Friday, August 25, 2017

The Brattleboro Selectboard Un-Candidate #38

     What evidence do you have that fills you with such hate for the white supremacists at Charlottesville and then for the free speechers at Boston?
If you are one of the above haters, please contact me at 352-359-0850 or and give me the evidence to justify your furor.
     My budget does not allow the internet or television so I have to depend upon what little I see of Fox News and other news stations while I'm at the gym. I also have a radio for The John Bachelor Show and read the Wall Street Journal and the Reformer. So I'm not blind but all I have seen at Charlottesville was leftist collectivists calling themselves antifascists but acting just like them and rightist collectivists calling themselves white supremacists fighting each other with sticks and poles. Specifically, what little I saw was of a group of leftist collectivists going after the rightist collectivists who seemed to be defending the confederate flag. I hear that the leftists also had an improvised flame-thrower and at Boston they threw rocks and urine filled bottles at the police. Why the criminal behavior in Boston at the police? What did they have to do with anything but enforcing law and order?
An obvious white supremacist ran over with his car about thirteen people, killing one. Is that your evidence for wanting to injure, perhaps kill, others for expressing their ideas? Obviously, you want your ideas to prevail and apparently think they are perfect as you want to shut down other ideas. Are all of you radical Muslims? Convert or die? Is that what's going on? You can't stand the challenge to your ideas, so you have to shut down free speech? What cowards you are and how un-American you are! What has driven you to such cowardice and tyranny? Is it all mental illness that suddenly happened to thousands. Is there something driving it beyond lies, shallowness of thought, and denial of information and context? Are we have another wave of hysteria like seeing witches riding sticks in the colonial skies? It sounds like it.
     My theory is the massive hysteria is caused first by the alienation from nature and therefore reality that is caused in city living. Too many of us are city dwellers but don't move to the woods and take what little woods are left for the other twenty-two thousand species of plants and animals who want to live too. Secondly, I think Trump is literally driving the leftists into crazed hysteria because he's still there as president and still tweeting. Nothing yet has worked to get him out of office. Indeed, the stock market is booming, more jobs are being filled than in fifty years, and he is trying to strengthen our military before North Korea, Iran, and Red China nuke us. That is the third reason for your hysteria: we have two countries - collectivist communist North Korea and collectivist fundamentalist Muslim Iran- openly saying they are going to nuke us as soon as they have the capability. In that the collectivist leaders are still alive in these two countries is enough to make anyone hysterical with fear. To add to the third reason, we have collectivist communist Red China becoming increasingly war-like. And they already have the nukes. To top that, the collectivist leftists in America have changed from lovers of the Soviet Union's slave state and are now becoming increasingly belligerent to their former lover. This is not good as the collectivist mobster Putin has plenty of nukes. It's enough to drive anyone insane with worry as none of our American leaders have the guts to recognize the hard truths and reassure us something is being done about it. We can assume Trump has woken up to the reality that we cannot let the fundamentalist Muslims have Afghanistan. and we must build up our Obama-ravaged military if we are to survive the booming Red Chinese military.
     Hey, if you like what I've written, send or call me with some love. There's got to be some freedom lovers (for the individual not the self-serving government employees or the mobs of criminals or the collectivists who want to vote their way into every wealthy person's pockets) out there. No? Then please send your hate instead. It's time I toughened up, especially when running for selectboard in a town almost exclusively leftist. Try to give any evidence you have for causing your violent, freedom-hating, free-speech hating thoughts or emotions (I was never fooled by the left's phony love of diversity. It was all just for blacks, females, and alternatives to heterosexuality.). Evidence is God and every woman a Queen and every man a King. Or the other way around if you prefer. Thanks, Peter "Nick" Nickerson 352-359-0859 or P.S. To the guy who yelled at me "I see shit!" be strong enough to tell me what your evidence is so I can have something to work on and won't think you were just on your way to the Retreat and couldn't restrain your emoting until you got there. Little boy, call or email me. P.P.S. Look, haters, I'm a frightened rabbit trying to become a charging lion. Give me your hate and toughen me up! Naaa-na-na-na-na! Tell me what you've got! Even if it sounds like a physically mature, two year older! Naaa-na-na-na-na! Get down, brothers and sisters and tell me what's eating you! Get down!

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