Wednesday, April 1, 2009

#145 Seniors, Obama Will Kill Us!

Mere minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh say that when Obama was in the Illinois state legislature he voted three times to allow doctors who had a baby born while they were trying to kill him by abortion, could neglect the baby until he died. Rush said the same thing last week, and this backs up the courageous reporting by Sean Hannity during the presidential election. This means that Obama already approves of killing humans during three stages of their lives: in the womb, partially-born, and fully born. If he can kill babies, the stage of human lives that evoke the greatest protective feelings of adult human beings, why do you not think he can kill us old geezers? We are not attractive anymore, and we look like we are scowling most of the time. Most important to a statist like Obama, we are a drain on the state. We are not productive any more. We are not paying taxes. Indeed, we are using tax money to sustain ourselves. To a statist, we are a waste. If a statist can okay the killing of babies, what makes you think he won't okay the the killing of wrinkled old people who have already had their stay here on earth? Presently, there is a doctor shortage in America. How do you think Obama is going to serve those who don't have insurance including the 15 million illegal aliens under socialized medicine? He can't serve them all, and he can't serve them to the hilt as we people with insurance are being served, more or less, now. Obama will institute rationing and cut services to us "useless" seniors in order to serve the previously uninsured. That is the way it is being done in every nation that has national health insurance. We seniors are at the back of the bus, and we'll be dead before we get off..I know that this may seem hard, but it is true. It will only be harder, infinitely harder, if you support Obama in nationalizing health care. Just listen to the stories of the people who have lived under nationalized health care. All you hear is one horror story after another. Do you want that for yourself or your family, friends, and fellow Americans? Forget Obama's lofty speech. Just remember this is a guy who okays the killings of babies in the womb, partially born, and fully born. The man is a monster, a wolf in sheepskins. What can you do? You can find Congressmen and Senators who are against nationalized health care, and you can contribute to as many as you can. I can only afford to contribute to one, and this month it was only $10, but the trick is to send money every month. It adds up. Your congressman or Senator will then start sending you a letter asking what you think about issues. You need to fill that out and write " No nationalized health care!" He will also have meetings and dinners. Attend them if you can afford to. Give him your support and advice. He's your fighter, your freedom warrior, so nurture and encourage him.
Again, I know that this may be hard and upsetting for you, but the consequences of nationalized medicine are infinitely worse. Act now because Obama is moving fast.
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW at

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