death, hundreds of thousands of prisoners were released including the daughter-in-law who was declared "rehabilitated." From the book, "The Unknown Stalin."
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW  Gainesville, Florida 352-359-0850
Sources: Wall Street Journal, Gainesville Sun, talk show hosts Cain, Limbaugh, Morrison, Dean, Savage, and reading widely.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

What's Better And Worse In The News?

What's Better For George Zimmerman?
  Zimmerman's lawyer says that evidence has been withheld.
A court employee deleted text messages from Trayvon Martin's cellphone and has been placed on administrative leave. It would be interesting to know if the court worker was black.
What's Better For Bigfoot?
  The intrepid hunter, Two-Guns, gives this report: Bigfoot Hunt #8 - On this large tract of land in Florida, I checked out two spots where there were supposed to be fishing thinking they would serve as a hiding place, a means for travel, and a food source for Bigfoot. These two areas were deep in the woods, requiring four wheel drive. At one point, the road was so rough that everything on the dashboard fell off. Whoopee! Another time, I got out to check for tracks. The ground was so rough I couldn't walk since I have dead bone in one knee. The knee simply wasn't strong enough. I fought feeling blue about that and got back into the truck.The fishing areas were big disappointments. They were simply sharp curves in a creek that was currently only about two feet deep with the water moving briskly. The creeks themselves were about six feet deep and six feet wide so it was obious that they carried a hug volume of water at times. Just not today. I found no evidence - fishing line, bait packages, floats - that they were ever used as fishing holes.
  Later in the afternoon, the breeze laid down, and the animals started coming out. I saw a male cardinal, 5 doves, and a Red-Headed Woodpecker, who used to share his distinctive white back wings with the extinct Ivory-Billed Woodpecker. The Ivory-Billed was made extinct by the double whammy of commercial hunting in the late 19th Century (private collections of stuffed birds were very popular at the time) and the cutting of virgin trees ( the Ivory-Billed only ate the boring worms in the bark and outer areas of wood. Thus, he needed a constant supply of old trees dying.)
  Juast at sunset, I was driving along a ridge and came upon a deep ravine perpendicular to the ridge. I stopped the truck to look at turkey tracks on the road. As soon as I opened the door, turkeys flushed from the ravine below me. They flew into the pine trees to roost. Since they were below me, I got to look down on them as the flew up. This was a novel perspective in flat Florida. It was a beautiful sight seeing their rich brown backs and wings against the deep green of the bushes below them. I was unable to find them in my camera as they flew which was frustrating and showed I needed more practice.
  It was dark when I reached a hard paved road. Just as I got to the road, a game warden suddenly out of nowhere appeared at my open window and shined a light into my face. I thought he was taking a little long to get the light out of my face but realized later that he was getting a good look at my camera on a shooting stick lying on my lap.
  He asked, "Putting the turkeys to bed?"
  "No, actually I'm looking for Bigfoot."
   "Did you find him?"
   "No, but I did have an interesting experience. About a couple of hundred yards in front of me I saw what looked like a hunter in camouflage overalls running across the road. But he didn't have a gun, and when I drove up to where he went in, there were no roads or paths. But there are a hundred possibilities before being a Bigfoot."
  We said a few sentences about turkey hunting, and I told him where there were an obscene number of long-beards. He agreed, and now there was respect in his voice. I wasn't just a crazy Bigfooter. I stopped at a pizza place in town and got a report from one of the drivers about a black panther being seen in the same land I had been in. Part of the ride back was in land where Bigfoot had been seen. I counted seven deer.
I drove between two, one on each side of the narrow road. I noticed the one on my left looking longily at the one on my right so I quickly slowed down without slamming on the brakes and making the deer bolt . The deer on the left stayed where he was and spared both my little truck and himself. Another Bigfoot Hunt completed. No Bigfoot but I am now one hunt closer to seeing him.  Peter Nickerson Gainesville, Florida  352-359-0850

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What's Better And What's Worse In The News?

What's Worse For George Zimmerman?
  George Zimmerman is getting muzzled in court. Trayvon Martin's drug use and his history of fights will not be allowed. If you have to decide between the conflicting testimony of two people, what is the best indicator for human behavior? The past. The past is prelude. Of course, it is not always true. People change and people do things out of the ordinary way of doing things.Yet it is still the best, though fallible, indicator of what took place in the past and of what will take place in the future.
What's Better For Rush Limbaugh?
  Rush Limbaugh made an excellent point during his show. He said that the Republicans think the Democrats are just people with bad ideas whereas the Democrats think the Republicans are the scum of the earth.
You see the battle is being fought on two, very different battlefields. The Republicans fight their battle intellectually while the Democrats fight theirs emotionally and totally. The Republicans want to get you to change your thinking in some areas while the Democrats demonize the Republicans and fight total war just as the communists did under Mao and Stalin and do today under Castro, for instance. This is also the stance of radical Islam that says "Convert or die!" Democrats are today totalitarian while Republicans want a limited government whose functions are more those of protecting you rather than telling you what you are going to do and monitoring you to make sure you do.
It's the choice between liberty and slavery. For adult children who have never had parents who were task-masters but pals, the concept of slavery is very hazy and not emotionally vivid. Authoritarianism makes them think they are cared for, that they finally have real parents. For adult children who have had stern, unyielding parents who had lots of chores for them, the choice is much clearer and  the concept of slavery is much more alive.
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW Gainesville, Florida  352-359-0850
Sources: Wall Street Journal, Gainesville Sun, talk show hosts Limbaugh, Cain, Morrison, Dean, Savage, and wide reading.

What's Better And What's Worse In The News

What's Better For Patriots?
  A high-ranking, hard-faced IRS official, Lois Lerner, comes to the House Committee On Oversight And Government Reform and makes a statement and then tells her side of the story. When questioned, she pulls out the Fifth Amendment. Too late! More incompetence and we-are- special attitudes from the demonic-crats. Surely, this won't be the end of it. Surely, Chairman Issa will get her back.
What's Better With Movies?
  At last, something that is beyond money in addition to being something everyone, rich to poor, can have. Arnold Schwarzenegger in "Last Stand" said it when he was offered $10 million to help the fugitive head of a Mexican drug cartel cross the border. To the $10 million offer, Arnold replied, "It's not worth my honor."
  "Last Stand" was also very valuable in showing the power of the drug cartels as they make inroads into America. With almost unlimited funds, there was nothing the drug cartel could not buy until it ran into a sheriff of honor at the Arizona-Mexico border. However, there's only one Arnold. Besides, as the movie made clear, the fugitive could have taken a plane or heliocopter back to Mexico after escaping from the DEA in a firefight the DEA had no chance of winning. The fugitive cartel head only tried to drive a souped-up Corvette to Mexico as a show of arrogance and contempt.
  The meta-message of the video was that America will be completely vulnerable to whatever the drug cartels want to do in America if they want to spend the money to get it done. The currency of most men and women is not honor but money. Like Israel with Iran's nuclear bomb, America needs to make a pre-emptive strike against the cartels by legalizing drugs and thus, putting the cartels out of business. Like Israel with Iran's bomb, before it becomes irrevocable.
What's Worse? Another Stimulus!
  Mr. Wolf of the Rand Corporation says another stimulus will be worse for the following reasons: 1. When government engages in spending money that is borrowedc, businesses and people naturally think that borrowing means higher taxes are coming next. They decide to save some money if they can for the taxes. No mystery there excepted for Liberals blinded by their faith in growing government. American businesses have put away $2 trillion. American people have increased their savings rate somewhat and decreased their household spending a lilttle, about 8 per cent. Thus, instead of stimulating the economy, businesses and people have responded to the stimulus by pulling money out of the economy. 2. When the government passed the stimulus, many laws, rules, and regulations came with it. These things put a brake on spending as people try to figure what they are all about and how damaging they are to business. 3. Americans are now spending more abroad by an increase of $500 billion over what they spent out of country in 2007. Other countries simply look better when America assumes more debt and increases laws, rules, and regulations on business.
------------------------------------------------------------------------What's Worse                                                                                                                                                        The Readers' Digest just completed a poll of the top 100 most trusted people. Tom Hanks was number one. Does anyone know anything about Tom Hanks besides his roles in movies? What's to trust about actors? They look, talk, and move according to instructions. The bad news for Obama is that he placed number 65 in most trusted people.
Quote Of The Day:
  "He (Obama) put a target on our backs, and now he's going to blame  the people who are shooting at us?" Frank VanderSloot
------------------------------------------------------------------------Knowledgeable Fact:
  "The current levels of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere, approaching 400 parts per million, are low by the standards of geological and plant evolutionary history. Levels were 3,000 parts per million (ppm) or more, until the Paleogene Period (beginning about 65 million years ago)." "In Defense Of Carbon Dioxide" by Harrison Schmit and William Happer, Wall Street Journal, p. A19 5-9-13
------------------------------------------------------------------------Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW  Gainesville, Florida 352-359-0850
Sources: Wall Street Journal, Gainesville Sun, talk show hosts Cain, Limbaugh, Morrison, Dean, Savage, and trying to read widely.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

What's Better And What's Worse In The News

What's Better For Conservative Republicans?
  Obama's use of victims and parents and spouses of victims has been very effective. Lesson learned. It is time for conservative leaders and parties, like the tea party, to organize demonstrations which include putting  the people whom government agencies, especially the IRS, have abused on platforms to tell their personal stories. These are usually very nice people, and their stories will resonate with us, the American people. Let's fight fire with fire!
What's Better With Cars And Natural Gas?
  Despite talk on the street that an ordinary vehicle can be converted to use natural gas instead of gasoline for about $700, two pickups converted at the factory by General Motors are costing $11,000 more for the conversion. There are only 600 gas stations providing compressed natural gas (CNG) in the USA. To overcome that, several gas producing companies are working with home appliance makers to design an affordable refueling dispenser that can plug into your household gas line. CNG is selling at $2.20 to $2.50 a gallon. If one could convert to gas for $700 and were CNG readily available, the American standard of living for almost anyone who drives would  rise significantly in spite of all of Obama's economic abominations.
------------------------------------------------------------------------Caution! For those who only want positive news, please stop here!
What's Worse With Benghazi?
  When the massacre at Benghazi was being reported, talk show host Michael Savage immediately said that Ambassador Christopher Stevens, apparently a homosexual, was anally raped by objects before being killed by a branch of al-Qaeda. This was hushed by most of the media, but is apparently true. This atrocity would be justified by Islamic fatwas which say that all that matters is your intent and jihad comes first over everything. This has been discussed by terrorists who use anal sex on bombers to enlarge their anus to accomodate a bomb. Supposedly. This means that not only was there an attack on Benghazi but also an atrocity committed. It also begs the question of why Obama, who behaves pro-Muslim in most cases, would defy Islam by sending a homosexual ambassador to Libya. Also, why would he send an American who is a homosexual to such a high-profie job in an Islamic country? Any fool would know you don't do that to a person.Obama wasn't showing any consideration to Islam or to an American. At the best, it is incompetence by all who had any say over Stevens' placement, including Hillary Clinton. Besides Obama being pro-Muslim and pro-Marxist, I think he could be called "the part-time" president because he takes so much time off to party, golf, and vacation that he doesn't even know what's going on in his own administration and isn't thinking things through. To cover himself, Obama believes he can triangle in George Bush, the tea party, or whomever he wants to demonize at the moment, but I think we, the people are catching on to his games.
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW Gainesville, Florida  352-359-0850 Soureces: Wall Street Journal, Gainesville Sun, talk show hosts Cain, Limbaugh, Morrison, Dean, Savage, and trying to read widely.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

What's Better and What's Worse In The News

What's Better With George Zimmeran?
  The evidence has been released on the Zimmerman case and according to  Reason magazine's blog, it completely exonerates Zimmerman. The evidence is so obvious that it begs the question of why he was even charged. This seems obvious especially in Florida: Zimmerman was charged to geve a powder keg situation time to cool. However, that time may have been bought by a false arrest which put him and his family under tremendous pressure. This sets a dangerously cynical precedent for the state to try to deprive someone of his civil rights just because he is extremely unpopular with one race. If there is no evidence against Zimmerman, I predict he and his lawyers will be filing a suit for false arrest, imprisonment, and prosecution. He should too. It is wrong that the government perverts the law to give special consideration to blacks. It tells them if they aren't getting privileged treatment better than what whites get, they aren't getting justice.
What's Better With Bullfighting In Spain?
  The popularity of bullfighting is slowly declining due not only to more humane attitudes toward the bulls, but more importantly, the loss of property sales which were filling the coffers of towns and cities. This money was being used to sponsor bullfights.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Caution ! Stop here if all you want to read are positives.
What's Worse With Hepatitis C? 
  Hepatitis C now kills more Americans then HIV yet it only gets $30 million a year for prevention compared to HIV's $800 million. It is the main cause for liver transplants, often taking 20 years or more to damage the liver. It is more likely to be transmitted by shared needles than sex.
What's Worse With French Cuisine?
  It appears that most restaurants in France now don't have chefs but microwaves. The microwaves are used to heat industrially prepared meals that are frozen and sent to the restaurants to be heated when needed. It is a dirty little secret that the French restaurant world is very worried about. Why pay a great deal of money to buy frozen food prepared by, say, Nestle? Restauranteurs blame the minimum wage in France that has increased 33 per cent in the last twenty-two years. In addition, socialists want to pass a bill that will force restaurants to acknowledge each item obtained from an industrial supplier on their bill of fare. This is already in practice in Italy and should be in France as well. This is going to create another tier of restaurants that serve food only cooked by chefs. It will also bring about a higher tier of prices which is what raising the minimum wage causes. No mystery there except for liberals.
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW  Gainesville, Florida 352-359-0850 Sources: Wall Street Journal, Gainesville Sun, talk show hosts Cain, Limbaugh, Morrison, Dean, Savage, and trying to read widely.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What's Better and What's Worse In The News?

What's Better With Rand Paul?
  Rand Paul is asking his Congressional committee to apologize to the Apple executives for their hostility.  Most members of the committee are greedy and want Apple to bring to America $110 billion dollars it has made outside of America, not inside of America. So why should they pay the exorbitant American corporate tax of 35 percent? They shouldn't. This is just thuggery on the part of pompous, greedy politicians who want to take money from whomever has it. If only there were term limits so these politicians would  have to sell a service or a product for money instead of permanently living on the money they seize from us, the people, through taxes, fines, penalties, and any other means they can dream up. Don't think that just because you consider yourself poor, you don't have things that can be taken. Mao liquidated the peasants who had property so those who had no land could have theirs. Stalin starved to death the peasants who had advanced tools, the kulaks. If you looked at either of these two groups of people, you would rightly say they had nothing. It could happen to you even if you think you have nothing.
 What's Better With the American Indians?
  First, American Indians are no more "Native Americans" than you and I are. Their ancestors came from Asia across the Bering Strait to Alaska when there was a land bridge at the strait. What is better for them is that if Obama is telling the truth ( always a consideration with him), his pre-dominantly white mother was part Indian. I found this in his first autobiography,"Dreams From My Father" (narcissisitic people have to have more than one autobiography). This means that Obama may be the first American president with American Indian blood. Congragulations, American Indians!
Warning: If you are only reading this for positive news, stop now!
  What's Worse With The Justice Department?
  The No-Justice Department has written a letter of guidelines about sexual harassment to the University of Montana that it says should be adopted by all colleges and universities in America. Possibly, the craziest thing about it is that universities can discipline the alleged sexual harasser before the investigation is completed! In other words, punish the accused before he's even found guilty. This is liberalism at work. It is a faith not based on evidence but contrary to evidence. It is not rational but irrational. This is just one more example of its irrationality. These people need thorazine and a long rest for they are clearly delusional.
What's Worse For Women In India?
  Sexual and physical violence are increasing for Indian women with kidnappings rising 74 per cent in four years. The only decrease is sexual harassmennt which is down 24 per cent. Recently, a state court found 30 men who had raped and kidnapped a teen-age girl not guilty because she was a "deviant." The court determined she was a deviant because once she had lied to her parents by giving money to a friend and instead of using it for school expenses. Also, she appeared to be making plans to go somewhere with a male friend for whom she had no plans of marriage and family life. You can see how viciously anti-female that state court was. Fortunately, the 30 men's acquittal for rape and kidnapping was overturned by a supreme court last January.
P.S. I told a member of my men's group about the issue of Jesus killing children. He said it wasn't Jesus but God. But God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are a triad. I don't accept that God would approve of killing children but Jesus wouldn't. They're supposed to be one in all and all in one, aren't they? This member of my men's group pointed out that God had killed a couple of hundred Syrians who were about to attack the good guys. I said that was okay. Then he told me of another child God had killed. I simply told him, "You don't kill children." What was he to say, " Yes, you do kill children"? He should have supported me, but he wouldn't. He just shook his head and walked away. That was not very courageous intellectually. But what am I, a weak, fearful person, doing being so brave? Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW  Gainesville, Florida 352-359-0850 Sources: Wall Street Journal, Gainesville Sun, talk show hosts Cain, Limbaugh, Morrison, Dean,Savage, and trying to read widely.

Friday, May 17, 2013

What's Better and What's Worse In The News?

What's Better For George Zimmerman?
  George Zimmerman is the "white" Hispanic who apparently was having the back of his head bashed in by Trevon Martin on a concrete sidewalk and to save himself, shot Mr. Martin off his chest, killing him. The evidence for the case has been released and according to the Reason magazine's blog, it completely exonerates George Zimmerman. The evidence is so straight forward that it begs the question of why Zimmerman was even charged. The reason seems obvious, though wrong:  Zimmerman was charged to give a powder keg situation time to cool down as this event was billed by the lying liberal media as a white shooting a black which it wasn't. Mr. Zimmerman was a Hispanic. Hispanics commonly have black blood from the African slaves brought over to cut the sugar cane fields and do other agricultural work. If we assume Mr. Martin was a pure African, an unsafe assumption indeed, then the event was probably between a man with some African blood and a young man with all African blood.
  Using time to cool off tempers was the path of least resistance yet that time was bought at the expense of tremendous stress being put upon Zimmerman and his family when he was charged. This sets a very dangerous, cynical precedent for us, the people. You and I can be arrested not for a crime but as meat to pacify the raging wolves and give them time to cool off. If there is no evidence against Zimmerman and his arrest and prosecution was a flagrant violation of his civil rights, I predict you will see him bringing a suit against the city of Sanford, Florida. He should too.
  In the longer view, it is wrong that the government gives special privileges to blacks such as affirmative action, set-asides, and protective classes. It tells blacks that if they aren't getting preferential treatment over whites, then they aren't getting justice. This also encourages hostility toward blacks by whites who are being discriminated against.
The government should not be allowed to give the races unequal rights, and it should not be allowed to divide the races. The government may do this to keep us, the people, divided and thus weaker than we would be undivided.
What's Better For Spanish Bulls?
  The popularity of bullfighting in Spain is slowly declining. This is not only due to more humane attitudes toward the bulls but also because the land boom is ending in Spain. This puts less money into the coffers of the towns and cities from land sale taxes and makes it more difficult to finance bull fighting. I am sure the bulls won't miss being lanced and arrowed to make them more manageable for the bull fighter's sword.
------------------------------------------------------------------------What's Worse At The Boston Reservoir?
  Seven foreign graduate chemistry students were found trespassing at a reservoir that supplies water to Boston and surrounding areas. Their visas were okay so the police merely gave out trespassing citations. The people of Boston are naturally very worried about this. More may be coming from this story if Obama can't smother it.
What's Worse Worse With Obama's IRS Scandal?
  At a press conference, Obama was asked if the White House knew that the IRS was targeting conservatives and Jewish people (Muslims especially hate Jews). Obama ducked the question by triangling in the Inspector General's report and assuring us, the people, that the White House knew nothing about that. Why didn't Obama answer the question? He wasn't going to tell the truth - that the White House knew about the IRS targeting Americans. He didn't dare lie because E-mails or courageous, honorable whistle-blowers might come forth to prove his lie. So he triangled in the Inspector General's report.
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW  Gainesville, Florida  352-359-0850
Sources: Wall Street Journal, Gainesville Sun, talk show hosts Herman Cain, Rush Limbaugh, Chip Morrison,  Andy Dean, and reading widely.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

What's Better and Worse In the News?

What's Better With Suicide?
  The Vermont legislature has approved assisted suicide for terminally-ill patients, and the governor says he will will sign the bill. You have the right to do with your body what you want. It belongs to you not the government which is only mostly corrupt, pampered politicians and their well-paid, robotic bureaucrats and enforcers.
What's Better With Baby-Killers?
  Dr. Kermit Gosnell of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania got a life sentence for killing babies born alive. He killed them by cutting the spinal cords in their necks with scissors.
  It's time that we, the people, revisited that Obama abomination in the Illinois State Legislature where Obama resisted every attempt to pass a Born-Alive Bill to give newborns attention rather than just letting them die in broom closets. These babies were left to die because their mothers didn't want them to be born. They wanted abortions, but the abortions didn't kill the babies, and they were born alive. Turning your back on a newborn baby is just as lethal as cutting their spinal cords with scissors. The baby just suffers much longer before she finally dies. Obama turned his back on these babies just as he turned his back on the four men in Benghazi. It was all about getting the pro-choice vote.
What's Better About Benghazi?
  Ron Johnson is the Wisconsin Senator who questioned Hillary Clinton on some details about Benghazi and got the infamous reply, " What difference, at this point, does it make? " from her. He now has a short paper in the Wall Street Journal calling for a congressional Joint Select
Committee with the power to issue subpoenas to try to get to the bottom of the Benghazi Alamo massacre. The ball needs to get moving down the field on this Obama abomination.
What's Worse For Hillary Clinton?
  Hillary Clinton claims she had nothing to do with Benghazi. Yet her signature is on a letter in which she acknowledges then-Ambassador
Gene Cretz's request for more security for Benghazi.
  It will take at least a congressional joint selection committee to get the truth out of Hillary or to go around her and get the truth from more honorable or less defiant people by means of subpoenas and sworn testimonty.
What's Worse For Rush Limbaugh?
  A few nights ago, Obama appeared at a ritzy fund-raising event and blamed Rush Limbaugh for the reason he can't get everything he wants in the way of legislation. Thank God there is someone stopping him!
Is the possibility that Obama is a predator on America and its citizens beginning to dimly form in the minds of the people? Isn't that what a community organizer is - a predator? He preys upon businesses with all kinds of demonstrations until he basically extorts the businesses to give up and give in to his demands. As a state senator, he wanted the vote of the pro-choice people so he preyed on babies born after their mothers had made attempts to have them killed by abortions and had failed. As a first-term president, he wanted to be able to boast that al-Qaeda was dead and his military intervention into Libya was successful. This would help his re-election. So he turned his back on four Americans being attacked at the Benghazi consulate and let them die hoping he could blame the attacks on an another American who had made an anti-Islam video. Now, he is beginning to prey upon Rush Limbaugh because Obama thinks that if he can ruin Limbaugh, he will squash dissent toward his abmoninations in America,  just like his IRS tried to do. As Rush commented today, this is very Putin-like. Again, are we, the people, beginning to see the pattern and get the picture?
  Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW, Gainesville, Florida 352-359-0850
Sources: Wall Street Journal, Gainesville Sun, talk show hosts Herman Cain, Rush Limbaugh, Chip Morrison, Andy Dean, formal education and reading widely.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What's Better And What's Worse In The News?

What's Better With The IRS Scandal?
  There's a silver lining to the corruption in targeting consevatives at the IRS: Talk Show Host Chip Morrsion in Gainesville, Florida rightly said that the IRS needed to be eliminated for the Fair Tax. Let's talk it up while the IRS is in the news!
------------------------------------------------------------------------What's Better In Iran?
  President Ahmadinejad may be charged with a criminal complaint steeming from his support of a presidential candidate. Conservative clerics are furious about his arrogance and disregard for the law. Let them fight each other to the last man!
What's Better At the Universities and Colleges?
Title lX is the so-called guarantee of wqual rights between the sexes on colleges and universities. On most campuses it has been corrupted to mean that the male is a fault and we're not interested in evidence besides the fact that the female says you did. Women may charge boyfriends with "non-consensual sex" from years before.There is now something availale that may help you- the Foundation for Individual
Rights in Education.

Monday, May 13, 2013

What's Better And Worse In The News?

What's Better With The Navy Seals?
  The parents of the 17 Seals and other  special-ops people who were killed in the Chinook as it attempted to land in Afghanistan several years ago are asking for an investigation. Cindy Sheehan caught the fancy of the liberal press because of Bush's military policies ( which, strangely, Obama has followed during his presidency). But this endeavor is not getting the liberal media's attention, just as the Benghazi Alamo didn't.
Seals are at the tip of the spear, and we, the people, need to protect them. The best Seal book I have read is about that event in Afghanistan. It covers what happened before the Chinook came in balls-the-wall to rescue an ambushed small Seal team and what happened when a Taliban fired an missile right up the ramp of the Chinook as it was opening to drop off the rescuers. This book is "Lone Survivor" by Marcus Luttrell.
What's Better With Benghazi?
A congressman from Virginia has written Speaker John Boehner asking for the creation of a bipartisan select committee on Benghazi. Frank West's suggestion seems to make a lot of sense.
------------------------------------------------------------------------What's Better In Afghanistan?                                                           The president of Afghanistan is offering the U.S. either 9 bases as ours or just access to 9 bases out of the 180 bases the coalition built there.
At least, it appears Karzi wants our continued presence there. One of the administration's goals in a continued presence in Afghanistan is to take out high profile militant targets. We can only hope that Obama will start using the Seals again instead of only using drones. Seals are very good at shooting only the targeted people and those who resist. Plus, they  gather the all-important intelligence so we have a better idea of what is going on. Even if the one-man missile from a drone is perfected, it does not gather the papers, telephones, and computers belonging to the target. Our present missles are killing innocents and destroying homes which just increases the hostility toward us by the Afghan people. It is speculated that Karzi is attempting to get the goodwill of America as he introduces his candidate for the up-coming presidential election.
What's Better With Gay Marriages in Minnesota?
Minnesota's House has just passed a gay marriage bill. It is expected to pass the Senatae and Governor Mark Dayton says he will sign it. This will make the twelfth state to legalize gay marriage. If you thought "Divorce Court" was interesting, you haven't seen anything yet!
What's Worse In Russia?
An anti-corruption blogger, very well know in Russia, has announced that he will run for president in 2017. Putin will not allowed that to happen as the Russian people could spiral out of his control because of their desire to end the corruption in Putin's government and among his many friends. Therefore, Putin just had this blogger, Alexel Navalny, arrested on trumped-up charges of stealing timber years ago. Navalny fully expects to be found guilty which will make him ineligible to run for president. We should have listened to General Patton and destroyed the Russian Communist Party when only we had the atomic bomb.
Peter Nickerson, Gainesville, Florida  352-359-0850
Sources: The Wall Street Journal, The Gainesville Sun, talk show hosts
Herman Cain, Rush Limbaugh, Chip Morrison, Andy Dean and reading widely.

Friday, May 10, 2013

What's Better and What's Worse In The News?

Heartening news today, freedom and truth lovers, so read on!
What's Better?
  The liberal press, possibly because even they are sick of being lied to, are opening up on the Benghazi killings by neglect of the Administration.
Jonathan Karl of ABC News was on television today to let the people know that he had dug up 12 versions of administration talking points about what happened at Benghazi for Susan Rice to deliver on five Sunday talk shows. James Carney, White House Spokesman, has replied that these were only "stylistic" versions. Not true, as usual. Jonathan Karl has shown how mention of al-Qaeda being involved in the two attacks on Benghazi was scrubbed by the administration. He has also shown that the fact that the CIA had issued several warnings of the al-Qaeda attack on the consulate were deleted. Apparently, what happened was that the CIA prepared the talking points for Susan Rice and sent them to the White House. Then the administration began circulating the talking points around to various officials who revised them to make the administration look better. Then after twelve revisions going around and around, a final version was sent back to the CIA with the instructions: "This is what you can release." These twelve revisions were necessary for Obama to deceive us, the people, so he would have a better chance of getting re-elected.
  If enough liberal media outlets open up on the truth about Benghazi, the name of this intolerable happening may get change to the ominous term "Benghazigate." Maybe then the derisive Chris Matthews will be able to pronounce "Benghazi" correctly.
What's Better With Demonic-crats?
As Rush Limbaugh astutely put it, paraphasing: "This is only a possibility, but it is possible that Democrats wanting to run for president in 2016 will come forth with more information about Benghazi that damns Hillary Clinton so much she will be out of the running in 2016."
This is a day we, the people. should especially listen to the news. The truth is actually coming out of the liberal press. Hurry and listen to it before they recover and go back to lying! Peter Nickerson, Gainesville, Florida

Thursday, May 9, 2013

What's Better And What's Worse In The News

What's Better With Benghazi?
  The Demonic-crats are using the "How Dare You Even Suggest Such A Thing!"defense just as they used it when Sean Hannity exposed on his Fox show that Obama supported letting newborn babies remain unattended until they died of thirst, exposure or whatever came first. These were babies whose loving mothers wanted them aborted (dead). Obama supported killing them by negligence if they were born in spite of abortion attempts on them. If you can turned your back on newborn babies, you can turn your back on anyone.
  My reply to the demonic-crats when they are playing the "How Dare You Even Suggest Such A Thing!" goes like this: "How dare I speak the truth? How do I dare not to? How do you dare not to?"
  Obama has let newborn babies die. Now he has let four men die - an
American ambassador, two Navy Seals, and a State Department employee. I am a hunter. If I were out in the woods, and this was an apex predator doing these kills, I would say, " The predator started small (with babies). Eleven years later, he struck much bigger prey ( grown men including two extreme Alphas - Navy Seals). If he survives this second kill without anything negative happening, he is going to become very confident, and his next strike will be sooner than eleven years and probably much bigger." For this reason, I urge all patriots to come forth and tell the truth about Benghazi. If you did something you regret, admit it to the people out of your love for America and the American people.
Are you so weak that you can't handle a possible lower standard of living as a consequence of your courageous speaking out and the honor it shows? What an opportunity to show courage and honor for your country! Think about.
What's Better From Texas?
Remember Texas Governor Perry who was such a star within in his state, but once he got on the presidential campaign trail, he bumbled about and soon withdrew? Now there is a Texas U.S. Senator who does not bumble at all in Washington, D.C. Senator Ted Kruz appears to be as sharp as a whip. Take a look at thim. It's very heartening and enjoyable.
What's Worse From Washington, D.C.
Demonic-crat Elijah Cummings at the Benghazi Hearing who said
(paraphrasing) : "What have we learned from this ( the murders of a U.S. Ambassador, Two Navy Seals, and a State Department employee)? That life is inevitable. It's part of life." I ask you if you've ever heard anything so callous and condescending?
Peter Nickerson, Gainesville, Florida
That death is inevitable

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What's Better and What's Worse?

To serve the reader who is fed up with the negativity of the news and only wants to see what is positive in the news, I will start with the "What's Better?" news and if time allows go from that to "What's Worse?" I will make a border between the two types of news for you.
What's Better with the Conservatives?
   Analysis by the Brooking Institute states that the percentage of blacks voting for Obama in 2012 increased while the percentage of conservative Republicans voting decreased. It concluded that if the proportion of conservative Republicans had remained the same, the president today would have been John McCain, by a slim margin, not Barack Obama. This is great news for conservatives and reputes the country-club Republicans who hold that we lost because we didn't get the Hispanic vote.
What's Better at Benghazi?
  The truth is getting out to more of the people because of the Congressional hearing that started today. The reason why Susan Rice, not Hillary, went onto five talk shows in one day to lie that the Benghazi attack was caused by some video on YouTube that was (rightly) dismissive about Islam was revealed by Gregory Hicks of the State Department. He's been demoted because of his honesty and his anger about the Benghazi Alamo massacre, but after Ambassador Stevens was killed, Hicks became the Acting Ambassador as the highest ranking State Deparmtne employee in Libya. He briefed Hillary on what had happened, and the video was never mentioned as a reason for the attack. Therefore, if Hillary went on TV and said the attack was the result of a video, she could get caught in her own lie. Hicks said at the hearing today that his jaw almost dropped when he heard Susan Rice blaming the attack on a YouTube video that had been out since July.
Tellingly, Susan Rice never consulted him about what had happened in Benghazi.
  Hicks ordered a Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel Powell to take his three special operators with him and fly to Benghazi from Tripoli. When the soldiers got to the airport, they were told to stand down by the military. No explanation was apparently given. Powell was furious and complimented Hicks, saying in this paraphrase, " This is the first time the State Department has had more balls than the military." Obama's tactics are very similar to Mao and Stalin's so I wouldn't be surprised if Powell gets demoted too.
  Rush Limbaugh has said several times, including today, that no one knows where Obama was for about five hours during the Benghazi attack. He left, telling Panetta and a general that it was up to them about doing anything. Unbelievably, these two did nothing probably because they were afraid to anger Obama by doing something when he himself had done nothing for the men at the Benghazi Alamo. Again, I think of how Mao and Stalin's underlyings were always  frantically trying to guess what to do to please their bosses. I say that no reinforcements were sent and Special Forces told to stand down because Obama thinks that Americans are colonists and crusaders. That is why the ambassador had no marines in Benghazi  in the first place even though it is the marines' job to guard the American embassies, consulates, and the ambassadors. Obama was raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. In Hawaii, he knew natives who were angry that Americans had come to the island and taken over so much. In Indonesia, he attended Muslim schools. So we, the people, are colonists and crusaders. What colony do you own? What crusade have you been on? It doesn't matter because collectivists don't recognize individuals. If Americans have ever colonized or crusaded, then you, as an American, are responsible according to the crazy collectivists. Collectivists are good at only one thing - making life on earth a hell for us, the people. Isn't Obama doing just that in America? Again, the only reason this  is better news is that the hearing may get some of us, the people, better informed about Benghazi and the demonic people involved who let four men die, alone and so far from home. Peter Nickerson, Gainesville, Florida

Monday, May 6, 2013

What's Better and Worse In The News

What's Better?
   Mark Thompson, a former Marine and presently a State Department employee, is saying that Hillary Clinton tried to keep the Counter-Terrorism Bureau at the State Department out of the Benghazi Alamo situation as it was happening. This will be testified to Congress beginning this Wednesday at a Congressional hearing. There is also another whistleblower who says the same thing as Mark Thompson about Hillary trying to keep the Counter-Terrorism Bureau out of the Benhazi Massacre. May these two men keep their courage up! Mark Thompson has said, " You should have seen what Clinton tried to do to us that night!"
  You can expect the lying liberals to do everything they can to save Obama and Hillary from this. In fact, I heard this afternoon that Press Secretary, Jay Carney, was already demeaning the whistleblowers. Another example of this administration making war on the American citizen. You know, us colonists and crusaders. Rememer when Sean Hannity tried to get the word out about Obama being against an State of Illinois bill to give aid to newborns whom their loving mothers tried to abort? Democrats hysterically asked Sean, "How dare you say such a terrible, unthinkable thing about Senator Obama?" It put Hannity on the defensive, and he back off. Let's not do that with Obama and Hillary over Benghazi. Just reply, " I can say it because it is the truth. Are you willing to deal with the truth?"
  Today, Rush Limbaugh said to the astonishment of his staff that Obama and Hillary did not want the men at the Benghazi consulate to die. I say that Obama was willing to let the men die at Benghazi rather than sending in reinforcements to help because he didn't want to call any more attention to Benghazi than necessary. He wanted it to be seen as just a protest that got out of hand rather than a determined, planned assault on the consulate. The four men, including an American ambassador, were "necessary losses" for his re-election.
  This is exactly what happened to the newborn babies back in Illinois in 2001. Obama wanted the pro-choice vote. To ensure that, he showed the pro-choice ( pro-abortion) organizations such as Planned Parenthood that he supported abortion so much that he would withhold help to new-borns (ignoring them until they died of thirst or exposure) if their mothers had wanted them aborted and the babies (now American citiizens) had the gall to be born alive and not dead. Obama withheld assistance from these newborn babies just as he withheld assistance from the men at Benghazi - one American ambassador, two Navy Seals, and one State Department employee. History is prelude.
  Anyone can be sacrificed to Obama's ambitions because he is a great person, superior to the rest of us. Rush is wrong. Obama wanted these men to die rather than to jeopardize his re-election. If Obama hadn't wanted them to die, he would have sent in help. Hillary didn't object or resign because she wanted the Obama vote if she runs for president in 2016.
The evil will continue unless we, the people, vote in politicians with better principles and character. That takes being moral yourself and being informed. Both are doable.
  Peter Nickerson, Gainsesville, Florida  352-359-0850

Friday, May 3, 2013

What's Better And Worse in the News?

What's worse?  Obama's performance in Mexico was so immature it was pathetic. He talked about his gun bill that would stop Mexico from getting gun in the wrong hands. What hypocrisy! Didn't he just illegally walk hundreds of guns across the border without the knowledge of the Mexican government? Don't the Mexican armories lose 25 per cent of their weapons, over 9,000 rifles? Aren't we talking about international drug cartels with almost unlimited money with submarines and probably anything else they want short of nuclear weapons? For Obama to say that American gun policies have an effect on the international drug cartels operating in Mexico is just ludicrous. Do the students he addressed have hot peppers for brains? Are they that ill-informed and unthinking? \
  Can you believe that he actually said there are segments in America that don't recognize the sovereignty of Mexico? That must have been his projection for he and Eric Holder are the ones that had American guns walked illegally into Mexico with getting the permission of the Mexican goverment. Besides, it is the Mexican government that does not respect our sovereignty because they encourage and aid Mexicans into crossing illegally into the United States. Then many of these illegal immigrants get on various American welfare assistance programs which are funded by Americans not the Mexican government. What an assinine display Obama made in Mexico.
What's Better?
Bryant York, Republican strategist has just written that even if 70 per cent of the Hispanics had voted for John McCain, it would not have been enough to get him elected. This is good news in that depending on the Hispanic vote for Republican elections is mostly futile despite what Marco Rubio thinks. Perhaps if we can get Hispanics to read and rave about "Atlas Shrugged" that will change.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

What Better and Worse In the News?

What's Worse? The sheriff of Palm Beach, Florida has received a milllion dollar grant from the Florida legislature to send teams including police and social workers to people that other people report are a danger to self and others. Why a special program when all it takes now is a call to the police to report someone whom you think is a danger to self or others? The police will respond, and if he the policeman thinks  the person is a danger to others or himself, the policeman can attempt to have him Baker-acted which requires a judge. If Baker-acted, the person will spend 48 hours in involuntary psychiatric hospitalization to see if he is indeed a danger to others or himself. The sheriff explained to the legislature that he was interested in preventing lone wolf  mass killings.
However, a little knowledge will reveal that lone wolves don't go around talkilng about killling others and themselves. That is why they are lone wolves because they are highly introverted and don't have anything to do with others. The only people who may have any inkling of what they are doing are household members. The room for abuse by people who simply want to hurt other people by alerting the police-social work teams seems to be great. Are you allowed to sue people who maliciously report you? That won't do us, the people, much good as we would have to have an unaffordable lawyer but it would still be good to have that option open to us. Maybe the ACLU would help. I hope the sheriff has thought this out so this won't be just another hare-brained news item coming out of Florida. It looks like it is.
What's Better?
Excavation and analysis at Jamestown, Virginia has indicated that a child's corpse was eaten somewhat by the starving colonists. I classify this as better news rather than worse news because it is better to eat human corpses than to undergo the slow agony of starving to death. At first, the settlers of 1607 had a terrible time getting enough food primarily because they established a socialist system in which no one had ownership except the group. As many of the Englishmen considered themselves gentlemen and physical work beneath them, they refused to work. The people who did work did not want to work for the lazy "gentlemen" so they didn't work as hard as they could. After a year or so, this system was changed so that what you reaped in the field and killed in woods and river were yours and didn't have to be shared. After this change, the colony survived and began to thrive.
What's Better? The growing fury over what Obama allowed to happen to the men at Benghazi ( I saw this coming when I learned that as a State Senator, Obama was quite content to let newborn babies die if their mothers didn't want them) has moved the administration to do something. They released (seven months later) pictures of the suspected terrorists at the Benghazi massacre.  The American people are changing from lambs to lions on this issue, and I don't think some pictures are going to satisfy them. We need to be lions and demand that the people who survived the massacre are free to speak. Those people have asked, according to Federal procedure, that Holder give their lawyers a security clearance. Holder refuses to do that, because he knows that without lawyers these Benghazi survivors are weaker and less likely to tell us, the people, the truth about what happened at Benghazi. They fear Holder and Obama too much. Do you see what this country has become under Obama? He casually lets four men die including an ambassador and two Navy Seals and then threatens those who survived who want to tell the truth about what happened. I tell you, this man raised in Indonesia and Hawaii, does not have American values.
What's Worse?
  A survey has revealed that 42 per cent of Americans don't know that The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is the law of the land
Can we, the people, have that many uninformed brothers and sisters?
Don't be judgemental about whether people are going to hell, but do be judgemental about how the people you might be able to influence spend their time. Encourage them to read newspapers, book, and watch the news on TV. We've got to be informed and rational or this administration is going to whipsaw us into submission.
  What's Better?
The Koch brothers are possibly buying the Los Angeles Times. Perhaps, this newspaper would then become a medium that respected the truth and the sanctity of the individual.
Peter Nickerson, Gainesville, Florida 352-359-0850

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What's Better And Worse In The News

What's Worse: Word out of tribunes in the United Kingdom say that the elder Boston Bomber tried to get a visa into Saudia Arabia to visit Mecca. But the government ascertained he was an Al-Queda terrorist, denied him admission and notified the United States in writing. This has been denied by both the White House and Homeland (In) Security, but it was apparently getting big play in the media until this afternoon. At that time, the Boston Police Department announced they had arrested three other men in connection with the Boston Bombers. Since then, the big news had been, naturally, about the Boston Bombing arrestees.However, as manipulative as the Obama regime is, one wonders if it didn't push the Boston Police Department to make the arrests to divert the people's attention away from what may be another egregious failuer in counter-terrorism by this country. Keep an eye on this issue because it may be in the process of being deliberately swept under the rug.
What's Better:
Meg Simmons, an activist and university talk show host at the University of Wyoming had supposedly been written an obscene, intimidating message on the school's facebook by a Republican. This aroused the easily-aroused young students, and everyone flocked to her support against this Republican. However, the police finally got around to checking her story and ascertained that she had written the despicable message to herself. Kudos to the police and to the truth. A pathetic young woman indeed.
What's Better
  An alert citizen in California noticed a woman taking two bottles out of her Starbuck's bag and putting them on a shelf at Starbuck's. Then she stole two bottles of orange juice and put them into her Starbuck's bag.
The citizen watched her leave and get into her car. He wrote the license plate number down, and the police were called. It was ascertained that a lethal dose of toxin had been added to the orange juice in the  bottles.
Kudos to this alert citizen. I hope the city authorities have the decency to thank him  publicly. I heard Obama thanking a long list of law enforcement agencies after the younger Boston Bomber had been
(unnecessarily?) shot and arrested, but he didn't bother to thank the woman who had found the bomber. It wasn't the police. That's this administration's war on the individual. I also have to say that one mature, veteran police officer probably could have walked up to that boat and gotten the bomber's voluntary surrender without firing a shot. Law enforcement was looking at him through an unltra-violet device. He was lying down without a weapon showing. I saw that much on a picture run on page one of the Wall Street Journal. Having said that, the same approach could have been used at Ruby Ridge, Idaho and Waco, Texas. All that bloodshed, the killing of almost a hundred women, men, children, and at least one unborned baby could have avoided as well as the unintended consequences such as the Timothy McBay bombing in Utah that killed -what?- more than a hundred, mostly little children..
What's Better:
Are you noticing how Obama triangles somebody else into what is his responsibility? He did it again at his press conference. Someone asked him about the Benghazi Truthers at the FBI and the Department of "Justice" being intimidated and having to get lawyers. That was a dyad:
the president and an issue in a department of the government that he controlled. Immediately, he triangled in the Justice Department, saying that they knew about the issue, not him. But if an obscure gay basketball player comes out, Obama knows about that right away and is on the phone to him pronto. Couldn't make a call to save four brave men at Benghazi including the US Ambassador,  but he sure can call a gay to give him his support. Do you remember Truman having a sign on his desk in the Oval Office at the White House that read, "The Buck Stops Here?" Obama should have a sign on his desk that reads, "The Buck Get Passed Here!"
Peter Nickerson, Gainesville, Florida 352-359-0850