Last night Gainesville (Florida) set a record low of 34 degrees Farenheit. Someone should tell Al Gore and the other global warming alarmists this inconvenient truth. I was watching Sean Hannity and his interview with Amity Shlaes, the authoress of "The Forgotten Man" (the taxpayer) and became even more worried about the direction of change Obama is taking us on. Amity Shlais told Hannity that FDR's economic stimulus campaigns - basically the same campaigns that Comrade Obama is initiating times a trillion- were worthless. She also said that Obama's stimulus bills and whatever else he calls his crazy spending would cause him to dump trillions of worthless dollars into the economy through the printing press at the Treasury Department. She said Obama will do this knowing it is the way to pay back the trillions he has borrowed (from China). The scarey thing is what that does to us folks living on a fixed income and the poor folks who also are living on almost nothing. It means they will be living on nothing at all! What Shlaes told Hannity was more validation of my hypothesis that Comrade Obama not only wants to destroy capitalism but also the dollar. If he prints trillions of worthless dollars and dumps them onto the economy, the dollar could become like the German currency after World War I: it took a wheelbarrowfull to buy a loaf of bread. Essentially, Obama would make the dollar worthless, and to get our loaf of bread we would have to stand in long lines like cattle at the slaughterhouse door to get a loaf from his brownshirts. There would be no need of money then. Obama would decide what you needed and what you got. Even the most ignorant and the most envious would realize this was not what they wanted when they voted for hope and change.
To get away from such a dismal person and topic, I will do a little crowing. Yesterday, I did something that possibly no person has done before (or cares to): I hit a clay pigeon thrown from a launcher on four occasions, breaking it on two, with an arrow (a flu-flu arrow, a type of arrow that will only fly about seventy yards).
Now, I was only shooting from twenty feet, but it is still quite a feat, I think. Your target is only about two inches long and an inch and a half wide, and it is whizzing through the air. Once I hit two clay pigeons in a row. When I can hit three in a row, I will move back about a yard. My readers will know that two perjurying cops and a very agreeable judge deprived me of my gun rights. I love to shoot, and in 2002 won a trophy for "Most Improved" at the Gator Trap and Skeet Club in Gainesville. Wouldn't it be something if I could make lemonade out of one of life's lemons and become a wingshooter with a bow?
I have some reservations about writing about what I do on a daily basis as it gives the perjurying cops and another couple, the Starlings, information about me. Information is power, they say. Hopefully, they don't read my blog, though they read my column in a hunting magazine even though none of them were hunters. Somehow, they found out I was writing for "Florida Outdoors" and started buying the magazine to see what I was writing. Some people have no lives. I am not being fearful without reason: at one point, the perjurying cops, the Stouts, had gone to court with a list of terrible things I had done. It was odd that they had never called the county sheriff's office about even one of these terrible things they claimed I was doing. Of course, you know why they didn't: I hadn't done them. One of the cops, Whitney Stout, was a sergeant with the Gainesville Police Department. That means she supervised cops. Did she tell her supervisees, " If someone calls to complain about their neighbor shooting thousands of rounds of ammunition straight up into the air (this is one of the things she accused me of doing), just tell them not to bother callilng the police, but just start making a list of all the bad things that person does, and then go to court with the list someday"? If that's true, what do we need cops for? It is also interesting that when we did indeed do something wrong - let our dogs bark at night- the Stouts were right on the phone to the sheriff's office which sent two police cruisers to investigate barking dogs. Dogs bark, and the Stouts call the sheriff's office. I supposedly fire thousands of rounds straight up into the air, and the Stouts don't call the sheriff's office. Even an Obama supporter can see the lie. So I do worry about the Stouts and Starlings knowing what I do every day as they are consummate liars, but having enemies, even rogue cops, is not going to make me hide like a rabbit or keep my head bowed.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
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