Saturday, May 19, 2018

School Shootings

     I get the feeling that students are protesting the possession of firearms not because this is the immediate solution to school shootings but because they are the useful idiots of their leftists teachers who are not interested in their students' safety or their own, but in the elimination of firearms ownership by free individuals. I say this with the qualifications that I do not have television or access to the internet except at the public library. I could easily be missing something [ yes, I know, leftists: I'm missing a brain.] What makes me say that is the immediate solution is not the confiscation of firearms, but stopping would-be shooters from entering schools. You can't eliminate evil, but you can block it. That can be done by having a single point of entry into a school plus metal detectors for firearms made of metal plus gunpowder sniffing dogs at the single point of entry for firearms made of non-metallic parts.
     I say this is no guarantee that no firearms would get into schools but it the metal detectors and gunpowder sniffing dogs should eliminate most firearms. Plus, it would serve as a real deterrent. These kids doing the shooting are not Navy Seals. They are fragile, troubled snowflakes who need boundaries and cognitive-behavioral therapy. If they know they will have to stand in line for metal detectors and gunpowder sniffing dogs, most will crack at the thought and not bring a gun. Those who do will try to brave the waiting in line, the detectors, the dogs will show signs of stress. If our police and school personnel will become as smart and sophisticated as the Israelis, they will put down their doughnuts and Red Books and look for tells of stress. Then they will politely and respectfully engage the student and do a body and belongings search.
     Maybe students are already asking for these precautions. If you are, then I apologize for taking you to task. Your idea of eliminating guns is quixotic and wrong. Look how well the prohibition on drugs starting in 1914 has worked. Has it eliminated drugs? No! All it's done is to give trillions of dollars to the drug cartels, law enforcement, and lawyers, created more lethal types of drugs, and put millions of mainly blacks and Hispanics into jail, thus ruining their employment opportunities for life. Look at well the prohibition on alcohol worked. It was ignored until it was lifted. This is a democracy. People want alcohol, drugs, and guns. The vast majority of people use alcohol, drugs, and guns without getting into trouble. The shallow, macho people want to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Being mean makes them manly and strong, they think. Don't fall for the shallow end of the genetic pool, students. Be truly strong and macho. Think, read, watch, discuss, and experience. Get out of man-made pseudo-reality and go into nature and observe how reality works!


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