Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What's Worse And Better In The News

What's Worse? Our beloved "Justice" Department that protects club wielding Black Panthers at polling centers and runs guns across the border to Mexico in a covert operation trying to make gun ownership look like a bad thing has begun threatening  four individuals in the FBI and CIA. Apparently, these are people with high morals and who are uncomfortable that the truth about Obama's betrayal of the Benghazi consulate staff has not been better recognized by Americans, particularly, I'd say, by the low-information segment whose idea of high culture is "Star" magazine. Can such people be shocked enough to turn off the cheap emotionality of the moment and engaged in critiical thinking and mature reading? It does not appear that they are folding under government pressure  which can be enormous. By "government," I mean socialist politicians, pompous and gutless politicians, and their robotic government employees. Thank God that there are heroic exceptions to that waste of humanity! The four patriots are reported to have secured lawyers. With lawyer fees now up to $1,000 an hour, we the people, are almost uniformly unable to have much of a legal representation, and we the people, should be changing the law to allow us to have anyone we choose to represent us, not just state bar approved persons .It should be a lawyer approved by you ,the individual. It's your case. This is especially true in Civil Court where you aren't provided a lawyer, yet the plaintiffs can have a lawyer if they have the money to hire one. That is so unfair that it's sickening! If you can't afford a lawyer, you at least should be allowed to have someone represent you. Let's hope that these four federal employees, protected by their expensive lawyers, are strong enough to get the truth out about Benghazi.
What's Better? On television, a blacked out and voice changed Special Operator appeared on a talk show to say that there was a C-100 gunship circling Europe when Benghazi was becoming another Alamo.
The courageous man said it would have taken four to five hours for the gunship to get to Benghazi. The battle there lasted eight hours so maybe all the four men, including the Ambassador, would have been spared.
  Do you see what America has become under a president who wants to bring about his father's dreams of socialism and Islam and thinks, like his father, that America has colonies that it exploits? It's a shame that Barack Obama, Jr. didn't live with his father, Barack Obama, Sr. Then maybe he wouldn't revere him so much. I didn't have much of a relationship with my father either. He believed he was a Rooster and reminded me repeatedly that the big rooster killed all the little roosters  in the hen house and he wished he could do that. Like Barack Obama, I miss having a father, but that doesn't mean I want to implement his homocidal, homophobic dreams. Socialism and Islam are hateful religions. There is no love in either of them, just hate, mutilation, paranoia, and killing. I am not a strong person like the four FBI and Justice Department career employees or like the Special Forces Operator, but I must say these things  The thugs at the "Justice" Department could have me crying for my mommy very quickly, but so what? It would only prove them for the beasts they are. Please talk it up about these five people.They need your support and we, the people, have to be informed. If we keep these five brave patriots in our eyes, Obama and Holdren are much less likely to hurt them. We can do it! Peter Nickerson, Gainesville, Florida 352-359-0850

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