First a personal note: Audrey bought three cans of dog food for the abandoned kittens yesterday, and today, while putting out a can, I saw two black kittens. I got back into the car and waited and two kittens came out of the brush to the can of dog food. Apparently, predators have killed at least three. There was also an o'possum killed on the same bridge where the two young raccoons were hit last week. Audrey's friend, Miss Contrary, runs a thrift shop by the S&S store in Worthington Springs. She takes in donated clothes and other things and sells them. Yesterday, she had a unopened box that somoeone had given her. Two customers asked if they could open the box to see what was in it. She said yes, they did, and a small rattlesnake slithered out. It went to a window, apparently seeking the heat or thiking it was an escape route. Miss Contrary called the cops, and a cop came and killed the snake with a stick. She then put out two dozen mothballs around the store to keep out snakes. Audrey warned her that mothballs did not smell good and would not attract customers. Miss Contrary asked, " What would they rather do - be bitten by a rattlesnake?" No, Miss Contrary, they would rather quickly leave your shop and thereby not buy anything. On the west side of our house there is a border of tal grass about two feet wide. The pumphouse is also on the west side of the house, and as I was walking to it to turn off the water for the horses and goats this morning, I noticed that a black snake had slithered into the two foot wide border of tall grass, but he had forgotten his tail. Almost a foot of his tail was poking out of the tall grass on the mowed part of the lawn. The same thing happened last week when a lined snake went into the grass but forgot about a foot or so of his tail, leaving it completely exposed.
On "The O'Reilly Factor" last nigh, Bill O'Reilly noted that the word "privacy" was becoming code for "abortion." He also said that pro-abortion women were demanding "privacy" about what they do to their babies before they were born and after they were born. But the man who says he is "definitely looking out for you" apparently doesn't include young children because he said nothing more. Mothers do not have the "privacy" to kill their newly born children. That is murder. And Bill O'Reilly should have had the guts to say so. This is a perfect example of evil - abortions - being unchecked and leading to something even more evil - murder of young children. With humans, things are never enough. They always want more eventually. It wasn't enough that women were allowed to kill their babies before they were born, now they want the "privacy" - a non-courageous word, isn't it? - to be able to kill their young children. Next they will want the "privacy" to kill senior citizens and the disabled.
On Fox News this morning, a reporter in Pennsylvania said that the priests in that state were going to read a letter about abortion from the Archbishop. I hope he will have the guts to recognize what women and their doctors are doing to young children and speak out against it. It seems Alice-in-Wonderlike to me that Americans have degenerated to such a degree that the non-degenerates must speak out against murder.Again, if you won't report a baby being left alone until he dies to the police and social services, call me at 352-316-3337. I will try to save her. Please have as much information as possible including the city, state, hospital's name, and room number where the child has been left to die. What has happened to my America? Answer: The collectivists have it! Collectivists do not value the sanctity of the individual.
Two-Guns at
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
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