Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama, The Baby Killer

I can hardly believe what I am writing: that a person who is going to be a presidential nominee from the biggest political party in the United States is a baby killer. Partially spearheaded by a nurse who saw babies who survived attempted killings of unborn babies- abortions- the Born Alive Infant Protection Act was introduced into the legislative session of the Illinois state legislature for two consecutive years in the early 2000s. This act would have ended the child abuse ( didn't Illinois already have a law prohibiting child abuse and neglect with Child Protective Social Workers in every local social service department or weren't these agencies responding to the calls because of political, read power, concerns?) practice of taking babies who had survived doctors' attempts to kill them when they were still unborn and neglecting them until they died. That is doctors would take the naked baby who had survived their attempts to murder him, put the baby unclothed into dirty lined closets or anywhere else convenient, deprive them of clothing and milk until the baby died of coldness, thirst, and hunger. This is unbelievable. This is America? Not the America that I love and fight for. Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath which states first: "Non nocere"- to do no harm, and then they turn around and kill innocent babies?
I saw on "Hannity and Colmes," Barack Obama standing on the floor of the Illinois legislature saying in April, 2002 that he opposed the Born Alive Infant Protection Act because "it would place an undue burden on the mother and the physician" to have a second physician step in and care for the born alive baby after an unsuccessful abortion attempt. What about the burden for the mother and the doctor for murdering a baby, for murdering an American citizen? Obama was supporting infanticide. This is the man (?) you want for President? If Obama will take completely innocent babies and make them cold, hungry, and thirsty until they die, what will he do to you? Don't believe the hype, my friend. Believe the actions. History is prelude. To put it lightly, Obama does not have the judgement to be president or even a social worker. He is a baby killer, both unborn and born. He kills American citizens. I have shown you in previous blogs issues where Obama is on the path of hate. This is the most important one for this is murder, and if a man will murder newly-born babies, no one is safe from his disturbed mind. This man needs help, but I know of no friends who are healthy enough to help him. He's got "America is Mean" Michelle, G-- - D--- America" Reverend Wright, "Put down the whites" Father Phleger, and "Bomb the Pentagon" Ayers for friends. These people will not try to help him get on the path of love toward children. Oh, yes, he loves his children, but he obviously doesn't love yours or mine. I speak this as a natural father, an adoptive father, a former step-father and a former Protective Services Social Worker and supervisor. Do not vote for The Baby Killer; vote for The Patriot.
I had been referring to Obama as The Teleprompter, but I heard that he used part of his vacation in Hawaii to learn to make speeches without using the teleprompter.
For the past two days, the libraries have been closed due to tropical storm, Fay. Twice the electricity went out at home, but those periods were very short. Many frogs came inside, and it has been sad finding them dead on the floor. I use a lot of Clorox on the tile, cleaning up after the dogs and suspect they died of Clorox permeating their skin. Next time, I will try to catch all of them and get them back outside. There are hundreds of broken limbs in the front and back yards. We have close to a hundred mature and dead trees, and limbs are always falling. After a storm, it's especially bad.
I mentioned in another blog Neal Boortz's two assistants, Belinda and Royal, backstabbing him with "liberal" comments. I'd like to add that Boortz needs to give up his little warning of "I will lie to you." if it is not true. If it's true, then he should get off the air. No one has time to listen to liars, and who would want to?
Two-Guns at

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