Holding a St. Bernard's head, the Bigfoot waded into the lake: In Marshall County, Alabama, on a moonlit night a man and wife were driving to Walmart. Going past Guntersville Lake in Honeycomb, they drove slowly by a house because the owner had numerous dogs, including two St. Bernards, who were often out in the road. The road was only four feet from the lake when the driver saw an eight foot Bigfoot walking away from the road into the water. He was carrying in his left hand by the hair from the top of the dog's head, a St. Bernard's head. Some flesh was hanging from where the neck had been torn off. The man's wife noticed that her husband seemed upset and asked what was wrong. He told her, she looked back, but all she could see by this time were ripples in the lake. The Bigfoot had gone under. The man saw the Bigfoot at only 150 feet as he drove by. This was reported to the Bigfoot Field Research Organization in March, 2007, but it happened in 1977. BFRO Report #18043.
Bigfoot uses water as a hidden trail. He can take a child or an adult underwater almost as easily as a dog's head. What was he going to do with the dog's head? Take it home to show his kids or as a toy? Eat it? We will eventually learn what the realistic options are in Bigfoot behavior. Fortunately, the man did find out from the owner of the St. Bernard that the dog had died of natural causes several days earlier and was buried behind the house. At least, the dog wasn't killed by the Bigfoot. The house was also near a power line, another Bigfoot travel route.This should make you take ex-cop David Paulides' "Missing 411" books more thoughtfully. It could be why people are paying $90 for his latest one.
Peter Nickerson, 352-359-0850.
Friday, October 17, 2014
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