Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Watching Bigfoot

  A strange story emanates from Estes Park, Colorado. Jim Holder and his son, to all appearances, innocently videoed a Bigfoot walking in the forest there. They put the video on the Internet and then received a lot of abuse from people who thought the video was a hoax. Someone even complained that the penis of the Bigfoot was circumsized and therefore couldn't be a Bigfoot. Apparently cowed by the din of criticism, Holder decided to take the video off the Internet. We understand that it was a good video, showing a reddish Wildman taking 12 steps, stopping, and tree-peeking. His cone head was clearly visible. Bigfootery is extremely frustrating since good videos are very hard to find plus the anonymity - to a degree- of the Internet makes it easy for some people to show their worst. We urge people to stand up to abuse. If you back down, it leaves room for people to believe you were doing something wrong. Science operates on the truth and needs people who won't abandon it when the crowd shouts otherwise.

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