Saturday, December 29, 2018

Bigfoot Sighting

     This week I received a telephone message from a woman saying she and her friends had seen a huge, man-like creature at Yosemite. They were in a tent, heard a noise, lifted up the tent - don't tents nowadays all have floors?- and saw him or her. My attempt to call her back failed. Will try again. Woman said I was the only one she knew to talk to. Hope this isn't someone behind my truck, reading my sign on the back, and punking me. Also hope I will get some more sightings, and we can have a talk about the event.
     For New Year's I plan to drive into known Bigfoot woods and find a buxom Bigfoot to kiss at midnight.
Nick 352-359-0850

Campus Freedom Advances

    Betsy DeVos is acting with patriotism and orbs to bring freedom and justice back to the loony, debasing campuses by allowing accused students to have the right to cross-examine their accusers. The campus crazies are insisting that the delicate college students - while their peers are fighting all over the world in the face of torture if taken alive by the enemy- might be "shielded" from their accused such as being in another room for the cross-examination. They can make accusations that could cost the accused his educational career and future employment, but they aren't woman or man enough to face the accused. Pathetic! Nick

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Socialist Utopia Demands Conduct

     The Socialist Utopia of China is chugging along nicely in making the entire nation a concentration camp by grading each person's behavior including credit card use according to the elite's - dictator Xi's standards. If you're not a good robot, they will deny you high-speed transportation. More draconian measures will come, folks. The poor Chinese. One dictator after another.
     If you have good news, that is, a sighting of Bigfoot or a black panther, please let me know. Nick 352-359-0850

Freedom Not To Bleed

     The Hindu Janata Party in India wants menstruating women denied access to the temples dedicated to the celibate god, Ayyapan. I guess all these menstruating women would be too much for his celibacy. Women are protesting it. As an individualist, my position is that if these temples are privately owned, they can make their own rules about admission. But men have no right to be bullies and physically block women from peacefully demonstrating in the streets.
What's with these heels who can't stand dissent? Don't they realize that is the way of progress? Oh yes. They don't want that either. Jerks. Nick 352-359-0850

Sudan's Freedom Wanes

     A Sudan father just sold his child on Facebook for fifty cows, three cars, and $10,000. Let's see if he gets all that. The Week, hardly a magazine interested in the welfare of you, me, and thee as individuals, didn't utter a peep about Facebook's lack of regulating illegal, immoral activities. Nick  352-359-0850

Malaysia's Freedom Wanes

     Malaysia's freedom continues to erode. The majority Muslim population voted themselves affirmative action over the industrious, talented Chinese. This discrimination was supposed to end in 1991, but it continues today. A crowd of
50,000 Muslim racists gathered at the capital to demand another extension of the racist law. Nick 352-359-0850

Socialist Utopia Pushes Dissident

     The Socialist Utopia of Venezuela, currently starving its middle-class and poor to death through the hateful high drama of socialism (which they mistake for an economic system instead of a Greek tragedy) has obviously pushed Fernando Alban to death off the tenth floor of - where else -- the freaking police station. He had just returned from the United Nations where he was telling of the true situation in Venezuela. Socialism can't compete with dissent as it is immoral, impoverishing, and murderous. So off he goes!  Nick  352-359-0850

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Freedom Falls: Dog Leash Death

     Putin is killing dissenters who have fled Russia and are making any noise. So far he has killed three that we know about. Nikolai Glushkov, once the finance director of Aeroflot, was preparing his case against being falsely charged with criminality at work. Poor, he was representing himself in court and had amassed a great deal of documentation that would embarrass Putin. The night before the trial, he was strangled with his old dog's leash. The United Kingdom is not aggressive enough in providing security. They should give up their damn tea and crumpets for Red Bull and handguns. Nick

Socialist Utopia "Legislates" Retroactively

     The Socialist Utopia of Red China retroactively changed a law to make "legitimate" imprisoning hundreds of thousands of ethnic Muslim Ulghurs. Of course, this would never happen to American young people because their parents have told them they are princesses and princes. Nick

Freedom Falls: Thirty Commandos Killed

     Fifty government commandos sent to Jaghori, the safest rural district, were slaughtered by the Taliban. Was this just another example of the refusal of our military to fight, occupy, and hold, the winning way to fight a war? Do we have to continue to support the fight, occupy, and leave philosophy of the military-industrial complex that cares solely about selling unending military hardware because we can't win with fight, occupy, and leave. Which is exactly what the military-industrial wants - endless wars for endless spending. Forget human lives. Nick    

Freedom Advances: Pence Supports Rohingyas

     Vice-President Pense deplored the arrest of two Reuters journalist reporting on the massacre. Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kri, hypocritical Nobel Peace Prize winner, merely replied that people had different views. Why she should defend herself by saying to Pence that "people have different views" when she kills thousands who have different views must be because she is crazy. Nick

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Freedom Advances -Gone To Pot!

     The South African top court has ruled that criminalizing the private, home use of pot is unconstitutional, and marijuana needs to be legalized within two years. What difference does ending the ban on illegal drugs make? Studies have shown there is an initial increase in drug use as many want to experiment after use has become legal. I have yet to see it put this way, meaning in such a direct, honest way, but there is another huge difference: the billions of dollars in drug sales would no longer be going directly to the drug cartels and indirectly to law enforcement, lawyers, and owners of private prisons.
     Let me put it another way. The "War On Drugs" is nothing more than a Trojan Horse for the making of billions of dollars by the drug cartels, law enforcement, lawyers, and the owners of private prisons. I suppose I should make out my will.
God Bless America! Nick

Socialist Utopia Poisons Pussy

     The Socialist Utopia of Russia has apparently poisoned Pussy Riot band member Peter Verzilov. Pussy Riot stages protests against Vladimir Putin. Socialist utopias are so horrendous that free speech and nonviolent political dissent are not tolerated lest the dictators in charge lose their power.
     Have you Americans noticed that the American leftists who say they hate America never leave America for a Socialist Utopia. What's stopping them? Answer: They know they're lying. God Bless America! Nick

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Freedom Falls: Police Just

Freedom Advances: Republicans Show Balls

     Republicans showed some balls by showing clips of Hillary, Pelosi, and other Demonrats egging on Americans to engage in mob rule. The latest was the Portland mob stopping traffic and beating a motorist up. Someone is going to pull a gun. It should have been the man pulled out of his vehicle and beat up. He shouldn't have tried to push a blockader away from his passage using his vehicle, but that's no reason to beat him up. Beatings can be lethal or permanently disabling. The demonrats have got to be stopped by the police. If the police will not enforce the laws, the people will. Nick

Freedom Advances: Kavanaugh's Anger

     The demonrats' attempt to vilify Judge Kavanaugh because he dared to get angry - he dared to! I say - has gained no traction with the people who are aching for another, more controlled white man other than President Trump to stand up for himself. Bravo, Judge.
     I am confident that the people also know that if Judge Kavanaugh had acted meekly, the demonrats would have screamed that his behavior was one of a guilty man. There's no explaining crazy beyond crazy. Nick

Freedom Falls: Trump Against Homosexuality

    Trump is apparently against adults having lovers of their own choice regardless of sex because he is having the State Department not grant visas to foreign visitors who bring into the United States a lover of the same sex. This is the country club mentality and an anti-freedom mentality that hurts the Republican party. These snoots need to grow up and stay out of other people's business. Tut-tut, old scout. Nick

Freedom Falls: Stormy Trump

    Trump tried to muzzle Stormy Douglas free speech rights by a restraining order through his hired gun lawyer. No touchdown. Nick

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Big Development Destroying Bigfoot Organization?

     I can't get to Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO). Has Big Development implanted the malware that's closing the site? Why don't you pick an international corporation that would be interested in developing - exploiting- the wild lands and ask it? These corporations want no one in the way - Indians, rubber tree tappers,panthers, or Bigfoot. They got their way with the American Indians and are killing the rubber tree tappers in Brazil. They could be trying to shut down the Bigfoot sites too. If they are, is there anyone good enough out there to find out and expose them?  Nick 352-359-0850

Freedom Advances: Maldives

     A new president was elected, and for a few intense hours, the authoritarian predecessor hesitated, then admitted he had been beaten and stepped down. While he was in office, he strengthened ties to Red China but the new president says he will look toward India. Way to go, Maldives! Nick

Freedom Advances: German Sex Abusers

     The corrupt Catholic Church from the pope down has another problem: 1,700 priests in Germany have been identified as sexually-abusing children. Most of them males. The truth is finally getting free. Nick
PS The minister of justice in Germany says that number of sex abusers is probably just the tip of the iceberg. The Achilles Heel of the German people is their penchant for regimentation. They need to learn to take care of their own damn selves instead of looking to a Hitler to decide everything for them. When socialists say they are going to take care of you, they mean the showers. How much evidence do you need to disabuse yourself of the delusion that government employees -socialism- are going to take care of you in return for your freedom? Without freedom people die inside. There is no economic reason you can't have capitalism and welfare. Just build in incentives to leave welfare and get a job. Not the financial cliff you have now. Did you know Trump was the first Republican president to say during his campaign that he would strengthen Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare?
It is free Capitalism, not miserable Socialism, that produces a great economy that means more tax money therefore more funds for welfare. Socialism produces poverty, suffering, and death. Just look at North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela. Anybody fleeing to those countries? Don't be a useful idiot for the Socialists. Nick

Freedom Advances: Swedish Property Rights

     A Chinese couple arrives at a Stockholm hotel 14 hours early and is asked to leave. Chinese couple play the victim card, wailing and sitting in, but to no avail.
That's the game now: victimize someone and then play the victim. No balls. All baby. Nick

Freedom Advances: Peru's Corruption

     Peru's president Martin Vizcarra is trying to clean up the corruption among government employees. The legislature, getting fat on crime, is balking so Vizcarra is threatening new elections for the bums, hoping the people will vote the scum out. Even a Supreme Court judge was apparently recorded negotiating a bribe from a convicted child molester. Nick

Bigfoot Tracks in Green Mountains

     A fellow Bigfoot enthusiast gave me this story last week: He and his buddy had armed up and hiked to the northwest corner of Somerset Lake just west of Wilmington, Vermont. About 20 miles west of Brattleboro on Route 9. They picked up a brook and followed it upstream for about two miles, finally coming to a beaver pond. The guy said the hike was so rough at points he "wanted to cry." At the pond they found three tracks. He showed me a picture of one foot. It was 14 inches long and quite deep. He said that at one point, he had such an intense feeling of being watched that he pulled out his .45. I could see that he had not had a good time and noticed that when I asked him what he planned to do next, he didn't mention going back.
     He also told me of talking with an old hunter in the area who knew of a story about someone being "chased off the mountain" by several Bigfoot pushing down trees and whooping.
    Please call me with your sightings or heard stories and be sure to call our "No Such Thing" friends useful idiots for Big Development. Hit back!
Nick  352-359-0850 Brattleboro, Vermont

Freedom Falls: STDs

Freedom to have many sexual partners - or even one- is tempered by the realization that 20 million people supposedly contracted an STD last year.
Yow!  Nick

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Freedom Advances: Government Employee Transparency

    Much to the chagrin of the totalitarian Democrats, We, the people, are going to get to see what our employees were doing about the question of Russian interference in our 2016 elections. The House Intelligence Committee has finally found the balls -- usually a missing piece of anatomy among Republicans-- to vote to release to us about 50 interviews. Nick

Freedom Advances: Ethiopia and Eritrea

    The border between these two countries has opened for the first time in 20 years. Family members are seeing each other after long absences. Nick

Bigfoot Hostile?

    In America's most loving town, Brattleboro, Vermont, it is odd and disquieting to find someone unfriendly. But I apparently have one, one of the most built-up men around to boot. We pass each other, but he shows studied ignorance of my proximity. I can say hi, even engage him in conversation, but the next time I pass him, he doesn't know me. I have talked to others about this unusual behavior and have been told that he doesn't believe Bigfoot exists. I am a great Bigfoot fan and even have on the back of my truck, "Seen Bigfoot? Please let me know"with my name, phone number, and blog address. I also have two decals of Bigfoot walking.
     I have been told that this person doesn't believe in Bigfoot as way of an answer to why he might ignore me. Could anyone be that small as in "He believes in Bigfoot so I am going to studiously ignore him?" In intellectual, mellow Vermont? Some Florida cracker maybe, but not here. My judgment says it's not simply that but more.
     There is more to me to dislike than just that, but I don't think it justifies being uncivil in public. For one, I advocate putting up tab-top cans by running a stiff, but flexible wire through the hole in the tab without popping the tab, tying it off, and attaching the other end of the wire to a tree limb as high up as you can to deter bears. If the tab seal is not broken, the contents will remain fresh and there will be no scent to attract bears. Tab-top cans of dog food and Budweiser beer can be used. Budweiser is the only beer can made strong enough to stay sealed when you hang it by the tab. The idea is that Bigfoot will see the can hanging, pull it off, thus popping it open, and he will see there is food or drink inside.This is my invention, and I think a good way to attract Bigfoot. The prompter you are in replacing the can after he takes one, the better your chance that he will build visiting your can tree into his routine. Then you can put up a trail camera and see if he will trade having a video taken of him in return for dog food or a Bud. Your chances are better with Bud as all creatures like to get intoxicated. It's only normal.
     Another thing that people in love with government and government employees, thinking that both are divine, a throwback to the Puritans at the Massachusetts Bay Colony, would not like about me is that I am critical of the government employee's attitudes toward the panthers and Bigfoot. They don't believe either exists. I believe that is a lie, that they are being influenced to say that by Big Development which wants nothing in the way -- American Indians, panthers, Bigfoot, whatever-- of exploiting the few wild lands we have left. Therefore, there are no panthers or Bigfoot out there. And there are damn few American Indians left either! Big Development, timber and logging, farming, ranching,mining, and construction are all multi-national companies, tremendously powerful, and they will and do ruin, even kill, those who get in their way. For instance, Brazil leads the world in having the greatest number of people killed by Big Development interests.
     I am sure there are other reasons to dislike me too, but let's keep it polite. We want a friendly atmosphere in Vermont for our guests. Keep it civil, big dude. Nick

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Corbyn Celebrates Jew-Killers

     Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Britain's opposition party, the Labour Party, laid a wreath at the graves of the terrorists involved in the murder of Jewish athletes at the Munich Summer Olympics. He's also called Hamas terrorists "brothers."
Though he has every right to do those things, he is wrong to be encouraging others to be anti-Jewish.
     He's a dangerous man. These are dangerous times as people loose hope in progress and see robots taking more jobs. Scapegoats will be found. The Jews need to investigate the negative experiences the non-Jew has with the Jew and use their great minds to try to minimize these differences. Study these negative experiences, brothers; don't get defensive about them. Maybe the disconnect can't be bridged without destroying the Jew and his brilliance, but anti-Semitism is one hell of a price to pay! Nick  352-359-0850

Muslims Protect Sexual Harassment

     Freedom is taking a fall in Egypt. Women who dare - I say dare! - to video sexual harassment by men are being arrested. Several woman who posted their videos on Facebook are actually being tried in hateful, crazy Islamland. Cops are mocking women who complain about sexual harassment and are scaring the women away from pursuing formal complaints. Two women were detained by the police in the station house for ten hours and then counter-charged with assaulting the men who assaulted them. So much for manly Muslim men: "Eeew! I was assaulted by a woman!"
     Cops are looking bad worldwide this week. Don't go to their station houses or even accept a newspaper from one without a lawyer. Nick

Freedom Gains With India's Homosexuality

     Freedom of sex between consenting adults has made a great advance with India's Supreme Court ruling that gay sex isn't a crime. This British colonial-era law was not widely prosecuted but it was used to blackmail, threaten, silence, and shame. Now that gays have equality, let's hope they don't do what too many American same-sexers do: want preferential treatment as soon as they win equal treatment. They have gone from having a cause to having a racket. Shame on you for defecating all over the idealism of the past with your exploitative  greediness of the present. Get some real balls. Nick

Freedom Advances Against Guatemalan Socialism

     The Commission Against Impunity has become a socialist weapon in Guatemala. It has the right to not only be autonomous but to detain people if it likes. People cannot who get into its clutches cannot appeal to the law and the courts. People who are opposed to socialism are jailed there. This malevolent and bizarre institution, so typical of Socialism and its top leaders, has been closed by President Jimmy Morales who even had jeeps parked in front of its offices. Next, the commission's staffers need to be charged and tried.
     I fault the Wall Street Journal for not having my last sentence in their editorial. I can see why the socialists have balls: They need them because they are wrong. The capitalists are right, but they have no balls. They need them because they're losing. Get some balls, Journal! Stop just being sniffy as in "Tut- tut, old boy." Take the kill shot. Nick

Socialist Utopia Interfering In Myanmar

     The United Nations has recommended that Myanmar's top six generals be charged with ethnic killing and rape, but the Socialist Utopia of Red China says it will shield the generals from prosecution. Just how the socialist utopians will do that was not disclosed. But knowing socialist utopias as we do, it will not be pretty. Nick

Freedom Falls With Set-Up

     The Myanmar police admitted they set up two reporters investigating the ethnic killing of ten Myanmar Muslims. They put state secrets into a newspaper they gave to the reporters and then arrested them for possessing state secrets. Still, the journalists have been tried with that admission coming out during their trial, convicted, and sentenced. Could Sharia Law be any more unjust? This must be the kind of "law" Title IX sexual abuse coordinators at colleges would kill for - and by! Nick   352-359-0850

Stupid Article About "Bigfoot Fetish"

     Smithsonian's September, 2018 has a stupid article, "Bigfoot Fetish, Why Mythological Creatures Survive" by Ben Crair. He sniffs at Bigfoot and dismisses the thousands of tracks seen, photographed, and casted around North America as the work of Ray Wallace who died in 2002. Wallace's children said he made the tracks as a joke. Since Bigfoot tracks are still being found, Wallace's ghost must be making them, and of course, a ghost can travel anywhere.
     If this is the best that Big Development can do publicly to deny the existence of Bigfoot, then it needs to stick with threats, and damaging people - and what else do you sick, greedy subhumans do to people who tell the truth about black panthers and Bigfoot? Nick 352-359-0850

Socialist Utopia Extends Rule IIlegally

     Contrary to the provisions of Hong Kong's mini-constitution, Red China has set up an area in a bullet-train terminus in Hong Kong that is ruled by Red China's laws, not Hong Kong's. Red China is doing this to arrest people fleeing on trains from the Socialist Utopia of China. Now isn't that strange, Millennials, that people flee socialism? Or do you want a continuation of Mommy and Daddy so badly, you'll die for it? Then be prepared. Nick

Freedom Falls With Caning

     Malaysia gave six lashes to two lesbian women having sex - it wasn't disclosed what the sex was- in public under the crazed, hateful Sharia Law. The women were in a parked car. A crowd of 100 waged this barbarity. A year ago, two men were whipped eighty-three times each for having public sex together. Nick

Freedom Falls With Reporters Sentenced

     Myanmar has just sentence two Reuters journalists for reporting on the killing of ten Rohingya Muslims. Myanmar and China are trying to wipe out their Muslims as there is no peace possible with them. Nick

Socialist Utopia Weaponizes Microwave

     The Socialist Utopia of Cuba is believed to be the culprit in injuring dozens of US Embassy staffers in Cuba by using microwaves that cause phantom sounds and brain damage. As you can see, socialists not only love people but they play by the international laws and should be models for the young people who want to be crazies too. Nick

Freedom Advances: College Trials

     The Sixth Circuit Court has ruled that both parties in college trials have the right to cross-examine. The Title IX Coordinators - tinpot dictators- set up by Obama must really be irked at this advance of the freedom of the individual. Nick

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Puma Kills Bicyclist

     A hundred pound panther killed a female biker. The puma made two passes at a couple biking in North Bend, Washington. On his second pass, he made contact, pouncing on the male biker, but then leaving him, for the female. He dragged the woman to his den. There was no mention of the man making any effort to save the woman, which probably means he made none.
     People should be armed with at least a well-made knife. The chances of anything happening are very small, but look, it did happen. Nick

Freedom Falls: Jogger Jailed

     A French tourist in White Rock, British Columbia inadvertently jogged into the US while running on a beach. There were no markers on the beach. US government employees grabbed her and held her for weeks, instead of simply telling her to jog back up the beach.
     Here was probably some hateful government employees trying to make them selves look important by detaining an innocent woman for weeks. Did she lose her job? Her flight back to France? How much psychological damage does she have from her experience? What do you think she's going to say about America and Americans now? It sounds like the wrath of arrogant asses. Nick

Collectivist vs. Individualist

     The collectivist - progressive, socialist, or communist - is wrong, but he lies, and like a cornered rat, fights fiercely for his destructive beliefs. The individualist, on the other hand, is right, but he usually lacks the spirit to fight the lies and beliefs of a cornered rat. So who will win the support of the people?
Nick, the capitalist.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Socialist Utopia: China Threatens To Jail Relatives

     China is now trying to get Chinese Muslims who are abroad back to China apparently because too many are becoming jihadist fighters from Syria to Afghanistan. One way the state does this is by telling the Chinese Muslims they must return to China or their relatives will have a hard time ( double-speak for "be sent to death camp Gulag for torture and possible death). Even 71 year-old family members are being snatched and sent to the Gulag.
     Just what about socialism do you Millennials find appealing, besides the blatant lies? Nick

Socialist Utipia: China Pursuing Muslims Abroad

     China is now trying to get Chinese Muslims abroad back home by reissuing passports that only allow a one-way passage to China and by threatening to put the relatives of Muslims abroad into the death camps if the Muslims don't return to China. The Chinese government is also requiring Chinese Muslims abroad to spy on other Chinese Muslims to find out their activities. Apparently, the Chinese government is worried that too many Chinese Muslims abroad are becoming radicalized. They are turning up in jihadist groups from Syria to Afghanistan.
 Would you Millennials like being sent to death camps because a relative wasn't returning to your socialist utopia? Of course you would because you are crazy! Nick

Freedom Under Fire: Pope Francis

     Pope Francis is not being open and honest. He will not comment on Archbishop Vegano's comments about him knowing about Cardinal McCarrick's sexual crimes. This refusal to be honest deprived the Pope of moral authority, and he should immediately open up or resign or be replaced. He is being a hypocrite. Nick

Freedom Marches On: Archbishop Vigano

      Archbishop Vigano has revealed the Pope Francis knew that seminarian and child molester Cardinal McCarrick had been sanctioned and leashed by Pope Benedict. This was a gutsy statement and a good model for the world. Nick

Socialist Utopia: China Destroying Churches and Mosques

     Now the Socialist Utopia of China is demolishing churches and mosques around China. Persecution has become the most extreme since the Cultural (double-speak for "Barbaric") Revolution.
     You still like socialism, babied Millennials? Nick

Socialist Utopia: China's New Gulag

     The Socialist Utopia of China has built a new Gulag of 1,300 estimated death camps for the Muslims in the northwest region of Xianjiang and has imprisoned about one million Muslims. Word is seeping out of the death camps that guards tell prisoners that there is no God and the dictator Xi Jinping should be thanked not Allah. Is this the kind of authoritarianism you weak Millennials want? Nick

Freedom Fails: Islam in England

     The gene pool for strength and courage was mostly used up during the two World Wars in Europe as the strong and courageous were called into military duty and died in battle by bullet and disease. Those remaining were too weak or cowardly to serve so many survived and bred the present generations in Europe. These generations are largely weak and cowardly.
     In come the Muslims to this land of mainly weak and cowardly Europeans. So who do you think is going to rule? Muslims or Europeans? And it's happening. Stores are being cowed into obeying Sharia law and even motorists have to stop because Muslims are praying in the streets. European women often can't walk the streets in their Western clothing without being harassed and even sexually attacked.
     The Europeans must find the guts to first be truthful about the problem instead of lying and hiding. Second, they must enforce the laws, instead of exempting the Muslims. If government employees won't do these things, the people must organize and get enough money together to sue these employees both professionally and personally. They also need to demonstrate. Of course, the problems is that the makers- Europeans- are busy making, while the takers -Muslims- have lots of free time to continue being parasites and predators. But it must be done. You are fighting for your lives and your country! Nick

Freedom Falls: California Speech

     California's socialist governor, Jerry Brown, signed legislation last year that threatens jail time for health-care providers who willfully and repeatedly ignore a patient's preferred pronouns. In other words, if you are a nurse, and I refer to myself by any crazy word salad, you, the nurse, must use crazy word. Where then is your dignity as a nurse to use the King's English you are accustomed to using? Why force you to learn, remember, and use the individual crazy pronouns your crazy patients use? The answer is that socialism mandates continual chaos and struggle to "evolve" something better. It's nothing better than agitated paranoid schizophrenia, but, of course, the socialists as good paranoids always think they are right, and you are wrong and dangerous. Nick

Socialist Utopia: Success By Capitalism

     The Socialist Utopia of Red China starved to death 30 million people during the Great Leap Forward (double-speak for "backwards") from 1958 to 1962.
     In 1978, people were still starving so 18 famished farmers in the village of Xiaogang became courageous due to desperation. It was patently obvious that group efforts failed to produce enough crops, so the 18 men colluded and conspired to divide their group plot of land into 18 sections, one for each farmer. Each farmer would tend only to his plot. This was going to be an individual effort. Not only that, but anything produced above the state's quota on them would go to the individual farmer to do with as he wished not the dictatorial state. Now farmers directly profited from their work. Within a year, the village food production sky-rocketed, and the people stopped starving. This collusion and conspiracy became known as the Xiaogang pact, and was later copied by the Communist Party, desperate to stop their starving of the Chinese people and the bad reputation socialism was deservedly getting worldwide. Nick, the capitalist.

Freedom Falls: Jails Opponent

     I dedicate the following posts to Ayn Rand and the Navy Seals.
     Putin has jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny for a month
     for protesting. Putin has done this to isolate him from participating in the upcoming elections. You millennials don't value your freedom? Nick

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Freedom Wins: Minimizing Licenses

     Louisiana, where you think of the people and the cops being carefree, though in different ways, ranks as the sixth worst state for convoluted licensing procedures with which it tortures people wanting to have businesses or be considered professionals. But there is hope that the tide is turning for the arcane art of eyebrow threading, a type of hair removal, has just just had its licensing requirements made more realistic and humane. It used to be that you needed 750 hours of beauty school courses and three exams priced from $6,000 to $13,000 to become a legal eyebrow threader. Now, thanks to the pro-business attitude in hot and humid Louisiana, now all you need is to pass a test and pay $50 for the permit. Now you're making good gumbo, coon-asses! Nick

Freedom Wins! Educational Accounts

     In 2011, Arizona established education savings accounts (ESAs) for parents to use for special-needs students or children trapped in failing schools. The state puts up ninety percent of what it costs to have a child in school, and lets the parents decide what school their children to go to if they are special-needs kids or going to a failing school. Of course, the selfish teacher unions are against this, not because it's bad for the kids, but because it's bad for the unions. It's bad for them because some of those kids might go to private schools where there are no teachers' unions. These selfish unions are actually brazen enough to be campaigning against educational savings accounts and undermining parents and kids from getting the best education available. You call yourselves teachers' unions? You should call yourselves Anti-Student Unions! Defeat the mean unions, people, and vote for the ESAs again. Nick

Freedom Haters: Compulsory Hijabs

     There are now 150 schools in the U.K. including ones that get federal money where wearing a hijab is mandatory for all female students. Though it was reported in the Wall Street Journal, it is hard to believe the British people would be gutless enough to accept such weird, dictatorial rule. If so, then it points out how badly the gene pool for backbones was depleted by two World Wars. Nick

Freedom Haters: Subway or Muslims?

     In 2014, Subway removed British staples- pork-based ham and bacon, from their menus in 200 of their stores in the U.K. I imagine that Subway did this to keep the peace with the freedom-hating Muslims, but maybe not. Maybe Subway's become freedom hating itself.  Nick

Freedom Haters: Muller's Open Eye

     The people have seen how hands-off the FBI is toward Hillary's criminal presidential campaign. The people have seen Trump's campaign against Hillary being riddled by FBI informants, warrants, and eavesdropping. The privacy of Republicans has been riddled by the Obama administration.
     Muller says there is "only one set of rules" in his investigation, but he still ignores the Hillary Clinton campaign. Justice is supposed to be blind. Clearly, Muller has one eye open to avoid investigating any of Clinton's criminal acts,
like funneling millions of dollars in contributions to the state level Democratic candidates to her war chest. Nick

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Socialism Denying Free Speech

     The Socialist Utopia of China is exerting pressure on Hong Kong. China's Foreign Ministry asked that politician Andy Chan not be allowed to speak at the Foreign Correspondents' Club because Chan favors Hong Kong becoming independent of China. The problem is that all Chan is doing is exercising his free speech which is a right found in the mini-constitution of Hong Kong which extends until 2047. After that, Hong Kong will be swallowed completely by the Socialist Utopia of China. You can be sure that all the residents of Hong Kong are buying land elsewhere in the world. And you can be sure that land isn't in any Socialist Utopia either. The swim from Cuba and every other Socialist Utopia is one-way only.- Nick, the capitalist, trying to make Ayn Rand and the Navy Seals proud of me.

Socialism Wiping Out A Minority

     The Socialist Utopia of China is trying to wipe out the Uyghur Muslim population, the Kazakhs, and other Muslim populations. The Socialists have put a million of these people into concentration camps. The Chinese Socialists are claiming the Muslims are getting vocational training. Lying is a hallmark of Socialism. You can be sure the Socialists are trying to kill these million people as quietly as possible. Nick, the capitalist.

School Shootings #35

     Instead of putting metal detectors and gunpowder-sniffing dogs front and center, many schools are buying or increasing their insurance in preparation for suits against them by shot students or by parents of students shot to death because schools refused to protect them. Many school officials believe in "open borders" for America, and they may be carrying over that chaotic, self-destructive belief to their schools. "Let's not have a wall that guns and metal knives can't get through in our schools. That wouldn't be fair to the guns and knives!" may be what these crazies are saying.
     The good thing is that capitalism may save the schoolchildren from the school administrators. I say that because the insurance carriers are not going to want to go broke paying lawsuits for students shot by negligent school policies that don't protect the children. As they look into what safety measures the schools are providing and eventually realize metal detectors and gunpowder sniffing dogs are extremely important, they will either demand the schools place the two measures into their schools or charge them prohibitive insurance premiums for leaving their schools wide open to guns and knives. Nick  352-359-0850

Socialism Trades Food Aid for Votes

     The Utopian Socialist State of Zimbabwe traded food aid for votes for its dear leader, Mnangagwa, in the presidential elections. The USA and the ECU have questioned the fairness of the elections, including the food aid withholding and other forms of intimidation. Appealing to the conscience of a socialist is an impossibilty as he don't have one. He needs to be charged, tried, and punished if guilty. Nick, the capitalist.

Socialism Fires Doctors, Nurses.

     The Socialist Utopia of Nicaragua has just fired forty doctors, nurses, and other hospital workers for disobeying the government's orders not to treat wounded protesters. You hear this barbarity from the less-than-human Socialists? Almost 450 people have been injured while protesting the government raising taxes to provide social security retirement to its government employees. Nick, the capitalist.

More Socialism Shooting Protesters

     The Utopian Socialist State of Zimbabwe is also firing on protesters, killing one in the capital. The protests were over the rigged election of the president.
Nick, the capitalist.

Socialists Target the Catholic Church

     The Utopian Socialist State of Nicaragua is making war on the Catholic Church, attacking ten churches with gunfire from its soldiers and civilian enforcers. They are looting and defiling churches. The church has been encouraging the growth of democracy. Socialism is a dictatorship despite the lies to the contrary. It will not listen to the people, to the voters. Only enslave and impoverish them. Nick, the capitalist

Socialism Bans Reporters

     American socialist Alexandri Ocasio-Cortez just banned reporters from a meeting with voters. Her weak excuse is that it was for the "safety" of the people at the meeting. Here are two typical socialist moves: closing meetings to the media and claiming their dictatorial actions are for safety.
 It also illustrates one of the main affects of socialists: paranoia. The paranoia comes from the fact that they are trying to foist upon people the killingest idea in man's history - socialism. They are terrified that the people are going to find that out.  Nick, the capitalist.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Socialism Fires Upon Protesters

     The Socialist Utopia of Nicaragua is firing upon peaceful protesters under the orders of Daniel Ortega, long-time hero of American Socialist, Bernie Sanders. Some 350 Nicaraguans have been cut down while protesting first Ortega's huge tax increase and then the cowardly barbaric response to the protests.
     Not only that, but students imprisoned in socialist hell-holes are hearing the accents of some of the torturers and recognize that the sick cowards are from Cuba and Venezuela. Of course, you Millennials and other crazies want all of the above here, thinking it couldn't happen to you. Ask the people in the socialist hell-holes if that's a good bet!
Nick the capitalist.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Socialism's One Million % Inflation

     According to The Wall Street Journal, 8/6/2018, the socialist utopia of Venezuela is on board to reach an inflation rate of one million percent this year.
The drone attack may have happened but this blaming others for the agony socialism has brought is a common socialist device. It reminds me of how after the perils of vaccination were brought out to the public, the first thing you know is that all the TV channels are discussing is an outbreak of measles at Disneyland in Orlando and pounding the drumbeat about getting your child vaccinated. Nothing was said about the news that had just come out about the terrible perils of vaccination- giving your child autism. By ignoring such news, while the blogs were on fire with it,  the TV channels gave the impression that they were suppressing the news and aiding the drug companies by solely discussing a measles outbreak in Orlando and emotionalizing that event as much as they could. Democracy must have trust, and there can be no trust when liars are in power. The people know this and voted for Trump over a proven liar. Nick, the capitalist
PS Am I, little me, being shadow-banned? I can't get to view this after writing and editing it. Suddenly, Blogger has become slow. Why can't I get this published? Are they setting the type. It's been five minutes. I'm out.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

School Shootings #34

     I have emailed today the metal detectors -gunpowder-sniffing dogs at school entrances question to Alaska's US Senator Pat Sullivan. I would have been a born Alaskan if mother had stayed, but she insisted I not be raised with only prospectors, prostitutes, and Eskimos. This was 1946. So I was born in Massachusetts. I also wrote the Senator that I was not interested in vague, perhaps dangerous, platitudes about more gun control, just my specific, direct question. Think I'll hear from him? Nick

School Shootings #33

     A friend told me about the extensive use of apparently gunpowder-sniffing dogs in New York City during the NASCAR races, especially at the boats to Staten Island. "John" remarked about how unobtrusive the dogs were yet thorough. He was allowed to pet some of them, others, no. I bring this up because the educational elites, who are largely criminal-Socialists, appear to be obstructing the placement of metal detectors and gunpowder-sniffing dogs at school entrances to block the entry of knives and guns into schools. They appear to be trying to throw up any excuse possible, and I fear their motivation is to get the school shootings to continue so they can fake the people into demanding the elimination of gun ownership by average citizens. The rich and elite will continue to have guns. You know how it is: the rich get justice; the poor get convicted. It will be that ways with guns too. Guns are too important for protection for the elite and the rich to give them up.
     If gun-sniffing dogs or gunpowder-sniffing dogs can be used at the Staten Island ferries, they can be used in schools. But you the people are going to have to call your local school board representatives and demand detectors and dogs, and warn them they will be named on suits if there are any shootings, and they've kept the school entrances unprotected. If they won't give you the numbers of publicly elected school board members, leave your number and a message. Then call your town or city manager. He's got enough sense not to want to be sued. Nick

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

School Shootings #32 Open Borders Mentality

     If the liberals are crazy for open borders, inundating us with welfare cases we cannot provide for, then they might have the same irresponsible attitude toward schools. Let their entrances remain open to guys with guns and knives. We believe in open borders. Can they be that retarded or crazy? Or just psychopaths who want school killings for "the greater good" of banning the ownership of guns by ordinary citizens?  Nick

Korean War Bigfoot Sighting

     This sighting was reported to me the past weekend in the Wendy's parking lot in Brattleboro, Vermont. A man was eating his meal in his car and called to me as I approached my truck. His father had worked installing radar on the Alaska mainland at the base of the Aleutian Islands during the Korean war. He was in an 8x8, when he saw the Bigfoot. I asked his son what did the Bigfoot looked like or do, and he answered, "I don't know. I wasn't there." I chalked that answer down to fatigue from driving and thanked him. I think this is my oldest Bigfoot report.
     Want to hear from you. Nick

Socialist Women Lie

     The two eminent Socialist women, Congresswoman Alexandria Cortez and Senator Elizabeth Warren have said lies. Last week Socialist Cortez said, "Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs." The Bureau of Labor Statistics says only five percent of the workers have more than one job.
Socialist Warren said people are "working minimum wage jobs that won't support them or they're working two, three, or four jobs." Again, only five percent at the worst.
      These are phony people beginning with their phony Indian ancestry, but especially with their phony slogan "to each according to his needs and to from each according to his abilities." It's a phony slogan because the needs of an individual are endless. As soon as a human gets something, he wants something else. It's normal. In addition, who is going to decide what your abilities are? You don't think you are going to get to decide what your abilities are because you are just going to say "I have no abilities so I deserve a life of idleness while I get all I need." Socialism- communism- is a fool's errand. It can't work because it is an impossibility. Don't be a sucker. It's projected for suckers who will believe in it and then be led into totalitarian slavery by the few at the top who won't - and never have- practiced Socialism. Nick, the capitalist
PS It is capitalism that brings the greatest wealth that can be reasonably taxed to provide welfare. In Socialism, everyone but the party members needs to be on welfare. In media res look at Cuba and Venezuela.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Bigfoot Roar Felt In Stomach

     I posed the question what more can Bigfoot do? He can roar so loudly you hear the sound waves hitting your stomach! Two kids were collecting bottles to put in a Volkswagen Beetle while the owner drove along them. They were on Sleepy Hollow Road when a roar like country kids had never heard hit them. One bottle collector opened a car door and jumped in. Another dived through the open sunroof. Then they saw a huge manlike creature with red hair standing in the road, three hundred yards away, up a hill. This happened in 1972 between Garrett and Ennis, Texas.  Three hundred yards away and his roar still vibrates your stomach. Very useful for finding other Bigfoot, methinks. Nick
PS Why don't you use the weekend to put up a couple of cans for Bigfoot? Put a thin wire or line through the tab without breaking the seal, and knot it. Then tie the other end on a branch or tree trunk. Put up several together so Bigfoot can figure out all she has to do is pull the can, and presto! the top comes off and she's holding a can with fresh dog food, beans, or beer inside. If putting out beer, only Bud cans are sturdy enough. Check your cans as often as practical. If someone other than a human pulls the cans off the tabs, then put up more along with a trail camera. Please let me know if my simple invention works for you. Nick  

School Shootings #31 Secret Service Guide

     This guide is for parents and school personnel to help them recognize a potential shooter. It appears to me that it lists signs of depression: mood changes, alienation, and depression itself. The study says 80 percent of the shooters had a bystander who had an indication the shooter was planning one. Vague but real. No one is an island, but so what? Shooters have been reported many times to authorities, but no paid government employees did anything. In the Florida shooting, school personnel were discouraged by Obama's directives to sugarcoat criminal activity by ignoring it.
     This study is the brilliant result of trying to find better ways to protect students in the wake of school shootings supposedly. Of course you see no mention of metal detectors and gunpowder-sniffing dogs because they would really block the entry of guns and most knives into schools, but that isn't what the political and educational elites want nor want the anti-gun groups want. They want the killing of school children to continue until there's enough hysteria to get the individual ownership of guns by the average individual banned somehow. The mainstream parents are either ignorant of this heinous strategy of the psychopaths or are too passive to protect their children because they have no judgement. Just ask them. They'll tell you they don't judge. I hear it on the streets everyday. "I don't judge." They apparently cross the street and drive based on luck.
     Ignoring the solution to school shootings, bombs, and metal knives can be found in the Secret Service Guide, "Enhancing School Safety Using a Threat Assessment Model." Of course, metal detectors and dogs aren't threat assessors in the elites' Orwellian world. Remember how Hercules cleaned the horseshit out of the Augean Stables? He diverted a river so it ran right through the stables and washed the shit out. Would that I had the power to divert the Potomac at Washington, D.C. Stand up, Americans! The political elites and the educational elites do not stand for you but only for themselves. They'll smile and lie soothingly and then stab you in the back. Or your children, in this case. Nick
PS I did hear from a Brattleboro, Vt. resident that the local school system had metal detectors, stopped them, and then started them again. I need to check this out. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Bigfoot Whistles Back

     Last year, a guy was making a push through his field for coyotes. His friend was at the other end of the field, and it was night. He heard what he thought was his friend paralleling him in the woods at the edge of the field. He whistled; his friend whistled back. He repeated the process, got to the end of the field, and found his friend who said he hadn't moved. Freaked out, the two got in their truck and headed back to the farmhouse. As they turned in, the headlights swept that same field and highlighted an eight foot Bigfoot. Creature nonchalantly walked into the woods. Border collie in truck gets worked up, jumps out, and chases Bigfoot only to return quickly. Next morning, father feeds the normally asocial goats who crowd around him for some reason. Mother smells something horrible out in yard. The coyote hunters see Bigfoot again twice from trucks. Once, he's on all fours between two deserted vehicles, but gets up and walks off. Once again, he's in the field. Another night, a squalling takes place near farmhouse. Coyotes yelp back. Horses come up to the house. They don't do that to coyote yelps. Now family wonders if the unidentified creatures in their trail cameras have been Bigfoot. Takes place in Maries County, Missouri. Makes you want to go there and live there for a while, doesn't it? He whistles, he stick-fights, he leaves gifts in return, he avoids photography. What else can he do?Do you have the spine to stand up for preserving the wild lands for him? Can't support much immigration if you do or can't you grasp that? Like Bigfoot, the question is how smart are you? Nick

Thanks For Toy Bigfoot

     I'd like to thank the person who left a toy baby Bigfoot at my truck this weekend. It was thoughtful and was appreciated. The Connecticut River was about a hundred yards away, and I've often wondered if Bigfoot uses it or crosses it to check out dumpsters on Putney Road here in Brattleboro, Vermont. I heard of a cub bear being shot for raiding the garbage on Putney Road while her mother stayed behind on the other side of the river in New Hampshire. If a bear cub will do it, why not a Bigfoot. Certainly, there have been plenty of sightings of them being into garbage. I even heard, while in Florida, that Brooksville, Florida, had to pull one dumpster out of a rural settings because the humans were getting upset by the Bigfoot dumpster diving. Good pics and videos are inevitable. Just don't tell any government employees about them as Big Development has a lot of influence on them. Nick

Chinese Socialists Release Woman

     The Chinese socialist withheld cancer treatment from Nobel laureate, Lin
Xiaobo, until it was too late so he died. They killed him. Then his wife disappeared for several months into socialist hell. The Western free press continued talking about her. Then when Trump alienated Europe for daring to talk about trade inequities, the socialists released her to Germany where she is a free woman to try to widen the gap between whiny Europe and America.  Welcome to the Western world and God bless you for what those socialists put you through. Nick, the Capitalist.

School Shootings #30 You Kidding? List

     None of these people and organizations have a position on installing metal detectors in single-entry openings in schools and having gunpowder-sniffing Labrador retrievers for backup and sniffing about school? Are you kidding?
These are people I have tried to contact. I have heard back only from Senator Leahy of Vermont, my state. But he didn't address my direct and only question about his position on detectors and dogs. He did say he was heartbroken about the students' deaths though. Here are the rest who apparently have no position on detectors and dogs in schools to date: President Trump, Vermont Senators Patrick Leahy and Bernie Sanders, Vermont Congressman Bob Welch, New Hampshire Governor John Sunnunu, Tomi Lahren of Fox News, Alabama US Senator Doug Jones, Alabama State Board of Education J. Zeigler, Arizona Governor Ducey, Arizona US Senators John McCain and Jeff Flakes.
     These people apparently have no position of metal detectors or gunpowder-sniffing dogs in schools. Are you kidding?  Nick

School Shootings #29 FBI Report

     The FBI has just issued a new study of school shootings. From what I read in the WSJ, there was no mention of installing metal detectors and having gunpowder-sniffing Labrador retrievers. Nothing to help the people, of course. All these agencies are interested in is self-aggrandizement, not the people. The stables need flushing! Nick

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Socialist's Bullet Costs Nickel

     Lin Zhao, a Chinese poet during the deadly hysteria of Mao's Cultural Revolution, was finally shot behind an auditorium in a Chinese prison complex. She had been forced into the auditorium and shown off as an enemy of the state. The audience had obediently had tantrums and demanded her death so she was taken out back and shot. Then public officials came to her mother's house and demanded a nickel for the bullet that ended Lin Zhao's life, saying the Revolution had wasted a bullet on her. Read this in Blood Letters.
     Millennials, this is the criminal- Socialism beneath the utopian wrappings! You want this?  Nick, the Capitalist. 352-359-0850.

Bigfoot Ninja Talk

     I just listened to a second source of Bigfoot's very gutteral speech at a gift tree during the night. It is shocking and appears to come from a very powerful source. But the responses to the writers' remarks aren't very convincing. They're distant and stilted, and didn't fit the humans on the tape. It's a shame we have to be so suspicious, but con men are part of nature too.
     Please let me know about any Bigfoot or black panther sightings. Thanks. Nick   352-359-0850

School Shootings #28

    I'm trying to get a total of the political elites I have contacted about putting metal detectors and gunpowder-sniffing dogs at school entrances to block the bringing of guns and knives into schools. This is the best solution to school shootings besides utopian dreams. Going through "School Shootings #18" I have contacted the offices of the president, 4 governors, 2 US Senators, 2 State School Board members, and 1 US Representative. I have received only two messages in reply and neither one addressed metal detectors and gunpowder-sniffing dogs in schools.
     I conclude that either these political elites either can't be bothered to answer a direct, specific question, are unaware of metal detectors being used in schools, or are consciously or unconsciously ignoring my question because they want the school killings to continue so they can use the ensuing anger by the public to try to destroy the Second Amendment. Could politicians be that evil? Look to Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela for that answer. Nick 352-359-0850

Monday, July 9, 2018

Millenials Should Read "Blood Letters"

    I invite Millennials and any others captivated by criminal-Socialism to read "Blood Letters" about a Chinese poet who had second thoughts about Chinese communism and began speaking out and writing with her own blood in prison against it. The poet was Lin Zhao. You will see that Mao used quotas in his "reforms," and it didn't matter if the people were guilty or not. Just the numbers counted. You will also see how the innocent family members were abused, imprisoned, and even killed for the "evil deeds" of a family member. Remember, communism or socialism, is the killingest idea in mankind. Don't be attracted to the utopian lies! Get out into nature and experience real life. Buy a pair of Nikon Monarch V binos and a bird book, and go birding. See the real world not man's artificiality all the time. There's 21,000 other animals out there besides overbearing homo. Nick, the Capitalist 352-359-0850

Bigfoot Love Peanut Butter Sandwiches

     According to this Texan informant who had been a crime analyst for 28 years and had four Bigfoot coming in for about a year, they loved peanut butter sandwiches. She put cellophane over them and hanged them - I think- every day.
The Bigfoot were so appreciative that they carefully left the cellophane. Any sightings? Did anyone see a bright light to the south of Brattleboro, Vermont around midnight. My inexpensive binos showed a slowly revolving disk with many lights on it. I had read all day. Was it just my tired eyes or binos? I started down to Vernon for a couple of miles to try to get closer, but then gave up the hunt. Nick 352-359-0850

School Shootings #27

     Today, I emailed Alaska US Senator Shelby and staff. I told them if there is the political and media elites are willfully ignoring detectors and dogs in schools so that school killings will continue so that they can direct the ensuing hysteria at gun ownership and not themselves, the elites will be found out. Then being tarred and feathered and carried around on a rail could be the least of their problems. A charge of criminal negligence would be much better. Nick 352-359-0850

Friday, July 6, 2018

A Heroine

     Wendy Williams, age 65, threw herself at the shotgun-shooter entering the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland. She angrily shouted, "No!" as she did so. What a shame she didn't have a gun. A strong American woman, a real rarity today with the wimpization of our people by the helicopter  parents, and the anti-individualism of the Democrats and other collectivists who want to put your agency into the hands of government programs. You just be passive, go to work, and pay your taxes. We'll take care of the rest.
     You do know that if you can't flee or hide, a couple of marble hits from slingshots would have these shooters crying for their mothers? I've stunned a squirrel with one marble when I was a kid. He ran around in a circle before he recovered his thoughts and went up a tree. Run the nut up a tree with a barrage of marbles from your slingshots. It only takes a little practice to be able to hit a giant nut.
     Wendy's angry cry "No!" as she went at the shotgun-shooter makes me wish that there had been a policeman for Coral Springs who had said the same when he got waved off going into the Parkland high school by the Parkland police. What an inspiration it would have been for all the oppressed people in the world if a policeman hearing an ignorant, corrupt, or cowardly admonition by another police department had the balls to say, "Ef No! There's kids being shot! I'm going in now!"
     But we have Wendy Winters. At least, we had her. May she live on in your mind, and inspire and strengthen you. Nick, the Capitalist  352-359-0850

Bigfoot Stick-Fight

     Is this a new one for you too? A disabled man near the town of Elgin in Lee County, Texas, sits outside a lot at night. He's heard the hollering and the knocking but also stick-fighting. Unfortunately, that was not expanded upon. Like for how long and any accompanying sounds of pain, anger, or triumph?
    If you have any Bigfoot information, please contact me. Thanks. Nick 352-359-0850

School Shootings #26

     I just read the full-page article on school shootings in The Week, a valuable magazine, though collectivist, because it presents what the right is saying as well as the left, and what it itself says which is almost always anti-individualist. Nowhere in the full-page article is there mention of metal detectors or gunpowder-sniffing Labradors. To use the Democrats' pomposity, I find this deplorably irresponsible, and it strengthens my hypothesis that the collectivists are ignoring metal detectors to keep the school shootings continued so they can falsely blame them on gun ownership and the people will timidly and ignorantly support banning guns owned by individuals - with many exceptions for the elites who want armed bodyguards. But we mere peons can't have them. You going to accept that? Stand up to the lies and criminality by our government and media elites! They're going to get your kids killed! Nick 352-359-0850

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Crowns Not Free College!

     Vermont US Senator Bernie Sanders, the darling of the Millennials, has been advocating for free college. Now, newly-elected New York US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has joined him. Both are Socialists. It is the height of millennial narcissism to expect free college from the taxpayers. A year at a private school averages $35,000, a year at a public college for residents averages $10,000, and a year for out-of-staters $26,000. Individual universities vary wildly from those averages.
    It is obscene and absurd to expect the taxpayer to fork out that kind of money when the poor and the middle class cannot even afford crowns to replace worn out teeth. Crowns or tooth implants are about $2,000 each. If you don't replace your pulled teeth, you have a permanent pit that is susceptible to infections. You are jeopardizing your heart health by these possible infections. Good teeth are the foundation for a healthy heart. In addition, chewing becomes more difficult and sometimes even painful. Eating peanuts is no longer as enjoyable for me when I ask the gums to crunch them. The alignment of your jaws goes out of whack, and you begin biting the sides of your mouth. There's no joy in eating. Think of that, Millennials!
     The lack of crowns or tooth implants is a huge problem among the old and cannot be addressed by the poor or most of the middle class. To cavalierly announce you are for free college and ignore crowns or tooth implants is to show you are either out of touch with the people and their real needs or you just don't give a damn. Which one is it, you two Socialists? Nick, the Capitalist. 352-359-0850

Vermont Bigfoot Races Car

     Yesterday at a fast food restaurant, a man had seen the sign on my truck and told me this story: "Around 1977 or '78, several men were driving in a car in [ I didn't catch the name] just north of Montpelier [Vermont], Some of the men looked over at the side of the road, and there was a huge, hairy, man-creature, in the woods running with the car."
     There's always fog when you get these on-the-street reports. Next time I will ask "What happened next?" and "How fast were they going?" Instead, I asked, "How did they feel about the encounter?"
     "I don't know. I wasn't told about it until a few days later."
     The gentleman and his wife went onto this blog. Maybe they will read this, and answer those two unasked questions above.
     If you have any Bigfoot information, please contact me. Thanks. Nick 352-359-0850

School Shootings #25

     As far as I can ascertain, I have not received one reply to the emails sent to the offices of governors, US Senators, state board of education members, the National Rifle Association, the Second Amendment Foundation, or the Berman Law Group in Boca Raton which is heroically trying to get through the resistance of the Parkland School System to get metal detectors put in free.
     You can be sure the "educators" will find every reason and excuse not to protect the schoolchildren because they are deliberately keeping them unprotected to keep the school killings going so they can use the killings as the reason to repeal the Second Amendment. I apparently am so far ahead of the pack in realizing this that I can't seem to gather my pack behind me. But it will come.
     Today, I want to advise parents, grandparents, and great- grandparents and all people of decency and conscience to use your social media to try to get the templates for installing metal detectors to send to the schools your children go to.
     These templates have been made through Lynn Aronberg, whose public relations firm is helping The Berman Law Group fight to get free metal detectors into the Parkland school that just had the shootings and were so valiantly defended by the cops. The socialist-criminal educators are fighting not to have the students protected from another copy-cat shooter. Lynn Aronberg says her biggest problem is "cutting through the red tape." That red tape is being thrown up by the obstructionist socialist-criminal educators. They don't care how many students are killed - whatever it takes to create the hysteria to put the blame on gun ownership and have that banned. Socialism has murdered about eighty million people during the last century. It's come to America. You, the individual, counts for nothing. Your child, the individual, for nothing. Unless, you are the dictator.
     Help stop this craziness from repeating itself in this century. Use your social media to get the templates at #thealumnichallenge. Try to make copies of everything you send to the schools for a possible suit against them for criminal negligence for not providing adequate protection for the school children. Do that before the shooting starts. Save the children! Nick

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Bigfoot Hunter #4

     Today, I talked to a family that lives in the New York Adirondacks. They have coyotes and bear, and the son is wrapped up in Bigfoot. He bangs the swing posts trying to get them to knock back. The father says there are a good number of sightings in the area. I told them how to hand a can of dog food, wire or line through the tab without breaking the seal. When the can is pulled off the tab, replace it, get a habit going, and then put up a trail camera. Watch for any movement to make trail cameras "camera traps" that need to be licensed, regulated, and restricted. Remember, the international corporations do not want you or Bigfoot or panthers in the way of developing the little wild lands still available. Do not listen to their lie that there's plenty of wild lands. They are counting the land on your property that doesn't have a building on it, counting it as "forest," doing that to all people's property, thus giving an absurdly inflated total of "forest land."
     They do this to make the case for them developing "just a little bit more" of the wild lands.
     Have you seen the pictures of two Bigfoot up in trees? Who knows anymore what's fake and genuine. But critical thinking begs to ask what are they doing up in trees? Well, kids climb trees. I remember riding pine trees, which bend easily when young, to the ground. Did those trees look like they were bearing the weight of the Bigfoot realistically? Were they trying to ride the trees to the ground maybe. Had a bear run them up the trees, like panthers?
     Please call me with any Bigfoot information. Nick 352-359-0850

School Shootings #25

     I sent an email to the Second Amendment Foundation asking for its position on metal detectors and gun-powder sniffing Labradors at school entrances to block the entry of both metal and non-metallic guns and knives. A wall at schools to keep out guns and knives if you will. Did you read about what is going to turn out to be Muslims killing a three year old baby and about six or so other Muslims at the baby's birthday party in Idaho? It's not just guns, but knives also.
I sent a copy of the email to the Brattleboro Reformer and the Keene Sentinel. 
I've got to find someone with a bigger whistle than mine who will expose the treachery of the Democrats, the Republicans, and all the other anti-individualists in keeping the school entrances open to guns and knives in the hands of killers while they pursue banning the individual's right to own firearms. The schools will be re-opening in a little more than a month. What then? Watch the crocodile tears and the pompous heartbreak by the very people who left the school entrances unguarded. If you can do critical thinking, you will realize that they are killers by criminal negligence. They knowingly made it possible for the shooters to get into the schools. Since all they care about is their money, power, and prestige, sue them now, parents of schoolchildren, and take their money, power, and prestige away.  Nick  352-359-0850

Monday, July 2, 2018

Bigfoot Hunter #3

     Several months ago at Wendy's in Brattleboro, Vermont, a big guy walked in and asked me about Bigfoot. I turned the question on him after answering and found he had some experiences. "John" lives in west Chesterfield, New Hampshire, right across the Connecticut River from Brattleboro. It is separated from Pisgah State Park by the heavily traveled Route 9 which seem like it would be a deadly barrier to Bigfoot getting into the park unless he swam down the Connecticut River. There appears to be very little wild land in the west Chesterfield area. John says he lives next to a 250 acre wild land and has seen the "swinging arm" of a Bigfoot. He's also found two dead owls and a dead hawk and wonders about their relationship to a Bigfoot. I have no idea. If anyone has any knowledge, I'd like to hear about it. There are two preserves in the area, but they are tiny. I did get a strange noise going into one. Like a cough, but it was not the deer snort I'm used to down South. Of course, the Bigfoot could be crossing the Connecticut and going into Dummerston and Putney, Vermont, and then ranging into Vermont from those places. I have sightings from those two Vermont towns. Nick 352-359-0850  Don't forget to hang some dog food cans out for Bigfoot. Slip a wire or twine under through the tab circle without breaking the seal, hang it up- too high for bear would be best- and keep an eye on it. If it gets taken by someone pulling the can off the tab, it was either human or Bigfoot. Put up another can. In time, put out a trail camera near the can and call me if you get something on your camera. Nick 352-359-0850

School Shootings #24

     Now that I have talked to the world's fastest woman on a hand-pedaled bike and have started reading The Closing of the American Mind, I'm more certain that metal detectors and gunpowder sniffing dogs to block metallic and composite guns and knives from getting into schools is being ignored as the result of ignorance,groupthink and what Ayn Rand called blank-out. I think we have school teachers to thank for people being indoctrinated into mental zombies. This is being done by public school teachers who preach that absolutes are intolerant and therefore a bad thing. But intolerance is not always bad. Is being intolerant of people hurting other people bad? Of course not. Your teachers are just morally dumb or worse, they're knowingly trying to make you morally dumb.
     So I think I need to address the moral zombies this way: "Okay, you're going for banishing the right of the individual to own guns. Do you really think you're going to get your way before school starts in a little over a month? I don't think that's realistic. Don't you think you should have metal detectors and gunpowder- sniffing dogs at school entrances to block metal and composite guns and knives from being brought into schools? Or are you deliberately going to not do that so you can get more school kids shot, thinking that will help your case for banishing gun ownership? The are you really a murderer and psychopath?"
Nick  352-359-0850

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Bigfoot Hunter #2

     Gloria hasn't called back about the Hinton, NH, sighting so that trail petered out fast.
     This weekend I was in Hannaford Groceries when a man walked up and said, "I saw the sign on your truck so I had to show you this picture. I took it on a mountain bike trail in Maine. It was eight feet up in the air."
     He then showed me a clump of reddish hair about six inches by two inches, caught on the end of a twig.
     Have you seen where the Dark Beast is putting its big foot on the throat of the maple producers in Vermont and all other places? The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in their well-paid narcissism has decided that since maple syrup adds sugar to your diet, they are making an edict from on high that all maple syrup containers have another label, warning "Sugar Added." You see how addictive having force over people is? They just have to use it! There is no sugar being added to the maple syrup, but sugar being added to your diet through the maple syrup.
     I find it ironic that Vermonters are up in arms - as they should be- about this because they have the Puritan heritage that civil authority is from God -not from men as Roger Williams dared to say and then got booted out of the Salem Colony to wandered about New England until he founded Rhode Island. Now Vermonters are finding out that the FDA is not God but the Dictator, the ultimate objective of the Democrats and other collectivists.
     Please call me about your Bigfoot sightings. Nick  352-359-0850

School Shootings #23

     I saw a "March For Our Lives" sign in the back-side window of a SUV yesterday next to me in a parking lot. I found out later by Google, that the driver's name was probably Alicia Dana, the fastest woman in the world in H3 Para-Cyclist races. She propels the bike with her hands. I heard that she fell out of a tree while picking apples as a child and lost the use of her legs, but has married and has children. Nothing ventured, nothing gained so I went over to her side of the vehicle. To paraphrase, this is our conversation: "I see your sign.
What is their position on metal detectors and gunpowder-sniffing dogs at school entrances?"
     She considered a reply as she reached down from the driver's seat and pulled a wheel off her wheelchair and lifted it into the SUV. She led a hard life, I could see that. Then she replied," In an ideal world, they wouldn't be necessary."
     "But this isn't an ideal world," I quickly countere
     "I know."
     "Look, detectors have been used in big city schools for a long time. They are an immediate, direct thing that can keep guns and knives out of schools."
     "I don't like firearms. I know there's the Second Amendment, but I'm hoping the Supreme Court will find a way."
     "They're a bunch of jerks! They'll do whatever they want!"
     "You're entitled to your opinion, but I think they are decent, honorable people."
     "Well, I will think about what you have said, and I hope you will do the same for me," I said. 'Thanks for talking to me."
     "Thank you."
     Next time, I will give her my card and invite her to read my blog and see if I represented her accurately. It was obvious to me that neither Alicia nor anyone around her was for detectors and dogs, but were all in for the supposed utopia of banning the ownership of guns by the individuals, except for the elite individuals who deserved protection unlike you and me. Nick  352-359-0850

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Bigfoot Hunter #1

     I got a call from "Gloria" in Hinton, New Hampshire, saying in her message that she has woods behind her house and believes a sighting was made there. I called her back today, she was in the middle of things, and said she'd call back.
Anyone want to back her up? I especially want to find private land where I can hang a can or two up for Bigfoot.
     I've put my phone number on top of my Bigfoot sign on the back of my truck's cap. It's an '04 burnt orange Chevy Colorado. Hoping this will increase the calls, and I can report more here.
     By the way, a friend of mine did not fish for rainbow trout this year because he saw humans putting their retrievers onto ducks, including babies, and allowing their children to pick up sticks and chase the ducks. Remember, the measure of a man is not what he says, but what he does and what he allows others to do in his presence. Stand up, Americans, and speak out. Politely, but firmly. We're going to lose America if we don't. Especially us old folks. The only thing we're risking is an honorable, legendary death. What's not to love? Nick

School Shootings #22

     I have emailed the NRA about having metal detectors and gunpowder-sniffing dogs at school entrances to stop the passage of both metallic and composite guns and knives, pointing out the detectors have been used successfully in many big city schools for years due to violent gangs. I stated I felt the political elites were ignoring detectors and guns either because they wanted to keep the school
killings going to ride the anti-gun hysteria all the way to eventual banning the ownership of firearms to the individual or they were not getting in the way of those who do. I observed that I saw NRA commercials on Fox, but they did not
address these solutions and asked why. Let's see if the NRA is really interested in the Second Amendment continuing. Nick  352-259-0850
PS I don't like what I'm finding,but who said the truth is comforting? Almost always, it's not. That's why the weak avoid it. I've done my share too.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Separating Families

     Let's not forget that Americans by the millions each year get separated from their families when they go to jail due to the inhumane, immoral drug laws. Their kids, as far as I know, don't get put into what looks like the dog kennels my father had for our pack of beagles, but they do go into foster care and orphanages where too many suffer from brutality including being kept in closets, pits, and in chains.
     In addition, let's not forget the agency of the illegal immigrants. They know they're breaking the law by slipping into America. Can I blame them? Of course, not. But I don't want America becoming African, Mexican, or Honduran. I don't want America becoming those hell holes, and those people will bring that culture and lack of good values to America. Not all, of course. But how could they not unless they grew up reading books about Western culture and values? Think that happened with very many?
     Illegal immigration has shut down many hospitals and even more Emergency Rooms. We simply don't have the money to save the world. Also poor Americans are having their welfare programs stripped of funds by the illegals. The programs are not even keeping up with the cost of living. The misery-inducing Democrats and other collectivists want you paying more taxes! Have you noticed that all the political elites calling for more taxes are millionaires except for Bernie who is peaking now at $750,000.
     What we should be doing, instead of importing the world's oppressed populations, is exporting the values and institutions that have made America so free and prosperous that everyone wants to come here - even the rich. We need to export the ideas around freedom, capitalism. rule by law not men (or women), private property, tolerance, and a written constitution that guarantees rights to minorities.
     These are the ideas, the practices, and the institutions that will allow a country to be free and prosperous. But there is also another problem that is about to take over Central America and then the United States. That is the power of the drug cartels. They have trillions of dollars to spend on terrorism and no conscience to stop them. Except for the navy in Mexico, the drug cartels run the country. They have killed 120 political candidates in Mexico this year alone? People are fleeing Honduras, Nicaragua, and El Salvador because of the drug cartels.
     A journalist has written in The Week that the drug cartels have become so strong they can kill anyone they want in Mexico. It doesn't matter how many bodyguards you have. You live only if you cooperate with the drug cartels. The drug cartels are already in America. Who can stand up to them? You can't. If you were a police chief, and a drug cartel wanted safe passage through the interstate in your town for a caravan of trucks loaded with drugs, are you going to say no? Really? Not when they tell you they will give you a hundred thousand dollars in cash or the heads of your wife, daughters and sons, and your parents.
     The only way to stop the cartels from taking over and making you a slave to anything they dictate is to allow drug use to be legal again and have the government provide free, safe drugs and drug rehabilitation for those who want it. This is going to be resisted by the drug cartel, of course, and the police associations, and the private prisons. All benefit from the drug trade. You've got to stand up, Americans, and demand ending the prohibition on drugs and getting back our freedom of choice regarding drug use before it's too late. Stand up, Americans, while there's still time! Nick

School Shootings #21

     I email Arizona US Senator Jeff Flakes from his message board at his site. I added that I'd like his opinion on why no one is emailing me back - was it because they weren't interested in saving children's  lives but in advancing gun control along to the eventual banning of the individual's right to own guns? Were they not emailing me their positions on detectors and dogs, because that would give away their treachery. Finally, I asked if any politician or his staff had a conscience. Hasn't Senator Flake been talking about his conscience lately? Will my questions strike a responsive chord?
     You can email him too and ask him to answer Pete Nickerson's email or call his office in the Swamp at 202-224-3121 and tell his receptionist. Have a good weekend. Nick
PS The swamp really needs draining, folks!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

School Shootings #20

     I email US Senator John McCain of Arizona today. Could you email him or call his office in D.C, 202-224-3121, and ask that he respond to my - Nick Nickerson's- email. Along with my name at the bottom of the email, I added, "Former Child Protectives Services worker and Social Services Directors, and grandfather of two school-age children." Nick

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

School Shootings #19

     My sister had taken over my bedroom so I went to a vacant one and plugged in my boom-box. My mother came in and said I couldn't use the outlets. I protested the seeming craziness of that order by pointing out that outlets were in use all around the house. She simply ordered me not to use it. Then Dad who was not my dad, but a small, evil man from my past came in. Contemptuous of him, he soon left, but then I picked up a land-line phone in the vacant bedroom and heard him talking to a politician who was assuring him that he would get me put into a secure institution for the mentally retarded. Then I woke up.
     It was nightmare reflecting the craziness of the people marching to the tune of "Gun Control" when they don't have the maturity or honesty to acknowledge they could stop shooters from entering schools by having metal detectors and gunpowder-sniffing dogs at the entrances. That's the immediate and doable gun control needed for school shootings. The nightmare also reflected the question "If people really are that evil, what are they going to try to do to you for blowing the whistle?" Living in an institution for the mentally-retarded? Why, it feels like I'm in one already since no one else seems to be exposing the elites ignoring metal detectors and dogs at school entrances. Is anyone else blowing the whistle? Are thousands of students so utterly lacking in critical thinking that they are going to march in Washington, D.C. while leaving their school entrances undefended? Think they'll run into any Salem witches or Florida/California child abusing day care providers with their underground sexual- torture chambers? Believe the children now and follow the rest of the lemmings to self-destruction!
     The arrogant, self-serving political and media elites think Donald Trump is bad? They keep their arrogance and self-serving going, and they are eventually are going to get Madam Defarge, and the elites will be Charles Evremondes family because they allowed innocent children to be maimed or killed at schools. If this ignoring metal detectors and dogs at school entrances is being done so schoolchildren will continue to be killed and that will be used to ban the ownership of guns, and the people gradually realize this, the people are going to demand heads on the ground. It can't come too soon. Peter "Nick" Nickerson, MS. MSW. Former Child Protective Services Worker, and grandfather of two school-age kids. I'm trying to do a better job of protecting them than I did of my two children! Live and learn!

Monday, June 18, 2018

School Shootings #18

     I have tried to email "March for our Lives" and " Everytown for Gun Safety Fund" and have been unable to. Are these people really organizing hundreds of people to march against school shootings and they aren't even interested in blocking their school entrances to killers with guns and knives by the use of metal detectors and gunpowder-sniffing dogs? Do they want consciously or unconsciously want more children killed so they can continue their mindless drama and have their little march? It's happened before. Once with young women seeing witches in the Massachusetts Bay Colony and the weak-minded adults going along with the craziness which resulted in forty-two people, one four years old, convicted and killed for being witches. Also two dogs, witches, too, you know, were killed.
     It happened again in Florida and California where malevolent police detectives and social workers got children in day care to say that their providers were sexually abusing them in underground torture chambers. Day-care providers were charged and convicted without a speck of evidence ( Believe the Children!). Some served as long as sixteen years. How could those cops and social workers live with themselves? They must have no conscience. Where were the few good men in those two states necessary to stop the evil? Peter "Nick" Nickerson, MS, MSW Former Protective Services Worker for Children, 352-359-0850

Friday, June 15, 2018

School Shootings #17

     Today I wrote to Arizona Governor Ducey and told him that because I was unaware of any replies that even mentioned metal detectors and gunpowder-sniffing dogs, or anything else that addressed young men with guns getting into schools except for the fatuous solution of "gun control," I was getting the horrible feeling that our US governors, senators, and state school board members were psychopaths- people with no conscience. I asked that he disabuse me of that feeling by addressing men with guns (sometimes knives) entering schools and not the red herring of gun control.
     I also gave the metaphor of a general told by his scouts that Indians with repeating rifles were approaching the fort. I said the general would order the fort gate- the entrance- closed and barricaded with wagons. He would order his best marksmen into the shooting holes in the gate. Of course, the rest of the soldiers would go to their battle stations about the fort. I then noted that if the general responded to approaching hostiles by keeping the fort gate open and penning a letter to the president asking for more gun control placed on the Indians, his officers would think he had gone mad and would restrain and replace him. I feel the latter scenario - our political elites gone mad- describes the school shooting situation.
     Again, if I am not thinking and feeling rationally about this situation, please let me know. I keep thinking that I must be missing something, that the political elites can't all be psychopaths. I mean my sample is small but it includes the governor of the loving, gentle state of Vermont. Plus Bernie Sanders, whom the Millenials love so much. But then look at McCabe with his $70,000 FBI conference table. Look at FBI agent Lisa Page having a meltdown over the possibility of Trump becoming president, and her FBI agent-boyfriend texting back that it never would be allowed to happen. What did that mean? Look at the forty-some children killed at Waco because the FBI was worried about their safety. I guess the FBI decided the children were safe after it killed them!
 Look at the day care providers arrested, tried, convicted, and imprisoned in the 1990s because children - Believe the children!- said they were raped and tortured in underground rooms without a speck of evidence. Thank you, Janet Reno, in nutty Florida and the other loose screws in California.
     My fear is that the psychopaths are quite willing to allow school entrances to be undefended against boys walking in with guns so schoolchildren will continue
to be killed. Their continued killings will be the vehicle by which the psychopaths will get shallow, both full-throated hysteria from the shallow, timid Americans, who are now proud of being weak-minded, and ride that hysteria to get legislation banning guns. With more time, I would be searching the internet to see if I have any like-minded allies. Next week, I will look around for feedback, but I don't expect the psychopaths to admit they're psychopaths. They are on top of the world, playing us, and leaving large and loose with our money. They ain't giving that up. But they better reform themselves while they can. The people gave them Trump in 2016. If they don't clean up their arrogance, the people will give them something worse than Trump next! That's how I see it, and I saw Trump winning a long ways off for the same reasons Mohammed won ascendancy. Both of them resonated with the people, not the elites. Of course, radical Islam has degenerated into an enslaving, elitist racket. Check my old blogs. Peter "Nick" Nickerson,  352-359-0850

Thursday, June 14, 2018

School Shootings #16

     I finished the first state, Alabama, by sending a member of the state school board, J.Zeigler, an email asking what her response has been to the young men with guns who are entering schools and killing and maiming children. The chair of the state board didn't have a email address. I also acted as a direct advocate of detectors and dogs at school entrances and said that supporting gun control was no immediate, direct solution that would stop gunners from entering schools. Let's see what happens. I realize that I may be rocking the boat and also realize my past behavior of cowardly bailing out when my boat gets rocked back by my opponents. So here's a chance to redeem myself if the rocking starts. In the meantime, the Furies of Remorse are keeping their distance from me as I'm doing something that is strong, brave, and vitally helpful to others. Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850,

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

School Shootings #15

     I emailed Alabama's US Senator Doug Jones today. I am now using the metaphor of an Army fort about to be attacked by Indians and pointing out that the commander of the fort would first try to strengthen the defenses of the fort as much as possible. Then might he ride out to the approaching Indians in a quixotic effort to get them to shorten their arrows (bow control). Only a severely
intellectually-challenged or psychotic or perverted commander would ignore his fort defenses but ride out to see if the Indians were interested in bow control.
     Unfortunately, the latter is what I am finding in my responses from US senators, governors and local schools. Not one has mentioned defending schools from the direct threat of a shooter but only mention gun control. This is a perversion of the problem. The problem is shooters getting into schools not the issue of gun control.
     I am also mentioning that I believe the political elites are open to personal lawsuits by the parents of school children injured or killed by school children on the basis that the elites were knowingly negligent in having metal detectors and gunpowder-sniffing dogs at school entrances. The big city schools have been using metal detectors for years because of armed gang members. They have proven effective. They are also widely used in other buildings such as courts and Social Security offices. The elites cannot plead ignorance of them. The elites cannot plead ignorance of the prevalence of school shootings either. Something like 240 of them over the years. So the political elites are highly vulnerable to criminal negligence suits.
     I am also suggesting individuals call or email their local school board members. Get their addresses too so you can demonstrate, legally of course, in front of their homes when the next school shooting happens in America. Demand detectors and dogs at the local schools. These school board members must be held accountable. They get a salary, prestige, and power. They should be
strengthening the defenses of schools against allowing angry, young men walking in with guns, not blathering about gun control. Peter "Nick" Nickerson.
Redneck with major in philosophy. 352-359-0850.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

School Shooting #14

     Another unpleasant encounter with a person who is  probably Jewish- Evan Goldman- who left a message giving his name and then telling me to call him. Not a question. Not a "please" at the end. I think he's the aide to some political elite. Quite arrogant, Evan. At least for the goy. Wake up, Jews! You had 50,000
screaming Muslim Arabs yesterday at your border, trying to get into Israel and kill everyone there. Plus, the young evangelical Christians in America are getting weak stomachs about you, of all things, daring to defend your people and land. Jews don't have a lot of friends, and they're getting fewer. Maybe not in New England but how about Europe? Watch your manners and don't alienate your goy friends. You need us, and we need you. So be nice.
     In continuing my national survey, I have emailed Alabama Governor, Kay Ivey and Alabama US Senator Richard Shelby my two questions about metal detectors and dogs. I also emailed the nearest school board, Windham County, about metal detectors and dogs and asking if they think they can defend themselves against parents of wounded or killed children charging the school board members occupationally and well as personally with criminal negligence. I don't. I am also adding that I would like politeness in responses. I am trying to protect the children, not make those who aren't angry. Nick- Redneck with a major in philosophy.

Monday, June 11, 2018

School Shootings #13

     I received a letter from Vermont US Senator Patrick Leahy thanking me for contacting him about the Safe Student Act. The problem is that I hadn't. I had talked to an aide about detectors and dogs. Instead of calling,I decided today to use his the email messaging service he provides. There I asked him again - I believe- the two questions: Do you suspect that the collectivists, by ignoring or resisting putting metal detectors and gunpowder-sniffing Labradors at school entrances, are consciously or unconsciously using the shooting of schoolchildren as a vehicle to ride all the way to a ban on the individual's right to own a firearm? What is your position on putting metal detectors and gunpowder sniffing Labradors at school entrances?
     I also wrote that these two questions were honest and direct, and I would like the same in his responses. I gave this blog site so he could evaluate whether I'm being accurate in what I report about him.
     I would say that Patrick Leahy is a collectivist so I anticipate this response will be gamey too. Let's see.
     I got a rather nasty response from Julie Rabinowitz, aide to Maine Governor Paul LePage. Her reply to my questions was to watch a Fox News Show. Therefore I wrote an email to the governor noting his aide's gratuitous hostility. Why are so many Jews against being armed? Six million of them were murdered during WW ll just for being Jews. When they did fight, like in the Warsaw Ghetto, they fought heroically and extremely effectively. Look a little Israel fighting in a sea of Arabs demanding their annihilation. A gun should be a Jew's best friend! Jews cannot afford to be alienating their friends either, Julie. You don't have that many. Arrogance for a goy may not be arrogance for a Jew, but Jews should be aware of how they come across to the dominant culture especially when they don't like to assimilate with the dominant culture.
I also asked the governor my two questions, noting they were honest, direct and I would like the same in response. A little courtesy might be nice too! Nick - Redneck with a philosophy major