Saturday, March 11, 2017

Sharia Islam and Sex

     What is child protective services in America going to do when the Sharia Muslims start mutilating their female children- cutting off pieces of their clitoris and labia, sometimes even "erasing" them by sanding them off? What about sewing their ureters so tightly that they can only drip instead of having a stream when they pee? Do you "infidels" know that if a girl doesn't have her ureter sown up and has a steady stream, other Sharia Muslim girls can hear that in the bathrooms and call that girl a whore? So what are American social workers doing about this craziness? Probably turning a blind eye to it. But what do you do if a Sharia Muslim girl objects to having her sex organs mutilated in school, and it is reported by the teacher to social services? Is she the property of her parents and must be mutilated because it is part of their paranoid religion from the 8th Century? How about the social worker getting a court order that no mutilation be performed on the girl until she reaches the legal age at which she can decided if she wants the surgery? You "infidels' do know that this is a practice Sharia Islam insists on so the paranoiac men away on jihad will be more comfortable, knowing that the mutilation makes having sex less enjoyable, even painful so their wives will be more likely to remain faithful?
     Of course these paranoiacs could care less that sex is painful for the women.
Sharia Islam is based on the submission of women to mutilation, insecurity, and lack of individual rights. It is a complete abrogation of the sanctity of the individual. All this is necessary so the the pitiful little man can delude himself into thinking that he is the cock of the walk, just like Hitler.
     We are no longer living in the 8th Century out in the desert where life is unbelievably brutal. We don't live in isolated tribes any more. Our life is not tribal but individual. In the 8th Century in Arabia, life was tribal. The tribe was like an organism. To protect itself and to find food and more women so there would be no inbred freaks, young men had to be strong and savage. Everyone depended upon them. If young men weren't strong, the tribe would be conquered and the women seized and the men killed. Thus, strong men were rewarded by women. Women were proud to be awarded to good warriors because they kept them from being taken as sex slaves who also doubled as work slaves. But this is no longer the 8th Century. We have evolved from tribes to individuals with rights. Sharia Islam refuses to recognize that and continues to live in a distant, dark past. What sane person would want to live there?

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