Thursday, June 14, 2018

School Shootings #16

     I finished the first state, Alabama, by sending a member of the state school board, J.Zeigler, an email asking what her response has been to the young men with guns who are entering schools and killing and maiming children. The chair of the state board didn't have a email address. I also acted as a direct advocate of detectors and dogs at school entrances and said that supporting gun control was no immediate, direct solution that would stop gunners from entering schools. Let's see what happens. I realize that I may be rocking the boat and also realize my past behavior of cowardly bailing out when my boat gets rocked back by my opponents. So here's a chance to redeem myself if the rocking starts. In the meantime, the Furies of Remorse are keeping their distance from me as I'm doing something that is strong, brave, and vitally helpful to others. Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850,

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