Thursday, August 14, 2008

What's better, my friend? For me, it is that both my children have tried to call me back after I called them. I was beginning to worry about Hawkey because it had been days. I just got back from Wal-Mart where I bought two more Carbon Express Terminator arrows. They were $7 apiece not $5.
Tasha petted the dog who has diabetes, and the skin came off. Of course, she took her into the vet's today and learned that the dog has an infection and that her sugar level is a whopping 453. She's back on insulin, but Tasha wanted to know why the huge increase. This was the dog Tasha was curing her diabetes with a diet of pulled, boiled chicken and canned salmon. The vet said that when a dog has an infection, his sugar level will often go up. The dog was "treated" for an earlier episode of her skin sloughing by the kick-boxing champion vet, and our present vet thinks Dog never got rid of the infection. She wanted to know what the kick-boxing champion treated the infection with and was astounded when Tasha replied, "Nothing." She's started Dog on antibiotics and is confident she can eliminate the infection.
For you who remember the intelligent, even scholarly dog who was one of the three bitten by the timber rattlesnake, he is now overweight. Tasha had scheduled him for an appointment with the vet tomorrow because he was vomiting, and she feared he had heart disease just like his dead brother, Tanner. Wednesday, Tasha got very upset with his condition and was able to take him in that day. The good news is that his heart is in excellent shape. Dog's liver numbers are too high, but the vet said that could be a function of obesity. She wants Dog to lose twenty pounds, and Tasha has already brought in bags of diet dogfood. I like dogs a little heavy and think he can safely lose only ten pounds.
While Audrey watched the dogs to make sure they didn't bark a lot, I spent two hours at the church library last night looking for more information on the supposed dead bigfoot in Georgia. I read that the two men who found (or shot) the bigfoot had made a video where they showed a doctor of pathology examining the creature and announcing that he was indeed a Bigfoot. Then the video supposedly had one of the two men revealing that the doctor of pathology was really one of the two men's brother who was not a pathologist. The film also showed the men explaining that they were just trying to hype the event, and people shouldn't be so serious. Maybe we shouldn't be so serious as to think any of this is true. I tried to access the You-Tube film, but it was no longer available. If there isn't a press conference to show more pictures of the animal and his DNA analysis results, you'll know this is a scam. This would be fine with me because I'd like to be the first to "find" Bigfoot.
I also found an interesting story by a psychologist in Alachua County on County Road 237 who saw a Bigfoot cross the road in front of her as she was taking a walk. She watched the animal go down the steep bank of a creek. I live on County Road 239 so this event took place near where I live. The woman said the being had covered himself in leaves. One of the two possible leafs he was wearing came from the sable palm. The psychologist wanted to know if anyone else had seen a Bigfoot wearing leaves, probably to camouflage himself. I know of no other such sighting.
I heard the CEO of a major oil company try to respond to the charges that his profits are "excessive" yesterday. His response was pathetic. I suggest he say that the oil companies pay three times what their profit is in taxes. Then he should ask the individual American if he would like to have to pay the government three times his disposeable income before he could have any disposeable income. Consider all the money that you spend on things not absolutely necessary to maintaining your life and your job - money for cable TV, cigarettes, alcohol, the movies, eating out, etc- and multiply that by three. That's how much you would have to give the government before you could have your disposeable income. Hopefully, you would rebel before you gave the government that much money, particularly since about forty percent of us pay no income tax. These oil company CEOs need to be more assertive and informative. Sure the
Democrats are wolves preying on the sheeple, but the sheep calls the wolf too. Buck up with the facts, ladies and gentlemen. Don't passively let the collectivists paint you as being on The Path Of Hate.
Two-Guns at

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