Monday, December 8, 2014

Bigoot Body Taken By Government Employees

Bigfoot Body Taken By Government Employees: 1986, North of Carson, Wyoming. Three men were hired by a rancher to kill a Bigfoot that was killing his cows and sheep. He was tearing off their legs. Afterward, the body was picked up by a government helicopter and taken to a research facility in Almogordo, New Mexico to be autopsied and studied. Ray Crowe of "The Track Record" claims that some of these three men later shot a Bigfoot in Texas, but government employees objected to that kill.
    Robert Lindsay of "Bigfoot News" lists a total of 31 Bigfoot shot and killed in North America. Shot and Wounded, 37. Shot at, 119. From Robert Lindsay's "Bigfoot News" (Internet), July 12, 2014
    Nick's Analysis: It makes sense that the Armed Forces, the CIA, the FBI, and a host of other governmental agencies would be interested in Bigfoot's capacity as a super-soldier. 31 is a low ball estimate of the number of Bigfoot kills. He's going to be shot at regularly in the South, and he's not bulletproof. He just doesn't fall easily. Peter "Nick" Nickerson.
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Power not only corrupts those who have it, but also those who submit to it. Those who submit will eventually betray anyone to prove their submission to the person or persons in power. In doing that, they become a lower level human, degrading themselves over and over again trying to ensure their own safety.

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