I have an update on how Rick is faring with the IRS and will use the first-person to relate it: "I got a call from Jean Clough, the caseworker for Congressman Cliff Stearns. She had received the packet I sent her and called the congressional laison. This person told her that at first glance, prima facie for those who speak Latin, she would uphold the IRS decision to take $150 out of my monthly Social Security check because I benefited from my wife's earnings. That tossed me back for a few days until I asked myself 'What benefits?" Therefore, I began making a list of benefits. Halving the mortgage and house insurance payment would have been about $600 back in 2005 and 2006. My wife and I were not getting along, and I think she was seeing someone else then so she was not spending money on me. In fact, I had a friend in her seventies who bought me groceries on Saturday, and we used her car to do our errands each day. So I wasn't getting a car, gas, or very much food from my wife, Calamity. I'm still thinking about the benefits I got, but they do no add up to a lot. I'm in the range of 10,000 a year, and I don't think a single person pays income taxes on $10,000. In fact, he may receive an Earned Income Tax Credit check at that level of poverty. I'm not sure. I worked the EITC calculator on the Internet at $15,000, and I didn't qualify. The congressional laison said she would send Jean Clough a written decision.
I just got a call from a Mrs. Walker with the Tax Advocacy Center in Jacksonville, Florida. She was going to work from the perspective that I had too many expenses to justify the IRS taking $150 dollars out of my check. Mrs. Walker was going to send me some forms and wanted copies of everything I had sent out. I asked her, ' So first you are going to try to stop the IRS on a compassionate basis, and then you are going to try to stop them on a legal basis?'
'Oh, no. You filed joint returns. There's nothing legal you can do about it.'
'I didn't sign any returns except one about 18 years ago. What happened then was that I discovered that Calamity hadn't filed a tax return in the past three years, and I insisted that we go H.R. Block and filed a return for that year. Her response was 'What do you care? We'll probably be divorced by then?' I insisted, and we filed a resturn (as well as me getting in touch with the IRS about the past three years. I think I remember filing that return.'
Mrs. Walker asked, 'Can you prove that?'
'I have to prove I'm not guilty. I'm not innocent until proven guilty?'
'Not for taxes.'
'Okay, I can handle that. I can go to federal court, and I think my ex-wife is truthful enough to testify that I did not sign those returns (If she isn't, I think her Green Beret boyfriend would be very disappointed. I think his sense of honor is real unlike the everyday worms I deal with.)
'Well, let's not go to court yet. I will call Jean Clough, send you the forms, and then within two or three weeks of receiving them, I should have an answer.'
'Okay, it's just that Obama is sending us a check for $250, and the IRS is going to take that (if something isn't done soon.)'
Next, I called Jean Clough and learned that the congressional lasion had referred me case to Mrs. Walker. Mrs. Walker just called me out of the blue, not saying how she learned of my problem. I also called Mrs. Walker back to tell her she would become a feature of my blog. She said she couldn't read or comment about my blog. I asked her to call me if I said anything untrue. For her edification, I want to state here that everything I state is not a quote but a paraphrasing. I don't claim to have perfect recall. She didn't sound happy to hear she was going to be blogged about and hanged up without a 'goodbye.' A pity too because she had been so sweet and respectful. That's where I am with my IRS problem, Two-Guns."
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
#156 "The Wrestler"
Last night, I watched the DVD "The Wrestler." Having listened to talk show host, Michael Savage, I anticipated seeing the wrestler making a comeback as Savage said he did. That was not established in the movie at all, but if you were a optimistic person you could say that the wrestler survived the jump he made - he didn't die from the heart attack he seemed to be having - and he made a stable, intimate relationship with the stripper who helped him form a stable, intimate relationship with his estranged daughter. I say that's what happened because he was so physically strong, but that is not what the film said as Savage claimed. I'm disappointed in you, Michael Savage. It was a great film, and I tried to get Tasha interested in seeing it as her public persona and her true self are very different just as the wrestler's and the stripper's were. Ironically, I was trying to sell Tasha on seeing the video just as she was ordering cuts of meat and cheese in the deli section of a Wal-Mart. That's where a great scene occurs with a demanding, slightly malicious old lady and the wrestler who is working part-time in the deli.
There is definitely a turkey hen nesting on our property where it borders the lane. I saw her running off when I came down to feed and water the horses and goats three days ago.
She's been doing this for years, and I have had to make the hard decision of whom do I support and nurture - the hen turkey or the feral cats. I have decided in favor of the turkey, and it is not only she but Hawkeye tells me that there are at least four other hens nesting on the abandoned railroad bed behind our property. Since cats and turkeys are mutually exclusive, I have decided to take actions by chasing away the cats. Two nights ago, I put on my Snakeguardz leggings and my headlamp and went out on the property after feeding and watering the horses and goats. I picked up the eyes of two raccoons and a deer. One coon went up a huge tree, and as I approached the tree, the other coon broke to my left, running away.
I also picked up the eyes of a white cat, and chased him away too, putting on three stalks until he disappeared. Last night, I saw nothing until I returned to the corral and found the white cat there, apparently coming in to eat the horse feed. He must be very hungry. Again, I drove him away, putting on several stalks until he finally disappeared from my light. This is hard action, but it is necessary if I want the turkey hens and their poults to survive. I continue to feed the feral cats off-propety, away from the turkeys, but I don't if this white cat is able to eat there. I have heard cats fighting near the feeding spot.
Talking about hard action, I want to ask a white person who voted for Obama to tell me why he did so knowing that Obama approved of killing a partially born baby and knowing that Obama championed the torturing to death of born, unwanted babies when he was an Illinois legislator. How do you rationalize such evil? I think a black person will simply say he voted for Obama because he was black, and that will probably be a true statement, rascist as it is.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW, at peternickerson12@yahoo.com or 352-359-0850.
There is definitely a turkey hen nesting on our property where it borders the lane. I saw her running off when I came down to feed and water the horses and goats three days ago.
She's been doing this for years, and I have had to make the hard decision of whom do I support and nurture - the hen turkey or the feral cats. I have decided in favor of the turkey, and it is not only she but Hawkeye tells me that there are at least four other hens nesting on the abandoned railroad bed behind our property. Since cats and turkeys are mutually exclusive, I have decided to take actions by chasing away the cats. Two nights ago, I put on my Snakeguardz leggings and my headlamp and went out on the property after feeding and watering the horses and goats. I picked up the eyes of two raccoons and a deer. One coon went up a huge tree, and as I approached the tree, the other coon broke to my left, running away.
I also picked up the eyes of a white cat, and chased him away too, putting on three stalks until he disappeared. Last night, I saw nothing until I returned to the corral and found the white cat there, apparently coming in to eat the horse feed. He must be very hungry. Again, I drove him away, putting on several stalks until he finally disappeared from my light. This is hard action, but it is necessary if I want the turkey hens and their poults to survive. I continue to feed the feral cats off-propety, away from the turkeys, but I don't if this white cat is able to eat there. I have heard cats fighting near the feeding spot.
Talking about hard action, I want to ask a white person who voted for Obama to tell me why he did so knowing that Obama approved of killing a partially born baby and knowing that Obama championed the torturing to death of born, unwanted babies when he was an Illinois legislator. How do you rationalize such evil? I think a black person will simply say he voted for Obama because he was black, and that will probably be a true statement, rascist as it is.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW, at peternickerson12@yahoo.com or 352-359-0850.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
#154 Rabid Raccoon?
I was driving home from the City of Alachua (Florida) when I saw two cars parked along C.R. 239 ahead of me. They had their emergency flashers on, and there was a gray fox standing on the edge of the road by the cars. I drove up and put my flashers on too. I stayed with the animal thirty minutes waving traffic around him and watching his behavior. He didn't seem fazed by people, stood motionless for many minutes, would lie down on the road, then sit up and eventually arch his head way back and open his mouth, and then walk about twenty feet where he proceeded to repeat the same. The remaining Hare Krishna and I both called the police and soon after my call, an officer appeared. He walked up to the fox with impunity. By then I had noticed that two thin streams of blood had either come out of the fox's mouth or nose, so I warned the officer. The officer then found a long stick and pushed the fox off the road. The poor animal walked into the high grass and was gone. The first Hare Krishna said that she had just seen another fox act like this fox a few days before. "He was lying on the side of the road, and suddenly got up and took off," she said. I suspect rabies since the behavior was so odd.
This makes my fourth 911 call in about the same number of months. I had blogged about the first two, and the third came when I saw a blonde girl about ten years old, running along 441 in High Springs. Each time a car passed, she would look at it. I thought it wouldn't be long before some pervert came along and pulled over to offer her a ride, so I called 911, asking them to send over a cop to ask her what was wrong.
For about a month, I have had two arrows lost out on the range. Last week, I happened to look at a line an armadillo had plowed into the leaves as he searched for bugs. I followed the line with my eyes and saw an arrow that he had pushed up from beneath the leaves. Armadillos will also eat eggs and young animals, and I am sure they are one reason Florida no longer has the abundant quail and rabbit populations it used to enjoy.
For years, I have seen a turkey hen nest just off our lane, on our property. I saw her the second time this spring. Even though I love cats, I have to decide it I should help the hen turkey raise her brood again this year or help the cats by feeding them on our property. They are mutually exclusive choices. I'm deciding right now that I will make a determined effort to consistently drive off the cats when I pick them up at night with a headlamp and put corn on the lane for the turkey hen. I will put food for the cats off-property. Tasha and I helped a mother feral cat raise her three kittens by putting out food for them over the span of about a year, but they can find the food that I will put out off-property for them. We have a new set of neighbors for the turkey hen to contend with this year. They drive on the lane a lot, and more importantly, they have a big red dog who now only runs the lane but runs in the cattle pasture next door. The dog is a big threat to a the hen and her brood. I may start chasing him away when he comes on the part of the lane that we own. By law, he's supposed to be leashed. He goes by the Starling's trailer all the time, and they are showing their hypocrisy by not taking his picture and reporting him like they did our dogs. It shows they did it with our dogs only to be hateful toward us. Remember how Shadow, the black lab, jumped out of Tasha's truck on the lane, and before Tasha could get him back into the truck, Sheri Starling got a picture of him "being loose" and called Alachua County Animal Control? Also, remember how the robotic brown-shirt fined us $100 for the dog momentarily jumping out of the truck on a private lane? Isn't big government grand?
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com
This makes my fourth 911 call in about the same number of months. I had blogged about the first two, and the third came when I saw a blonde girl about ten years old, running along 441 in High Springs. Each time a car passed, she would look at it. I thought it wouldn't be long before some pervert came along and pulled over to offer her a ride, so I called 911, asking them to send over a cop to ask her what was wrong.
For about a month, I have had two arrows lost out on the range. Last week, I happened to look at a line an armadillo had plowed into the leaves as he searched for bugs. I followed the line with my eyes and saw an arrow that he had pushed up from beneath the leaves. Armadillos will also eat eggs and young animals, and I am sure they are one reason Florida no longer has the abundant quail and rabbit populations it used to enjoy.
For years, I have seen a turkey hen nest just off our lane, on our property. I saw her the second time this spring. Even though I love cats, I have to decide it I should help the hen turkey raise her brood again this year or help the cats by feeding them on our property. They are mutually exclusive choices. I'm deciding right now that I will make a determined effort to consistently drive off the cats when I pick them up at night with a headlamp and put corn on the lane for the turkey hen. I will put food for the cats off-property. Tasha and I helped a mother feral cat raise her three kittens by putting out food for them over the span of about a year, but they can find the food that I will put out off-property for them. We have a new set of neighbors for the turkey hen to contend with this year. They drive on the lane a lot, and more importantly, they have a big red dog who now only runs the lane but runs in the cattle pasture next door. The dog is a big threat to a the hen and her brood. I may start chasing him away when he comes on the part of the lane that we own. By law, he's supposed to be leashed. He goes by the Starling's trailer all the time, and they are showing their hypocrisy by not taking his picture and reporting him like they did our dogs. It shows they did it with our dogs only to be hateful toward us. Remember how Shadow, the black lab, jumped out of Tasha's truck on the lane, and before Tasha could get him back into the truck, Sheri Starling got a picture of him "being loose" and called Alachua County Animal Control? Also, remember how the robotic brown-shirt fined us $100 for the dog momentarily jumping out of the truck on a private lane? Isn't big government grand?
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com
Fishing With My Son

I went fishing with my son Jon on Lochloosa lake. Jon knew the fish were spawning and where to find them. He is one of the most knowledgeable and succcessful freshwater fisherman in the area. Jon called me and asked if I wanted to go fishing, I of course said yes. We agreed to meet at 2 pm. When Jon picked me up at the dock he had already been fishing for a couple hours. He said he knew where the fish are and off we went across the lake. We came off of plane and idled into some thick grass where I met one of Jons fishing Buddies Tom who was fishing in his canoe that he has had for 30 years. We fished with no bobbers or weights just a line, a hook, and a shrimp. The specks were laying there eggs under the grass and would bite the shrimp when it landed on there beds to protect there nest. We ended up catching around 40 specks and ended the day with a few drinks.
Monday, April 20, 2009
#152 Our "Compassionate" IRS, part three
Today has been a frustrating one as I've rummaged through clutter trying to get organized. I did get the the box mailed back to Hydrolyze, but it cost me $6.20. That makes almost $20 I have spent for one application of an ointment to get rid of the bags under my eyes. Vanity! Remember Hydrolyze lies: it is not free for the shipping will cost. I then called Rick who was trying to get the packet of information that Jean Clough, the caseworker for Congressman Cliff Stearns wanted. He had received a call from Jean Friday, and she was very careful not to even discuss law as she didn't want to be interpreted as being a lawyer. If I ever ran for office, one plank of my platform would be that I would work for the individual to have the liberty of appointing anyone he wanted to represent him in court. He wouldn't be limited to lawyers who had passed the bar exam because such people are usually too expensive for us poor people. Yet there are people who haven't passed the bar such a former jailhouse lawyers, who could represent you in court for very little. Nothing is worse than representing yourself for the simple reason that you can't testify. If my daughter could have been my representative in court, and I could have testified against the Stouts' and the Starlings' testimony, the whole thing would have been very different. Rick finally found and gathered all the papers Jean Clough wanted and left the house for the library to make copies. As he drove he wondered if he were just unorganized or was Mr. Alzheimer playing a role. As if to answer him, he then recalled that he probably had not brought Jean's permission form to contact the IRS with him.. When he got to the library, Rick found that indeed he hadn't. He's not sure where he put it either.
On Friday, Rick called Jean back to let her know that I was blogging about this problem with the IRS stealing $145.50 from his Social Security check each month. When he told her that meant her, she seemed surprised, but then said something like, "Well, it's all out there nowadays." She thinks this issue can be resolved with the IRS and advised Rick not to make his complaint to Federal court yet. Then he heard on the "Handel And The Law" radio show Sunday that in some states, there is a community of property concept, and a spouse is responsible for the debts his spouse makes. I hope Florida is not such a state.
Also on Sunday, I heard the Great American Divider, President Obama, say that the fact that doctors left Cuba should teach us that we should not deal with countries just in terms of drug interdictions or military intervention. I thought, "There he goes again. Our communist President is not going to tell the truth - that doctors and thousands of other Cubans have left Cuba due to the butchery and tyranny of the communist, Fidel Castro. Instead, he's going to imtimate that it was the bad old USA that caused the Cuban doctors to flee Cuba."
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.
On Friday, Rick called Jean back to let her know that I was blogging about this problem with the IRS stealing $145.50 from his Social Security check each month. When he told her that meant her, she seemed surprised, but then said something like, "Well, it's all out there nowadays." She thinks this issue can be resolved with the IRS and advised Rick not to make his complaint to Federal court yet. Then he heard on the "Handel And The Law" radio show Sunday that in some states, there is a community of property concept, and a spouse is responsible for the debts his spouse makes. I hope Florida is not such a state.
Also on Sunday, I heard the Great American Divider, President Obama, say that the fact that doctors left Cuba should teach us that we should not deal with countries just in terms of drug interdictions or military intervention. I thought, "There he goes again. Our communist President is not going to tell the truth - that doctors and thousands of other Cubans have left Cuba due to the butchery and tyranny of the communist, Fidel Castro. Instead, he's going to imtimate that it was the bad old USA that caused the Cuban doctors to flee Cuba."
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
#151 A "Compassionate" IRS, part two.
I've been talking to Rick, and he's really trying to be a fighter. He's sent a second letter to Congressman Cliff Stearns telling him that the IRS claims it has taken no action against him and won't until it "researches" his Innocent Spouse form. Maybe the IRS should "research" what it is doing. He included one of the two letters the IRS sent him that states this as well as the $150 levy stub that was on the bottom of his April Social Security check. He also tried to call the IRS yesterday but could only talk to robots. As he said, there's not much chance the IRS is going to change directions for one agent has already told him that if he sent in the Innocent Spouse form, they probably wouldn't raid his checking account (but the $150 levy would continue). Today, Rick called Congressman Stearn's office, but they hadn't even received his first letter sent over a week ago. Maybe Nancy Peolosi is having all correspondence to Republican congressman taken to the nearest dumpster. Rick was advised to call the local office as the worker there is the one who usualy does the casework. Rick called, left a message but has heard nothing back. He decided to try to find Tax Court and drove to the Federal Courthouse in Gainseville after the Toastmasters' Meeting. Now the last time Rick was at the Federal Courthouse, a Federal Marshall at the front door went postal on him. Rick said something about his cell phone being ruined if it went through the X-ray machine.
The marshall, an older man with solid white, thin hair ended up threatening to strip search Rick. It was totally inappropriate. This time, Rick took off his sunglasses and took off his camouflage cap as you do to women, your elders, and your betters. Rick has a commanding presence so he virtually bowed and scraped before the three Federal Marshalls to hide his true personality. There were three of them sitting at the front door, and they advised him to go to Social Security. Rick politely persisted that he wanted to go where tax matters were litigated so one marshall relented and escorted him upstairs to the Clerk's Office. The clerk has given him a form on which to make his complaint, a website to go to so he can attempt to find what law he is complaining under, and another form to see if he is poor enough to avoid the $350 fee to file a complaint. Then the marshall came back in, told him it was 5, and he had to leave the building.
I would like to say something about Hydrolyze, the ointment for baggy eyes. I'm no woman, but I do have baggy eyes, and I ordered some. You may have heard the advertisments on the radio. They specifically say, "Free trial" and "Try it free."
Well, it's not because if you don't like it, you must send it back, and the post office will not mail it free. Their shipping charge to you was also very high - $12.95. Caveat emptor- buyer beware!
In driving around with my protest sign "Two-Guns says big government is slavery," I've noticed that old male drivers will read the sign, and then hang back, apparently afraid of Two-Guns. No testosterones left.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com
The marshall, an older man with solid white, thin hair ended up threatening to strip search Rick. It was totally inappropriate. This time, Rick took off his sunglasses and took off his camouflage cap as you do to women, your elders, and your betters. Rick has a commanding presence so he virtually bowed and scraped before the three Federal Marshalls to hide his true personality. There were three of them sitting at the front door, and they advised him to go to Social Security. Rick politely persisted that he wanted to go where tax matters were litigated so one marshall relented and escorted him upstairs to the Clerk's Office. The clerk has given him a form on which to make his complaint, a website to go to so he can attempt to find what law he is complaining under, and another form to see if he is poor enough to avoid the $350 fee to file a complaint. Then the marshall came back in, told him it was 5, and he had to leave the building.
I would like to say something about Hydrolyze, the ointment for baggy eyes. I'm no woman, but I do have baggy eyes, and I ordered some. You may have heard the advertisments on the radio. They specifically say, "Free trial" and "Try it free."
Well, it's not because if you don't like it, you must send it back, and the post office will not mail it free. Their shipping charge to you was also very high - $12.95. Caveat emptor- buyer beware!
In driving around with my protest sign "Two-Guns says big government is slavery," I've noticed that old male drivers will read the sign, and then hang back, apparently afraid of Two-Guns. No testosterones left.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
#150 A Fire Instead Of A Tea Party
I did not go to a tea party today. I have a pile of limbs about five feet across and three feet high that needed burning. Otherwise, it would continue to be a snake magnet. I had covered it with a tarp for several weeks waiting for a time after it rained to burn it. Today was the day, and I owed it to the safety of the dogs to get the snake magnet burned.
Over the weekend, Peanut, the little yellow lab and father of Rambo and Cowboy, died. Years ago, Peanut and two other labs were bitten by a big timber rattlesnake that I shot as it was about the strike Tanner, another lab. Peanut was bitten in the neck and as a result, he had coughing and swallowing problems the rest of his life. He died Saturday of a twisted stomach, a malady common in dogs with big chests. The twisting of his stomach was probably precipatated by one of his coughs. He was vomiting, in agony, and dieing in Tasha's arms at the vet's. So he was injected, but he was barely alive. I have been trying to get Tasha to give me a picture of Peanut for weeks now because he had made such a comeback from hip problems. Tasha got about ten pounds off him and got him acupuncture. But Tasha won't get me a picture. I don't think she likes me writing on the Internet. Control is very important to her, and I am very hard to control.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW
Over the weekend, Peanut, the little yellow lab and father of Rambo and Cowboy, died. Years ago, Peanut and two other labs were bitten by a big timber rattlesnake that I shot as it was about the strike Tanner, another lab. Peanut was bitten in the neck and as a result, he had coughing and swallowing problems the rest of his life. He died Saturday of a twisted stomach, a malady common in dogs with big chests. The twisting of his stomach was probably precipatated by one of his coughs. He was vomiting, in agony, and dieing in Tasha's arms at the vet's. So he was injected, but he was barely alive. I have been trying to get Tasha to give me a picture of Peanut for weeks now because he had made such a comeback from hip problems. Tasha got about ten pounds off him and got him acupuncture. But Tasha won't get me a picture. I don't think she likes me writing on the Internet. Control is very important to her, and I am very hard to control.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
#149 A More "Compassionate" IRS
I understand that President Obama has said that the IRS will be more compassionate. This is not what's happening with a fellow Toastmaster, Rick. In Toastmasters, everyone is given a chance to speak at every meeting, even the visitors. In one of Rick's extemporaneous speeches, he told of something absurd from the IRS. Several of us stayed after the meeting to talk to him further about this travesty of justice as we are Fair Tax advocates. Rick is trying to live on his Social Security, and this month the IRS took $150 out of his check becuase his ex-wife owed back taxes from two years. Rick was not even working then, and he did not sign the joint tax return. Yet the IRS is taking a big chunk out of his Social Security check and says they plan to do the same every month. Of course this is wrong. If Rick's wife had committed a crime, and Rick had nothing to do with it, would he be convicted for it and go to jail? Maybe in Obama's world, but it would be crazy and absurd. Rick has written Congressman Cliff Stearn but hasn't heard from him yet.
Yesterday, I wote "Two-Guns Says" on the piece of cardboard that supports cans of dog food ( I took the cans out and threw away the plastic wrapping), and I have tied that with baling string from a bale of coastal hay to the rear left headrest of the 4Runner. The sign is facing backwards so people driving behind me can see it when I lower the rear window. On the right rear headrest, I fastened another piece of cardboard that read, "Big Government Is Slavery." People behind me can read "Two-Guns Says Big Government Is Slavery."
Today, I hear that Texas Governor Perry just gave a speech saying that the federal government -certainly an example of big government- has become so oppressive that he wants Texas' right to sovereignity recognized.Great minds work in the same direction! I also hear that Obama has issued a memo to law enforcement everywhere that a person who is interested in a single issue such as the murdering of unborn infants - abortion - or the Second Amendment is a right-wing extremist and needs to be watched. Of course those who kill unborn babies, partially born babies, and babies born after abortionists tried to kill them are elected President Of the United States in this absurd world of dead-brains and death values.
I shall let you know how Rick fares with Congressman Stearns and also what the reception is to my sign in the SUV.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com. Please report bigfoot and black panther sightings to me.
Yesterday, I wote "Two-Guns Says" on the piece of cardboard that supports cans of dog food ( I took the cans out and threw away the plastic wrapping), and I have tied that with baling string from a bale of coastal hay to the rear left headrest of the 4Runner. The sign is facing backwards so people driving behind me can see it when I lower the rear window. On the right rear headrest, I fastened another piece of cardboard that read, "Big Government Is Slavery." People behind me can read "Two-Guns Says Big Government Is Slavery."
Today, I hear that Texas Governor Perry just gave a speech saying that the federal government -certainly an example of big government- has become so oppressive that he wants Texas' right to sovereignity recognized.Great minds work in the same direction! I also hear that Obama has issued a memo to law enforcement everywhere that a person who is interested in a single issue such as the murdering of unborn infants - abortion - or the Second Amendment is a right-wing extremist and needs to be watched. Of course those who kill unborn babies, partially born babies, and babies born after abortionists tried to kill them are elected President Of the United States in this absurd world of dead-brains and death values.
I shall let you know how Rick fares with Congressman Stearns and also what the reception is to my sign in the SUV.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com. Please report bigfoot and black panther sightings to me.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Last night Gainesville (Florida) set a record low of 34 degrees Farenheit. Someone should tell Al Gore and the other global warming alarmists this inconvenient truth. I was watching Sean Hannity and his interview with Amity Shlaes, the authoress of "The Forgotten Man" (the taxpayer) and became even more worried about the direction of change Obama is taking us on. Amity Shlais told Hannity that FDR's economic stimulus campaigns - basically the same campaigns that Comrade Obama is initiating times a trillion- were worthless. She also said that Obama's stimulus bills and whatever else he calls his crazy spending would cause him to dump trillions of worthless dollars into the economy through the printing press at the Treasury Department. She said Obama will do this knowing it is the way to pay back the trillions he has borrowed (from China). The scarey thing is what that does to us folks living on a fixed income and the poor folks who also are living on almost nothing. It means they will be living on nothing at all! What Shlaes told Hannity was more validation of my hypothesis that Comrade Obama not only wants to destroy capitalism but also the dollar. If he prints trillions of worthless dollars and dumps them onto the economy, the dollar could become like the German currency after World War I: it took a wheelbarrowfull to buy a loaf of bread. Essentially, Obama would make the dollar worthless, and to get our loaf of bread we would have to stand in long lines like cattle at the slaughterhouse door to get a loaf from his brownshirts. There would be no need of money then. Obama would decide what you needed and what you got. Even the most ignorant and the most envious would realize this was not what they wanted when they voted for hope and change.
To get away from such a dismal person and topic, I will do a little crowing. Yesterday, I did something that possibly no person has done before (or cares to): I hit a clay pigeon thrown from a launcher on four occasions, breaking it on two, with an arrow (a flu-flu arrow, a type of arrow that will only fly about seventy yards).
Now, I was only shooting from twenty feet, but it is still quite a feat, I think. Your target is only about two inches long and an inch and a half wide, and it is whizzing through the air. Once I hit two clay pigeons in a row. When I can hit three in a row, I will move back about a yard. My readers will know that two perjurying cops and a very agreeable judge deprived me of my gun rights. I love to shoot, and in 2002 won a trophy for "Most Improved" at the Gator Trap and Skeet Club in Gainesville. Wouldn't it be something if I could make lemonade out of one of life's lemons and become a wingshooter with a bow?
I have some reservations about writing about what I do on a daily basis as it gives the perjurying cops and another couple, the Starlings, information about me. Information is power, they say. Hopefully, they don't read my blog, though they read my column in a hunting magazine even though none of them were hunters. Somehow, they found out I was writing for "Florida Outdoors" and started buying the magazine to see what I was writing. Some people have no lives. I am not being fearful without reason: at one point, the perjurying cops, the Stouts, had gone to court with a list of terrible things I had done. It was odd that they had never called the county sheriff's office about even one of these terrible things they claimed I was doing. Of course, you know why they didn't: I hadn't done them. One of the cops, Whitney Stout, was a sergeant with the Gainesville Police Department. That means she supervised cops. Did she tell her supervisees, " If someone calls to complain about their neighbor shooting thousands of rounds of ammunition straight up into the air (this is one of the things she accused me of doing), just tell them not to bother callilng the police, but just start making a list of all the bad things that person does, and then go to court with the list someday"? If that's true, what do we need cops for? It is also interesting that when we did indeed do something wrong - let our dogs bark at night- the Stouts were right on the phone to the sheriff's office which sent two police cruisers to investigate barking dogs. Dogs bark, and the Stouts call the sheriff's office. I supposedly fire thousands of rounds straight up into the air, and the Stouts don't call the sheriff's office. Even an Obama supporter can see the lie. So I do worry about the Stouts and Starlings knowing what I do every day as they are consummate liars, but having enemies, even rogue cops, is not going to make me hide like a rabbit or keep my head bowed.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com
To get away from such a dismal person and topic, I will do a little crowing. Yesterday, I did something that possibly no person has done before (or cares to): I hit a clay pigeon thrown from a launcher on four occasions, breaking it on two, with an arrow (a flu-flu arrow, a type of arrow that will only fly about seventy yards).
Now, I was only shooting from twenty feet, but it is still quite a feat, I think. Your target is only about two inches long and an inch and a half wide, and it is whizzing through the air. Once I hit two clay pigeons in a row. When I can hit three in a row, I will move back about a yard. My readers will know that two perjurying cops and a very agreeable judge deprived me of my gun rights. I love to shoot, and in 2002 won a trophy for "Most Improved" at the Gator Trap and Skeet Club in Gainesville. Wouldn't it be something if I could make lemonade out of one of life's lemons and become a wingshooter with a bow?
I have some reservations about writing about what I do on a daily basis as it gives the perjurying cops and another couple, the Starlings, information about me. Information is power, they say. Hopefully, they don't read my blog, though they read my column in a hunting magazine even though none of them were hunters. Somehow, they found out I was writing for "Florida Outdoors" and started buying the magazine to see what I was writing. Some people have no lives. I am not being fearful without reason: at one point, the perjurying cops, the Stouts, had gone to court with a list of terrible things I had done. It was odd that they had never called the county sheriff's office about even one of these terrible things they claimed I was doing. Of course, you know why they didn't: I hadn't done them. One of the cops, Whitney Stout, was a sergeant with the Gainesville Police Department. That means she supervised cops. Did she tell her supervisees, " If someone calls to complain about their neighbor shooting thousands of rounds of ammunition straight up into the air (this is one of the things she accused me of doing), just tell them not to bother callilng the police, but just start making a list of all the bad things that person does, and then go to court with the list someday"? If that's true, what do we need cops for? It is also interesting that when we did indeed do something wrong - let our dogs bark at night- the Stouts were right on the phone to the sheriff's office which sent two police cruisers to investigate barking dogs. Dogs bark, and the Stouts call the sheriff's office. I supposedly fire thousands of rounds straight up into the air, and the Stouts don't call the sheriff's office. Even an Obama supporter can see the lie. So I do worry about the Stouts and Starlings knowing what I do every day as they are consummate liars, but having enemies, even rogue cops, is not going to make me hide like a rabbit or keep my head bowed.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com
Monday, April 6, 2009
#147 The Wild Man Of Olustee (Florida)
Yesterday, I went on another Bigfoot hunt. I did not see him, but I did see one turkey fly across the road, followed by another who ran across the road. I also saw a crow. Back in the woods, I saw three men having a redneck conference, which is hanging over the sides of the back of a pickup. They were parked in front of a deserted homestead. I had passed two of them on their four-wheelers. I got out, and one of them said," I guess we should have warned you that the road was washed out."
"It doesn't matter. I had to turn around somewhere."
I asked them the Bigfoot question, and two of them said no. Then the third man, Willie Croft, said this," Have you ever heard of the Wild Man of Olustee? They talk about him up at the store in Olustee. That he's 6 foot 7 and has long hair, and lives in the woods around Olustee. You can see him running across the highway in front of you. About ten years ago, I was living with a woman in Lake City and working in Jacksonville so I drove through Olustee twice a day. I saw him once; he ran right across the road in front of me."
"Was he naked?"
"It was impossible to tell."
"Because he was so hairy?"
The next step for this is to go up to the store in Olustee and see if anyone there has heard about the Wild Man Of Olustee.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.
"It doesn't matter. I had to turn around somewhere."
I asked them the Bigfoot question, and two of them said no. Then the third man, Willie Croft, said this," Have you ever heard of the Wild Man of Olustee? They talk about him up at the store in Olustee. That he's 6 foot 7 and has long hair, and lives in the woods around Olustee. You can see him running across the highway in front of you. About ten years ago, I was living with a woman in Lake City and working in Jacksonville so I drove through Olustee twice a day. I saw him once; he ran right across the road in front of me."
"Was he naked?"
"It was impossible to tell."
"Because he was so hairy?"
The next step for this is to go up to the store in Olustee and see if anyone there has heard about the Wild Man Of Olustee.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
#146 The Black Panther: A True Story
"The Black Panther: A True Story About a Mysterious, Big, Black Cat And How The Government Denies His Existence" continues: In the early summer of 1999, I read in "Swamp Screamer" that when the Florida Game Commission stocked panthers or mountain lions from Texas into North Central Florida, namely the Osceola Forest just north of Lake Butler, several were spotted by hunters hanging around the hunters' wild game feeders. The panthers did not eat corn; they ate those who did. I have put out corn around the house, and doing so has made a big difference even in the summer. It has drawn many more birds onto the property. I have even seen an indigo bunting, a solid blue bird, and a scarlet tanager, a solid red bird.
I have decided to stop taking my dead raccoons and possums to other people for food. I've been using a live trap to catch them and then I shoot them in the head with a .22 rifle. Taking them to other people takes too much time, and the people are not very appreciative. I took one up to a black woman in Lake Butler, and as I took it out of the back of my truck, I held the dead coon with a paper towel. The black woman got indignant about it saying, "You expect me to eat that animal, and you won't even touch it with your bare hands?"
"Lady, I don't expect you to do anything. Do you want it or not?"
"Give it here," she replied.
I'm not going to waste time and gas for those kinds of games. Instead, I've started taking them over to a pine plantation about a hundred yards from the house. The Santa Fe River is only about three hundred yards on the other side from the pine plantation, and maybe a panther prowling along the river will smell the carcasses and come to them.
Cabela's is advertising a Moultrie feeder for less than a hundred dollars. I plan to order one and put it up at the Sandhill Hunt Club close to the Tide Swamp Unit Game Management Area where Wendy, the worker at the check-in station, saw two black panthers. I will try to hang the feeder where there is a lot of sand so I can see the tracks around it. That way I can tell who is using it and maybe even see the track of a panther.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com or 352-359-0849.
I have decided to stop taking my dead raccoons and possums to other people for food. I've been using a live trap to catch them and then I shoot them in the head with a .22 rifle. Taking them to other people takes too much time, and the people are not very appreciative. I took one up to a black woman in Lake Butler, and as I took it out of the back of my truck, I held the dead coon with a paper towel. The black woman got indignant about it saying, "You expect me to eat that animal, and you won't even touch it with your bare hands?"
"Lady, I don't expect you to do anything. Do you want it or not?"
"Give it here," she replied.
I'm not going to waste time and gas for those kinds of games. Instead, I've started taking them over to a pine plantation about a hundred yards from the house. The Santa Fe River is only about three hundred yards on the other side from the pine plantation, and maybe a panther prowling along the river will smell the carcasses and come to them.
Cabela's is advertising a Moultrie feeder for less than a hundred dollars. I plan to order one and put it up at the Sandhill Hunt Club close to the Tide Swamp Unit Game Management Area where Wendy, the worker at the check-in station, saw two black panthers. I will try to hang the feeder where there is a lot of sand so I can see the tracks around it. That way I can tell who is using it and maybe even see the track of a panther.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com or 352-359-0849.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
#145 Seniors, Obama Will Kill Us!
Mere minutes ago, I heard Rush Limbaugh say that when Obama was in the Illinois state legislature he voted three times to allow doctors who had a baby born while they were trying to kill him by abortion, could neglect the baby until he died. Rush said the same thing last week, and this backs up the courageous reporting by Sean Hannity during the presidential election. This means that Obama already approves of killing humans during three stages of their lives: in the womb, partially-born, and fully born. If he can kill babies, the stage of human lives that evoke the greatest protective feelings of adult human beings, why do you not think he can kill us old geezers? We are not attractive anymore, and we look like we are scowling most of the time. Most important to a statist like Obama, we are a drain on the state. We are not productive any more. We are not paying taxes. Indeed, we are using tax money to sustain ourselves. To a statist, we are a waste. If a statist can okay the killing of babies, what makes you think he won't okay the the killing of wrinkled old people who have already had their stay here on earth? Presently, there is a doctor shortage in America. How do you think Obama is going to serve those who don't have insurance including the 15 million illegal aliens under socialized medicine? He can't serve them all, and he can't serve them to the hilt as we people with insurance are being served, more or less, now. Obama will institute rationing and cut services to us "useless" seniors in order to serve the previously uninsured. That is the way it is being done in every nation that has national health insurance. We seniors are at the back of the bus, and we'll be dead before we get off..I know that this may seem hard, but it is true. It will only be harder, infinitely harder, if you support Obama in nationalizing health care. Just listen to the stories of the people who have lived under nationalized health care. All you hear is one horror story after another. Do you want that for yourself or your family, friends, and fellow Americans? Forget Obama's lofty speech. Just remember this is a guy who okays the killings of babies in the womb, partially born, and fully born. The man is a monster, a wolf in sheepskins. What can you do? You can find Congressmen and Senators who are against nationalized health care, and you can contribute to as many as you can. I can only afford to contribute to one, and this month it was only $10, but the trick is to send money every month. It adds up. Your congressman or Senator will then start sending you a letter asking what you think about issues. You need to fill that out and write " No nationalized health care!" He will also have meetings and dinners. Attend them if you can afford to. Give him your support and advice. He's your fighter, your freedom warrior, so nurture and encourage him.
Again, I know that this may be hard and upsetting for you, but the consequences of nationalized medicine are infinitely worse. Act now because Obama is moving fast.
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.
Again, I know that this may be hard and upsetting for you, but the consequences of nationalized medicine are infinitely worse. Act now because Obama is moving fast.
Peter Nickerson, MS, MSW at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.
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