Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Mayor's Black Panther

I gave both the clerk and the guide my business card and asked about business at Bienville Plantation. I had heard that it was not making as much money as it needed. The fishing guide answered, "It's doing fantastic! They just thought they would make about $40 million their first year, that's all. This is their second year, and they've already done 127% of what they did last year. They're doing so good they're thinking about hiring another forty guides."
"What do you get - fifty percent and all the tip?" I asked.
"I get $125 a day. Sometimes, I get more than that in tips. I make about $200 to $300 a day, but that's before taxes."
"My son would love to be a guide there. At that money, I'd love to be a guide there!"
"All he needs is a eighteen foot boat."
"We have a seventeen foot Bass Tracker."
"That'd be okay."
Toward the end of April, I went to the barbershop for my semi-annual shearing. The barber had been the mayor of Alachua City, and I asked him if he had ever seen a black panther. "I've seen them," he replied, and this is his story: "The last one I saw was in 1961. My father had 1,900 acres leased on the Suwannee River, and we had cattle in there. We rounded up all the cattle but this one cow. She was very wild and would not let us get sight of her. She went into the thick part of the land which extended five miles. We built a trap in there to catch her. Daddy thought maybe she had a calf. We put corn in the trap. A buddy and I went to check on the trap. The cow wasn't in it. There was a slough caused by a small spring at the head, and we decided to fish there a while. We were sitting there, and suddenly my buddy hit my shoulder and said, "Look!" A black panther was crossing a log across the head of the slough. He looked right at us. He had a white patch on the right side of his face from his nose to under his right eye. We got out of there as fast as possible. We had no guns." From the online book, "The Black Panther Betrayal" by Peter "Two Guns" Nickerson, MS, MSW. Please report any black panther, Bigfoot,or Swamp Ape sightings to me at peternickerson12@yahoo.com or 352-359-0851. Thank you.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Chapter 108 Another Picture

Kathy-Tate Bradish, a Chicago teacher active in education in Africa wrote,
"corruption is the single biggest thing keeping not only Kenyans, but all Africans down. Corruption is just killing them, but nobody has been able to speak out against it because they fear for their own secuirty." This is from The Wall Street Journal, page A19, 12.18.08 "Obama Was Mute On Illinois Corruption" by John Fund.
Last week, I wrote about Sherri Starling wailing in court to Judge Glant that I stopped and stared at her in my truck and also ran my truck as close to their property as possible. I noted that she presented no pictures or videos to substantiate her perjurous claims but when Shadow jumped out of Tasha's truck, Sherri was johnny-on-the-spot with a camera to take a picture of him before Tasha could even get him back into the truck. Also, she supposedly videoed Pogo when he supposedly was loose on the lane too. She had no pictures or videos of me doing what she falsely claimed I was doing because I wasn't doing them.
Since writing that, I have remembered another time she or her husband, Keith, took a picture. I had decided I would try taking a dog, Rambo, for a walk and see if the Starlings would let us alone. They didn't like us walking on our lane as they were afraid that their Rotteweilers would break through the electrified fence and come after us. They kept their electrified fence turned on so high that it would kill cattle egrets if they landed on it, and I didn't think any dog would be so stupid or determined that he would try to come through such a fence. But just in case, I decided to put a Bowie knife on my belt when I walked Rambo up to the paved road, County Road 239. Unfortunately, my shirt was loose, and it covered the handle of my knife because one of the Starlings took my picture and claimed I was wearing a gun in a "western holster." Anyone with any knowledge of handguns could see that the sheath was too slim to hold a handgun, but the Starlings made a police report, and a complaint to the court was made by the state attorney's office.
This then is the third picture or video that the Starlings were johnny-on-the-spot with some kind of camera but never seemed to have one when I was stopping and staring or driving right nest to their property. You can't photograph someone who isn't there!
Returning to my unpublished book, "The Black Panther Betrayal," I put up a little sign on the window of the only store in Raiford, Florida. The sign read, "Have you seen a black panther? If you have, please call me." Soon after that I was prowling around the Osceola Forest area and stopped in Macclenny at Terry's.
I fell into a conversation with a Bienville Plantation bass fishing guide and one of the clerks. The guide told me, "I've seen a pair of black panthers at the Plantation, and so have other people. They've sold the land where the panthers used to run, but I know the club that has the land now. If they see one, they'll let me take you in there."
The clerk told me that she didn't even know that panthers were tan because all the ones she had heard of were black. She lived on St. Marys River which divided Florida and Georgia.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Guns, Guns

Near Ashcroft, Arizona, George Carpenter found that a panther had leaped about twenty-five feet through the limbs of a cedar tree to hit a coyote who was caught in a trap. The hit blew out all the ribs of the coyote and then killed him (page 136, "Puma, Mysterious American Cat" by Young and Goldman). These authors also mentioned that Charles Cory (1896) wrote that once a panther eats a pig, he prefers pig to all other game (page 129). I have a panther sighting to report: Allen Runion who works at Sapp's Pawn, Gun, And Archery in Gainesville, Florida told me about two weeks ago that he had seen a tan panther by Lake Noonan which is just a few miles outside Gainesville, to the east. Allen was riding a mountain bike on a trail near Lofton High School and the big cat leaped across the bike path in front of him. That was it. He was a very big cat and had a long tail. This happened about six years ago.
Officials in the government of the City of New Orleans have finally agreed to return firearms the city police illegally seized from citizens after Hurricane Katrina struck. Their willingness to return the guns was part of a settlement to resolve the suit broght against the city by the National Rifle Association and the Second Amendment Foundation. I recommend both of these organizations highly and urge all freedom loving Americans to join them. They membership fees are nominal. In addition, I have heard that there were even mercenaries from Blackwater hired by the government during Katrina's aftermath to illegally confiscate individuals' guns and that these mercenaries were nasty and more than willing to use force if you didn't surrender your guns immediately. Talking about guns, Tasha tells me that my lawyer, Miles Kinsell, a very able lawyer, told her that if a citizen has his guns seized by any governmental entity, he should have his lawyer write an intervention order to whomever has physical possession of the guns, usually a police or sheriff's office, and state clearly that these guns are the possession of the individual, and the individual wants them back. There is a problem with the guns being arrogantly sold or even destroyed by the entities keeping them. Miles has advised Tasha to call the Alachua Sheriff's Department and make sure my guns are still there. Apparently, there is nothing you can do legally if the entity destroys your guns or sells them to give money to the entity. That does not seem right or legal, so I'd advise you to check on that before you give up on the loss of your guns.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson, MS,MSW at email peternickerson12@yahoo.com. May the backbones of freedom and truth loving individuals get bigger and harder. Please contact me for comments, questions, and to report sightings of black panthers, Bigfoot, and Skunk Apes. Thank you.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Naming Names

I've been struggling with this for some time because four years ago when I started writing about what was going on and naming names, my neighbors, Keith and Sherry ( I'll check her court complaints against me for the correct spellling) and Corporal Dan Stout and his wife, Sergeant Whitney Stout, both of the Gainesville Police Department, found some of my writings that I had left for an acquaintance at the Alachua Farm Center. I believe they got these writings which were excerpts from a book I was writing from another worker at the Farm Center. My neighbors' immediate response was to launch a blitzkreig of false charges against me. The judge who was in charge of the stalking charge against me eventually said, "They (Corporal and Sergeant Stout) are using the system." She made that comment after my lawyer, Lloyd Vipperman, asked for more specific information. Month after month Lloyd and I went to court, and the Stouts stonewalled us by not providing the information. Then we found that they had taken it upon themselves to refer the matter to the court for the mentally ill! Surely, they could not have done that without their assisstant state attorney acting with them, and that may be why she disappeared around the time that the State Attorney, Bill Cervone, offerred me a Deferred Prosecution Agreement. After weathering their mutliple charges, I have pulled my head inside my shell and not named names again, fearful of what would happen if I did. However, the episode at the S&S store in Worthington Springs this summer showed me that these people are implacably malevolent, and their lies and perjury must be defeated in the open if I am to have any peace and tranquility. They have cost my family and me many thousands of dollars, and I have lost my guns and gained a restraining order (when I initially tried to go to court without a lawyer. Don't do it!)
In a letter to John Cooper, editor and owner of "Florida Outdoors" magazine, a magazine in which I had a column dedicated to black panther sightings, a person identifying himself as Keith Starling, but not signing the letter, said that he was an avid hunter. The only hunting I knew of Keith doing was shooting a wild turkey from the back deck of his trailer. I have begun shooting a paintball marker at Clorox bottles and flying clay pigeons. If Keith Starling is the hunter he says he is, there's no excuse for him to run to the courts and say I am disobeying Judge Glant's order of not possessing a firearm. A bona fide hunter can easily tell the difference between a paintball gun shooting and a firearm shooting. There is no comparison in the loudness of the report. Such a charge has already been done by Corporal Dan Stout of the Gainesville Police Department when he made an emergency petition to the courts because he had read a writing of mine that mentioned that years before my wife had shot a rattlesnake with a shotgun. He apparently went to the Alachua Sheriff's Office and found that I had not turned in a shotgun with all the rest of my guns. He concluded that I still had a shotgun which was untrue, but I still had to hire a lawyer, John Whittaker, for thousands of dollars and go to court.The bizarreness of Corporal Dan Stout is seen, as only one example of many I will tell you about, when he also told the court that I had made a direct threat against him in the magazine, "Florida Outdoors." I had only said that the Stouts were the only people who lived beyond us on our lane. They were the only people who drove by our house. Further, I wrote that I thought a law should be passed that would allow people whose dog had been poisoned to be able to shoot the convicted poisoner in his stomach. Out of that, Dan Stout gleaned that I had made a direct threat to him. Guess we know who poisoned Raven. Attorney John Whittaker and I won that case. Judge
Glant wouldn't even hear Corporal Stout's charge that I had made a direct threat to him. It was too bizarre and unfounded.

Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson at peternickerson12@yahoo.com. Please send me your comments and questions as well as any black panther, Bigfoot, or Swamp Ape sightings by you or someone you know. Thanks. May all freedom and truth loving people grow a bigger, harder backbone.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

B lack Panthers Everywhere!

The naturalists Young and Goldman wrote that the terrible mutilation a panther can create is apparently the reason he was set loose in the dungeons of the Incan rulers to punish treason and disobedience (from "Naturalist In La Plata" by W.H. Hudson - 1985).
Thanks to Mikah Singleton in South Carolina, I have a lot of black panther news to relate. In Florence, a federal prosecutor is becoming very angry at the typical condescension that government employees and those dependent upon the government give to reports of black panthers. This is what I write about in my book, "The Black Panther Betrayal" which appears here from time to time. The federal prosecutor's eleven year-old son encountered a black panther, and the father attempted to report the sighting. He was met by patronizing government officials who only smirked at him, suggesting such regular explanations as "it was probably only a black lab." The federal prosecutor is first not used to being treated this way by the government, and secondly, he is used to proving his point. Consequently, he has rounded up affidavits of six reputable men who have seen black panthers including one from a deputy who shot at one. I gather he did not kill the panther. I don't know if this father and federal prosecutor will be able to break the wall of denial which I posit goes all the way to the Department of Interior and is supported by Big Timber, Big Development, and Big Construction. But I am sure he is a very determined man, and his sense of honor will be outraged by the corruption. He may join us in chipping away at the wall on which Humpty Dumpty, the black panther deniar, sits. Humpty Dumpty will fall unless this republic becomes a dictatorship first. Then the government can contiue to lie their butts off, and very, very few of us will have the courage to say anything.
Mikah has also learned from John Lusk, Director, The Puma Field Research Society, that an Amish man in Pennsylvania has been arrested for making a false police report. Mikah wanted me to call John first to make sure all the details were correct before I told you about this, but life is short. The Amish man was alerted by a neighbor that two tan panthers were coming his way. Three panthers had been seen in the area, and the Amish man had lost livestock from predation. He took his 30/06 into the woods and shot one panther. As he kneeled down to inspect his kill, a second panther hit him from behind, injuring him. He fought the panther off with a knife and then went to the emergency room where the doctor says the wounds are consistent with a panther attack. However, the Department of Natural Resources does not agree with him and claims to have discovered nothing to support his claim, and is therefore charging him. Mikah did not know where the supposedly dead panther went. How far will the government go in a coverup? If the individual Amish man is being truthful, and government is being corrupt ( Perish the thought!), the question is why would it go to such lengths. Is the critical mass of assertive sighters of black panthers grown to such a size, that the government figures draconian and evil measures must be made? What are the plans for the goverment concerning our woods? Do they plan to keep the borders open so immigrants can swarm in and occupty every inch of this once beautiful country? Having lived in Florida for eleven years, I can tell you that is not unimaginable based upon what has happened and continues to happen in this former natural paradise. So we can't have panthers, especially black panthers, or anyone else get in the way of gvernment's plan to stack us humans up because development is good for the country (read "goverment")
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson at peternickerson12@yahoo.com. Please contact me with your comments, questions, black panther, Bigfoot, and Swamp Ape sightings. Thank-you.
May our backbones get bigger and harder!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Cameras And Lies

George Madison of Virginia said at the Constitutional Convention at Philadelphia in 1787, "In future times, a great majority of the people will not only be without landed (sic), but any other sort of property. These people will eiher combine, under the influence of their common situation - in which case the rights of property and the public liberty will not be secure in their hands - or what is more probable, they will become the tools of opulence and ambition; in which case, there will be equal danger on the other side." As I interpret this, Madison was warning against two possiblities. One was that people with nothing would realize they could vote themselves other people's money and other people's liberty. The other possibility was that people with nothing would be controlled by others more powerful than they. Both have happened with the election of Obama: people think they will loot the "rich," plus they have been emotionally manipulated to vote for someone they know very little, if anything, about. Obama has used them just like Stalin's useful idiots were used.
Last week, a great burden was lifted from my shoulders: I wrote a $50 money order, a $100 one to the Union County Library, and a $100 one to the 4-H program. This was in accordance with the terms of my Deferred Prosecution that was negotiated by my lawyer, Easy Mover, and the State Attorney. I named this attorney "Easy Mover" because at the conference table when meeting for the first time, I was aware that he seemed very athletic and strong just from the way he held himself and moved. I felt old and rickety. What brought me to Easy Mover was a suppossed violation of my restraining order. If you, honored reader, know of anyone who has a restraining or protective order against him or against someone else, or anyone considering using such a restraint, I would advise you to have that person read this posting. It will contain real-life information about restraining orders. First of all, I did not know I have a restraining order. It was my own fault. The civil court judge said he had considered not allowing me to use my lane to get out to the highway because the Jean Jones had testified falsely that I stopped my truck on the lane and stared at her plus I drove the truck as close to their property as possible. She made this claim without any evidence such as a picture or video. But when a rescued black lab jumped out of our truck, she was johny-on-the-spot with a camera. She took a picture of Shadow before Tasha could get him back in the truck. Shadow never touched her property; he stayed on the private lane, but since we didn't own that part of the lane, the dogcatchers came, and it cost us a fine. Another time, Jean Jones videoed my bedmate Pogo, a rescued rat terrier, when he was on the lane. She then had a dogcatcher view the video. Next the dogcatcher came to our property with a policewoman wanting to view all our dogs to see if we had one that fit the video. Mistakenly, I let them on the property. I should have demanded a search warrant. She claimed Pogo fit the dog in the video, but I couldn't see the video unless I went to court. The dogcatcher warned me the judge could fine me as much as $200. I couldn't risk that so she shook me down for $75. Jean Jones, then, had cameras and camcorders for dogs on the lane but none for me. Why? Because I never stopped and stared or drove close to their property.
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson at peternickerson12@yahoo.com. Comments and questions welcomed as well as black panther and Bigfoot sightings.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Blog Check

Two days ago, I labored mightily for an hour making a post and just after I pressed the key to post it, I got an "Server Error" post and lost everything. I thought that was ironic since in the last post I had written that I have some very serious enemies - a cop couple unfortunately - and I was sure they had access to the very latest in computer techniques or to those who did. I was afraid to be coonected to the Internet at home for fear someone would backload child porn into my computer. Then the next time I blog it disappears when I complete it and press post. Let's see then what happens with this posting.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Pooping On The Ground

First, I have what my sister Sarah calls " a knowledgeable fact": "Evil is the use of political power to destry others for the purpose of defending or perserving the integrity of one's sick self." This was from M. Scott Peck, M.D. in his book "People Of The Lie" page 241. On page 244, Peck asserts that "free will is the ultimate human reality." Of course that is anathema to the victimologists.
Yesterday, I wrote about the neighbors from hell who charged me with stopping my truck and staring at them and driving my truck as close to their property as possible(this was done in court by Jean Jones, who carried on so hysterically that she had to be aided out of the courtroom by an elegantly dressed woman. Tasha thinks the woman was their lawyer's wife which would mean that the whole act was choreographed by their lawyer). However, Jean had no evidence, no pictures or videos to back up her tearful assertions. On the other hand when Shadow jumped out of our truck on the lane, Jean Jones was right there with her camera to film him. He never touched her property but simply remained on our private lane ( that part was not owned by us though) because Tasha quickly stopped the truck and put him back into it. But Jean was johnny-on-the-spot with her camera, and we had to pay the dogcatcher around a hundred dollars. Do you see how trite both Jean and the dogcatcher were? Isn't government suppossed to be a hallmark of civilization? But isn't it the truth that in too many instances governement is not civilized but only a shakedown artist? Another time, my little bedmate Pogo,the rat terrier,got out on the lane, and again Jean was right there with her video camera. She called the dogcatcher who came to view the video. Then the dogcatcher returned with a cop and told me she wanted on our property to see if the dog in the video was one of ours. I was silly and let her in. She decided on Pogo. The only way she would allow me to view Jean Jones' video to make sure the dog that trivial woman filmed was actually Pogo was to go to court. But I was warned by the dogcatcher that the judge could charge me $200 if he found me guilty whereas she would only charge me $75 right then. If I had $200, I'd gone to court. So how is it that Jean Jones who must spend a worthless life staring out of her trailer every time we drive by, can have a camera and a video ready when a dog gets on the lane but has no picures or video of me stopping and staring and driving as close to their property as possible? The answer is obvious: she didn't film me or video me because I didn't do either. She perjured herself in court with her hysterical presentation. She's a good actress and an excellent liar though. Jean must have a refined code of dishonor.
I also wrote yesterday about Castro and his woman who wears the clothing of a fundamentalist Muslim except that everything is white pooping on the ground in the lot adjacent to theirs. I wonder how long it will be before the new neighbors discover and complain about that. I've noticed a lot more flies around since Castro and his woman moved in. Castro also does a fair amount of shooting at night. I guess he is shooting at owls, possums, and other predators as he has chickens, but I also wonder if he has a marijuana crop hidden somewhere, and the shooting is designed to keep people away. I've seen him make short runs in his truck at midnight. The people who were busted in the old cops' house next to us did the same thing several years ago. Trucks would appear in the middle of the night, back up to the garage, and then I could see several men moving quickly around the back of the truck. Very soon - ten minutes or so - the truck would drive away. I told Tasha my hypothesis, but she characteristically poo-pooed it. Finally, the DEA and the county cops came with en masse, in cars, a heliocopter, and an armed personnel carrier. They also brought an interpreter as all the people in the grow house spoke only Spanish. Since their arrest, the old cops' house has remained vacant. Just this weekend, Tasha told me a realtor had told her no one could live there because of all the chemicals used in their drug operation. I don't think anyone would destroy the house and build there again as the property is a piece of swamp in the rainy season. But who knows?
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Too Long

I've been off the Internet too long. Things like going to Toastmaster's and putting up a new canopy for the horses have taken away coming here to the library to blog. I have some serious enemies and since some of them have access to the very latest in developments with computers and the Internet, I am afraid that if I had a computer hooked up to the Internet, they would back-load child pornography into my computer. Maybe if I bell the cat, I would feel secure enough to get on the Internet from a laptop, but that's down the road at best.
Someone has moved into the lot at the end of the lane. I introduced myself to them last night. I was out in the lane feeding the cat family and got them to stop when they drove by. Their big, red dog was escorting them up the lane. I warned them, "If the people in the trailer up the lane see your dog, they will think it is one of mine and report you to the dogcatchers." The man assured me he was building a big pen for the dog, and I had heard pounding from that direction earlier in the day. I warned them again, "They will call the dogcatcher and even take pictures of dogs, call the dogcatcher, and give them the picture. Then the dogcatcher will go around trying to find the dog in the picture. And it costs a lot to get your dog out of the dogpound too." I heard much more pounding the next day. The new people had an outdoor light put in at the end of the lane. I welcome the additional neighbors in that with them vehicles are going up and down the lane much more frequently. Today, we had a school bus go up and down the lane. The neighbors from hell will be less likely to make up false charges against me because I am not so isolated. Their charges like the past ones that I stopped the truck and stared at them and that I drove as close to their property as possible will be more difficult to make with more neighbors coming and going. It is an irony that I who loved the isolation and the subsequent animals and plant life around me should be relieved to have development.
The new family is situated diagonally across the lane from the homesteaders, Castro and his woman. Castro has his property up for sale, and there had been a realtor's sign at the paved road advertising a house for sale. Maybe the big shed Castro built qualifies as a house in Cuba and other Communist countries, but apparently the people going down the lane to see it didn't think so. The realtor's sign was changed to property for sale. If people get out and walk the property, they should see the poop and toilet paper Castro and his woman are leaving on the adjoining property.
Saturday evening, before dark, I was walking down the lane with a can of dog food for the cats. Castro drove by me in his rickety pickup. He has a cap on the pickup, and in the back window has drawn a white cross with a huge black snake on one side and a huge white snake on the other side. I think I've mentioned I've found dead roosters at his gate. When Castro saw me, he drove by but then stopped and didn't start again until I emptied the dog food into the cats' bowl and started back up the lane. As he drove off, I thought, "Now isn't it nice of him to stop in the lane on my property to watch what I am doing on my property?" He must be a communist since they don't recognize the individual or his property rights. Maybe he's planning to return to Cuba. Does anyone do that willingly?
Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson at peternickerson12@yahoo.com

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Feral Housecats

Tasha is much quicker than I am. This summer the dogs kept racing out the back door to bark at something in a corner of the back yard by the fence. Tasha hypothesized that with such ardor displayed by the dogs, they must be after a cat, and since the cat seemed to be there a lot, she must be attending to a litter of kittens. She went into the area the dogs were barking at and in an old, abandoned dog house I brought to Florida from Virginia (Tasha's company provided excellent moving services), a litter of spotted white kittens was found. Tasha began taking out food and spending time with them. This apparently alarmed the mother, and she moved the kittens next to a fallen log. Tasha found them again and continued to pay attemtion to them. Mother cat moved them again, probably off our property, and Tasha could not find them this time. We wondered what happened to them.
About a month ago, we began to get glimpses of them on the lane. Kando, the Navy Seal, counted three young spotted cats and their mother on the lane one day. But that night I heard the coyotes singing nearby and hoped they weren't celebrating a cat dinner. Several nights later, I saw two spotted young cats and their mother on the lane. They were very wild and disappeared quickly. Tasha bought a bad of Science cat food, and I began putting out food for them. I wouldn't see them, but in the morning the food would be gone. My head lamp had worn out so I bought a new one, an Energizer with one watt power, a much more powerful one, at Walmart. A couple of nights later, I was feeding and watering the horses and goats when my new head lamp serendipitiously picked up three sets of very bright eyes looking at me. I knew it was the cat family. It had been raining, and they were apparently using the ruins of an old shed on our property for shelter. I continue to put out cat food and canned dog food for them. Last night my head lamp picked up their bright eyes on the edge of a big pasture which is situated on the east side of our property. This is where the coyotes roam, and I had heard them singing last night. I picked up only two pairs of cat eyes. About an hour later, a second search was made because I was worried about them, and this time, three pairs of eyes twinkled brightly back at me father up the lane. I was very relieved to see the third cat.
Theodore Roosevelt, a great hunter and conservationist, tells the story of the Confederate General "Red" Jackson of Bellmeade, Tennessee who as a cavalry officer in the Southwest rode a one-eyed Kentucky horse up to a standing grizzly bear. he avoided the blow from the forepaw of the bear somewhow, and then with his sword split the grizzly's skull. This is from Roosevelt's "The Wilderness Hunter, page 126, Elkhorn edition.
I hope you have enjoyed this and will come back for more. Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Sarah Needs To Laugh

Rebecca is not going to change. People change only through a crisis, and Rebecca is hardly in one. She has married a millionaire, is remodeling his big house on the river, and is driving a big, red convertible. She's at the top of her game. Plus, the hatefullness is very old and applies to other people besides Sarah. She's used in on Sarah's younger son, our brother Ron, and me all in one evening over the phone. I also saw that hatefullness expressed toward her husband Lucky at dinner almost thirty years ago at a restaurant on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. She said so many despicable things to him that I marveled that Lucky did not stick his fork into her right there at the table. Believe me, that can happened: recently, The Enforcer had all the vitriol he was going to take from Gloria at the dinner table and poked his fork into her chest.
I will try to get Sarah to see that having herself, Rebecca, and me in one place is bringing together the critical mass for an explosion. I can easily see myself trying to intervene between Rebecca and Sarah and trying to bring other people into it. Rebecca is very appearance conscious and would not want her loathesome behavior known by those who count to her. I could do that.
If we don't want me social-working Hayden Lake for an intervention on Rebeca, and mother having a heart attack, then Sarah needs to establish an acceptable equilibrium with Rebecca. The only way I think she can do that is to be able to think and talk assertively when Rebecca confronts her. The best way to do that is indirectly through the use of absurdity. Sarah can laugh at the absurdity of what Rebecca says by making it more absurd, laughing all the way. Meanwhile, I can work on not being the protective big brother by laughing at the absurdity of my sister Sarah, a summa cum laude college graduate, allowing herself to be flummoxed by Rebecca, a little community college graduate. I don't need to get into an undifferentiated ego mass with Sarah; if she wants to co-exist with Rebecca, she can do it. I've pointed the way, now she, not I, needs to do the work. In writing this, I think I have worked out the best advice not only for Sarah but for myself.
I've mentioned Captain (UK) James Ashcroft writing "Making A Killing." He also claims that he has read somewhere that 15,000 American rounds are fired to kill one enemy in Iraq. Finally, he asks how many of us know that after Saddam invaded Kuwait in 1990, and allied forces were beginning their build-up in the Gulf, Osama bin Laden offerred the use of al Quada forces to Saudi Arabia to use to fight Saddam's forces. Saudi Arabia declined, preferring to use American might.
Thank you for your readership and please come back. Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Winners Laugh

Sarah asked for my advice on how she should proceed with Mom - give her peace and quiet or confront her about the two of us not being invited to visit her at the same time. Actually, it is our sister Rebecca who doesn't want Sarah and me out to Hayden Lake, Idaho at the same time. This is because Rebecca knows there will be hell to pay from me if she is abusive toward Sarah. Mother is taking her cues from Rebecca because Rebecca is taking care of her and including her into her family. This is an old pattern of behavior as Mom was Dad's - whoops! Rooster's - doormat as he took care of her when he was alive. She was a stay-at-home mother to six kids. Mom is very secretive about her upbringing, but I learned from a neighbor of my grandparents, after my grandmother died, that my grandmother would have arguements with my grandfather, collapse onto the floor, and men from the neighborhood would have to come in and carry her upstairs to bed. Mother did not like me finding this out so it's obvious that she is used to hiding dysfunctioning.
I need to give Sarah advice. I think advice is terribly under-rated. Lord knows, I would have benefitted from it. Remember, I had a father -whoops! a rooster- who sometimes would crow with glee when I was having problems. He was no advice-giver. I think the first thing I will tell Sarah is that winners find a way to laugh while losers keep their frowns. The next thing I will say is that we need to be very honest, and that means recognizing that I may make trouble for Rebecca in her hometown of Hayden Lake, Idaho, if she is mean to Sarah. Several times I've been railroaded by various government officials and have been unable to protect myself both because I could not afford a lawyer, but more importantly, because of my great fear of public speaking. I have a great deal of experience from these misadventures and would not hesitate in using my experience to try to stop Rebecca's abuse. I would go to Rebecca first and then her husband, but if that failed, I might try to organize a family intervention. But I don't have much hope for that as my family is very timid, detached, and cold. Money is the standard, and the answer to every problem. Anything else is shrugged off. Money talks and everything else walks. So I would probably go elsewhere too, possibly to Rebecca's minister. Rebecca runs a Christian private school. In my last call to Mom, she blamed her heart palpitations on Sarah's two-day withdrawal into her room after Susan scolded her for not taking care of Mom. Notice that Mom did not blame her heart palpitations on Rebecca who came into Mother's home and falsely accused Mother's guest - Sarah - of not taking care of Mother. If Sarah's reaction to Rebecca's attacks caused Mother to have palpitations, can you imagine what Mom would have when she saw my reaction to Rebecca's attacks?
I will continue this next posting.
There were a couple more assertins made by Captain James Ashcroft (UK): One was that in the early years of the occupation of Iraq, if a U.S. Army convoy was shot at, the American soldiers would immediately lay down a circle of automatic fire around their convoy. They would riddle cars, chickens, dogs, and children with their bullets. It didn't matter. This was in the book "Making A Killing." Ashcroft's first explanation for why the U.S. went into Iraq is that in 1999 Iraq stopped selling oil for the dollar and asked for Euros. This caused the Euro to get stronger, and started a policy that other nations might follow. This would have jepordized the American dollar. To back this up, Ashcroft notes that one of the first things the coalition forces did in Iraq was to change the trading in Euros back to American dollars. It is interesting to see what people outside the American box, so to speak, say about us who are inside the box.
I hope you have enjoyed your visit here today, and as they say in the South,
Y'all come back now, you hear! Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Rescued Dogs' Behavior

Last Tuesday night, one of the dogs pranced by me in the kitchen proudly holding the ski cap I wear to bed. I quickly rescued it, showing no humor at all. The cap was wet and had holes in it so I put it around a light fixture so the light bulb would dry it before I went to bed. Two ski caps have already disappeared this winter so I must hang onto the last one.
Tasha and I took Page, a rescued rat terrier, to a foster family to have a reunion with her daughter, Bitty Bit. When the two dogs saw each other, they literally embraced, standing on their hind legs and embracing each other with their long, thin front legs. We will keep them together until it's time for one to come back to the mother ship for medical monitoring or socialization with other dogs. All these dogs belonged to a pack of about thirty dogs before the neighbors from hell complained about the number of dogs we had. Then we had to find most of them foster homes where we continue to provide the food and medical care with the right to cycle the dogs in and out of the foster homes.
Gloria is one of our foster homes even though she and Tasha are not speaking at this time. I still am. This rift between the two women has happened before. Tasha says that Gloria thinks that just because she takes care of her mother who has a severe case of Alzheimer's, she has done her Christian duty and can say anything she wants to whenever she wants. There is no doubt that Gloria shoots from the hip and is impulsive: one time the three of us were eating dinner at Sonny's in Alachua City
(Florida, and Tasha went to the restroom. Gloria said to me, "Tasha's gone to the bathroom for a couple of minutes, let's go to it right now!" Gloria's mother walks around the house naked, pees on chairs, and defecates on the floor. That's a tough job for Gloria to be monitoring her mother constantly and cleaning behind her, but I'd consider it for five hundred or so a month. After all, that's exactly what I do with the dogs. Gloria's mother would fit in.
Recently, Gloria saw two abandoned pit bulls on the side of the road. She called Tasha immediately to see if Tasha would accept them into her network, meaning that Gloria would take care of them, but Tasha had to provide the food and medical care. Gloria has a small horse ranch and plenty of room for more dogs. Tasha responded that she could not afford to pay for the care of any more dogs. Gloria countered with, "The humane people are going to pick them up, and you know they put pit bulls to sleep!" But Tasha didn't budge. Gloria who has more money coming in than Tasha does relented and picked up the puppies, caring for them herself. They were emaciated and needed worming as well as their starter shots. Gloria did a great job with them. I've seen the puppies, and they are precious. They are red pits with a long strip of white between their eyes, making them look like calves. They wriggle with friendliness, and Gloria has already found homes for them. Good job, Gloria!
I hope the homes are good and beyond that, stable. Because of overspending and obsessions with sex, money, and drugs, stable families are a rarity. Still, it's wonderful that we're still free to make mistakes and haven't traded our freedom into the government for a more equal hell on earth. For this I give thanksgiving.
Last summer, I read a book but was unwilling to discuss it. It seemed unpatriotic, but I decided patriotism to truth superceded patriotism to the party in power in Washington. "Making A Killing" was written by Captain (UK) James Ashcroft, and one claim he makes is that the Iraquis learned to give up their custom of firing rifles to celebrate a wedding because the American soldiers on patrol responded by opening fire on them. It was one reason the locals hated Americans (page 14). He also said that right after the fall of Saddam, American convoys demanded that all vehicles on the roads in front of them make way. If vehicles didn't, they would first get a warning burst of gunfire. If they still didn't pull over, gunfire would disable their vehicle. Ashcroft claimed that the warning bursts were often followed by the disabling bursts so quickly that it was just one long burst. Of course, this was another reason the Iraquis hated us (page 21).
I hope you have enjoyed checking in today and will do it again soon. Peter "Two-Guns" Nickerson at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Two Too Many?

I called Sarah, and as I predicted, she did not read my blog. She said she got to the library and found it closed. Considering Sarah has done her tutoring there for years and should know the library's hours by now, that might have seen odd but remember that Sarah is a sixties hippy. She did get a friend to read her parts of my blog for about an hour over the telephone. Sarah remarked to me, " It was very interesting. I didn't know you did so much black panther research like talking to that man whose family had seen ten or eleven black panthers." I hoped that her friend would find this blog interesting enough to read it regularly. Sarah commented, "If Meme (our mother's mother) had told Mom that she and Ron (Mother's brother) couldn't come see her at the same time, she would never have stood for it. What do you think I should do - I know you'll just say I should do what I think best - but should I just accept this or should I confront Mom about it?"
"Sarah, I've been thinking about that myself. I want to give Mom peace and quiet, but she's not a bump on a log. She saying and doing things that are very upsetting."
"Exactly!" Pam confirmed. "As I've told Mom, I want peace and quiet myself!"
"Touche! That's brilliant! In all my thinking and writing, I've never thought of that myself. Sarah, Kando is coming down the lane with the horse trailer. I've got to help load the horses. You take care, girl."
"I will. Call me. Bye."
"Bye, bye."
In other news, I found these items in the "Wall Street Journal": This past spring the Swiss government mandated that geneticists must do their research without trampling on a plant's dignity. How do you do that, and who decides if you're doing it or not? More government bureucrats, I'm sure. Also, I read that last September the people of Ecuador voted for a new consititution that is the first in the world to recognize an ecosystem's rights, and those rights are enforceable in a court of law. Therefore, the nation's rivers, forests, and air are no longer just property but are right-bearing individuals with "the right to exist, persist, and regenerate."
Will this paralyze people and give them less rights than other animals, and how far will people carry this - to molecules, perhaps?
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Positive Things, Love Lost

Since I am very hard on myself, I am forcing myself to note some good things: First, this weekend we tried to move the horses to Kando's four and a half acre pasture. There Odessa and Dually will be able to graze on grass, run, and have the company of other horses. We keep them in the woods where there is no grass and very limited space to run. We took down the corral which was made of metal horse panels and put them into the bed of a pickup Kando borrowed. I was the one who figured out how to put the last panel into the bed. Kando thought it should be another way, but Tasha supported me. Kando has about a half acre around his house. There's grass there, but there is one dog poop after another everywhere. I clean up the poop around our house which makes for a lack of grass and a plenitude of sandy dirt, but at least you and the dogs aren't constantly stepping on poop. Kando waters his horses out of an old bathtub. It was loaded with scum, and I was surprised he let the tub go that badly. I wash the tub and bucket we use for the horses every weekend with Clorox and wipe them clean with paper towels.
That was on Sunday, and on the previous Friday night, I was about the last person to leave the gym. I leave 5 minutes earlier than the closing time to give the workers time to put the weights away. As I was leaving, one of the workers came over and wished me a pleasant evening and shook my hand. I was touched by this show of respect because I have lived so much of my life so far out of the box that people would shake their heads at me. No one shook my hand.
Audrey asked me what was wrong, and I told her she knew very well. When she persisted, I told her, "You had no business saying that Rose was a big of s---!"
"Well, that's what I think she is!"
"I'm not taking you to Toastmasters' again. You are too hateful!"
"So are you!"
I muttered "Stupid!" to myself and walked away from her car.
She yelled something at me as she drove away.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Florida Frigid, Love Lost

The Florida temperature has been as low as 28 some mornings.Since I have not heat, I am going to bed with two pairs of longjohns.I have never used heat unless there was a woman in the house. I do have about ten candles in the bathroom which I light when I take a shower. But showers are not a daily thing now. There are three dogs on the bed with me - Pogo, Maggie, and Rambo. Rambo has to bark when he wants to get onto the bed because Maggie, the little Bassett hound thinks she is a lion and will not let him onto the bed. I have to call her to me, and then Rambo, the yellow lab, can jump onto the foot of the bed. I have a space blanket under the bottom sheet on the dogs' side of the bed so it will be warmer for them. The cold weather is making the horses frisky: Dually, a horse rescued from a cop who was starving him, was prancing around the fence this morning, provoking the dogs into a frenzy, and then kicking the fence. I chased the dogs away before he destroyed the fence.
I called Sarah to leave a message for her to look at my blog. She was at home, and we talked briefly. She was very surprised to hear that Mother is now saying that she doesn't want the two of us coming out to Idaho together. Sarah said Mother had just told her that it would be so nice if the two of us could come out together. "Yeah," I remarked, "And then she told Rebecca, and Rebecca put the kabosh on it." Mother had said to me, "Let me talk to Rebecca when I told her it would be much easier to come out West with Sarah.Nowebecca is taking care of her, and Mother has become Rebecca's doormat. Sarah asked, "Isn't it awful that a mother can't let two of her children come together to see her because another child is against it?"
"It's pitiful, Sarah," I replied.
"That's exactly what it is - pitiful!"
Sarah was going to spend the day in the library so that her son's band could use the house to practice in. She said she will look at the posting I wrote a couple of days ago, but I don't know if she will. Sarah is quirky about using the computer: she says she has 750 emails she hasn't read.
I went to Toastmasters yesterday with Audrey and only gave Rose, the hippy, the reason Audrey wasn't there. After the meeting, I followed Rose to Budda Belly in Gainesville along with another Toastmaster. We spent almost three hours talking, and it was so different than being with Audrey. We had real conversations. The other Toastmaster told us at length about buying the patent rights for a premium coffee from the University of Florida and how he was about to use $3.25 million of his own money to bring the coffee onto the market. When he told Rose and me about building a place for his roasters, I asked for directions to it. I wanted to see if it were there. After lunch, I found it, and the workman said it was being constructed for roasters.
As I followed Rose to the Budda Belly, I noticed that her bumpersticker read "Shift Happens" not "S--- Happens" as Audrey had claimed. Audrey cannot read very well. I don't even plan to mention that to Audrey as I simply cutting her out of that part of my life.
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Is It Selfishness?

Sunday I called Mom, and she reiterated how wonderful it would be if I could come out to visit her. I have a fear of distance and have never been out to Idaho to visit her even though she's been there about thirty years. I replied that I had just talked to Sarah, and she would like to go with me. This would make such a trip much more possible to me. Mom replied firmly, "I don't want you and Sarah out here at the same time. Rebecca is very good to me, and I don't get between my children (even to stop them from fighting, Mom?) and I don't want the two of you out here together. Obviously, Mom and Rebecca know that there would be hell to pay with me if Rebecca was abusive toward Sarah, and I was there. I admitted to Mom, "I am protective of Rebecca, and even though your style is not my style,at this point in your life I want you to have peace and quiet, and I respect that." About five years ago, Mother confronted me about not seeing Tasha when she was in the hospital for heart surgery. Tasha had made it abundantly clear that she was not interested in seeing me, probably so I would not run into her boyfriend. Mother's confrontation released a torrent of anger from me that included writing her a letter asking if she ate her children and sending copies to my sibs. That is not what I wanted to do as Mom is an old, sick woman, and I want her to have as much peace and quiet in her remaining years as possible. But she had provoked me. Again, I am very disappointed but not at all surprised with Mother's statement. Rebecca is good to her so she is not going to upset the applecart. It's all about Mother, and it is very selfish and hurtful to the rest of the family (even to Rebecca because it allows her to get away with abusive behavior toward Sarah without being reprimanded by Mother). But it's a very superficial selfishness. The deeper selfishness, that is, doing something for her self would be to have higher principles and insist that Rebecca stop being abusive toward Sarah. Rebecca abused Sarah in my mother's own home when Sarah was my Mother's guest, and Mother did not intervene. A higher principle, a principle that would contribute to Rebecca life and to the lives of the rest of our family and to Mother's involved friends, as well as to Mother's life, would have been an immediate intervention to tell Rebecca she was not free to talk to Sarah that way in her home, and shouldn't talk to her that way anywhere, and that what she was saying was not true. Doing that would be an act of doing or saying something that furthered Mother's life in the highest sense. It would have been the deepest selfishness possible, I think. Wouldn't Mother been proud of herself if she had the guts to do that? Wouldn't her family and friends have been proud of her and proud to have her as a Mother or a relative or a friend is she had done that? JFK famously said that a rising tide lifts all boats. I say that a high principle acted upon elevates everyone concerned. Again, it would have elevated Rebecca by showing her the right way to behave. Instead, my mother chose to continue in the groveling position of accepting whatever Rebecca did because she was "good" to her. No, Mother, Rebecca is not good to you: She abuses your guest in your own home. I am speaking rhetorically because I have no desire to disturb my mother. She got shingles during our confrontation five years ago. She deserves to eke out her ending in peace and quiet. I guess.
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Arrows In!

I struggle with a bad shoulder and do rows and rotator cup exercises to build it up. Still, I have to use BenGay-type ointment and Aspercreme on it daily. Recently, there was an archery instruction program on one of the outdoor channels, and the archer was demonstrating a two anchor system of shooting which would enable you to make your shot from the same position every time. One anchor was the cheek, and the other was putting your nose on the outside vane of the arrow. I tried it, and instantly my grouping of arrows was much tighter. Two arrows lost vanes, and another arrow got split by an incoming arrows. For about two weeks I have been using the double anchor concept in my practice. I have also adopted a standard I saw on another archery show: shooting from a close distance to put 10 out of 10 arrows into the target and then moving back about a yard. Then you practice at that distance until you can do 10 for 10. At that point, you got back another yard. Today, I went from about 15 yards to 16 yards. I hope I can accomplish 10 for 10 at that distance in a week.
It is cold in Florida now, but last week I encountered a black snake about four feet long on the archery range. I am slowly cleaning the range becuase I have lost several arrows on it. If I miss a shot, I immediately stop shooting and go down to the back of the range where I rake up leaves into the Yard Cart and then carry a handful of limbs back to the pile. Using only my left hand gives my right shoulder a break.
Last Tuesday in Osceola National Forest, I was driving along a sand road and saw a thin snake about eight inches long in the road in front of me. I stopped the car and got out to see if I could identify him. I couldn't, but he did not move. His head was a couple of inches off the ground, but he appeared frozen. I scuffed some sand at him. The sand actually moved him, but still he didn't move. It was a cool day, and I guess he was frozen. I had never seen a snake in such a condition. The snake and a doe deer were the only animals I saw that outing. You do not see a lot of game in the Forest, and I think it is because they are shot at from the roads. I think that is why deer in Florida are very skittish about beng viewed from the roads, and in Virginia they aren't. I speculate that the interest in that sort of thing is less intense in Virginia, and law enforcement is more pervasive. That's just a guess, as I found out years later that my step-son, Spike, had been an avid road hunter, even killing deer at night with the bumper of his car. A lot goes on around you that you are not aware of.
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Dissing A Toastmaster

Audrey has a major problem: she goes postal when I talk with another woman. I am sure this is a habit she acquired with Henry, who at fifty is still living with his mother and not seeing another woman. A year or so ago when she exhibited this bizarre behavior, she made an attempt to justify her outburst by saying, "I don't know what I would do without Henry or you." I've gone fishing with Henry, and his talk is punctuated with crude but lewd remarks about women, so I know he's interested in women but doesn't dare to do anything about it. It's been beaten out of him. Even if Audrey and I are in the Osceola Forest, and I stop at a country store, often with only dirt floors, and get a black panther sighting from the female clerk working there, Audrey will not acknowledge the sighting when I come back to the car and tell her. It's like I'm talking to the barn wall, and while I try to remain differentiated, it takes a lot of the joy of being out in the woods away.
Ida has been coming to the Toastmasters' meetings with me because I did not have Tasha's truck available for my use when I started attending. One of the Toastmasters is an ex-hippy about my age. She is gray and overweight, but she reminds me of my hippy sister, Sarah. I enjoy talking to her, but Audrey gets livid. Last Thursday, I spent some time with her after the meeting as she was quitting Toastmasters as she found the rules too constraining. Typical hippy. When I finished, Audrey's face with contorted with feral rage. We got into the car, and she slammed the door and then slammed the sun visor around. As we drove out of the parking lot, she hissed, "She's got a bumper sticker on her car. It says, "S--- happens. She should know, because she's a bag of s---!" I decided Audrey was no longer coming to meetings with me. I will simply tell her that I have some people to talk to and am taking Tasha's car. I've already talk to Tasha and obtained her permission. If Audrey asks if it's because of what she said about the Toastmaster, I will say yes.
This is nothing new: I stopped going to church with her several years ago because of her jealous outbursts in the car after I said hello to another woman after services. Once again, I've had enough of her insane dissing. This is a rough time of the year for Audrey because her family ignores her through the holidays, but neither my acquaintances nor I are going to bear the brunt of her primitive rage.
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Seal Is Angry

Kando, the Navy Seal and best friend of Tasha's is about six foot tall and six foot broad. I knew that Gloria and Tasha had a run-in recently, and I asked Kando about it while Tasha was in the feed store. "Gloria started yelling at Tasha for using a needle that was too big, and Tasha said something back to her. We had brought dog food over to her, and she told us to take the dog food and get off her land. I drove Tasha home, and then I went back. I was going to break her neck with one hand."
"And spend the rest of your life in prison," I added, surprised at his anger. "It's not worth it."
"And spend the rest of my life in prison. You're right; it wouldn't be worth it."
"But I could shoot her from 600 yards with a sniper rifle, and no one would know."
"Now you're making me insecure," I laughed.
"Nah, nah, nah," Seal replied.
He was still angry, and I let him calm down. He talked about where he could get the sniper rifle and other weapons. This was a side of Kando I had never seen. I had heard that Seals were deadly about anything said or done against America, and now Kando seems to have transferred that to Tasha. Gloria had not just blown up at Tasha, but had also said some hurtful things about her to others. That was going to be very hard for Tasha to forgive. Gloria has suddenly become very mad at Tasha before, but she had never gone to other people to try to hurt Tasha. Thats human behavior; it never stays the same, it either gets better or worse. It usually gets worse.
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bigfoot Hunt, Love Lost

Yesterday, Audrey and I drove up to Osceola National Forest, a huge flatland that is often flooded with runoff rainwater. It was dry, and we had no problem driving around. I asked about six hunters if they or their friends had a Bigfoot story, and none did. I also asked a man who is apparently an employee for Plum Creek Land Company, the largest landowner in America. He wasn't paticularly pleasant and hadn't seen one either. All these men admitting they've never seen a Bigfoot leads credence to the reports I get of men seeing black panthers. Obviously, people aren't just making up stories when I ask about sightings.
I lost my phone several months ago, and Tasha generously bought me another one last week. It was great to be in touch with my mother and my sister, Sarah, again.
Rebecca fell off a ladder while she was painting the top of one of her porches and broke both bones in her leg and sprained her right hand. Consequently, I found her at home both times I called her. She reviewed the difficulty she had with our sister Rebecca when she visited our mother in Idaho. I suggested the reductio ad absurdem approach and played the role of Sarah when Rebecca told her she wasn't taking care of Mother. I said, "Rebecca, I am so glad you have pointed out how I have been abusing and neglecting Mother and thereby causing her great injury. You can see what terrible shape she is in as she sits there with Uncle Ronnie, drinking coffee and eating cookies, chatting with Uncle Ronnie, and enjoying herself. I strongly suggest we dial 911 and get an ambulance here immediately to take her to the hospital where she will undoubtfully be placed into the intensive care unit! Meanwhile, I would appreciate it if you would call 911 again and have the police come over and arrest me for mother abuse or neglect!"
Sarah said, "I don't know what Rebecca would say to that, but she would just go around and tell the family about it."
I didn't know how to respond to that, but next time I will say, "Let her. She knows you weren't neglecting mother. She knows her charge that you were was a lie. She's not going to tell other people that she told you that you were. That would expose her as a liar. She's too smart to do that, but even if she did, everyone would know she was lying." Instead, I said to Sarah, "If you were stronger, you could just say, 'Rebecca, you are lying. I am not neglecting Mother, so just get off your lie and move on." To show me that she was stronger than I thought, Sarah said, "Well, I did tell her something. The day I left, she came by in a big, red convertible. I walked over to her as she sat in the big car and said, 'Rebecca, you are the sister from hell!' I could tell she was taken aback.
"Sarah, the two of us have the same problem: we are very serious, and we take things very seriously. That is how Tasha hooks me, and that is how Sarah hooks you. I will bet there are times when they have gotten together and said let's hook Sarah and Two-Guns, and then let's get back together and laugh about it. Tasha and Rebecca are able to slip from the role of being very nice or very charming to being very nasty. You and I can't slip out of roles: We are always very serious. That's our hook, and it's a very easy one for them."
"Yeah, that's very true. We are serious."
"Well, how about this, then: When Rebecca starts getting nasty and making up untrue things about you, why don't you just say you know she has a split personality, and you want to talk to the nice Rebecca."
"Yeah, I could do that," Sarah replied enthusiastically. "I can see myself doing that."
I learned from Tasha that Rebecca's daughter, Flowers, was mailing me a picture her hunter-husband had taken of a large, black cat at his hunting camp. Since I didn't know Flowers' number, I called Rebecca asking her to give me the number. That was several days ago, and I haven't heard from her. Is Rebecca reading my blog, and seeing herself in what I write? Wonder why.
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Dogs, Panthers, and Freedom

THE DOG CREW STORY: The Alachua County, Florida ordinance is unfair, ignorant, and arrogant because a person living on a quarter of acre can have the same number of dogs - 6 - that I can have on a little less than nine acres. Why? We had to "get rid of" most of our dogs. Of course, they went to family and friends as they were beloved creatures, not just expendable things as viewed by the county politicians and bureuacrats ( let me add that there were plenty of kind bureaucrats who were just following orders, and I hope they are able to find other work before their government jobs eat their hearts). Most of our dogs are rescued dogs who have been abandoned by subhumans. We even adopted some out early in their stay with us, but they were too disturbed by the trauma inflicted by the subhumans to make it and had to be returned to us. To save the canine crew, we developed a network of homes for the dogs with Tasha providing the food and veterinary care. We cycle the dogs back to our house where we monitor them, and they get to see the other dogs. Each time a dog cycles back to our house, the mother ship, he meets old friends and often family members. In addition to our rescued dogs, we have a core of labrador retrievers we had been breeding for about twenty occasionally for twenty years. We don't breed any more because it is not only too painful to see puppies we love being bought by other people but also because not all these placements work, and we worried about the puppy's welfare. We only sold our puppies to about a third of the people who came to by one, but in spite of that, there were still puppies who were not treated well. Tasha can be very sociable, and she has developed many contacts who were able to tell us about the puppies we sold. Hearing that one was not being treated was heartbreaking, and although we resolved every case, we are still worried about the ones we don't hear about.
A few days later, I went to Orlando to Disney World in Orlando with Tasha' office crew. Disney World is not my cup of tea so Tasha bought me "Wildcats of the World" by Barbara Sleeper, and I was content to spend the day with the crowds and artificial phoniness.
What was Obama calling "selfish?" It was a family's income for itself instead of wanting to give a portion of it to the God-state to disperse as it wished. I believe taxation is one of those things that show God deliberately constructed this world to be imperfect. Taxation appears to be a necessary evil for how else can you raise the money needed for government? Lotteries? I say that taxation is evil because it is based upon force. If you doubt that, see what eventually happens if you don't pay your taxes.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dogs, Panthers, And Freedom

THE CANINE CREW: Two mornings ago, one of the crew knocked my Timex digital clock off the dresser and onto the concrete tile. This has happened several times, but this time the clock did not survive the fall. It will be a while before I can replace it.
Four years ago, our neighbors from hell complained that our dogs were too noisey, that we had too many, and we abused or neglected them. I tried to keep the dogs quiet, but Tasha would not help. She said the neighbors from hell deserved the noise. Three times their trained attack dog, a German shepherd, had jumped on our dogs whle Tasha was walking them down the lane. Once, they were still on our part of the lane, our property, that is. This was the second trained attack dog the neighbors had, and neither of them would work with the neighbors from hell. That should tell you that they really were from hell. The dogs both disappeared. Tasha said she had bad dreams from the attacks, and I advised her to see a therapist. If the problem became severe, we could initiate a lawsuit. But Tasha can be very brittle about anything I suggest, and she did nothing but have bad dreams. I was sure that the neighbors would not complain about the dogs for two years as they would be waiting for the statue of limitations on a suit to run out. Sure enough, within a month of it running out, they were out making complaints. When they carped to the county authorities we found out that we could have only six adult dogs. Alachua County has a very intrusive government. What business is it of theirs how many dogs, children or horses a person has?
I told Dr. David Maehr, author of "The Florida Panther," about finding the dead "black panther" in Capps, Florida and asked him, "I guess that's pretty classic, isn't it?"
"Not really. It's usually an otter. They have the same shape, you know, and people can't judge at a distance."
I'm going to put up signs at some of these country stores like in Raiford where they are seeing him. I'm going to offer $100 for a confirmed sighting."
"Why don't you offer $10,000," he asked, laughing, "You wont lose it!"
"Well, I'm going to keep trying.
"Good luck."
Obama in an obvious slam at Ayn Rand's "The Virtue Of Selfishness" said last week that there was no "virtuousness in selfishness." I've written that he has no standing on this as he has been very selfish toward his half-brother living in Kenya in a dirt floor hut making do on $12 a year. He's been the same way toward his aunt who lives in a ghetto in America. He made millions from a ghost-written book that included passages about his love for his aunt, yet she has received very little if any proceeds from that book. In addition, the amount of money the Obama give to charity as reported on their income taxes is very low.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Dogs, Panthers, And Freedom

Rambo amazed me Saturday. Rambo is a yellow lab with a huge, heavy head and pronounced jowls. His legs are short, but his body is stocky. He weighs about a hundred pounds and is not a beautiful lab because his legs are too short, and his head is somewhat like a pit bull's. Tasha and I kept him for his character because even before he could stand as a puppy, he was crawling around his mother to see what littermates he could push around. Puppies were often clumpedd together in two or threes, probably for warmth and companionship. Somehow Rambo would find these little piles of puppies even though his eyes weren't yet open, crawl over to them, push them apart, and move on. We would laugh at the bellicoseness of the blind, crawling puppy and for that I named him "Rambo."
But Rambo is now a mature dog of about eight years, and Saturday he showed an unexpected rare side: Redbones, a beagle about fifteen years old and now deaf was sleeping in the doorway of my bedroom. Rambo wanted out of my room, but he didn't want to disturb Redbones who is very cranky. So Rambo whined and then barked for me to come. I guided him around the undisturbed Redbones. After eight years, Rambo has learned the kindness of letting sleeping dogs lie.
I finished reading "Panther" by John Caras and called Dr. David Maehr to ask him about the book. He laughed and said, "Oh, yes! I read that, first in high school, and for the second time when I began catching panthers. He's got some ridiculous stuff in it - panthers killing a bear and a big alligator."
I asked David if he remembered meeting a guy in Costa Rica who was working with margays. He had supposedly met this guy at a cat conference there.
"I've only been to the Amazon," David replied.
"This man said he met you at a cat conference, and that you were quiet and introverted."
"That's not me," David laughed.
"I can't tell you his name without his permission because he is trying to get into graduate school. This whole thing about black panthers is very controversial. But he's the only professional I've met who's said he wouldn't be surprised, indeed would expect, there to be a black panther. He says there are black margays, black lions, and black tigers."
"Well," responded David, "I've said that there are dark panthers in South America and maybe there could be some black ones genetically."
"There is some organization that has several panthers. The staff takes them around to Wal-Marts and sells panther T-shirts. I saw one of the panthers and started pointing out the Florida panther characteristics to my wife. The staff guy thought I was from the Game Commission and said they had all the necessary papers if I wanted to see them. I was flattered. But their brochure stated that the Florida panther didn't have the necessary genes to produce black panthers. Was that a correct statement?"
"No," David replied, "They can't say that."
Last week Obama aired his thirty minute commercial in which he said, "I am my brother's keeper; I am my sister's keeper." Later in the week, he asked, "What is the virtuousness of selfishness?" That could have been a slam at Ayn Rand's book,
"The Virtue Of Selfishness." Obama is a hypocrite. He is not his brother's keeper because his brother lives in a hut in Kenya. He lives on $12 a year! Obama is not his sister's keeper either for his aunt lives in a ghetto. Obama made over $4 million on his two ghost-written books (he's a hypocrite as an author too). Part of that book is about the warm relationship he supposedly has with his aunt. He sells the book which is partially about his aunt, makes millions from it, and his aunt stays in the ghetto.
Finally, to add insult to injury, Obama has ordered both his brother and aunt not to talk to anyone. No money, just force. Expect the same for yourself if Obama wins. Don't be a useful idiot; vote for John McCain, the Patriot.
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Friday, October 31, 2008

#84 Obama:Seniors A Burden, Panther Story

FREEDOM'S VIGIL: The elecion of Obama will move the United States toward a universal health care system. There is a shortage of doctors and nurses presently. With universal health care, 50 million more people will expect to be served by these same doctors and nurses. Since the left is made up of so many irrational, unloving people, let me point out the obvious as they won't: Obama's health care system is not going to serve everyone. There will be rationing and worst, there will be a target population, the senior citizens, who will be denied expensive medical care. If you think that Obama will not just let you die with no medical care, look at his videotape in Illinois when he was a state senator. For four years he oppossed a bill to give medical care and love to babies who survived abortion attempts and were born. These babies - American citizens with all the rights that you and I have - were being put into back rooms until the cold and lack of milk and care killed them.
For four years Obama stood against a bill that would simply allow people to love and care for these brand-new American citizens. He wanted them to die. The excuse his despicable sychophants have offerred is that there was already a law to protect these children. But that law had so many loopholes in it that babies were still dying of neglect. Obama said to let them die. I heard him say on the videotape that it would be an "undue burden on doctors and mothers." Shouldn't doctors treat their patients and mother love their children at least enough to make sure they didn't die? Obama will let you die too, fellow seniors. We will be "triaged" right out of expensive medical care because Obama and his like will see us as a burden on the taxpayers. The medical care will go to younger people, including even illegal aliens, because they are working and paying taxex. If you're crazy or filled with hate for others and yourself, vote for Obama. If you have love for others and yourself, vote for John McCain.
The Colorado beauty asked her sister to go back to their rooms and find out where they saw the dead black panther. When the sister did not return, the lovely lady left to find out what was going on. I waited fifteen minutes, but she did not return either. Probably, I should have known better, but I decided to check out her story anyway. I did not want to obsess that I had missed a chance to see a black Florida panther due to laziness. I return to our room, got Jon up, and to his great displeasure, drove to St. Marks on the Gulf and then to the outskirts of Tallahassee. There we found the "black panther." He was a big, black dog lying on the side of the road, obviously killed by a vehicle. There was still time enough to go back to the club and hunt for deer or hogs.
On the way to the hunt club, I called the editor of "WOODS 'N WATER," a hunting and fishing magazine out of Perry. I wanted to find out why my column had not been published for the second consecutive month. After the editor, Patty Pudding, tried to smooth things over with me, I asked her about black panthers. She replied," The Game Commission says we're nuts, but there are black panthers. I've seen them as a child on the ranch."
"I don't want to ask how old you are,Patty, but how long ago was this?"
"Forty years."
"Well, there were no imports back then. No one had the money back then to bring in exotics."
"It's funny you say that because one night years ago, I was coming back from Tallahassee and saw a cougar on the highway. It wasn't black; it was tawny. No one would believe me. They said I was seeing things. Then news came out that ----, oh! I can't think of his name! He had a lot of money and a big ranch. He had cougars in pens, and one had escaped. That was what I saw that night."
Apparently people in the Perry area found in unbelievable that one would see a tawny, not black, panther.
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

#81 Obama Toasts Terrorist, Panther Story

FREEDOM'S VIGIL: Mommy's Boy Obama has been caught - videotaped, no less - with his hand in the terrorist cookie jar again. It happened when he attended a dinner-party in 2003 to honor, repeat, honor, the spokesman for the Palestine Liberation Organization, the PLO, which is a terrorist organization that has taken the lives and limbs of many Americans and Jews. The terrorist spokesman was Rashid Khalid, and he was such a good friend of the Obamas that he used to baby-sit their children. Also attending the dinner-party were two other terrorists who had used bombs to kill Americans in America, including two policemen in Boston. These two terrorists were Obama's friends, Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadette Dohrn. Later in the dinner, the PLO terrorist was toasted. If it has friends who are terrorists; if it goes to dinner-parties for terrorists; if it toasts terrorists; then it must be a terrorist or at least a terrorist-lover. So what say you, Obama? Or do we care what he says since actions speak louder ( and more true ) than words? The "Los Angeles Times"has the videotape of Mommy's Boy Obama attending this dinner-party for a terrorist. But they don't want to make it public. You, honored reader, need to do what you can to demand that the newspaper release the video. At least talk it up to everyone you speak with. The grass-roots is going to have to win this election because McCain has not shown any intensity until the very end of the election.
Remember, "Crazies on the left, and wimps on the right." Give yourself permission not to be a crazy or not to be a wimp. Be rational and bold too. Vote for Jon, The Patriot. No votes for terrorists or terrorist-lovers!
THE BLACK PANTHER STORY: One Saturday night toward the end of December, Jon and I got a motel room in Perry, Florida so we could hunt the next day at the hunt club.
We did not sleep well and did not get up early to go hunting. While Jon slept, I decided to partake of the "free" breakfast at the motel. While there, I started a conversation with a very attractive and shapely blond. Her high cheekbones reminded me of an old girlfriend in Virginia, Melissa Ware, who was part Indian. I learned that this young woman was from Colorado and with her family was visiting her father's relatives in Perry. Her mother, who was from France, had tried to live in Perry after she married, but was unable to adjust to Florida's stifling heat and oppressive humidity. Her husband and she had moved to Colorado. By now, I was asking almost everyone I met if they had seen a black panther and was very surprised when the Rocky Mountain beauty replied, "My father showed us one yesterday. We were coming back from St. Marks and Tallahassee. It was dead on the side of the road. Let me get my sister to go back to the room and ask my father where it was."

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

#30 Black Panther Story, Freedom's Vigil

I mentioned the black panther, and the clerk immediately introduced me to another worker, a young man named Jan. Jan said, "I worked with the magays (small, spotted cats found in the dense tropical forests from Mexico to Argentina) for four years. So you're studying ________ (he reeled off the Latin name)? I don't see why there can't be black panthers, particulary since it's a big cat ( Jan was mistaken here, for the panther is not a big cat because it supposedly doesn't roar). The lions and tigers have both black and white individuals. There are some black leopards. The margays have black individuals. I'm back here in Gainesville trying to get into graduate school because I saw what was happening in Costa Rica during those four years and wanted out. I want to go to Indonsesia or Malay and study the ____
(again the name slipped through my memory untouched) That will be far enough away so that it's not spoiled."
I asked him if he knew David Maehr and his book " The Florida Panther." "Yes, I know him. I read his book but didn't finish it. I met him at a cat conference in Costa Rica."
"What's he like?"
"He's quiet, nice, introverted like biologists are."
"The Game Commission people down here say that the everyday people who see black panthers are crazy," I remarked.
The first clerk who was listening to our conversation, scoffed, "Game Wardens down here are police officers!"
Jan agreed, "The Game Commission is mostly enforecement. Researchers don't go into the Game Commissions."
I told him I would like to talk to him some more, and he was agreeable. Jan gave me the name of his adviser at the University of Florida and urged me to call him.
FREEDOM'S VIGIL: I have finally read something that makes me a little less worried about Obama: Fred Siegel's critique of Freddoso's book, "The Case Against Obama."
I learned that Obama wanted to be mayor of Chicago, a dying, corrupt, Democratic city with the highest sales tax - 10.25 percent - in the country. The ambition to be be mayor could be the reason Obama attached himself to such sleazy but influential men as Bill Ayers and Rev. Wright. Mr. Siegel wrote, "He (Obama) simply cultivated the people he needed to cultivate in order to climb the greasy pole of local perferment, giving beautiful speeches along the way."
You have seen how Obama threw his friends like the white and American hating Rev. Wright and the unrepentant bomber Ayers under the bus by repudiation and minimization respectively. I have heard that Michelle wears the pants in the Obama family, and I believe it. We should know why she isn't proud of America. But Mr. Siegel says the most positive thing I have read about Obama: "A man so drawn by his own star is likely, if elected, to throw over his old allies (think of Rev. Wright) in pursuit of new goals." The positive thing about that is the possibility that Mommy's Boy Obama may be attracted to the masculine, paternal character of the generals and admirals in the staffs that advise him as the president. Generals and admirals will be more patriotic than the bomber Bill Ayers and the white hater Rev. Wright.
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Monday, October 27, 2008

#79 Black Panther Story, Freedom's Vigil

I called Reed, and he said he saw the black Florida panther in the late 1960s not recently as Wayne thought. Reed then related the event to me: " I was dragging that Tink's 69 behind me, and I kept hearing little noises in back of me. I saw a low limb on a tree and climbed it. I got about ten feet off the ground. The black panther came right up to the tree. I had my rifle barrel pointing right at him. I could have touched him with it. I told myself that if he looked up at me, I would shoot him. He weighed 100 to 120 pounds and was in good shape. I will remember it forever. But he didn't look up and went down the trail in the direction of my buddy. It sure put the hair up on the back of my neck. I stayed up in the tree for quite a while to make sure he was gone. Then I came down, found my buddy, and went to a nearby fire tower where I told the people there what had happened. They called three or four game wardens, but the game wardens said I was crazy."
In a few days, I received a brochure from the Panther Survival Project. The phamplet stated: "There is no documentary evidence of a 'black panther.' DNA testing shows no gene for melanism in the Florida panther." I planned to ask David Maehr about the veracity of that statement.
The only so-called professional ( I say that because professionals have to earn a living usually, and unfortunately there are almost always politics involved in earning a living.) to support the idea of the existence of a black Florida panther came unexpectedly while I was shopping for thermal underwear for Jon at Brasington's in Gainesville. I saw an old picture of a huge, drugged tan panther with a triumphant couple holding the panther. The man was athletic looking, and the blonde woman very attractive. I asked about the picture, and a clerk replied, "Oh, that was taken back in the seventies when _____ (I forgot the name immediately as always) was doing some work on them." (To Be Continued)
FREEDOM'S VIGIL: I hope you are picking up the double-speak of the Obama campaign. We saw some of it when John McCain halted his presidential campaign to work as a Senator back in Washington, D.C. to try to resolve the bailout question. Obama then called him "erratic." If McCain were more intense about his campaign, he would respond, "If Senator Obama wasn't needed back in Washington, why was he elected Senator? He is now the leader of the Democratic Party. Why doesn't he go back to Washington and try to lead America out of this financial crisis? Is he more concerned about his campaign than America?" This question can still be asked, and would be a perfect potshot for Sarah to make. Let's change the saying, Crazies on the left; wimps on the right!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

#78 Black Panther Story, Freedom's Vigil

BLACK PANTHER STORY: I asked Wendy if there had been anything exciting happening, and she replied, laughing, "I almost stepped on an eight foot alligator!" I told her, "I've been talking to David Maehr at the University of Kentucky on the telephone. He wrote a great, little book, 'The Florida Panther.' It's about when he worked for the Florida Game Commission and the experiences his team had catching, examining, treating, and radio-collaring panthers over a period of nine years. I heard that game wardens were telling people who had seen black panthers that they had actually seen black jaguarundi. I told David about it, and he just laughed, saying that the closest jaguarundi were in parts of Texas."
A couple days later I listened to some of our telephone messages at the house, and it sounded like a Reed Allen had returned my calls. Reed was the man who was hunting the Lake Butler Game Management Area near a landfill when he kept feeling he was being followed. He was dragging a rag drenched in Tink's 69 Doe-In-Heat liquid scent. He was trying to attract a big buck and mask his own scent. Reed kept looking over his shoulder and turning around to see if anyone was behind him. Finally, he got so apprehensive that when he saw a big live oak tree with branches characteristicallly close to the ground, he climbed the tree and waited. In about ten minutes, a black panther cautiously approached the tree. He was obviously following the Doe-In-Heat scent trail. The big cat went right up to the tree Reed was perched in. Reed could have touched him with the barrel of his rifle. The panther sniffed the side of the tree, but probably since deer had never climbed trees in his history or the history of his predecessors, he did not look up. Instead, the cat preceded along the trail Reed had been walking. I was told this story by Wayne Cox who was the State Of Florida Turkey Calling Champion for five years. Wayne told me this account at The Deer Stand, a sporting goods store in the city of Alachua, where he worked. Wayne thought the incident had just happened.
FREEDOM'S VIGIL: We had a McCain-Palin sign up at the paved highway, but in a couple of weeks, the sign was stolen. It was probably the work of our neighbors from hell. We used to have a nice little sign up at the road that gave our address with an arrow pointing down our lane. Our house number is not in order with the other house addresses so that little sign was very helpful. Probably our malicious, drunken neighbors tore that down too. I have noticed that three McCain-Palin signs have been destroyed in areas where there was a lot of foot traffic by blacks and Hispanics. Friday, I was waiting for my order inside at Burger King in Gainesville, and two tall blacks wearing University of Florida tee-shirts were looking at my McCain-Palin cap and making comments. Due to my shot-out ears, I could not tell what they were saying or I'd have said something back.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

#76 John McCain, Say You Will Investigate!

Dick Morris is right: John should have said at his last debate with Obama that if he is elected he will investigate for any criminal activity the Wall Street executives and the Congressmen involved with the financial meltdown. He does not have to say that these Congressmen were Democrats. Dick Morris said this would focus the great anger Americans feel about the 70 billion dollar bailout on the people who were involved in it instead of the Republican Party. To me, it is more important that the leader of our country have the integrity and energy to call for such an investigation. Obama isn't going to do it because Democrats were involved in it, and he got the second-most money from Fannie Mae in way of campaign contributions. You have tremendous anger by Americans about what has happened yet neither one of our Presidents-to-be proposes an investigation! Talk show host, Michael Savage, is right. It is unvelievable. Obama and his party are dirty; that's why he's not calling for an investigation. But what is John's problem? Is it once again the fact that he has no ideology? Do you even have to have an ideology to know that if you are running for president and the country is fighting to avoid a financial meltdown, you, of course, call for an investigation and promise that you will pursue any criminal charges if you are elected? How can something so simple, so strong, not be seen by McCain? Is he not doing it because his campaign manager, Frank Davis, is a Fannie Mae man himself? Is McCain going to lose this election to hide the truth about his campaign manager? I thought it was "Country First," John. Let's get it done, John McCain. This is probably your last chance to pull out a victory. Already some of the Democratic pundits on Fox are saying you are going to lose so badly that you will be a national disgrace. Don't do that to America and yourself. You know the saying - "Crazies on the left, and wimps on the right." Prove them wrong. Announce that you as president will launch an exhaustive, but fair investigation on the CEOs and the Congressmen involved in the financial meltdown to see if they did anything criminal. If they did, you will prosecute. Do it now, John!

#76 John McCain, Say You Will Investigate!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

#74 It's Distribution, Not Redistribution, Obama

FREEDOM'S VIGIL: John McCain is finally asking my question of how do you account for Obama's stupid statement that he was going to cut income taxes for 95 percent of Americans when it is common knowledge that 40 percent of Americans do not pay any income taxes. It makes Obama and his 350 economic advisers look like imbeciles. McCain recognized the discrepancy and said it meant that Obama plans to cut the non-tax paying 40 percent a check. McCain rightly says that is a bribe to vote for Obama. McCain should have pointed this out a long time ago, and is just one more example of a rather passive campaign. Thank goodness for Sarah Palin and Joe, the plumber. They show some guts and energy. One more thing, John and Sarah : Don't say that Obama wants to redistribute your money for that implies that it was distributed once already. We don't get money distributed; we earn money. Please don't imply to hard-working Americans that their money was distributed to them. They earned it. "Distribution" is used by totalitarians who insanely want everything within the government, nothing outside the government. Next time Sarah and John please say, "Obama wants to take your hard-earned money and distribute it to others. Americans, you have the right to decided where your money goes. What right do politicians have to take it from you and spread your money around?"
You can also point out that federal spending has doubled with Bush, but it will not with McCain-Palin. In fact, you will freeze all but some essential federal budgets, and be looking for ways to cut more spending. This will be the strongest differentiation yet from the Bush administration. As you said at dinner the other night, John, Obama's pet name for you is George Bush. You need the differentiation from him.
Crazies on the left, and wimps on the right. We can eliminate the latter part of that sentence by getting a backbone. Soon please before our America is gone!
PERSONAL PALAVER: What Tasha will say never fails to amaze me. I am never right, and she is always ready to say that. Recently I told her, "Our electric can opener is worn out; it won't open cans anymore. Tasha responded, "It's not the can opener. They are making cans differently now."
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com

Monday, October 20, 2008

#73 You Earned It; You Keep It!

Freedom's Vigil: Sunday I heard a sound byte of McCain's regular radio address. He said that taking money away from people and giving it to other people who were not paying any income taxes was a giveaway. He's right, but he needs to be more complete. He needs to show the killer instinct necessary to overcome his adversary. He should have ended his statement like this: ... but a giveaway to get votes. It's nothing more than a bribe." (To his credit, on Sunday I heard McCain say exactly that.)McCain cannot and should not try to offer more trinkets from other people's money than Obama does. Instead, he should spend time explaining why trinkets from other people's money should not be handed out by the government. He should explain that they are stolen, albeit "legally" from other people and that is not what America is about. America is about the freedom of the individual to earn his own trinkets or not, but not to take other people's money. Let's hear something inspiring from McCain, not the negative, hateful talk of Obama wanting to seize the property of others like so many African leaders, like Mandel, do. Help give people the confidence that if they are honest and hard-working they can achieve material success, and if they don't, their children, by being exposed to their parents' good values, will probably achieve financial success and share it with their parents. Tell people that they don't have to give up their freedom to government or take away anyone else's freedom to have financial security. Point out that living by the government instead of by freedom always results in misery, including financial misery. Name names - Cuba, North Korea, Red China, and Russia. Bring it home and remind people that the financial mess America is in now was caused by the Democrats in Congress blocking Republicans who wanted to reign in giving out unqualified mortgages. These Republicans also wanted to reign in the high-flying boys on Wall Street who were doing very dubious things with everyone's mortgage.
I ask you, honored reader, to start pushing along these lines in your daily conversation with others. You may have heard of Bernie Goldberg's book, "Crazies On The Left; Wimps On The Right." Let's change the latter part of that title to "Crusaders On The Right."
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com.

Friday, October 17, 2008

#72 More Like A Pit Bull Without Lipstick

McCAIN'S CAMPAIGN: There is support for McCain's plan to use 300 of the 700 billion dollar bailout for loans to homeowners so they can avoid defaulting their mortgages. Sheila Bair, the Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Coroporation, said, " We're attacking it at the institutional level as opposed to the borrower level, and it's the borrower defaulting. That is what's causing the distress at the institutional level. So why not tackle the borrower problem?"
Former FDIC Chairman William Isaac said he agreed: "One of the things we need to do is slow down the foreclosures."
This appeared in the "Wall Street Journal" yesterday.
FREEDOM'S VIGIL: I had given up on McCain and wrote notes from "Liberal Fascism" by Jonah Goldberg while the third debate was on. I heard the debate but I didn't look up at the television screen until John - God bless his heart! - gathered up his courage and began listing the dark sides of Obama's associates. He even mentioned the children Obama was killing in Illinois. John was soft about it, like a pit bull puppy's bite, but I saw promise there that he would grow up to set a bite and not let go until all the questions had been answered truthfully by Obama or John had shown the falseness of Obama's answers. But time is so short! I suggest he hand this over to Sarah. If John had just said, "Senator Obama, with your friends and associates, if you applied for a federal job, you couldn't pass the security clearance." That comment would have won a place in history and maybe the presidency too. It's late, but not too late: John or Sarah can still say it and must! I credit Dick Morris for the idea.
There was one lie and possibly another one by Obama in the debate: The lie is his statement that we "have to borrow $700 billion from Red China to pay for our gas each year." The government does not pay for our gas, we individuals do. This is just another example of Obama's blindness toward the individual and his obsession with his proposed God-state. You don't think there was any religion in Obama's church which was headed by Reverend Wright, do you? It looked like an hour of anti-white hate to me, and by both the minister and the congregation. It looked more like a tribal war dance on the eve of a battle against the whites. I never saw any Christianity being talked about or practiced. The possible lie is Obama assertion that there was already a law to protect newly-born infants. I hear this law had so many loopholes in it that it was almost worthless. I saw Obama opposing the second law because as he said, "it would put an undue burden on doctors and mothers." He sounds like he was indeed protecting doctors and mothers from being stopped in the murdering of newly-born children. Don't let this one go, Sarah and John. Develop it some more. Also let's look into Odinga associating with Obama on almost a daily basis while he joined the Islamofascists in Kenya to rebel against the government after he couldn't get elected. Democrats are liars and taxers. All you have to do is shine the light of truth on them in a sustained way, and Honest John and Pitbull
Sarah will win this country away from the liberal fascists.
Two-Guns at peternickerson12@yahoo.com