The food stamp program is using outreach workers to find people who qualify for food stamps. Conservative talk show host, Chip Morrison, on FM Sky 97.3 in Gainesville, Florida has attacked these workers as unnecessary. I say that seniors especially may be unaware of the food stamp program due to isolation and cognitive losses such as senility, dementia, and Athleimerz's. I also say that conservatives are shooting themselves in the foot by complaining about food stamp outreach workers when they are finding eligible people. People do need help, and if conservatives don't want to help people, then conservatives aren't going to get those people's help or the votes of people who think the needy should be helped by the rest of us who can help. On top of that, I say that the conservatives are wasting their time attacking the symptom of the disease and not the disease itself. I am a weak, fearful person but I must tell the people this: Barack Obama is the disease that is causing an unprecedented number of people having to get food stamps. This is because Barack Obama is anti-business. Business is what produces money. Money is what the government taxes to get the money to fund the food stamp program. Business is the goose that lays the golden egg - money. You don't hurt or kill the goose that lays the golden egg unless you are crazy. You nurture the goose that lays the golden eggs. Barack Obama is being crazy to be against the goose that lays the golden egg.
Barack Obama also believes that the American people have too much money, and they got that money by being colonialists. Colonialists are countries that go into poorer countries and take their resources while paying the natives next to nothing. That's why he didn't help the Americans at the Benghazi consulate in Libya. We looked too much like colonialists to him. I don't think we are colonialists. We have taken Hawaii and the Phillipines, and I am sure there were injustices there, but I'll bet our government gives more to Hawaii and the Phillipines than we take. Besides, you and I didn't take either two countries. That was a long time ago, and we weren't involved. I don't like people who lump you and me into things we had no part of. It's dishonest and childish. But this is what Barack Obama believes, and he thinks Americans should be punished by having less money. He does this by increasing our taxes and then lying that he hasn't and by passing laws that hurt businesses, which again, lays the golden egg that pays for food stamps.
Of course, Barack Obama is a hypocrite because he says what hse says to do and what he does are two different things. Barack Obama has a financial worth of over $10 milllion dollars. Do you see him giving any of that money away to the poor? No! His half-brother lives in a hut in Kenya, Africa. Does Barack Obama give his brother any help? No! You know why? Because his brother wrote a book pointing out the good aspects of colonialism. Isn't that childish to disown a brother because he thinks differently about colonialism than you do? Plus, his brother has a point. He says, paraphrasing, "Show me an African country that didn't have a higher standard of living and way less violence as a colony." That's probably what makes Barack Obama mad at his brother: His brother has evidence on his side. Barack Obama is constantly taking very expensive vacations and throwing very expensive parties at the White House. He obviously loves money for his family, his friends, and himself. Just not for you and me, the people. When was the last time you were able to afford a $60 a night motel? Do you know Barack Obama let Joe Biden run up a $460,000 for one night in Paris, France a few days ago? This is when he's complaining there's no money becasue of the Sequester. Do you see how Barack Obama talks out of both sides of his mouth? "Yes, Joe, you can stay in Paris for one night even though it costs almost half a million dollars," and out of the other side of his mouth he tells the people, " We have no money so we're laying off government workers and cutting programs." What's right and wrong does not depend on color, and I tell you Barack Obama is wrong. He's wrong to say the American people are colonialists. The colonies all got their independence in the 1960s. You and I had no part in that, and Obama shouldn't be punishing us for it. That is so childish it is crazy. Obama should not be attacking businesses. They and only they make the money that keeps this country going including Barack Obama's vacations and parties. Finally, I urge you not to go along with Barack Obama attacking any Americans on philosophical grounds. As I've tried to show you, his philosophy is childish, hypocritical, and even crazy. Let us stand together while he selfishly vacations and parties. Don't let him divide the people. And don't be fooled by that warm smile of his. He knows that it is his mask. The next time he flashes those teeth, think crocodile teeth. Peter Nickerson, Gainesville, Florida 352-359-0850
Sunday, April 28, 2013
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