Monday, September 29, 2008

62. If Children Being Killed, Call Me.

It is frustrating that Americans are not aware of Barack Obama voting down a bill in the Illinois legislature not, repeat, not to allow newly-born children to be abused until they died. I am confident that if individuals did know this, they would turn away from Obama. If they didn't, God help us for we would have a nation of pscychopaths! In at least one session of the Illinois legislature, Obama stood up and urged that doctors and nurses be allowed to abuse newly born children to death because he said they would be "a burden on the doctor and the mother." He was the only one so demented and shameless to stand up and orate like a reincarnated Hitler.
I do not understand how American citizens, these newly born children, are being killed, and no one is doing anything about it except trying to pass bills not to allow them to be killed. Murder is already illegal with no statue of limitations. Has anyone tried to call the child protective services division of the local social services departments in the towns and cities where these killings have taken place?
I know that employees are too often dancing bears that shuffle to whatever their supervisors play because they are financially oveextended and desperately want to kep their jobs. Still, can't you sneak out and make an anonymous call to social services about a child being abused in some closet at the hospital? They accept anonymous calls all the time. Can't you call 911, and tell them anonymously that a murder is taking place and where? If you think you can't for any reason including the fear that the police will backtrack your phone call, I am offering Audrey's phone number (I've lost my cell phone). That number is 352-316-3335. You can call me, and I will make the calls to the police and social services. Of course, I will blog about the experiences here, and will do my best to get public awareness of this fascist operation being supported by Barack Obama. I am not just some Joe Six-Pack in this area. I have a master's degree in rehabilitation counseling and a master's degree in social work. I have been published, sole author, in two major counseling journals. I have been a rehabilitation counselor, a county social worker, and a city social services director, and a case manager for the chronically mentally ill. Please call me and put me on the track of a newly-born child being abused in a hospital until he is dead. I also have a philosophy major from William and Mary so I'll be very comfortable going up against any sick fascist who thinks he has a right to kill humans because they are - as Barack Obama orated - "a burden on the doctor and mother."
I did not have access to a car until Sunday evening and wasn't able to feed the kittens until then. But they did have a plastic bag full of dry dog food which I found all gone Sunday evening. I also had the pleasure of seeing an anhinga - water turkey - at the New River bridge in Worthington Springs. This was the first time I had seen one there.
Two-Guns at

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